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单词 广泛种植
释义 〔sorrel〕Any of several plants of the genusRumex, having acid-flavored leaves sometimes used as salad greens, especially R. acetosella, a widely naturalized Eurasian species. Also called dock 4酸模:酸模 属植物的任何一种,长有酸味的叶子,有时用作沙拉的绿色蔬菜,尤指在欧亚大陆被广泛种植的品种 水乔菜 也作 dock4〔goatsbeard〕A European weed(Tragopogon pratensis) widely naturalized in eastern North America, having grasslike leaves and yellow, dandelionlike flower heads. 婆罗门参:广泛种植于北美东部的一种欧洲草本植物(草地婆罗门参 婆罗门参属 ) ,有草状叶以及蒲公英花似的头状花序 〔cowslip〕A Eurasian primrose(Primula veris), usually having fragrant yellow flowers, widely cultivated as an ornamental, and long used in herbal medicine. 连香报春花:一种产于亚欧大陆的报春花(报春花属 标准报春) ,通常开有芳香的黄色花,作为一种饰物被广泛种植,很早以前就被用于草药中 〔wheat〕Any of various annual cereal grasses of the genusTriticum of the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia, especially T. aestivum, widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important edible grain. 小麦:一种一年一熟的谷类禾本植物小麦(禾本植物)属, 生长于地中海地区及西南亚,尤指 夏季小麦 ,广泛种植于气候温和地带,品种繁多,其可食性谷粒具重要商业价值 〔tomato〕A widely cultivated South American plant(Lycopersicon esculentum) having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit. 蕃茄,西红柿:一种广泛种植的南美植物(番茄 番茄属) ,果实通常呈红色,可食多肉 〔cattleya〕Any of various tropical American, mostly epiphytic orchids of the genusCattleya, much hybridized and extensively cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers. 德嘉丽亚兰属植物:一种热带美洲德嘉丽亚兰属 附生兰花,大量地杂交并因其艳丽、各色花朵而广泛种植 〔fuchsia〕Any of various tropical shrubs or trees of the genusFuchsia, widely cultivated for their showy, drooping purplish, reddish, or white flowers. 倒挂金钟属植物:任何一种灌木或树属倒挂金钟属, 因其绚烂、下垂的紫色及红色或白色花被广泛种植 〔cowpea〕An annual African plant(Vigna unguiculata) in the pea family, widely cultivated in warm regions for food, forage, and soil improvement. 豇豆:一种一年生非洲豆科植物(豇豆属 豇豆) ,广泛种植于温带地区,可以食用、作为饲料及改良土壤 〔pine〕Any of various evergreen trees of the genusPinus, having fascicles of needle-shaped leaves and producing woody, seed-bearing cones. These trees are widely cultivated for ornament and shade and for their timber and resinous sap, which yields turpentine and pine tar. 松树:一种松树 属常青树,有针状叶簇且产出木质带籽的球果。这种树作为装饰、乘凉、木材和产生松油和松焦油的树脂而广泛种植 〔forsythia〕Any of several shrubs of the genusForsythia, native to Asia and widely cultivated for their early-blooming yellow flowers. 连翘:任一种连翘 属灌木,原产于亚洲的,因其早开的黄花而广泛种植 〔spinach〕A widely cultivated southwest Asian plant(Spinacia oleracea) having succulent, edible leaves. 菠菜:一种在亚洲西南部广泛种植的植物(菠菜 菠菜属) ,有鲜美多汁且可食用的叶 〔Calabrese〕A type of broccoli, introduced from Italy and grown extensively in North America, bearing clusters of blue-green to dark green flower buds.花茎甘蓝:花椰菜的一种,从意大利引入并广泛种植于北美洲地区,长有一簇簇的蓝绿色到暗绿色的花朵〔fig〕Any of several trees or shrubs of the genusFicus, especially F. carica, native to the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated for its edible multiple fruit. 