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单词 州首府
释义 〔Albany〕The capital (since 1797) of New York, in the eastern part of the state on the west bank of the Hudson River at the head of deep-water navigation. The early 17th-century Dutch settlement Fort Orange was renamed Albany when the English took control in 1664. Population, 101,082.奥尔巴尼:美国纽约州首府(自1797年以来),位于纽约州东部哈得孙河西岸,是哈得孙深水航道的起点。1664年英国人控制了17世纪早期建立的荷兰定居地奥兰治要塞,并将其改名为奥尔巴尼。人口101,082〔Indianapolis〕The capital and largest city of Indiana, in the central part of the state. It was settled in 1820 as the site of a new state capital, which was moved here in 1825. Population, 741,952.印第安纳波利斯:美国印第安纳州的首府,位于该州的中部,是该州最大的城市。1820年,该地被选作该州的新首府而始建,1825年州首府迁至该地。人口741,952〔Vermont〕A state of the northeast United States bordering on Canada. It was admitted as the 14th state in 1791. Explored by Samuel de Champlain in 1609, the region was first permanently settled by the British in 1724. Claims to the area were relinquished by Massachusetts in 1781, New Hampshire in 1782, and New York in 1790. Montpelier is the capital and Burlington the largest city. Population, 564,964.佛蒙特州:美国东北部的一个州,与加拿大接壤。它于1791年被接受为美国的第十四个州。1609年塞缪尔·德·查普兰勘探了这个地区,1724年英国人在该地区永远定居了下来。马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔州和纽约州于1781年、1782年和1790年相继放弃了对这个地区的权利。该州首府为蒙彼利埃,伯林顿是最大的城市。人口564,964〔Wheeling〕A city of northwest West Virginia in the Panhandle on the Ohio River southwest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Settled in 1769, it was an important trading post on the Cumberland Road until the 1850's. Wheeling was the state capital from 1863 to 1870 and from 1875 to 1885. Population, 34,882.惠灵:美国西弗吉尼亚州西北部的一座城市,位于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡西南,俄亥俄河畔柄状狭长地带。建于1769年,直到19世纪50年代之前它都是坎伯兰郡之路上的一个重要贸易驿站,自1863年至1870年及1875年至1885年间惠灵为州首府。人口34,882〔Missouri〕A state of the central United States. It was admitted as the 24th state in 1821. Under Spanish control from 1762 to 1800, the area passed to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Organized as a territory in 1812, Missouri's application for admission as a slaveholding state in 1817 sparked a bitter controversy over the question of extending slavery into new territories. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 provided for the admission of Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state in the following year. Jefferson City is the capital and St. Louis the largest city. Population, 5,137,804.密苏里州:美国中部的一个州。于1821年被接受为第二十四个州。1762年到1800年,此地区处于西班牙的控制下,美国于1803年在路易斯安那购买行动中获得这一地域。1812年成为一个地区。1817年密苏里申请以蓄奴州身份加入联邦导致了关于是否将奴隶制扩大到新地区的争论。1820年的密苏里协议为次年作为自由州的缅因州和作为蓄奴州的密苏里州加入联邦铺平了道路。杰斐逊城是州首府,圣路易斯为最大城市。人口5,137,804〔Columbia〕The capital and largest city of South Carolina, in the central part of the state. It was chosen as the site of the new state's capital in 1786. Population, 98,052.哥伦比亚:美国南卡罗来纳州首府和最大城市,位于该州中部,于1786年初被选为新的州首府所在地。人口98,052〔Illinois〕A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 21st state in 1818. The area was explored by the French in the late 1600's, ceded by France to the British in 1763, and ceded by them to the newly formed United States in 1783. Springfield is the capital and Chicago the largest city. Population, 11,466,682.伊利诺斯州:美国中北部的一个州。1818年作为第二十一个州加入美国。法国人在17世纪后期首先开发了此地,1763年法国又将其割让给英国,1783年英法两国共同将其割让给新建立的美利坚合众国。斯普林菲尔德是该州首府,芝加哥为最大城市。