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单词 应用
释义 〔econometrics〕Application of mathematical and statistical techniques to economics in the study of problems, the analysis of data, and the development and testing of theories and models.计量经济学:数学及统计技术在研究经济问题数据分析、理论和模型的发展及检测中的应用〔who〕The traditional rules that determine the use ofwho and whom are relatively simple: who is used for a grammatical subject, where a nominative pronoun such as I or he would be appropriate, andwhom is used elsewhere. Thus, we writeThe actor who played Hamlet was there, sincewho stands for the subject of played Hamlet; andWho do you think is the best candidate? where who stands for the subject of is the best candidate. But we writeTo whom did you give the letter? sincewhom is the object of the preposition to; andThe man whom the papers criticized did not show up, sincewhom is the object of the verb criticized. ? Considerable effort and attention are required to apply the rules correctly in complicated sentences.To produce correctly a sentence such asI met the man whom the government had tried to get France to extradite, we must anticipate when we writewhom that it will function as the object of the verb extradite, several clauses distant from it.It is thus not surprising that writers from Shakespeare onward should often have interchangedwho and whom. And though the distinction shows no signs of disappearing in formal style,strict adherence to the rules in informal discourse might be taken as evidence that the speaker or writer is paying undue attention to the form of what is said, possibly at the expense of its substance.In speech and informal writingwho tends to predominate over whom; a sentence such asWho did John say he was going to support? will be regarded as quite natural, if strictly incorrect. By contrast, the use ofwhom where who would be required, as inWhom shall I say is calling? may be thought to betray a certain linguistic insecurity. ? When the relative pronoun stands for the object of a preposition that ends a sentence,whom is technically the correct form: the strict grammarian will insist onWhom (not who ) did you give it to? But grammarians since Noah Webster have argued that the excessive formality ofwhom in these cases is at odds with the relative informality associated with the practice of placing the preposition in final position and that the use of who in these cases should be regarded as entirely acceptable. ? The relative pronounwho may be used in restrictive relative clauses, in which case it is not preceded by a comma, or in nonrestrictive clauses, in which case a comma is required.Thus, we may say eitherThe scientist who discovers a cure for cancer will be immortalized, where the clausewho discovers a cure for cancer indicates which scientist will be immortalized, orThe mathematician over there, who solved the four-color theorem, is widely known, where the clausewho solved the four-color theorem adds information about a person already identified by the phrase the mathematician over there. ? Some grammarians have argued that onlywho and not that should be used to introduce a restrictive relative clause that identifies a person. This restriction has no basis either in logic or in the usage of the best writers;it is entirely acceptable to write eitherthe man that wanted to talk to you or the man who wanted to talk to you. ? The grammatical rules governing the use ofwho and whom apply equally to whoever and whomever. See Usage Note at else ,that ,whose 确定用法的传统规则who 和 whom 相对简单: who 语法上用作主语,同 I 或 he 等主格代词的位置相同, 而whom 用于别处。 这样,我们写The actor who played Hamlet was there (演哈姆雷特的演员在那边), 因此who 代表的是 played Hamlet 的主语。 