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单词 应该
释义 〔originalism〕The belief that the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted according to the intent of those who composed and adopted it.原信念:认为美国的宪法应该按照那些编写它和采纳它的人们的意图来进行解释和说明的一种观念〔serve〕To be deserved under the circumstances:应得:在某些条件下应该〔impracticable〕Impracticable applies to a course of action that is impossible to carry out or put into practice;impractical, though it can be used in this way, also can be weaker in sense,suggesting that the course of action would yield an insufficient return or would have little practical value.A plan for a new baseball stadium might be rejected asimpracticable if the site was too marshy to permit safe construction; but if the objection was merely that the site was too remote for patrons to attend games easily,the plan would better be described asimpractical. See Usage Note at practicable Impracticable 用于不可能实行或行不通的动作过程;impractical 虽然也能这样用, 但也有较弱意思的用法,指动作过程能产生不足的回报或者几乎没有实际的价值。如果建筑地点过于湿软而不能保证稳固的建筑,那么修建棒球体育场的计划就可能因其impracticable (不可行)而遭到反对; 但是如果反对的理由仅仅是场址太偏远而使得爱好者们不能轻易到场观看比赛的话,这个计划还是应该被看成是impractical(不切实际的) 参见 practicable〔shall〕Something, such as an order, a promise, a requirement, or an obligation:应该:某些事物,例如命令、承诺、要求或义务:〔kudos〕Kudos is one of those words like congeries that look like pluralsbut are etymologically singular:correctness requiresKudos is (not are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score. Some writers have tried to defend the use ofkudos with a plural verb, or even the introduction of a new singular form ofkudo, on the grounds that these innovations follow the pattern whereby the English words pea and cherry were re-formed from nouns ending in-s that were thought to be plural. Perhaps the singularkudo would have to be acknowledged as a legitimate formation if it came to be widely adopted in the popular language in the way that cherry and pea have. But at presentkudos is still regarded as a slightly pretentious variant for praise and can scarcely claim to be part of the linguistic folkways of the community.When writers reach for an unfamiliar Greek word for the sake of elegance,it is fair to ask that they get it right.Still, it is worth notingthat even people who are carefulto treat the word syntactically as a singularoften pronounce it as if it were a plural:etymology would require that the final consonant be pronounced as a voiceless (s),rather than as a voiced (z).Kudos 和 congeries 那些词一样, 看上去好象是复数,但从词源上看是单数:因此正确的用法应该是Kudos is (不是 are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score 。 许多作者为kudos 后跟动词复数形式的做法辩护, 他们甚至发明了一个新的词kudo 作为该词的单数形式,他们这样做是以英语单词 pea 和 cherry 的形成模式为依据的, 这些词都是从原先结尾带-s 的复数形式名词演化而来。 kudo 这种单数形式只有在象 cherry 和 pea 这样为大众语言所普遍接受之后才能被认可为一种正确的形式。 但是现在kudos 这个词仍被看作是 praise 这个词稍稍有些做作的变体, 还很难成为社群的习惯用语的一部份。当一个作家为了行文的优雅用一个生僻的希腊词的时候,他应该正确地使用它。但是值得注意的是,即使是那些非常仔细的人,他们在句子中把它用作单数,但在读的时候却读成复数的形式:根据词源来看,这个词最后一个辅音应该发成清辅音(s),而不是浊辅音(z)〔nonjoinder〕Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预:应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任〔masterful〕According to a widely repeated dictum,masterful should be reserved for the sense "imperious, domineering,” as ina masterful tone of voice, whereasmasterly should be the choice when the intended sense is "having the skill of a master,” as ina masterly performance of the sonata. The distinction is a nicety that some writers will want to continue to observe.But the use ofmasterful in the latter sense has long been common in reputable writing and cannot be regarded as incorrect.