单词 | 工具 |
释义 | 〔pen〕An instrument for writing or drawing with ink or similar fluid, especially:笔:一种用墨水或类似液体进行书写或绘画的工具,尤其是:〔instrumental〕Of, relating to, or accomplished with an instrument or a tool.仪器或工具的,与之相关的或用其完成的〔indispensable〕necessary tools and materials;必需的工具和材料;〔charger〕One that charges, such as an instrument that charges or replenishes storage batteries.充电器:给蓄电池充电或补充电的工具〔paper〕Commercial documents that represent value and can be transferred from owner to owner; negotiable instruments considered as a group:票据,有价证券:代表价值并可以转让的商业文件;看作一组的可流通工具:〔turn〕To become dull or blunt by bending back. Used of the edge of a cutting instrument.使变钝:因向后弯曲而变钝。用于切割工具的刃〔digger〕A tool or machine used for digging or excavating.挖掘器,挖掘机:用于挖掘或采掘的工具或机器〔scale〕An instrument or device bearing such marks.刻度尺:标有这种标记的工具或装置〔organon〕Greek [tool, organ of the body, instrument] * see werg- 希腊语 [工具,身体的器官,器械] * 参见 werg- 〔tear〕 Cleave most often refers to splitting with or as if with a sharp instrument: Cleave 最经常指用或好象用锋利工具劈: 〔toolbox〕A case for carrying or storing tools.工具箱:装载或存放工具的箱子〔shiv〕A knife, razor, or other sharp or pointed implement, especially one used as a weapon.刀:刀,剃刀或其它尖利或带尖头的工具,尤指用来作武器的刀〔swarf〕Fine metallic filings or shavings removed by a cutting tool.铁屑:用切削工具弄下的细金属锉屑或金属小片〔artifact〕An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, a weapon, or an ornament of archaeological or historical interest.人工制品:人工生产或仿制的物品,尤指工具,武器,或带有考古或历史趣味的装饰品〔rake〕A device that resembles such an implement.耙状用具:象这种工具的设备〔comb〕An implement, such as a card for dressing and cleansing wool or other fiber, that resembles a hair comb in shape or use.梳棉机:一种工具,如梳洗羊毛或其他纤维的梳棉机,在外形或用途上很像梳子〔outrigger〕A long, thin float attached parallel to a seagoing canoe by projecting spars as a means of preventing it from capsizing.舷外浮材,舷外浮体:一种又长又细的浮标,通过突出的圆材平行地连在航行的小船上,用作防止船翻的工具〔pick〕Something, such as an ice pick, a toothpick, or a picklock, that is used for picking.尖头挖掘工具:用来挖掘的工具,如碎冰器、牙签或撬锁工具〔plant〕The equipment, including machinery, tools, instruments, and fixtures and the buildings containing them, necessary for an industrial or manufacturing operation.工厂设备:工业或制造业生产所需的设备,包括机器、工具、仪器和固定装置,以及容纳它们的建筑物〔mill〕To shape, polish, dress, or finish in a mill or with a milling tool.用制材模具做成形:用研磨机或通过研磨工具成形、打磨、修整或制成〔tool〕A machine, such as a lathe, used to cut and shape machine parts or other objects.刀具机床:用来切割机器零件或其他物体或给零件或其他物体定形的工具,例如车床〔slick〕An implement used to make a surface slick, especially a chisel used for smoothing and polishing.可使表面光滑的工具:用来使一个表面光滑的工具,尤指用于修光和打磨的凿子〔turn〕To give a rounded shape to (clay, for example) by rotating and shaping with the hands or tools.使成形,使成圆形:用手或工具旋转和定型而使(例如粘土)成为圆形〔hob〕A tool used for cutting the teeth of machine parts, as of a gearwheel.滚锐刀,元阳模:用于切断机器齿轮的工具〔muller〕An implement of stone or other hard substance used as a pestle to grind paints or drugs.研杵:用石头或其他硬物制做成的用于磨碎颜料或药的工具〔equip〕To supply with necessities such as tools or provisions.装备:为…提供必需用品,如工具、给养〔ministry〕One that serves as a means; an instrumentality.