在句子Who do you think is the best candidate? (你认为谁是最好的候选人?)中 who 代表 is the best candidate 的主语。 但是我们说To whom did you give the letter? (你把信给谁了?), 因为whom 是介词 to 的宾语; 在句子The man whom the papers criticized did not show up, (报纸上批评的那个人没有来), 因为whom 是动词 criticized 的宾语 。在复杂的句子里,正确应用这些规则需要相当的努力和注意。正确地造出如I met the man whom the government had tried to get France to extradite (我遇到了政府曾努力让法国引渡的那个人)这样的句子, 在写whom 之前我们必须预知它将作动词 extradite 的宾语, 尽管两个词离得很远。这也就难怪自莎士比亚以来的作家经常把who 和 whom 交换使用了。 尽管在正式文体中两者区别仍然存在,但如果在非正式的交谈中严格地遵守这些规则会被认为说话者或作者可能不顾内容而过分注视说话的形式。在口语和非正式书面语中,who 趋向于代替 whom; 人们会认为象Who did John say he was going to support? (约翰说他将支持谁?)这样句子很自然,尽管严格来说它是不正确的。 相反,在应该用who 的地方用 whom 则显出一种语言上的不稳定, 如Whom shall I say is calling? (我说是谁在打电话?)。 当关系代词替代句尾的介词宾语时,whom 在理论上是正确的形势: 严格的语法坚持Whom (而不是 who ) did you give it to?(你把它给谁了?) 但从诺·韦伯斯特以来的语法学家认为whom 在这种情况下过分正式,而把介词放在句尾相对来说又不正式,这就有了矛盾,所以在这种情况下用 who 完全可以接受。 关系代词who 可以用在限定关系从句中,前面不要加逗号, 也可用在非限定关系从句中,则需要加逗号。所以我们既可以说The scientist who discovers a cure for cancer will be immortalized (发现治愈癌症的方法的科学家将会因此而不朽), 在此处从句who discovers a cure for cancer 指这样的科学家将会不朽, 也可以说The mathematician over there, who solved the four-color theorem, is widely known (在那边的数学家非常出名,他解决了四色定理), 从句who solved the four-color theorem 给已经由短语 the mathematician over there 确定了的人增加了一些有关他的信息。 有些语法学家认为只有who 而不是 that 可以连接表示人的限定性关系从句。 这种限制在逻辑上没有根据,在最优秀作家的用法中也未有根据;无论说the man that wanted to talk to you (想要跟你说话的那个人)或 the man who wanted to talk to you 都是完全可以接受的。 有关who 和 whom 的语法规则同样适用于 whoever 和 whomever 参见 else,that,whose〔observe〕"It [July 2, 1776] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance . . . It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade . . .from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore" (John Adams).See also Synonyms at see 1“它[1776年7月2日] 应作为诞生之日来纪念…… 应用壮观的典礼和游行来隆重庆祝……从这片大陆的这头到那头,从此时到永远” (约翰·亚当斯) 参见同义词 see1〔help〕Some grammarians condemn this usageon the ground thathelp in this sense means "avoid" and logically requires a negative.But the expression is a well-established idiom.See Usage Note at cannot 有些语法家对这种用法提出了批评意见,理由是help 在这个句子里表示“避免”的意思, 所以从逻辑上讲应用否定形式。但是这种表达已经成为一种被广泛接受的惯用法了 参见 cannot〔apartheid〕Although South Africa has not furnished a great number of words that have achieved general currency in British and American English,one in particular,apartheid, has gained wide circulation. The first recorded use ofapartheid as an English term, in the Cape Times on October 24, 1947, is an ironic commentary on much of the word's use since then: "Mr. Hofmeyr said apartheid could not be reconciled with a policy of progress and prosperity for South Africa.” According to the March 15, 1961, issue of theLondon Times, the wordself-development was supposed to replace apartheid as the official term used by the South African Broadcasting Corporation for "the Government's race policies. ” And inMove Your Shadow, published in 1985, Joseph Lelyveld says that the "word is [now] shunned, even resented by the [National Party's] high priests as if it were an epithet fashioned by the country's enemies.” Butapartheid as a word and as a reality has been slow to disappear. The history ofapartheid, however, offers a possible model for change in this policy, for the word is an example of a mixture and combination of resources, in this case linguistic.Apartheid is an English word that came into South African English from Afrikaans, the language of the Dutch settlers of South Africa. They in turn had made up the word from the Dutch wordapart, "separate,” and the suffix -heid, which corresponds to our suffix -hood. Thusapartheid literally means "separateness.” The Dutch had earlier borrowed the wordapart, as did we, from the French phrase à part, meaning "to one side.” 