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单词 庞培
释义 〔Thapsus〕An ancient city of northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea in present-day Tunisia. Julius Caesar defeated Pompey's forces here in 46b.c. 塔普苏斯:地中海沿岸北非古城,位于今突尼斯。公元前 46年尤利乌斯·凯撒在此击败庞培的军队 〔Crassus〕Roman politician and general who joined Julius Caesar and Pompey in the first triumvirate to challenge the senate's power (60). Hungry for military glory, he invaded Parthia and was killed in battle.克拉苏,马库斯·李锡尼:(115?-53) 罗马政治家和将军。他与尤里乌斯·凯撒和庞培组成了前三头政治,以对抗元老院的权力(60年)。在贪术战功的欲念驱使下,他进犯安息帝国,结果在战场上被杀死〔Pompey〕Roman general and political leader. With Caesar and Crassus he formed a ruling triumvirate (60-50) but was later defeated by Caesar and murdered in Egypt.庞培:古罗马将军和政治领导人。他和凯撒和克拉苏一起组成了三人寡头统治(60-50年),但后来被凯撒击败并在埃及被谋杀〔Pompeii〕An ancient city of southern Italy southeast of Naples. Founded in the sixth or early fifth centuryb.c. , it was a Roman colony by 80 b.c. and became a prosperous port and resort with many noted villas, temples, theaters, and baths. Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in a.d. 79. The incredibly well-preserved ruins were rediscovered in 1748 and have been extensively excavated. 庞培:意大利南部的一座古城,位于那不勒斯东南。建立于公元前 6世纪或5世纪早期,直到 公元前 八十年,它一直是古罗马的殖民地,因有许多著名的别墅、庙宇、剧院和浴池而成为一个繁荣的港口和度假胜地。 公元 79年,庞培在维苏威火山的一次喷发中被摧毁。1748年,它难以置信地发现其完好保存的废墟被重新,而后大量地被挖掘 〔Pharsalus〕An ancient city of Thessaly in northeast Greece. Julius Caesar decisively defeated Pompey nearby in 48b.c. 法萨卢斯:希腊东北部萨塞利一古城,公元前 48年,裘力斯·凯撒曾于此决定性地打败了庞培 〔Caesar〕Roman general, statesman, and historian who invaded Britain (55), crushed the army of his political enemy Pompey (48), pursued other enemies to Egypt, where he installed Cleopatra as queen (47), returned to Rome, and was given a mandate by the people to rule as dictator for life (45). On March 15 of the following year he was murdered by a group of republicans led by Cassius and Brutus, who feared he intended to establish a monarchy ruled by himself.凯撒,尤利乌斯:(100-44) 罗马将军、政治家、历史学家,他入侵了大不列颠王国(55年)并征服了他的政敌庞培的军队(48年),又追击其它敌人至埃及,他在此立克娄巴特拉为女王(47年),返回罗马后,被罗马人民授予终身一人统治的权力(45年)。次年3月15日,他被卡西乌和布鲁图斯领导的一群共和主义者谋杀身亡,这些人担心他图谋建立由他个人统治的君主制政权〔Pontus〕An ancient country of northeast Asia Minor along the southern coast of the Black Sea. Established in the fourth centuryb.c. , it flourished under Mithridates VI until his defeat by Pompey of Rome in 66. 蓬塔斯:小亚细亚东北部的一个古国,沿伸到黑海南岸。此国建于公元前 4世纪,在米特司立得提六世的统治下开始繁荣昌盛,直到公元66年被罗马的庞培击败




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