无花果树:一种桑科榕 属树或灌木,尤指 普通无花果 ,原产于地中海地区,因其可食用的聚花果而被广泛种植 〔oat〕Any of various grasses of the genusAvena, especially A. sativa, widely cultivated for their edible grains. 燕麦:燕麦 属禾本科植物,尤指 野燕麦 ,因其可食谷粒而广泛种植 〔tamarillo〕A tree(Cyphomandra betacea) native to the Peruvian Andes and cultivated especially in New Zealand for its edible dark red or yellow plumlike fruit. 番茄树:一种原产于秘鲁境内安第斯山脉的树木(树番茄 树番茄属) ,因其结可供食用的深红或黄色李子状果实而在新西兰被广泛种植 〔ceanothus〕Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genusCeanothus, native mostly to western North America and often cultivated for their ornamental foliage and showy clusters of usually blue or whitish flowers. Also called redroot 美洲茶:一种鼠李属 灌木或小树,原主要产于北美西部,因其装饰性叶子和开蓝色或白色花朵的花簇而常被广泛种植 也作 redroot〔cassava〕A shrubby tropical American plant(Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, starchy roots. 木薯:一种美洲热带灌木植物(木薯 可食用木薯属) ,以其块茎状、含淀粉的硕大根而广泛种植 〔weigela〕Any of various deciduous shrubs of the genusWeigela of Asia, especially W. florida, widely cultivated for its pink, white, or red flowers. 锦带花:亚洲的锦带花属 的各种落叶灌木之一,尤指 锦带花 ,因其紫色、白色或红色的花朵而被广泛种植 〔potato〕A South American plant(Solanum tuberosum) widely cultivated for its starchy, edible tubers. 土豆,马铃薯:因含淀粉的可食根而被广泛种植的南美植物(马铃薯 茄属) 〔soybean〕A southeast Asian annual leguminous plant(Glycine max), widely cultivated for forage and soil improvement and for its nutritious seeds. 大豆:一种产于亚洲东南部的年生豆科植物(大豆 大豆属) ,作为饲料和土壤肥料而被广泛种植,其种子富含营养 〔cyclamen〕Any of various plants of the genusCyclamen, especially a Mediterranean species (C. persicum) widely cultivated as a houseplant, having decorative leaves and showy, variously colored flowers with reflexed petals. 仙客来:一种仙客来 属的植物,特别是地中海沿岸的品种 (仙客来 仙客来属) ,作为室内盆栽植物被广泛种植,长有装饰性的叶子,并开有艳丽的、有反折花瓣的各色花 〔peach〕A small Chinese tree(Prunus persica) widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, having pink flowers and edible fruit. 桃树:一种矮小的中国树木(桃树) ,广泛种植于温带地区,花粉红色,果实可食用 〔shallu〕A variety of sorghum native to and widely cultivated in India and Africa.硬子高梁:一种原产于或广泛种植于印度及美国的各种高梁的总称〔alfalfa〕A southwest Asian perennial herb(Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers. It is widely cultivated as a pasture and hay crop. 苜蓿,紫苜蓿:一种亚洲西南部多年生草本植物(苜蓿) ,其复叶由三小叶构成,花簇通常为蓝紫色的。它作为牧草和干草而被广泛种植 〔jarrah〕An Australian tree(Eucalyptus marginata) widely grown for its hard red-brown wood. 赤桉木:一种澳大利亚的树木(边缘桉) ,因其坚硬的红棕色木材而广泛种植 〔melon〕Any of several varieties of two related vines(Cucumis melo or Citrullus lanatus) widely cultivated for their edible fruit. 瓜蔓:被广泛种植以取其可食用之果实的两种相互有联系的瓜蔓(甜瓜 或 西瓜) 〔copperleaf〕Any of various plants of the genusAcalypha, especially A. wilkesiana, an ornamental shrub of the Pacific Islands widely grown for its decorative, colorful, variously patterned leaves. 铜叶草:任一种铁苋菜属 的植物,尤指一种产于太平洋诸岛屿上的 铜叶革属铁苋菜 观赏性灌木,因其彩色且形状各异的叶子具有观赏性而被广泛种植 〔carrot〕A biennial Eurasian plant(Daucus carota subsp. sativus) in the parsley family, widely cultivated as an annual for its edible taproot. 