根据广为强调的权威意见,masterful 应限于“支配的、专横的”的含义。 例如,一种专横傲慢的语调, 而如果想指“具备精通者的技艺”,则应该选用masterly 。 例如,一场奏鸣曲的精湛演出 。 一些作家会继续遵守这个细微区别。但在后一种含义上使用masterful 在一些享有声望的作品中也一直常见, 因此不能被看作是不准确的〔absolutism〕A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority.专制主义,绝对主义:一种所有权力都应该掌握在一个统治者或其它权力机构的政治理论〔headquarter〕In an earlier surveya majority of the Usage Panel found both these examples to be unacceptable in formal writing.Although ample citational evidence exists for these usages,writers who wish to avoid criticism should consider the use of alternative expressions,for example:The magazine has just assigned him to (or has stationed him in ) a building that houses many foreign journalists. 在一次较早的调查中,大部分用法专题使用小组成员认为这两个例子在正式写作中是不能被接受的。虽然在大量引文中证实存在这种用法,但为免于批评,作家应该考虑运用其它表达方法来代替,例如:杂志社派他 (或者 has stationed him in ) 去有很多外国记者的大楼。 〔phase〕"Much might be said on both sides" (Joseph Addison).“对双方都应该再强调一下” (约瑟夫·阿迪森)〔run〕Colorfast garments are not supposed to run.不掉色的衣服应该不渗色的〔elitism〕The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.精英优越论:认为在某些类或群体中的特定人或成员因其明显的超于常人的优点(例如在智力、社会地位或经济来源方面)所应该享受较好的待遇〔beggarly〕So mean, petty, or paltry as to deserve contempt.卑鄙的:下贱的、微不足道的或没有价值以至应该轻蔑的〔Wilkins〕American civil rights leader. Long associated with the NAACP, he asserted that racial equality should be achieved through the democratic process.威尔金斯,罗伊:(1901-1981) 美国民权运动领袖,与全国有色人种协会长期有联系,他坚持种族平等应该通过民主过程来实现〔blatant〕 Certain contexts may admit either word depending on what is meant:a violation of international law might be eitherblatant or flagrant. But writers who refer tothe blatant torturing of animals or the flagrant liberal bias of the media have implied something other than what they presumably intended. In the first case, the writer is probably more troubled by the enormity of the mistreatment of animals than by the failure to conceal it,so thatflagrant would have been the better choice. In the second case, by contrast, the writer probably wants to draw attention to a moral failing in the media's unapologetic refusal to hide its bias,rather than to the iniquity of the bias itself,an implication that would have been conveyed more successfully byblatant. Blatant should not be used to mean simply "obvious,”as inthe blatant danger of such an approach. 某些语境下两个词都可以用,但意思不同:对国际法律的违反既可能是blatant(公然的) 也可能是 flagrant(无耻的)。 但是提到the blatant torturing of animals(肆无忌惮地虐待动物) 或者 the flagrant liberal bias of the media(媒体公然的、不严谨的偏见) 的作者已经暗示了他们本来意图以外的意思。 在第一种情况下,作者可能对大量虐待动物的行为所困扰而不是为隐藏这种行为的失败而困扰,因此flagrant 应该是更好的选择。 相反地,在第二种情况下,作者可能是要着重指出新闻媒介对其偏见一概否认的这种道德上弱点,而不是针对偏见本身的不公正性,这种含义若由blatant来表达的话会更加正确。 Blatant 不应仅仅表示“明显的”,就象在the blatant danger of such an approach(这种方法明显的危险性)中。 