尽管南非并没有向英国和美国英语里加入很多得以普遍使用的词汇,但尚有一例外,apartheid 这个词就得到了普遍应用。 apartheid 一词作为英语词汇的使用最早记录于1947年10月24日的 开普时报 上,从那时起对该词的使用就作了反讽式的评论: “霍夫梅伊先生说种族隔离制不能与南非进步及繁荣的政策相容。”根据1961年3月15日的一期伦敦时报 , 南非广播公司试图以self-development 作为官方用语来代替 apartheid 表示“政府的种族政策”。 在1985年出版的移动你的影子 中,约瑟夫·莱莉瓦德说“这个词为高级牧师们所回避甚至痛恨, 似乎它是这个国家的敌人创造出来的修饰语。”但apartheid 作为词汇和作为现实存在消失得很慢。 然而apartheid 的历史为这种政策的变化提供了一个可能的模式, 因为这个词是语言学方面各种来源混合及联合的一个例子。Apartheid 是从南非的荷兰殖民者的语言进入南非英语的一个英语词汇。 依次由荷兰词apart “分隔”,和后缀 -heid (其与后缀 -hood 相对应)构成。 这样,apartheid 可逐字译为“分隔,隔离。” 荷兰人较早地借用了apart 一词,就如我们从法语里借用了意为“到一边”的 a part 一样 〔plate〕A very thin applied or deposited coat of metal.薄板:很薄的应用的或沉淀的一层金属〔repulse〕A number of critics have maintained thatrepulse should only be used to mean "to drive away, spurn,” as inHe rudely repulsed their overtures, and not to mean "to cause repulsion in,”as inTheir hypocrisy repulsed me. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing tendency to userepulse in the sense "cause repulsion in.” Reputable literary precedent exists for this usage,and the confusion is understandable,given that the stigmatized use ofrepulse is parallel to the unexceptionable uses of repulsion and repulsive. Still, writers who want to stay on the safe side may prefer to use onlyrepel when the intended sense is "cause repulsion in.” 一些评论家坚持认为repulse 一词应该只用来指“赶走;摒弃,” 如在他粗鲁地拒绝了他们的提议 中, 而不应用来表示“使产生反感,”如在他们的虚伪使我产生了反感 中。 然而近来却越来越倾向于在“使产生反感”的意义上使用repulse 一词。 这一用法有着为优秀作家所认可的文学先例,而且这一困惑是可以理解的,如果repulse 这一被指责的用法是与 repulsion 以及 repulsive 的无懈可击的用法相对应的。 然而,想站在安全一边的作家在其意思是“使产生反感”时,可能只愿意使用repel 一词 〔technology〕Greek tekhnologia [systematic treatment of an art or craft] 希腊语 tekhnologia [对艺术或工艺的系统的应用] 〔equity〕Justice applied in circumstances covered by law yet influenced by principles of ethics and fairness.正义:在法律的范围内应用而又受伦理与公正原则影响的正义〔technology〕The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives.技术:科学的应用,尤指为了工业或商业的目的〔Hevesy〕Hungarian chemist. He won a 1943 Nobel Prize for developing the use of isotopes as tracers to investigate chemical processes.赫维西,格奥尔格·冯:(1885-1966) 匈牙利化学家。他因发展了关于同位素用作调查化学过程的示踪技术的应用而获得1943年诺贝尔奖〔naturalize〕To adopt (something foreign) into general use.采纳:接纳(外国的一些事物)并普遍应用〔bioengineering〕The application of engineering principles to the fields of biology and medicine, as in the development of aids or replacements for defective or missing body organs. Also called biomedical engineering 生物工程:工程原理对生物与医学领域的应用,如在发展对功能障碍或残缺器官的辅助和替代方面的应用 也作 biomedical engineering〔either〕Ineither . . . or constructions, the two conjunctions should be followed by parallel elements.The following is regarded as incorrect:You may either have the ring or the bracelet (properly, You may have either the ring or the bracelet ). The following is also incorrect:She can take either the examination offered to all applicants or ask for a personal interview (properly, She can either take . . . ). · When used as a pronoun,either is singular and takes a singular verb: The two left-wing parties disagree with each other more than either does (not do ) with the right. When followed byof and a plural noun, either is often used with a plural verb: 在either … or 结构中, 两个连接词后应跟并列成分。下面这句话被认为是不正确的:You may either have the ring or the bracelet ,正确的应是 You may have either the ring or the bracelet (你既可以有戒指也可以有手镯) 下面这句也是不对的:She can take either the examination offered to all applicants or ask for a personal interview。 正确的应是, She can either take …(她可以参加提供给所有申请人的考试,也可以要求一个单独面试。) 作为代名词时,either 是单数,动词应用单数形式: The two left-wing parties disagree with each other more than either does (不用 do ) with the right.