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单词 尽管这样
释义 〔consensus〕Many grammarians have maintained that the expressionconsensus of opinion is redundant, inasmuch asconsensus itself denotes a judgment about which there is general agreement. Consensus of opinion has often been used by reputable writers, however, and has sometimes been defended on the grounds that a consensus may involve attitudes other than opinions;thus, one may speak of aconsensus of beliefs, or a consensus of usage. Nonetheless, the qualifying phrase can usually be omitted with no loss of clarity.The sentenceIt was the consensus of opinion among the sportswriters that the game should not have been played says nothing that is not said by 许多语法学家都认为短语consensus of opinion 这个说法是罗唆的, 因为consensus 本身就表示一种得到大多数同意的意见。 然而consensus of opinion 仍常常被知名作家所使用, 并且有时人们会辩解说它除了意见上的一致外可能还包括态度上的一致;因此,我们可以说consensus of beliefs(信仰一致) 或 consensus of usage(用法一致)。 尽管这样,限定性短语通常可以被省略而不会使表达不清楚。如体育新闻记者们的一致意见是这场比赛本不应该进行的 这个句子并不比 〔bubble〕"Macon—though terribly distressed—had to fight down a bubble of laughter"(Anne Tyler)“麦肯——不得不抑制住欢快的笑声,尽管这样做他觉得极度痛苦”(安妮·泰勒)〔kaput〕The games people play can become deadly serious,as exemplified by the wordkaput. Our word is an adoption of the German word kaputt, whose senses are similar to those of the English word.German in turn borrowed this word from the French gaming tables,wherecapot as an adjective meant "not having won a single trick at piquet.” Devastating as this might be to a piquet player,it would surprise kibitzers to see how widely the word's range of meaning has been extended in German and English,in which it is first recorded in 1895.For example, one's car can be kaput and so can oneself.As for the ultimate source of Frenchcapot we cannot be certain,but it seems to go back to a modern Provençal word,of which the first element iscap, "head.” 人们在玩牌时可能变得非常认真,如kaput 一词例示的这个英语单词是吸收了德语 kaputt 一词演变而来的。 该德语词的词义与它的词义相似。而德国人又从法国人的赌桌上借用了该词。在赌桌上,capot 作为一个形容词又为“打皮克牌时未赢一圈的”。 尽管这样可能会令玩皮克牌的人晦气,旁观并议论牌局的人也许会吃惊地发现该词在德语和英语中的引申义是多么广泛。该词于1895年首次记载在德语和英语中。例如,车主的车可能会损坏,车主也可能失败。至于法语capot 一词的词源, 我们不甚了解,但似乎可以追溯到现代普罗旺斯语,其中的第一个成分cap 表示“头”的意思




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