〔ought〕Used to indicate desirability:应该:用于表示愿望:〔enough〕"The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live"(Henry David Thoreau)“天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔bleed〕It seems only common sense thatbleed should be related to blood, but one needs some knowledge of historical linguistics to understand the relationship fully.In prehistoric Common Germanic, the hypothetical predecessor of Germanic languages such as English, German, and Swedish,the word.blōdha-, "blood,” the ancestor of our word blood, is assumed to have existed. From this noun was derived the verb.blōdhjan, "to bleed.” A change of sound then came into play in Old English, that is, thej, pronounced like the y in your, caused the vowelō, pronounced as in go, to become pronounced like the ö in German schön. Later in Old English thisō changed to ē, pronounced like the a in labor, eventually becoming like thee in bee by 1500. By this change, as well as others,.blōdhjan became Modern English bleed. 根据常识bleed 好象应该和 blood 联系在一起, 但要想全面理解这种关系,应具备一些历史语言学的知识。在史前日耳曼共同语,即日耳曼语言(如英语、德语和瑞典语)的假设前任语言中,我们使用的单词blood 源于 blodha- 意为“血”,被认为已经存在了。 从这一名词派生出动词blodhjan, 意为“流血”。 发音的改变出现于古英语中,即j, 发音与 your 中的 y 相似, 引起go 中的元音 ō 变得如德语 schon 中的 ö 。 后来在古英语中ō 变为 ē, 发音如 labor 中的 a, 最后在1500年前变得如bee 中的 e 。 通过这种变化,以及其他变化,blodhjan 成为了现代英语的 bleed 〔there〕That person there ought to know the directions to town.那个人应该知道镇子的方向〔resent〕When we read the statement "Should we not be monstrously ingratefull if we did not deeply resent such kindness?” (from theSermons of Isaac Barrow, written before 1677), we may be pardoned for momentarily thinking we are in never-never land.For a time ranging roughly from the last part of the 17th century to the second half of the 18th,the wordresent did refer to gratefulness and appreciation as well as injury and insult. Resent has also been used in other senses that seem strange to us, such as "to feel pain" or "to perceive by smell.”The thread that ties the senses together is the notion of feeling or perceiving.The Old French source of our word,resentir, "to feel strongly,” is made up of the prefix re-, acting in this case as an intensive, and sentir, "to feel or perceive.” There is much that one can feel,but at least for now this word has narrowed its focus to a feeling of indignation.当我们读到“假如我们对这种仁慈不深表感激,我们就应该极度地忘恩负义吗”(选自伊萨克·巴罗的启示 ,写于1677年以前)这一叙述时, 我们瞬间地想到我们处于人烟稀少的边远地区就可以得到原谅了。在大致从17世纪后期到18世纪下半期这段时间内,resent 一词确实意指感激和赏识,同时又可以指伤害和侮辱。 Resent 还可以用于在我们看来很古怪的其它意义上, 如“感到痛楚”或“通过气味感知”等。把这些意义联结在一起的线是感觉或感知的概念。该词意为“强烈地感觉”的古法语语源resentir 是由用于加强语气的前缀 re- 以及意为“感觉或感知”的 sentir, 构成的。 可以感觉到的东西很多,但至少现在这个词的重点用法已被集中于愤怒的感觉〔should〕I (or you or he ) should go. 我(或者 你 或者 他 ) 应该去 。 〔valentine〕Geoffrey Chaucer should perhaps receive honor as the real Saint Valentine.Although reference books abound with mention of Roman festivals from which Valentine's Day—the day for lovers—may be derived,Jack B. Oruch has shown that no evidence exists to support these connections and that Chaucer is most likely the first to link the saint's day with the custom of choosing sweethearts.No link between the day and lovers exists before the time of Chaucer and several literary contemporaries who also mention it,but after them the link becomes widespread,a circumstance that makes it seem likely that Chaucer, the most imaginative of the group, invented the tradition.The fullest and perhaps earliest description of the tradition occurs in Chaucer'sParlement of Foules, composed around 1380, which takes place "on Seynt Valentynes day,/Whan every foul cometh there to chese [choose] his make [mate].”