单词 | 尼罗河 |
释义 | 〔Biafra〕A region of eastern Nigeria on theBight of Biafra, an arm of the Gulf of Guinea stretching from the Niger River delta to northern Gabon. It formed a secessionist state from May 1967 to January 1970. 比夫拉:尼日利亚东部一地区,位于比夫拉湾, 几内亚湾内从尼罗河三角洲向北到刚果的一个分支。从1967年5月至1970年1月成立一脱离主义者州 〔Shilluk〕A member of a people inhabiting the western bank of the Nile River in southern Sudan.希卢克人:居住在苏丹南部尼罗河西岸一个部族的成员〔Nasser〕A lake of southeast Egypt and northern Sudan. It was formed in the 1960's by the construction of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile river. The rising waters of the lake submerged many historic sites.纳赛尔湖:埃及东南部和苏丹北部的一个湖。它是在20世纪60年代由于阿斯旺高水坝在尼罗河上的建设而形成的,湖水的高涨淹没了许多历史遗迹〔Elephantine〕An island of southeast Egypt in the Nile River below the First Cataract. In ancient times it was a military post guarding the southern frontier of Egypt. The Elephantine papyruses, dating from the fifth centuryb.c. , were discovered here in 1903. 埃勒分蒂尼:埃及东南部的一个岛,位于尼罗河上,在第一大瀑布下。古代为保卫埃及南部边疆的军事要塞。1903年在该处发现公元前 5世纪前埃的勒分蒂尼纸莎草文件 〔Nilotic〕Of or relating to the peoples who speak Nilotic languages.尼罗河流域居民的:属于或关于说尼罗河语的民族的〔Bambara〕A member of a people of the upper Niger River valley.班巴拉人:尼罗河河谷上游民族的成员〔Alexandria〕A city of northern Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the western tip of the Nile Delta. It was founded by Alexander the Great in 332b.c. and became a repository of Jewish, Arab, and Hellenistic culture famous for its extensive libraries. Its pharos (lighthouse) was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Population, 2,821,000. 亚历山大:埃及北部的城市,位于尼罗河三角洲西端的地中海沿岸。于公元前 332年由亚历山大大帝建立,并成为犹太、阿拉伯和希腊文化的博物馆,尤以其广博的收藏品而闻名。法罗斯岛(灯塔)是世界七大奇迹之一。人口2,821,000 〔Damietta〕A city of northeast Egypt on the Nile River delta north-northeast of Cairo. It was conquered by Crusaders in 1219. Population, 118,100.达米埃塔:埃及东北部一城市,位于在尼罗河三角洲上、开罗东北偏北。1219年被十字军征服。人口118,100〔Victoria〕A lake of east-central Africa bordered by Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. It was first sighted in 1858 by the British explorer John Speke, who was searching for the source of the Nile River.维多利亚湖:非洲中东部的湖泊,在乌干达、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚接界处。它是在1858年被英国探险家约翰·斯巴克在寻找尼罗河的源头时首次发现的〔Napata〕An ancient city of Nubia near the Fourth Cataract of the Nile River in modern-day Sudan. It flourished during the eighth centuryb.c. 纳巴塔:努比亚的一座古城,位于现今苏丹的尼罗河第四瀑布附近,在公元前 8世纪期间很繁荣 〔Tana〕A lake of northwest Ethiopia. It is the largest lake in the country and the source of the Blue Nile.塔纳湖,塔斯纳湖:埃塞俄比亚西北的一个湖泊。它是该国内的最大湖泊,也是蓝尼罗河的源头〔Ruwenzori〕A mountain range of east-central Africa on the Uganda-Zaire border. The range was explored in 1889 by Henry M. Stanley and has traditionally been associated with the geographer Ptolemy's Mountains of the Moon, the supposed source of the Nile River.鲁文佐里山:非洲中东部沿乌干达-扎伊尔边界的一座山脉。1889年亨利·M·斯坦利探险时发现这座山,传统上与地理学家托勒密的月亮山-尼罗河的假设源头有联系〔Shilluk〕The Nilotic language of the Shilluk.