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单词 平均
释义 〔average〕To be or amount to an average:平均:作为或达到一个中间值:〔Mercury〕The smallest of the planets and the one nearest the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 88.0 days at a mean distance of 58.3 million kilometers (36.2 million miles) and a mean radius of approximately 2,414 kilometers (1,500 miles).水星:行星中最小且离太阳最近的星,围绕太阳公转所需的周期为88.0天,公转的平均距离约为58,300,000公里(36,200,000英里),平均半径约为2,414公里(1,500英里)〔lunation〕The time that elapses between successive new moons, averaging 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes; a lunar month.朔望月:相继两次新月间的时期周期,平均二十九天十二小时四十四分;一个朔望月〔small〕Being below the average in size or magnitude.小的:尺寸或大小在平均尺度之下〔Antarctica〕A continent lying chiefly within the Antarctic Circle and asymmetrically centered on the South Pole. Some 95 percent of Antarctica is covered by an icecap averaging 1.6 km (1 mi) in thickness. The region was first explored in the early 1800's, and although there are no permanent settlements, many countries have made territorial claims. The Antarctic Treaty of 1959, signed by 12 nations, prohibited military operations on the continent and provided for the interchange of scientific data.南极洲:主要位于南极圈内,以南极为不对称中心的大陆。约百分之九十五的地方被平均厚度为1.6公里(1英里)的冰层覆盖。该地区首次在19世纪初被勘察,尽管没有永久性居民区,很多国家都提出了领土要求。由十二个国家于1959年签订的《南极公约》,禁止在南极洲进行军事行动,提供并交换科学考察数据〔average〕finished the season with a .500 average; a batting average of .274.以一个500分的平均成绩结束了本赛季;平均274分的击球成绩〔miss〕 A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions. 少女(或妇女)尺码:为平均高度和身材的女人或女孩制定的一系列衣服的尺寸〔run〕The average type, group, or category:(普通)类型:平均的类型,一组或分类:〔cal〕 Calorie [mean calorie] Calorie[平均卡] 〔equity〕from aequus [even, fair] 源自 aequus [平均、公平] 〔average〕To do or have an average of:调和,拉平:使具有平均程度:〔Terry〕American baseball player. During his career with the New York Giants (1924-1941), he batted .310 or better in 11 seasons, batting .401 in 1930.泰瑞,威廉:美国棒球选手。在效力于纽约巨人队期间(1924年-1941年),他的平均打击率为.310并有11个赛季成绩更好,1930年平均打击率为.401〔discharge〕To apportion (weight) evenly, as over a door.将重量平均分配:平均分布重量,如门上的〔normal〕Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.智力正常的:涉及平均智力或发展水平的,或具有其特征的〔stake〕A race offering a prize to the winner, especially a horserace in which the prize consists of money contributed equally by the horse owners.赛马奖金:给胜者奖利的赛跑,特别是马赛,所有的奖金都是马主们平均给予的〔Clemente〕Puerto Rican-born American baseball player who spent his entire career with the Pittsburgh Pirates (1955-1972). He batted .300 or better 13 times and had exactly 3,000 hits before he was killed in a plane crash.克莱门特,罗伯托·沃克:波多黎各裔美籍棒球选手,职业生涯全都为匹兹堡海盗队效力(1955-1972年)。他的平均打击率是三成并有13次超过三成,在空难前他刚好击出3000支全垒打〔middle〕Something intermediate between extremes; a mean.中部,中间,平均:两个极端的中间事物;中项〔Speaker〕American baseball player who earned a career batting average of .344 playing with the Boston Red Sox (1907-1915) and the Cleveland Indians (1916-1926).史必克,屈斯壮:美国棒球运动员,职业生涯的平均打击率为.344,效力于波士顿红袜队(1907年-1915年)与克利夫兰印第安人队(1916年-1926年)〔Venus〕The second planet from the sun, having an average radius of 6,052 kilometers (3,760 miles), a mass 0.815 times that of Earth, and a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 224.7 days at a mean distance of approximately 108.1 million kilometers (67.2 million miles).金星:离太阳第二远的行星,它的平均半径为6,052公里(3,760英里),质量是地球质量的0.815倍,它在离开太阳约为108,100,000公里(67,200,000英里)的中等距离时绕太阳转的公转周期为224.7天〔galaxy〕Any of numerous large-scale aggregates of stars, gas, and dust that constitute the universe, containing an average of 100 billion (1011) solar masses and ranging in diameter from 1,500 to 300,000 light-years. Also called nebula 星系,星群:组成天体的大量大规模的星、气或尘埃的聚集物,包括平均100(1011)亿的太阳质量,直径从1,500到300,000光年 也作 nebula〔GGPA〕Graduate grade-point average.研究生年级平均等第〔bridge〕Any of several card games derived from whist and played with one deck of cards divided equally among usually four people.桥牌:一种由惠斯特牌戏发展而来的扑克牌游戏,玩牌时通常一副牌平均分给四个人〔average〕Some sparrows are six inches long, but they average smaller. Our expenses averaged out to 45 dollars per day.有些麻雀可达六英寸长,但它们平均要小些。我们的支出平均每天四十五美元〔hypercharge〕A quantum number equal to twice the average electric charge of a particle multiplet or, equivalently, to the sum of the strangeness and the baryon number.