杰弗里·乔叟可能应该接受作为真正的圣马伦丁的荣誉。尽管参考书中充满圣瓦伦丁节日──情人的节日──可能来源于罗马节日的提法,杰克·B.奥鲁奇已经表示没有证据存在去支持这些联系,并且认为乔叟是最有可能第一个把圣瓦伦丁节和选择情人的习俗联系在一起的。乔叟和他同时代的一些创作者曾有过这个提法,但在这之前,并没有人把某日和情人的联系存在,但是在他们之后这种联系开始广泛流传起来,这种情况使得这群人中最有想象力的乔叟创造了这个节日。关于这种传统的最完整可能也是最早的描述出现在乔叟的 Parlement of Foules(火鸡议会) 中, 作于1380年左右,发生在“圣瓦伦丁节/当每个火鸡都来到这里选择它的配偶”〔tact〕Savoir-faire involves knowing the right or graceful thing to say or do, either instinctively or as a result of social experience: Savoir-faire 意为本能地或出于社会经验地知道应该去说或做的正确或有风度的事情: 〔altogether〕Altogether should be distinguished from all together. All together is used of a group to indicate that its members performed or underwent an action collectively: Altogether 应该和 alltogether区别开来。 Alltogether用来指一群人,其成员集体进行或经历一个行动: 〔slur〕A curved line connecting notes on a score to indicate that they are to be played or sung legato.圆滑线:乐谱上一条连接音符的弧线,表示它仍应该在一起连奏或连唱〔everyplace〕The formseveryplace (or every place ), anyplace (or any place ), someplace (or some place ), and no place are widely used in speech and informal writing as equivalents for everywhere, anywhere, somewhere, and nowhere. Though these usages are not incorrect,they should be avoided in formal writing.But when the two-word expressionsevery place, any place, some place, and no place are used to mean "every (any, some, no) spot or location,” they are entirely appropriate at all levels of style.The distinction between the two meanings is often subtle,but acceptability can often be gauged by seeing whether an expression with-where can be substituted. Thus in the sentence everyplace (或 every place ), anyplace (或 any place ), someplace (或 some place ),和 no place 的形式作为与 everywhere,anywhere,somewhere 和 nowhere 等价的词,被广泛用于讲话和非正式的书写中。 虽然这些用法并非不正确,也应该在正式的书写中避免使用它们。但是当两词短语every place,any place,some place 和 no place 用于表示“每一(任何,一些,没有)地点或位置”的意思时, 它们在各样文体中都完全适用。两个含意之间的差别常是很微妙的,是否可能接受,常常通过检验-where 式的表达是否能被代替。 因此在句子 〔deceptively〕There appears to be a great deal of confusion about the sense ofdeceptively when it is used to modify an adjective. Does the sentenceThe proof is deceptively simple mean that the proof is simpler or more difficult than it appears?The Usage Panel was asked to choose among paraphrases for the sentenceThe pool is deceptively shallow: 50 percent said that it means "The pool is shallower than it appears";32 percent said that it means "The pool is deeper than it appears";and 18 percent found it ambiguous.Thus the writer who used such a sentence in a warning notice could expect that at least half the public would either misinterpret the messageor would be uncertain as to which sense was intended.Where the context does not make the meaning clear,a substitute should be used,asThe pool is shallower than it looks or The proof is simple, despite appearances. 当用deceptively 修饰一形容词时,该词的意思似乎大有令人困惑之处。 The proof is deceptively simple 一句中,是比它看起来更容易的意思呢, 还是比它看起来更难的意思呢?有人曾要求用法专题使用小组的成员对The pool is deceptively shallow 一句的释义进行选择, 百分之五十的成员认为该句意为:“池塘看起来很浅”;百分之三十二的成员认为该句意为:“池塘看起很深”;而百分之十八的成员则认为该句意义含混模糊。因此,把这句话写在警告牌上的作者可能会发现至少有一半的公众不是误解这则信息,就是不能确定这句话的意图究竟是什么。在上下文不能使意义明了的地方,应该换一种表达方式,如这个池塘比它看起来要浅 或 证明很简单,尽管看起来有些难 〔polish〕Four years of prep school should polish those children.