单词 | 尼科美 |
释义 | 〔Nicomedia〕An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the Bosporus in present-day Turkey. It flourished from 264b.c. until it was sacked by Goths in a.d. 258. Diocletian chose it for the capital of his Eastern Roman Empire, but it was soon superseded by Byzantium. 尼科美底亚:位于小亚细亚西北部的一座古城,在当今土耳其境内临博斯普鲁斯海峡。自公元前 264年开始兴盛直至 公元 258年被哥特人掠走。戴科里先将它定为东罗马帝国的首都。但不久又被拜占庭取代 |
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