希卢克语:希卢克人使用的语言,属于尼罗河流域语群〔Giza〕A city of northern Egypt, an industrial suburb of Cairo on the Nile River. The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby. Population, 1,608,400.吉萨:埃及北部的一个城市,位于尼罗河上开罗的一个工业区。雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近。人口1,608,400〔Damanhur〕A city of northeast Egypt on the Nile River delta northwest of Cairo. In ancient times it was known as Hermopolis Parva. Population, 221,500.达曼胡尔:埃及东北部一城市,位于尼罗河三角洲上、开罗西北。在古代,因赫尔莫波利斯·帕瓦而闻名。人口221,500〔Abydos〕An ancient city of southern Egypt on the Nile River northwest of Thebes. One of the oldest Egyptian cities, it was a religious center for the worship of Osiris and a burial site for the kings of the earliest dynasties.阿比杜斯:尼罗河上埃及南部一古老城市,位于底比斯西北部。为埃及最古老的城市之一,是供奉俄赛里斯神的宗教中心又是最早期各代帝王的埋葬地〔Philae〕A former island in the Nile River of southeast Egypt. Site of many ancient temples and monuments, it was particularly noted for its temple dedicated to Isis. The island is now covered by the waters of Lake Nasser.菲莱:原是埃及东南部尼罗河中的一个岛屿,是许多古代庙宇和纪念碑的废址,尤以祭祀司生育与繁殖的艾希丝女神的庙宇而闻名,这个岛现在被纳塞湖的水淹没〔malaprop〕"She's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile" and "He is the very pineapple of politeness" are two of the statements from the mouth of Mrs. Malapropthat helped her name become synonymous with ludicrous misuse of language.Mrs. Malaprop, a character in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's playThe Rivals, produced in 1775, consistently uses language malapropos,that is, inappropriately.The wordmalapropos comes from the French phrase mal à propos, made up ofmal, "badly,” à, "to,” and propos, "purpose, subject,” and literally means "badly to the purpose,” or "inappropriate.” The Rivals was a popular play, and Mrs. Malaprop became enshrined in a common noun,first in the formmalaprop and later inmalapropism, which is first recorded in 1849.Perhaps that is what Mrs. Malaprop fearedwhen she said "An aspersion upon my parts of speech" and "If I reprehend any thing in this world,it is the use of my oracular tongue,and a nice derangement of epitaphs!”“她与尼罗河堤岸上的寓言一样顽固”和“他正是礼貌的菠萝”是从马勒普罗太太嘴里说出的两句话。她的这张嘴使她的名字成为荒唐地错用语言的代名词。1775 年,理查德·布林斯利·夏里丹写成了剧本情敌 ,马勒普罗太太就是这剧中的一个人物。 她不断地误用词语,即遣词造句不当。单词malapropos 来源于法语短语 mal _ propos, 构成是mal, “坏地”, _ “对于”和 propos, “目的,目标”结合起来,意指“对于目标不适当地”或“不恰当的”。 情敌 是一部很受欢迎的戏剧, 马勒普罗太太逐渐演变成一个大家都接受的名词。这个名词一开始的形式是malaprop , 后来变成malapropism, 最早的记载是在1849年。可能使马勒普罗太太最为担心的,是当她说“对我部分言语所进行的诽谤”和“如果我还对这个世界上的任何事物能理解的话,那就是我玄妙的言语运用,以及墓志铭上那美妙的错乱!”〔Benue〕A river of western Africa rising in Cameroon and flowing about 1,078 km (670 mi) to the Niger River in central Nigeria.本尼:非洲西部一条河流,发源于喀麦隆,流程约1,078公里(670英里),在尼日利亚中部注入尼罗河〔Aswan〕A city of southern Egypt at the First Cataract of the Nile River near theAswan High Dam. Construction of the dam, dedicated in 1971, required the relocation of some 90,000 people and numerous archaeological treasures. The city's population is 182,700. 阿斯旺:埃及南部一城市,位于尼罗河第一瀑布,阿斯旺水坝附近。 于1971年举行的水坝落成式,需迁移90,000人及大量考古学珍藏。