四年的预科学习应该让这些孩子变得温文尔雅〔ignominious〕Deserving disgrace or shame; despicable.可耻的,耻辱的:应该遭受耻辱和鄙视的;可鄙的〔agenda〕It is true that Cicero would have usedagendum to refer to a single item of business before the Roman Senate, with agenda as its plural. But in Modern English a phrase such asitem on the agenda expresses the sense of agendum, andagenda is used as a singular noun to denote the set or list of such items, as inThe agenda for the meeting has not yet been set. If a plural ofagenda is required, the form should be agendas: The agendas of both meetings are exceptionally varied. 在罗马元老院之前西塞罗确实就已经在用agendum 来指一个议事日程,而用 agenda 作为复数。 但是在现代英语中item on the agenda 这个短语表达了 agendum 的意义, 同时agenda 作为单数名词意为“一组或一列项目”, 如:The agenda for the meeting has not yet been set(会议议程尚未确定)。 如果需要用agenda 的复数,应该用 agendas: The agendas of both meetings are exceptionally varied(两会议议程迥然不同)。 〔should〕They should arrive at noon.她应该在中午到达〔gift〕Gift has a long history of use as a verb meaning "to present as a gift; endow.” The practice appears to provide a useful distinction,in as much as the verbgive can sometimes be ambiguous between "to transfer physical possession" and "to transfer ownership"; and in fact a verb analogous togift is found in a number of other languages (for example, Italianregalare, "to give as a gift,” from regalo, "gift, present"). Unfortunately the verbal use ofgift in Modern English is irredeemably tainted (as is its derivative giftable ) by its association with the language of advertising and publicity (as in Gift her with this copper warming plate ). In an earlier surveythe usage was rejected by a large majority of the Usage Panel.Where clarity is required, substitutessuch asgive as a gift, bestow, or donate are recommended. · The phrasefree gift should, of course, be considered redundant. But the increasing currency of its use is indicative mainly of the degree to which the wordgift itself has been expropriated by advertisers to refer to merchandise offerings to which an obligation is attached—if not a direct price, then taking a test drive,sitting through a sales pitch, or enrolling in a book club.It is perhaps to this use ofgift, rather than to the redundancy free gift, that critics ought most strenuously to object. Gift 作动词意为“赠送礼物,赠予”的用法已有很长的历史了, 这种惯用法的出现提供了有用的区分,因为作为动词give 可能有时会在“传递有形财产“和”传递所有权“之间有模棱两可的意思; 但事实上类似于gift 的词是在其它语言上建立起来的 (如意大利语的regalare “作为礼物给予”来自于 regalo “礼物,礼品”)。 不幸的是gift 在现代英语中动词性质的用法由于广告语言和公众语言的联系而不可挽回地被污染了(如它的派生词 giftable )(又如在 给她这个铜暖盘作为礼物 )。 在较早的一个调查中,这种用法被大部分的用法专题使用小组的成员所反对。为了在此处的用法更清晰的一些替代词,如give as a gift, bestow 或 donate 被采纳了。 词组free gift 自然是应该被认为是多余的, 但是这种用法的迅速使用主要表示了gift 这个词被广告商所侵用而用来指提供商品优惠是一种附加的义务——如果不是直接的价格, 那么就参加一次竞赛活动,等待商品广告宣传或在一个读书俱乐部中报名登记。也许gift 的这种用法应该比冗余的 free gift 更为批评家所坚决反对 〔crescendo〕"insisted[that] all paragraphs . . . should be structured as a crescendo rising to a climactic last sentence" (Henry A. Kissinger)“坚持所有的 段落…都应该以语气最强的句子结尾” (亨利A.基辛格)〔for〕was spry for his advanced age.就他的高龄来说,他应该算是充满生气的了〔behoove〕It behooves you at least to try.