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释义 〔analogy〕A form of logical inference or an instance of it, based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects, then they must be alike in other respects.类比:一种逻辑推理形式或一个例子,基于这样的假设,如果已知两个事物在某些方面是相似的,那么它们在其它方面也一定是相似的〔shoran〕A relatively short-range navigation system by which a ship or an aircraft can determine its position with high precision by measuring the times required for a radar signal to reach and return from each of two ground stations of known position.近程导航系统:一种相对短程的导航系统,利用该系统一艘船或一架飞机可以极其精确地测定自己所处的位置,通过测定雷达信号到达两个位置已知的地面接收站中的每一个站并返回所需的时间来实现〔logical〕Based on earlier or otherwise known statements, events, or conditions; reasonable:合理的:基于先前的或已知的论断、事件或条件的;合乎情理的:〔probabilistic〕"The Big Bang universe is . . . exemplified in the probabilistic and indeterminate interactions of the smallest known physical properties"(Frederick Turner)“宇宙大爆炸…显示于已知的最小物理属性之间的可能的及不确定的相互作用”(弗雷德里克·特纳)〔superphysical〕Not explained by known physical laws; preternatural or supernatural.已知的物理定律不能解释的;超自然的或异常的〔known〕Proved or generally recognized:已知的,闻名的:已证明或普遍认可的:〔balance〕A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless.天平,秤:一种称重量的器具,特别指那种中间有一个低摩擦支撑物水平悬吊在一根坚硬横杆上的秤,两个重量完全相等的秤盘挂在两头,一头盛未知的重物,另一头放有效砝码,用已知的数量抬高,直到横杆呈水平状态并且停止运动〔triangulation〕A surveying technique in which a region is divided into a series of triangular elements based on a line of known length so that accurate measurements of distances and directions may be made by the application of trigonometry.三角测量法:一种测量技术,通过将某一地区分成许多三角形,这些三角形是以一条已知长度的线为底,由此可通过使用平面直角三角形计算工具精确地测量距离和方向〔protactinium〕A rare, extremely toxic, radioactive element chemically similar to uranium, having 13 known isotopes, the most common of which is protactinium 231 with a half-life of 32,480 years. Atomic number 91; melting point 1,230°C; specific gravity 15.37; valence 4, 5. See table at element 镤:一种稀有的、剧毒放射性元素,在化学性质上与铀相似。有十三个已知的同位素,其中最常见的是半衰期为32,480年的镤231。原子序数为91;熔点1,230°C;比重15.37;原子价4, 5 参见 element〔Sumerian〕A member of an ancient people, probably of non-Semitic origin, who established a nation of city-states in Sumer in the fourth millenniumb.c. that is one of the earliest known historic civilizations. 苏美尔人:一个古代民族的成员,很可能是非闪米特的起源在公元前 四千年期间在苏美尔建立了一个城邦国家,这是已知最早的具有重大历史意义的文明之一 〔numb〕One of the more frequently used words in English,take, is evidence of the importance of the Scandinavian influence on English. Chiefly Danes and Norwegians, the invaders and settlers of the 8th through the 11th century contributed more than 900 words to the English language,but perhaps few so important astake. The Old Norse wordtaka was adopted as Old English tacan, the ancestor of ourtake. But Old English already had a word that paralleledtacan in sense, and that wasniman. In Middle Englishnimen, from niman, still thrived, but by the 16th century the word had all but disappeared,surviving today only asnim in the archaic sense "to steal.” However, all was not lost,for the past participle ofnimen, nomin, was used as an adjective, meaning "deprived of the power of movement, unable to move, paralyzed.”We know this word in the formnumb, from which the new verbnumb has been derived. 一个更为使用频繁的英语单词take, 是斯堪的纳维亚语对英语重要影响的证明。 侵略者和移民者,主要是丹麦和挪威人从8世纪到11世纪为英语带来了900多个单词,但是可能都没有take 一词重要。 古斯堪的纳维亚语taka 一词被古英语采用成为 tacan , 是take 的前身。 但古英语中已知有一个词在意义上和tacan 相同, 即niman 。 中古英语中,来自niman 的 nimen 仍很盛行, 但在16世纪这个词几乎消失了,到今天nim 只是作古义表示“偷”的含义出现。 但是,不是所有意义都失去了,nimen,nomin 的过去分词,作形容词用, 指“失去了移动能力的,动不了的,麻木的”。我们以numb 的形式知道了这个词, 从中派生出新的动词numb 〔gnotobiotics〕The study of organisms or environmental conditions that have been rendered free of bacteria or contaminants or into which a known microorganism or contaminant has been introduced for research purposes.无菌生物学:研究已经去除所有的细菌或污染物有机体或是环境状况,为了研究目的,再将已知的微生物或是污染物导入〔experiment〕A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried.实验,试验:在受控条件下为演示一项已知真理、检验假说的正确性或确定以前未试用过的某物的效能而做的试验〔model〕A schematic description of a system, theory, or phenomenon that accounts for its known or inferred properties and may be used for further study of its characteristics:模式,图解:系统、理论或现象的图解性的描述,用来描绘其已知的或推测性质的特性,也可能用于深入研究它们的特点:〔extrapolate〕To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information.推断:通过对已知信息的伸展和扩充进行推断或估计〔knowledge〕 Knowledge is the broadest;it includes facts and ideas, understanding, and the totality of what is known: Knowledge 含义最广;它包括事实和思想观念,对事物的理解和已知事物的总体: 〔antivirus〕A software program designed to identify and remove a known or potential computer virus.防病毒程序:用来检测并清除已知病毒或潜在病毒的软件程序〔analytic〕Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.