超荷:一个量子量,等于一个粒子多重线谱的平均电极;或者相当于量子数和重子的数量的总和〔covariance〕A statistical measure of the variance of two random variables that are observed or measured in the same mean time period. This measure is equal to the product of the deviations of corresponding values of the two variables for their respective means.协方差:在观察或测量同一平均时间的两个任意变量的变化的一个统计值。这个值等于这两变量的各自平均值偏离其相应值的乘积〔senile〕In earlier writings one finds phrases such as "asenile maturity of judgment" and "green and vigorous senility, ” demonstrating that these two words have not always been burdened with their current negative connotations. Senile and senility are examples of pejoration, the process by which a word's meaning changes for the worse over time.Even thoughsenile (first recorded in 1661) and senility (first recorded in 1778) initially had neutral senses such as "pertaining to old age,” it is probable that the weakness (in particular the mental weakness) that sometimes accompanies old age eventually caused negative senses to predominate.Certainly some pejorative associations were present in Latinsenīlis, "relating to an old man, aged,” the ultimate source of both words, and in related Latin words such assenēscere, which could mean "to deteriorate with age.” But it seems that pejorative associations have taken over these words in English through general usage,perhaps because average life expectancy has risen steadily over the years.在较早的文学作品中人们可以找到形如“判断力Senile(老练) 成熟”和“精力旺盛的有魄力的 Senility(老态龙钟) ”的短语,表明这两个词一直没有表示他们流行的消极的含义。 Senile 和 senility 是词义转贬的范例, 即一个词的意思随时间变化变得越来越坏。尽管senile (首次记载于1661年)和 senility (首次记载于1778年)最初具有中性的意义,例如“关于老年的”, 可能是伴随老年出现的衰弱(特别是智力衰弱)最终导致了反面的意思居支配地位。当然有一些词义转贬的联系表现在拉丁文中的senilis (“关于老人的,老年的”),是这两个词的最早的词源, 和与之相关的拉丁词如senecer ,意为“随年纪恶化”。 但是看起来在英语中通过广泛的使用词义转贬的联系已经取代了这些词,可能是由于平均估计寿命随时代发展稳步上升〔Hornsby〕American baseball player and manager. Known for his skill as a batter, he attained a batting average of .424 in 1924 and a lifetime average of .358.霍恩斯比,罗杰斯:(1896-1963) 美国棒球运动员和经纪人,以其打击球技术而闻名,在1924年其打击率平均达到0.424,而其生平的打击率平均为0.358〔common〕Not distinguished by superior or noteworthy characteristics; average:不突出的:没有优良的或值得注意的特性来区别的;平均的:〔law〕the law of supply and demand; the law of averages.供需法则;平均法则〔year〕The period of time during which the earth completes a single revolution around the sun, consisting of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds of mean solar time. In the Gregorian calendar the year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 and is divided into 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 or 366 days. Also called calendar year 年:地球完成围绕太阳运转一周的时段,由365天、5小时、49分和12秒组成的平均太阳时,根据格里高利历,一年开始于1月1日结束于12月31日,被分成12个月、52个星期、365天或366天 也作 calendar year〔Reyes〕A promontory on the central California coast northwest of San Francisco. It is reported to be the windiest and foggiest place on the western coast of the continental United States, with an average of 137 foggy days a year.雷耶斯角:加利福尼亚海岸线中部的海岬,位于旧金山西北。据称是美国大陆西海岸上风最多且雾最多的地方,一年平均有137天多雾天〔MHW〕Mean high water.平均高水位,平均高潮(面)〔high〕Elevated stresses height in relation to immediate surroundings;it refers principally to being raised or situated above a normal or average level: Elevated 强调与周围事物反差的高度;主要指高于一般或平均的高度: 〔large〕Of greater than average scope, breadth, or capacity; comprehensive.较大的,全面的:比平均范围、宽度或容量大的;广泛的〔anomalous〕homalos [even] from homos [same] * see sem- 1homalos [均匀的,平均的] 源自 homos [相同的,同样的] * 参见 sem- 1〔geoid〕The hypothetical surface of the earth that coincides everywhere with mean sea level.大地水准面:处处与平均海平面一致的大地水准面〔large〕Of greater than average size, extent, quantity, or amount; big.大的:比平均尺寸、长度,数量或数额大的;大的〔par〕Equal to the standard; normal:平均的,正常的:〔Saturn〕The sixth planet from the sun and the second largest in the solar system, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 29.5 years at a mean distance of about 1,425,000,000 kilometers (886,000,000 miles), a mean diameter of approximately 119,000 kilometers (74,000 miles), and a mass 95 times that of Earth.土星:距太阳第六远的行星,是太阳系中第二大行星,绕日公转周期29.5年,公转平均半径约1,425,000,000公里(886,000,000英里),平均直径大约119,000公里(74,000英里),质量是地球的95倍〔average〕To buy or sell more goods or shares to obtain more than an average price.维持(有利的)平均价格:买进或卖出额外的货物或股票以维持高于平均的价格




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