人口11,466,682〔Salem〕The capital of Oregon, in the northwest part of the state on the Willamette River south-southwest of Portland. Founded c. 1840, it became territorial capital in 1851 and state capital in 1859. Population, 107,786.塞勒姆:美国俄勒冈州首府,位于州西北部的威廉梅特河畔及波特兰西南偏南部,19世纪40年代建立,1851年成为地方首府,1859年成为州首府。人口107,786〔Pierre〕The capital of South Dakota, in the central part of the state on the Missouri River. Originally a small trading center, it thrived after the coming of the railroad and was chosen as state capital in 1889. Population, 12,906.皮尔:美国南达科他州的首府,位于该州的中部、密苏里河畔。最初是一个小贸易中心,铁路开通之后繁荣起来,1889年被选为州首府。人口12,906〔Hartford〕The capital of Connecticut, in the north-central part of the state on the Connecticut River. Settled 1635-1636 by Massachusetts colonists on the site of a Dutch trading post, it became the nucleus of the Connecticut Colony in 1639. From 1701 to 1875 it was joint capital with New Haven. Population, 139,739.哈特福德:美国康涅狄格州首府,位于该州北部中心地带的康涅狄格河畔,该市于1635-1636年间由马萨诸塞殖民者在荷兰人贸易地点建立起来,后于1639年成为康涅狄格殖民地的中心,从1701年到1875年同纽黑文市联合成为该州首府。人口139,739〔Wisconsin〕A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 30th state in 1848. First settled by the French, the region was ceded to Great Britain in 1763 and became part of the Northwest Territory in 1787. Madison is the capital and Milwaukee the largest city. Population, 4,906,745.威斯康星州:美国中北部一州。1848年作为第三十个州加入。首先由法国殖民者建立,1763年割让给大不列颠,1787年成为西北地区的一部分。麦迪逊市是该州首府,密尔沃基市是最大城市。人口4,906,745〔Montpelier〕The capital of Vermont, in the north-central part of the state. Founded in 1780, it became the state capital in 1805. Population, 8,247.蒙彼利埃:佛蒙特州首府,位于该州中北部。建于1780年,1805年成为该州首府。人口8,247〔thus〕Few of the nation's largest cities are state capitals; thus neither New York nor Chicago is the seat of its state's government.很多国家最大的城市并非州首府;例如,纽约和芝加哥都不是本州政府的所在地〔Montana〕A state of the northwest United States bordering on Canada. It was admitted as the 41st state in 1889. Most of the area passed to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and was explored by Lewis and Clark in 1805 and 1806. Split for many years among other western territories, the region was organized as the Montana Territory in 1864. Helena is the capital and Billings the largest city. Population, 803,655.蒙大纳州:美国西北部与加拿大接壤的一个州。1889年被接纳为美国第41个州。大部分地区通过1803年路易斯安那的购买归属美国,路易斯和克拉克在1805年和1806年勘查了此地。经过多年在其他西部地区分裂之后在1864年组成蒙大纳地区。赫勒拿是该州首府,比林斯是最大城市。人口803,655〔Harrisburg〕The capital of Pennsylvania, in the southeast-central part of the state west-northwest of Philadelphia. Settled in the early 1700's as Harris' Ferry, it was renamed in 1785 and became the capital in 1812. Population, 52,376.哈里斯堡:位于美国费城西北偏西、宾夕法尼亚州中部偏东南的该州首府,于17世纪早期建成并起名为哈里斯渡口,后于1785年更名,1812年成为宾州首府。人口52,376〔Arizona〕A state of the southwest United States on the Mexican border. It was admitted as the 48th state in 1912. First explored by the Spanish in 1539, the area was acquired by the United States in 1848 through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Phoenix is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,677,985.亚利桑那:美国西南部一个州,与墨西哥接壤。1912年成为美国第48个州。西班牙人首次在1539年到此勘探,1848年通过瓜达卢佩-伊达尔戈条约该地区划归美国。菲尼克斯为该州首府和最大城市。人口3,677,985〔Montgomery〕The capital of Alabama, in the southeast-central part of the state south-southeast of Birmingham. Designated the state capital in 1847, the city boomed as a cotton market and port on the Alabama River. From February to May 1861 it served as the first capital of the Confederate States of America. Population, 187,106.