推理的:用未经证明的条件来推理已知公理的〔analysis〕The method of proof in which a known truth is sought as a consequence of a series of deductions from that which is the thing to be proved.解析:一种证明方法,即把已知事实作为将被证明的一系列演绎过程的结果〔loran〕A long-range navigational system in which position is determined by an analysis involving the time intervals between pulsed radio signals from two or more pairs of ground stations of known position.洛伦:一种长距离导航系统,通过对两个或更多对已知位置的地面站发出的无信电脉冲的时间间隔的分析来测定方位〔wonder〕Far superior to anything formerly recognized or foreseen.远超过预期的:远远超越任何已知的或预见的〔reveal〕These verbs signify to make known what has been or ought to be kept from the knowledge of others.这些动词都是指使已知或应是鲜为人知的东西为人所知。〔uranium〕A heavy silvery-white metallic element, radioactive and toxic, easily oxidized, and having 14 known isotopes of which U 238 is the most abundant in nature. The element occurs in several minerals, including uraninite and carnotite, from which it is extracted and processed for use in research, nuclear fuels, and nuclear weapons. Atomic number 92; atomic weight 238.03; melting point 1,132°C; boiling point 3,818°C; specific gravity 18.95; valence 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. See table at element 铀:银白色的重金属元素,有放射性并且有毒,容易被氧化。已知有14个同位素,其中U238是自然界含量最多的。这种元素存在如沥青铀矿和钒钾铀矿等几种矿中,并从中提炼和加工,主要用于研究,核燃料和核武器。原子序数为92;原子量为238.03;熔点为1,132°C;沸点3,818°C;比重18.95;化合价2,3,4,5,6 参见 element〔etymology〕The origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible.词源:一种语言形式的起源及其历史发展可通过确定该词或词素的基本组成部分,已知最早的用法及其形式和含义的转变,追溯它从一种语言转变为另一种语言的过程,鉴定它在其它语言中的同源词和重现它的祖传形式来展现和说明〔alleged〕Analleged burglar is someone who has been accused of being a burglar but against whom no charges have been proved. Analleged incident is an event that is said to have taken place but has not yet been verified. In their zeal to protect the rights of the accused,newspapers and law enforcement officials sometimes misusealleged. A man arrested for murder may be only analleged murderer, for example, but he is a real, not analleged, suspect in that his status as a suspect is not in doubt. Similarly, if the money from a safe is known to have been stolen and not merely mislaid,then we may safely speak of a theft without having to qualify our description withalleged. 一个alleged(有嫌疑的) 强盗是指被指控为强盗但并未得到证实的人。 alleged(据称的) 的事件是一件据说发生过但还未被证实的事。 出于保护被指控者权力的热情,报界和执法官员有时误用alleged 这个词。 比如说,一个因谋杀而被捕的人,可能只是个alleged(有嫌疑的) 谋杀犯, 但当他是真正的而不是alleged(据称的) 嫌疑犯时,那么他身为嫌疑犯的处境就是毫无疑问的。 与此相似,如果放在保险箱里的钱已知是被人偷走而不仅仅是放错了,那么我们应该可以毫不犹豫地把它说成盗窃案而不用加alleged 这个词来限定我们的描述 〔consistent〕The testimony was consistent with the known facts.口供与已知的事实相符合〔planet〕A nonluminous celestial body larger than an asteroid or a comet, illuminated by light from a star, such as the sun, around which it revolves. In the solar system there are nine known planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.行星:比一颗小行星或一颗彗星大的不发光的天体,由它绕转的恒星,如太阳的光所照亮在太阳系中有九个已知的行星:水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星〔Hipparchus〕Greek astronomer who mapped the position of 850 stars in the earliest known star chart. His observations of the heavens form the basis of Ptolemy's geocentric cosmology.喜帕恰斯:希腊天文学家,曾绘制已知的最早的星象图,其中包括了850颗星星的位置,他对天空的观察奠定了托勒密的地心宇宙论的基础〔titrant〕A substance, such as a solution, of known concentration used in titration.滴定剂:一种用于滴定的,浓度已知的物质,如一种溶液〔intersection〕A set that contains elements shared by two or more given sets.交集:一个包含两个或几个已知集合共有元素的集合〔titration〕The process, operation, or method of determining the concentration of a substance in solution by adding to it a standard reagent of known concentration in carefully measured amounts until a reaction of definite and known proportion is completed, as shown by a color change or by electrical measurement, and then calculating the unknown concentration.滴定:一种测定溶液中一种物质浓度的过程、操作或方法,在该溶液中以经过仔细测量的剂量加入一种已知浓度的标准试剂,直到一个已知比例确定的反应结束为止,如通过颜色变化或测量所显示,然后再计算未知的浓度〔batrachotoxin〕A steroid alkaloid derived from skin secretions of thePhyllobates and Dendrobates genera of South American arrow-poison frogs. It is one of the most potent venoms known. 蟾毒素:从南美箭毒蛙属的Phyllobates 和 树棘蛙 的蛙皮中分泌的一种类固醇生物碱。是已知毒性极强的毒物中的一种 〔triangulation〕The location of an unknown point, as in navigation, by the formation of a triangle having the unknown point and two known points as the vertices.三角测量:通过以分别作(顶点)的两个已知点和一个未知点形成一个三角形,来求出或定位该未知点,如在航海中〔inference〕The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.推理:由已知或假定的正确前提出发作出逻辑推理的行为或过程〔form〕Proven ability to perform:水平,状态:已知的表现能力:〔colorimeter〕An instrument that measures the concentration of a known constituent of a solution by comparison with colors of standard solutions of that constituent.比色计:比照某种溶质标准溶液的色彩,来测量一种溶液已知溶质浓度的仪器.




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