你至少应该试一试〔overdue〕Being something that should have occurred earlier.See Synonyms at tardy 早该有的:应该更早一些发生的 参见 tardy〔observable〕Deserving or worthy of note; noteworthy:值得注意的:应该引起或值得注意的;杰出的:〔couple〕Although the phrasea couple of has been well established in English since before the Renaissance, it has been criticized on several grounds.Grammarians used to insist thata couple of should be used only to refer to things closely linked to one another and so was improperly used in phrases such asa couple of years ago. This objection has not been heard in some time and was never well supported.Modern critics have sometimes maintained thata couple of is too inexact to be appropriate in formal writing. But the inexactitude ofa couple of may serve a useful communicative purpose, suggesting that the writer is indifferent to the precise number of items involved.Thus the sentenceShe lives only a couple of miles away implies not only that the distance is short but that its exact measure is unimportant. Furthermore,a couple of is different from a few in that it does not imply that the relevant amount is relatively small. One might say admiringly of an exceptional center fielder thathe can throw the ball a couple of hundred feet, but not, except ironically,a few hundred feet, which would suggest that such a throw was unremarkable. The usage should be considered unobjectionable on all levels of style.尽管a couple of 这个短语在文艺复兴之前就已在英语中形成, 它仍受到多方面批评。语法学家过去坚持认为a couple of 应该只用于指互相之间紧密相连的东西, 所以在a couple of years ago 这样的短语中用是不适当的。 这样的反对意见长时间没有人提起了,也从未受到太多支持。现代批评家有时也认为a couple of 太不精确,不能很恰当地用于正式的写作中。 但a couple of 的不精确性也有一种很有用的传达交流的意图, 表明作者对于所涉及的事物的精确数目并不太关心。因此她住的只有几英里远 这个句子不仅表明距离很远,同时也表明精确测量是不重要的。 另外a couple of 与 a few 的不同还表现在它不表示有关的数量是相对来说小的。 如果夸赞一个优秀的中外野球手,可以说他能把球抛几百英尺远 , 若非如此的话,排除反意的可能,a few hundred feet 指抛这么远并没什么稀奇之处。 这种用法在各种文体上都是无可辩驳的〔janitor〕A holiday for janitors ought to take place in January,for both words are linked.In Latiniānus was the word for "archway, gateway, or covered passage" and also for the god of gates, doorways, and beginnings in general.As many schoolchildren know,our month January—a month of beginnings—is named for the god.Latiniānitor, the source of our word janitor and ultimately also fromiānus, meant "doorkeeper or gatekeeper.”Probably becauseiānitor was common in Latin records and documents, it was adopted into English,first being recorded in the sense "doorkeeper" around 1567 in a Scots text.In an early quotation Saint Peter is called "the Janitor of heaven.”The term can still mean "doorkeeper,”but in Scots usagejanitor also referred to a minor school official. Apparently this position at times involved maintenance duties and doorkeeping,and the maintenance duties took over the more exalted tasks,giving us the position of janitor as we know it today.看门人的假日应该放在一月,因为以下两个词都同一月有联系。拉丁文中的ianus 表示的是“拱门、道路或走廊”, 也是通常所说的门神、门口和开始。正如许多小学生知道的那样,我们的一月——最初的一个月——是以神的名字命名的。拉丁文ianitor 是单词 janitor 的来源, 追根溯源它也来自ianus, 意思是“看门人或管门人”。也许因为ianitor 这个词在拉丁文记录和文件中很普遍, 它才被英语所采用,最早被记录为“看门人”之意时大约在1567年的一篇苏格兰文章中。圣彼得在早期的引文中被称为“天堂守护神”。这个词仍然是“看门人”的意思,但在苏格兰用法中janitor 也指代低层的学校公务员。 显然这个职位时不时地也包含着维护的责任和守门的义务,这种维护的责任吸取了更为崇高的任务,于是就有了正如我们今天所知道的看门人这个职务〔bear〕"A decent . . . examination of the acts of government should be not only tolerated, but encouraged" (William Henry Harrison).See also Synonyms at convey ,produce “对于政府就工作而做的正当检查,我们不仅应该认可,而且应该鼓励” (威廉·亨利·哈里森) 参见同义词 convey,produce




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