工具:充当工具的东西;工具〔beryllium〕A high-melting, lightweight, corrosion-resistant, rigid, steel-gray metallic element used as an aerospace structural material, as a moderator and reflector in nuclear reactors, and in a copper alloy used for springs, electrical contacts, and nonsparking tools. Atomic number 4; atomic weight 9.0122; melting point 1,278°C; boiling point 2,970°C; specific gravity 1.848; valence 2. See table at element 铍:一种高熔点、质轻、抗腐蚀、坚硬的青灰色金属元素,用作宇宙空间结构材料,如核反应器中的减速剂和反射体,铍铜合金用于制造弹簧、电接触器和无电花工具。原子序数4;原子量9.0122;熔点1,278°C;沸点2,970°C;比重1.848;化合价2 参见 element〔driver〕A tool, such as a screwdriver or hammer, that is used for imparting forceful pressure on another object.打入工具:用于在另一物体上施加压力的工具,如螺丝刀或锤〔graver〕An engraver's cutting tool.雕刻工具:一个雕刻家切割的工具〔poll〕The blunt or broad end of a tool such as a hammer or an ax.工具较钝或较宽的一端,如锤子或斧头〔drift〕A tool for ramming or driving something down.用来撞击的工具:将某物冲下或赶下去的工具〔tool〕Implement is the preferred term for tools used in agriculture and certain building trades: Implement 常常指用于农业或某些建筑业的工具: 〔obedient〕"A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes—will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished" (John Stuart Mill).“一个为了使人民成为它手中顺从的工具而阻碍人们发展的国家,即使为了有益处的目的——也会发现卑微的人不会真正办成大事” (约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒)。〔medium〕The etymologically plural formmedia is often used as a singular to refer to a particular means of communication,as inThis is the most exciting new media since television. This usage is widely regarded as incorrect;medium is preferred. A stronger case can be made in defense of the use ofmedia as a collective term, as inThe media has not shown much interest in covering the issue. As with the analogous wordsdata and agenda, the originally plural form has begun to acquire a sense that departs from that of the singular: used as a collective term,media denotes an industry or community. Thus the example sentence given here would not be appropriately paraphrased asNo medium has shown much interest in covering the issue, which suggests that the disinclination abides in the means of communication itselfrather than in its practitioners.Ifmedia follows the pattern of data and agenda, this singular use may become entirely acceptable someday.But despite its utility,many people still regard it as a grammatical error.语源复数形式media 常用作单数, 用来指传播手段中的某一种,例如在下面这是自电视出现以来最激动人心的新式传媒 的句子中。 许多人都认为这一用法是不正确的;他们还是喜欢用medium 这一单数形式。 我们能提出更为有力的例子来为media 作为集合名词的用法进行辩护, 如下面的句子:大众传媒对于报道这一事件没有表现出多大兴趣 。 正如类似于原为复数形式的其他两个词data 和 agenda 已经开始具有其单数形式的含义: 用作集合名词的media 现在则可以指传播工业或共同体。 这样的话,我们刚才给出的例句就不能改成如下形式:没有传媒对报道这一事件表现出很大兴趣 , 因为这样改动后,这句话所表示的是传播工具本身的不愿意,而不是业者的不愿意。如果media 也象 data 和 agenda 那样, 那么它作为单数形式的用法总有一天会被完全接受的。但是不管它的实用性大小,许多人仍将其视为一个语法错误〔woodcutting〕woodcutting gear; a woodcutting saw.刻木工具;刻木锯〔stow〕To hide oneself aboard a conveyance in order to obtain free transportation.偷乘,搭白车:将自己藏在某种交通运输工具内以免付票费〔barb〕A sharp point projecting in reverse direction to the main point of a weapon or tool, as on an arrow or fishhook.倒钩:武器或工具,如箭或鱼钩的尖头上按相反方向弯回去的尖钩〔Mesolithic〕Of, relating to, or being the cultural period of the Stone Age between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages, marked by the appearance of the bow and cutting tools.中石器时代的:介于旧石器与新石器时代之间的已出现弓箭和切割工具的石器文化时代的、与之有关的、或是这一时代的〔brooch〕Middle English broche [pointed tool, brooch, pin] * see broach 1中古英语 broche [尖形工具,胸针,别针] * 参见 broach1 |
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