该城人口182,700 〔Karnak〕A village of east-central Egypt on the right bank of the Nile River on part of the site of ancient Thebes. Its pharaonic remains include the Great Temple of Amen and a massive structure begun by Amenhotep III.卡尔奈克:埃及中部偏东的一个村庄,在尼罗河右岸,位于古底比斯的遗址。埃及法老时期的遗迹包括亚扪神殿和安曼霍特普三世时期开始的宏伟建筑〔Baker〕British explorer who founded a settlement at Ceylon (1848), explored the Blue Nile region (1861-1862), and discovered Lake Albert (1864).贝克,塞缪尔·怀特:(1821-1893) 英国探险家,他于1848年在锡兰建立了殖民地,探察了蓝尼罗河地区(1861-1862年),并发现了阿尔贝特湖(1864年)〔Nile〕The longest river in the world, flowing about 6,677 km (4,150 mi) through eastern Africa from its most remote sources in Burundi to a delta on the Mediterranean Sea in northeast Egypt. The main headstreams, theBlue Nile and the White Nile, join at Khartoum in Sudan to form the Nile proper. The river has been used for irrigation in Egypt since at least 4000 b.c. , a function now regulated largely by the Aswan High Dam. 尼罗河:世界最长的河流,流程6,677公里(4,150英里)从布隆迪荒凉地带至埃及东北部地中海沿岸的三角洲穿过东非。主要的干流是青尼罗河 和 白尼罗河, 它们在苏丹境内的喀土穆交汇组成尼罗河。从至少 公元前 4000年开始这条河就在埃及被用于农田水利,现在这一功效因阿斯旺高坎的落成而更广泛 〔Goshen〕A region of ancient Egypt on the eastern delta of the Nile River. According to the Old Testament, it was inhabited by the Israelites from the time of Jacob until the Exodus.歌珊地:古埃及的一块地区,位于尼罗河三角洲的东部。据旧约圣经记载,从雅克时期以色列人就居住在那儿直到出埃及〔Beja〕A member of a people living primarily as pastoral nomads in the area between the Nile River and the Red Sea.贝贾:居住在尼罗河与红海之间,主要从事游牧活动的民族的成员〔Nubia〕A desert region and ancient kingdom in the Nile River valley of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. After the 20th centuryb.c. it was controlled by the rulers of Egypt, although in the 8th and 7th centuries an independent kingdom arose that conquered Eygpt and ruled as the XXV Dynasty (712-663). Converted to Christianity in the 6th century a.d. , Nubia united with Ethiopia but fell to the Moslems in the 14th century. Much of the region was flooded by the completion of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960's. 努比亚:埃及南部和苏丹北部尼罗河谷的沙漠地区和古代王国公元前 。20世纪后被埃及统治者控制,但是在公元前8世纪和7世纪曾兴起一个独立王国,征服了埃及并作为二十王朝(公元前712-663年)统治。 公元后 6世纪皈依基督教,努比亚和埃塞俄比亚联合,但在14世纪又转为伊斯兰教。在20世纪60年代亚斯文高水坝建成之前,这里大部分地区洪水泛滥 〔Heliopolis〕An ancient city of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta north of modern Cairo. It was the center of worship of the sun god Ra until the rise of Thebes (c. 2100b.c. ). Its importance as a historical repository with famed schools of philosophy and astronomy declined after the founding of Alexandria in the fourth century b.c. Two of its obelisks, both known as Cleopatra's Needle, are now in London and in New York City's Central Park. 赫利奥波利斯:埃及北部一座古城,位于尼罗河三角洲,在今开罗以北。在底比斯崛起(公元前 2100年)之前,一直是朝拜太阳神位的中心。它是一座历史的宝库,拥有众多闻名的哲学及天文学学校,其重要性直到 公元前 4世纪随着亚历山大城的建立才逐渐下降。有两块都被称作“克娄巴特拉方尖碑”,目前一块置于伦敦,另一块在纽约的中央公园里 〔Naucratis〕An ancient city of Egypt in the Nile River delta southeast of Alexandria. Greek colonists probably settled here in the seventh centuryb.c. 瑙克拉提斯:埃及尼罗河三角洲上的一个古城,位于亚历山大的东南部,希腊的殖民主义可能在公元前 7世纪时定居于此 〔Cambyses〕King of Persia (529-522) who extended Persian rule throughout the Nile Valley.