蒙哥马利:美国亚拉巴马州首府,位于该州中部偏东南,伯明翰东南偏南部。1847年被定为该州首府。该市作为棉花市场和亚拉巴马河港口而兴旺起来。在1861年2月到5月成为美国联邦州的第一个首府。人口187,106〔Lincoln〕The capital of Nebraska, in the southeast part of the state southwest of Omaha. Founded in 1864 as Lancaster, it was renamed when it was chosen as the state capital in 1867. Population, 191,972.林肯:美国内布拉斯加州的首府,位于奥马哈西南,该州东南部。1864年首建时被称为兰开斯特,1867被选作该州首府而重新命名。人口191,972〔Benicia〕A city of western California on an inlet of San Francisco Bay north-northeast of Oakland. It was the state capitol from 1853 to 1854. Population, 24,437.贝尼西亚:美国加利福尼亚西部一城市,位于奥克兰东北偏北的旧金山湾入口处。1853年至1854年为该州首府。人口24,437〔Idaho〕A state of the northwest United States. It was admitted as the 43rd state in 1890. First explored by the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805, the region was held jointly by Great Britain and the United States from 1818 to 1846. Idaho became a separate territory in 1863. Boise is the capital and the largest city. Population, 1,011,986.爱达荷州:美国西北部的一个州。1890年作为第四十三个州加入美国。1805年刘易斯和克拉克考察队第一次勘探了该州,从1818至1846年,该地区由英国和美国共管。1863年成为一个独立的国家。博伊西是该州首府。人口1,011,986〔Mississippi〕A state of the southeast United States. It was admitted as the 20th state in 1817. The first settlers in the region (1699) were French, and the area became part of Louisiana. It passed to the British (1763-1779) and then to the Spanish before being ceded to the United States in 1783. The Mississippi Territory, organized in 1798 and enlarged in 1804 and 1813, also included the present state of Alabama. Jackson is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,586,443.密西西比:美国东南部的一个州。它于1817年被接受为第二十个州。此地区最早的定居者(1699年)是法国人,当时这一片地区是路易斯安那的一部分。后来又归英国(1763-1779年)和西班牙统治,最后于1783年割让与美国。1789年成立密西西比区,并于1804和1813年两次扩大,其中也包括今天的阿拉巴马州。杰克逊是州首府和最大的城市。人口2,586,443〔Delaware〕Abbr. DE,Del.A state of the eastern United States on the Atlantic Ocean. It was admitted as the first of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1787. Settled by the Dutch in 1631 and by Swedes in 1638, the region passed to England in 1664. It was part of William Penn's Pennsylvania grant from 1682 until 1776. Dover is the capital and Wilmington the largest city. Population, 668,696.缩写 DE,Del.特拉华州:美国东部一州,临大西洋。1787年成为最早的13个殖民地中的第一个殖民地。1631年和1638年荷兰人和瑞典人分别在此殖民,1664年该地区被转让给英国。从1682年至1776年,该地区一直是威廉·佩恩的宾夕法尼亚州授与地的一部分。多佛为该州首府,威明顿为该州最大的城市。人口668,696〔Helena〕The capital of Montana, in the west-central part of the state north-northeast of Butte. It was founded in 1864 after the discovery of gold at Last Chance Gulch. Helena became the territorial capital after 1874 and the state capital in 1889. Population, 24,569.赫勒拿:美国蒙大纳州首府,位于该州的中西部地区,在巴特的东北偏北。在“最后的机会峡谷”发现金子之后,建于1864年。赫勒拿于1874年后成为地方性的首府,1889年成为州首府。人口24,569〔Knoxville〕A city of eastern Tennessee on the Tennessee River northeast of Chattanooga. Settled c. 1785, it twice served as the state capital (1796-1812 and 1817-1819). Population, 165,121.诺克斯维尔:美国田纳西东部一城市,位于田纳西河畔、查塔努加东北。建于1785年,曾两次作为州首府(1796-1812 和1817-1819年)。人口165,121〔Phoenix〕The capital and largest city of Arizona, in the south-central part of the state northwest of Tucson. Settled c. 1868, it became territorial capital in 1889 and state capital in 1912. The city is noted as a winter and health resort. Population, 983,403.菲尼克斯:美国亚利桑那州的首府和最大城市,位于该州的中南部地区、图森西北部,1868年建立,1889年成为地区性首府,1912年成为州首府。该城以冬季和疗养胜地而闻名。人口983,403




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