(两个左翼党之间的分歧比任何一个与右翼党的分歧都要大) 当后面接of 和一个复数名词的时候, either 经常与动词复数形式配合: 〔descriptivism〕The practice or application of descriptive linguistics, especially in the analysis of grammar.描述主义:描述语言学的练习或应用,特别是在语法分析上〔Buchannan〕American economist. He won a 1986 Nobel Prize for the application of economic theories to the analysis of political decision-making.布坎南,詹姆斯·麦吉尔:(生于 1919) 美国经济学家。因把经济理论应用到政治的决策分析上而获1986年度诺贝尔奖〔excerpt〕To select or use material from (a longer work).摘选:从(长篇作品)中挑选或应用材料〔engineering〕The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.工程学:将科学及数学原理运用于实际用途的应用手段,如设计、制造及对高效经济构造、机器、进程及系统进行操纵管理〔eclectic〕Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles:选择的,(从不同材料)挑选的:从不同的来源、体系或风格中选出单项成分加以应用〔anesthesiology〕The medical study and application of anesthetics.麻醉学:对麻醉的医学研究和应用〔excerpt〕To select or use (a passage or segment from a longer work).摘选,引用:挑选或应用(长篇作品的一段或一部分)〔piezoelectricity〕The generation of electricity or of electric polarity in dielectric crystals subjected to mechanical stress, or the generation of stress in such crystals subjected to an applied voltage.压电:由机械压力引起电介质晶体放电或电极,或因应用电压而使电介质晶体产生压力〔mileage〕The amount of service, use, or wear estimated by miles used or traveled:里程:以英里计算的运行、应用或消耗的数量:〔financial〕monetary considerations), but they often differ in application.货币酬金), 但它们在应用时经常是不同的。〔robotics〕The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots.机器人学:与机器人的设计、制造、原理和应用相联系的科学或技术研究〔Nathans〕American microbiologist. He shared a 1978 Nobel Prize for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to molecular genetics.纳坦斯,丹尼尔:(生于 1928) 美国微生物学家。他因为发现限制酶和他们对分子遗传的应用获得1978年的诺贝尔奖〔applied〕Put into practice or a particular use:应用的,实用的:投入实践或特定用途的:〔either〕Analogously, when all the elements in theeither . . . or construction are plural, the verb is plural too: 类似地,当所有either…or 结构中的成分都是复数的时候, 动词也应用复数: 〔DDT〕A colorless contact insecticide, C14H 9Cl 5, toxic to human beings and animals when swallowed or absorbed through the skin. It has been banned in the United States for most uses since 1972. 滴滴涕:一种无色的、经接触传递的杀虫药剂,C14H 9Cl 5,当吞食或被表皮吸收时对人类和动物有毒。自从1972年以来,在美国许多应用上已被禁用 〔isometrics〕Exercise or a system of exercises in which isometric muscular contraction is used to strengthen and tone muscles, performed by the exertion of effort against resistance, usually of a stationary object.静力锻炼法:应用等长度的肌肉收缩来增强肌肉的锻炼或一套锻炼法,通常是对由一个静止物体产生的阻力进行训练〔instrumentation〕The application or use of instruments.仪表的应用或使用〔yield〕 Yield has the widest application: Yield 的应用最为广泛: 〔Best〕American-born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.贝斯特,查尔斯·赫伯特:(1899-1978) 美裔加拿大生理学家,因其对胰岛素的发现与应用方面的工作而著名〔thermoelectric〕Characteristic of, resulting from, or using electrical phenomena occurring in conjunction with a flow of heat.热电的:具有与热流同时发生的电现象特征的,或产生于此的,或应用热电现象的〔teach〕 Teach is the most widely applicable: Teach 应用最广泛: 〔biostatistics〕Application of statistics to the analysis of biological and medical data.生物统计学:分析生物和医学数据的应用统计〔astrionics〕The adaptation of electronics for astronautics.应用航天电子学:适用于航天学的电子学〔Gladden〕American cleric and proponent of the "social gospel,” the application of fundamental Christian ideals to contemporary social problems.格拉登,华盛顿:(1836-1918) 美国“社会信条”的牧师和辩护者,“社会信条”是主要的基督教思想对现代社会问题的应用〔accessorize〕"She was the first to take . . . glamour . . . and apply it to clothes[by] accessorizing them at whim" (Atlantic)See Usage Note at -ize “她是第一个使用…魅力…并 突发奇想地装饰服装而把它应用到服饰上” (大西洋) 参见 -ize〔photonics〕The study or application of electromagnetic energy whose basic unit is the photon, incorporating optics, laser technology, electrical engineering, materials science, and information storage and processing.光子学:以光子为基本单位的电磁能量研究或应用,包括光学、激光科技、电工学、材料科学和数据储存与处理




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