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单词 局限于
释义 〔private〕Of or confined to the individual; personal:个人的,私人的:局限于个人的;个人的:〔science〕Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.自然科学:局限于自然现象的活动〔shall〕The sentenceYou shall have your money expresses a promise ("I will see that you get your money"), whereasYou will have your money makes a simple prediction. · Such, at least, are the traditional rules.But the distinction has never taken firm root outside of what H.W. Fowler described as "the English of the English" (as opposed to that of the Scots and Irish), and even there it has always been subject to variation.Despite the efforts of generations of American schoolteachers, the distinction is largely alien to the modern American idiom.In Americawill is used to express most of the senses reserved for shall in English usage, andshall itself is restricted to first person interrogative proposals, as inShall we go? and to certain fixed expressions, such asWe shall overcome. Shall is also used in formal style to express an explicit obligation,as inApplicants shall provide a proof of residence, though this sense is also expressed bymust or should. In speech the distinction that the English signal by the choice ofshall or will may be rendered by stressing the auxiliary, as in I will leave tomorrow ("I intend to leave"); by choosing another auxiliary, such as must or have to; or by using an adverb such as certainly. · Many earlier American writers observed the traditional distinction betweenshall and will, and some continue to do so.The practice cannot be called incorrect,though it may strike American ears as somewhat mannered.But the distinction is difficult for those who do not come by it natively,and Americans who essay ashall in an unfamiliar context run considerable risk of getting it wrong, and so of being caught out in that most embarrassing of linguistic gaffes, the bungled Anglicism.See Usage Note at should 句子你将得到你的钱 表达了一种承诺(“我将保证你得到你的钱”), 而你会得到你的钱 仅仅做出了简单预测。 这些至少是传统规则。但是这种用法上的区别仅局限于H·W·福勒所描述的“英格兰人的英语”(与苏格兰人和爱尔兰人的英语相对),即使在英格兰英语中它一直在变化。尽管经过几代美国学校教师的努力,这种区别对现代美国习惯用语仍是相当生疏的。在美国,will 被用来表达在英国用法中大多为 shall 保留的含义, 而shall 则限于第一人称疑问句式的提议, 如在我们该走了吧? 及某些固定表达中, 例如我们会克服的。 Shall 也用在正式文体中表示明确职责,如申请者应提供居留证明 , 虽然这个意义也可用must 或 should 表达。 在口语中可以通过强调助动词shall 或 will ,如 我 将 于明天离开 (“我打算明天离开”);或通过选择另一个助动词 must 或 have to ;或通过使用如 certainly 这样的副词来表达英国人用这两个词时的区别。 许多早期的美国作家注意到了shall 和 will 之间的传统区别, 而且一些人仍在继续这样做。这种用法不能被称作不正确,虽然美国人听起来有点矫揉造作的意味。但是这种区别对于那些不能通过母语了解它的人是困难的,而且在一个不熟悉的上下文中,试图用shall 的美国人很有可能犯错误, 因而在许多令人难堪的语言即被搞得一团糟的英式英语中出丑 参见 should〔azonic〕Not restricted to a particular zone or region; not local.非局部地区的,非本地的:不局限于某个特别的地带或地区的;非本地的〔privileged〕Confined to an exclusive or chosen group of individuals:特许的:只局限于特别的或特选的一些人:〔trivial〕"Our knights are limited to petty enterprises" (Sir Walter Scott). “我们的骑士被局限于琐碎的事业” (华尔特·司各特爵士)。 〔localized〕Restricted to a particular place.地方的,地方的:局限于特定地区的〔interloper〕The wordinterloper comes to us from the days when England was embarking on the course that would lead to the British Empire. Interloper, first recorded in connection with the Muscovy Company, which was the earliest major English trading company (chartered in 1555),was soon being used as well in regard to the East India Company (chartered in 1600).Since these companies were monopolies,independent traders calledinterlopers were not wanted. The term is probably partly derived from Dutch,the language of one of the great trade rivals of the English at that time.Theinter- is simply a use of the prefix inter-, which English has borrowed from Latin,meaning "between, among.”The element-loper is probably related to the same element in landloper, "vagabond,” a word adopted from Dutchlandlooper, with the same sense and composed ofland, "land,” and lōper, from lōpen, "to run, leap.” The wordinterloper, first recorded around 1590, was too useful in a world of busybodies to be restricted to its original specialized senseand came to be used in the extended sense "busybody" in the 17th century.单词interloper 起源于英格兰向大英帝国演化的年代。 有关interloper 的记载最早与曼斯可维公司有联系。 这家公司是英国早期的主要贸易公司(设立于1555年)。随后这词又用于与东印度公司(设立于1600年)有关的方面。因为这两家公司都是垄断企业,因而不需要称interlopers 为独立经营者。 这一词条可能部分来源于荷兰语,当时英国主要贸易对手之一的语言。inter- 只是简单地作为前缀 inter- 使用, 这前缀是英语以拉丁语借用过来的,意为“在…之间,在…当中。”词素-loper 可能与“流浪汉” landloper 中的相同词素有关, 这个词从荷兰语landlooper 吸收过来, 意义不变,由“土地”land 和来自 lopen 意为“跑,跳”的 loper 组成。 interloper 一词最早约记载于1590年, 在充满多事者的世界里极为有用以致于不能局限于其原来的专有意思,在17世纪逐渐使用其引申义“爱管闲事的人”〔behavior〕 Deportment more narrowly pertains to actions measured by a prevailing code of social behavior: Deportment 指更局限于受社会行为准则评价的行为举止: 〔punctual〕Confined to or having the nature of a point in space.点的:局限于空间上一点的或具有空间上点的性质的




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