胡萝卜:一种产自欧亚大陆的两年生伞形科植物(胡萝卜属 野胡萝卜 亚种 胡萝卜) ,由于其直根可食而被作为一年生植物广泛种植 〔stephanotis〕Any of various woody climbing plants of the genusStephanotis, especially S. floribunda of Madagascar, cultivated for its showy, fragrant, white flowers. 舌瓣花:任一种千金子藤 属的木本攀爬型植物,尤指马达加斯加的 千金子藤属多花月季 ,因其炫丽的白色芳香花朵而被广泛种植 〔orange〕Any of several southeast Asian evergreen trees of the genusCitrus, widely cultivated in warm regions and having fragrant white flowers and round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind and a sectioned, pulpy interior, especially C. sinensis, the sweet orange, and C. aurantium, the Seville or sour orange. 柑桔:一种东南亚柑属 常绿乔木,广泛种植于温暖地区,长有带香味的白色的花、果皮为红色或黄色的圆形果实和多汁的果肉,尤指 甜橙 和 酸橙 〔tobacco〕Any of various plants of the genusNicotiana, especially N. tabacum, native to tropical America and widely cultivated for its leaves, which are used primarily for smoking. 烟草:一种烟草属 植物尤指 烟草 ,一种原产于热带美洲,因为其主要用于吸烟的烟叶而被广泛种植 〔cosmos〕pl. or cosmos Any of various mostly Mexican herbs of the genusCosmos in the composite family, having radiate flower heads of variously colored flowers and opposite pinnate leaves, especially C. bipinnatus and C. sulphureus, widely cultivated as garden annuals. 【复数】 或 cosmos 秋英属植物:菊科秋英属 的多种多产于墨西哥的草本植物,花冠绚丽,颜色各异,其叶对生,羽状。尤指 二回秋英 和 黄秋英 ,广泛种植,一年生园艺作物 〔sorghum〕An Old World grass(Sorghum bicolor), several varieties of which are widely cultivated as grain and forage or as a source of syrup. 甜高粱:一种旧世界的草(两色蜀黍 蜀黍属), 作为糖浆原料而被广泛种植的不同种类的蜀黍的任何一种 〔woodruff〕A fragrant perennial herb(Galium odoratum) native to Eurasia and North Africa and widely cultivated as a shade ground cover, having small white flowers and narrow leaves used for flavoring wine and in sachets. Also called sweet woodruff 香车叶草:一种原产于欧亚大陆和北非的芳香多年生草本植物(香猪殃殃 猪殃殃属) ,做为一种地面覆盖物广泛种植,有白色小花和用于调酒和装入香袋的窄叶子 也作 sweet woodruff〔geranium〕Any of various plants of the genusPelargonium, native chiefly to southern Africa and widely cultivated for their rounded, often variegated leaves and showy clusters of red, pink, or white flowers. Also called storksbill 天竺葵属植物:一种主要产于南美的天竺葵 属植物,因其圆而通常杂色的叶子及艳丽的红、粉或白色花束而广泛种植 也作 storksbill〔sisal〕A Mexican and Central American plant(Agave sisalana) widely cultivated for its large, sword-shaped leaves that yield stiff fibers used for cordage and rope. 波罗麻:一种分布在墨西哥和中美洲的植物(波罗麻 龙舌兰属) ,因该植物的剑状大叶子能够提取出用于制造绳索的硬纤维而被广泛种植 〔taro〕A widely cultivated tropical Asian plant(Colocasia esculenta) having broad, peltate leaves and a large, starchy, edible tuber. 芋:一种产于亚洲热带地区的被广泛种植的植物(芋 芋属) ,生有盾状叶和一个大的淀粉质的可食用块茎 〔petunia〕Any of various widely cultivated South American plants of the genusPetunia, having alternate, entire leaves and funnel-shaped flowers in colors from white to purple. 矮牵牛:一种广泛种植于南美的矮牵牛 属植物,有边缘光滑的互生叶和喇叭状、颜色从白色到紫色的花朵 〔rye〕A cereal grass(Secale cereale) widely cultivated for its grain. 黑麦:因其谷粒而广泛种植的一种可食用草(黑麦属 黑麦) 〔chickpea〕An annual Asian plant(Cicer arietinum) in the pea family, widely cultivated for the edible seeds in its short, inflated pods. 鹰嘴豆:一种产于亚洲的一年生豆科植物(鹰嘴豆) ,因其短而膨大的荚中种子可食而被广泛种植




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