康比斯:波斯国王(529至522年在位),他将波斯人的统治扩张到尼罗河流域〔Burton〕British explorer and Orientalist. Disguised as a Pathan, he journeyed (1853) to the forbidden cities of Mecca and Medina and in 1858 tried unsuccessfully to discover the source of the Nile River. His best-known work is a translation ofThe Arabian Nights (1885-1888), which was considered scandalous at the time. 伯顿,理查德·弗朗西斯:(1821-1890) 英国探险家和东方学家。他假扮成帕坦人游历了禁城麦加和麦地那(1853年),1858年他试图探索尼罗河源头,但未成功。他最有名的作品是《天方夜谭》 (1885-1888年)的译本,此部作品在当时被认为是丑恶可耻的 〔Tanis〕An ancient city of Egypt in the eastern delta of the Nile River. Important during the XIX and XXI Dynasties, it was abandoned after the sixth centurya.d. 塔尼斯:埃及的一个古城,位于尼罗河三角区东部。它在第十四和第十六朝时地位十分重要,在公元 6世纪之后被废弃 〔Abukir〕A village of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta on theBay of Abukir. Adm. Horatio Nelson's victory over a French fleet off Abukir in 1798 restored British prestige in the Mediterranean and ended French hopes of establishing a stronghold in the Middle East. 阿布基尔:尼罗河三角洲,位于阿布基尔海湾 上埃及北部的一个村庄。霍拉萧·纳尔逊将军曾于1798年在阿布基尔附近击败法国舰队,使英国的声望在地中海得以重建,并粉碎了法国在中东建立要塞的希望 〔Nilotic〕Of or relating to the Nile or the Nile Valley.尼罗河流域的:尼罗河或尼罗河谷的或与尼罗河及尼罗河谷有关的〔Thebes〕An ancient city of Upper Egypt on the Nile River in present-day central Egypt. It flourished from the mid-22nd to the 18th centuryb.c. as a royal residence and a religious center for the worship of Amen. Its archaeological remains include many splendid temples and the tomb of Tutankhamen in the nearby Valley of the Kings. 底比斯:上埃及古城,濒临尼罗河,位于今埃及中部。曾为皇室居地和亚扪神膜拜的宗教中心,从公元前 22世纪中期到公元前18世纪曾繁荣一时。建筑遗迹包括许多辉煌的神殿和国王谷附近的杜唐卡蒙陵墓 〔Livingstone〕Scottish missionary and African explorer. He discovered the Zambezi River (1851) and Victoria Falls (1855). Henry M. Stanley found him in Tanzania (1871), and together they attempted to find the source of the Nile.利文斯通,戴维:(1813-1873) 苏格兰传教士及非洲探险家。他发现了赞比西河(1851年)和维多利亚瀑布(1855年)。亨利·M·史坦利在坦桑尼亚找到他然后二人试图共同寻找尼罗河的源头〔Dinka〕A member of a traditionally pastoral people of the Nile valley in southern Sudan.丁卡人:久居南苏丹尼罗河谷的放牧民族〔Atbara〕A river of northeast Africa rising in northwest Ethiopia and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) to the Nile River in eastern Sudan.阿特巴拉河:非洲东北部一条河流,发源于埃塞俄比亚西北部,流程约805公里(500英里),在苏丹东部注入尼罗河〔Nelson〕British admiral who defeated the French fleet in the Battle of the Nile (1798), thus ending Napoleon's attempt to conquer Egypt, and destroyed French and Spanish naval forces at Trafalgar (1805), where he was mortally wounded.怀康待,霍拉肖:(1758-1805) 英国海军上将,在尼罗河战役(1798年)中打败法国舰队,这样就结束了拿破仑征服埃及的企图。1805年在特拉尔加摧毁了法国和西班牙的海军力量并身负重伤〔Bubastis〕An ancient city of northeast Egypt in the Nile delta. It was a religious center for the worship of the cat-headed god Bast.布巴斯提斯:埃及东北部,尼罗河三角洲一古城,曾是祭拜猫头神巴斯特的宗教中心〔Tanta〕A city of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta north of Cairo. It is a processing center and railroad hub. Population, 364,700.坦塔:埃及北部一城市,位于尼罗河三角洲,开罗北部。它是一个加工业中心和铁路枢纽。人口364,700 |
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