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单词 尼斯
释义 〔Antibes〕A city of southeast France on the Riviera between Nice and Cannes. A seaport and fashionable resort, it is the center of one of Europe's largest flower-growing regions. Population, 62,859.安提比斯:法国东南部一城市,位于尼斯和坎纳之间的里维埃拉。这里是海港和旅游胜地,又是欧洲一个最大花卉种植区的中心。人口62,859〔Cannes〕A city of southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea near Nice. It is a fashionable resort and the site of an annual international film festival. Population, 72,259.戛纳:法国东南部的一城市,位于尼斯附近地中海沿岸。是一个著名的度假胜地,也是举行一年一度国际电影节的地方。人口72,259〔Eratosthenes〕Greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer who devised a map of the world and estimated the circumference of the earth and the distance to the moon and the sun.埃拉托色尼斯:希腊数学家、天文学家、地理学家,他设计了一种世界地图并推测了地球的周长及地球到月球和太阳的距离〔oriflamme〕Middle English oriflamble [banner of St. Denis] 中古英语 oriflamble [圣蒂尼斯的旗帜] 〔oriflamme〕The red or orange-red flag of the Abbey of Saint Denis in France, used as a standard by the early kings of France.红色王旗:法国圣蒂尼斯修道院的一种红色或桔红色旗帜,被早期法国王室用作一种标志〔Randolph〕American Revolutionary leader and public official. A member of the Constitutional Convention (1787), he later served as U.S. attorney general (1789-1794) and secretary of state (1794-1795).伦道夫,埃德蒙·珍尼斯:(1753-1813) 美国革命领袖和政治官员,大陆会议的代表之一(1787年),后来担任美国司法部长(1789-1794年)和国务卿(1794-1795年)〔Nice〕A city of southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea northeast of Cannes. Controlled by various royal houses after the 13th century, the city was finally ceded to France in 1860. It is the leading resort city of the French Riviera and is known for its beaches, casinos, and luxurious hotels. Population, 337,085.尼斯:法国东南部城市,在戛纳东北的地中海沿岸。13世纪以后被多个贵族家庭控制,1860年最终割让给法国。是法国沿海主要的旅游城市,并因它的沙滩、娱乐场和豪华宾馆闻名于世。人口337,085〔Flaminius〕Roman politician and general who defeated the Macedonian forces at Cynoscephalae (197).弗莱明尼斯,提图斯·昆克提斯:(227?-174) 罗马政治家和将军,在锡诺斯克法莱山(公元前197年)击败马其顿军队〔Eteocles〕A son of Oedipus and Jocasta who agreed to reign in Thebes in alternating years with his brother, Polynices, but refused to resign after the first year.依泰尔克斯:奥狄帕斯与依俄卡斯特所生的儿子,他同意与其兄弟波里尼斯每年轮流统治底比斯,但却在统治第一年后拒绝将底比斯托交给其兄弟〔Firbank〕British writer known for his satiric novels, includingVainglory (1915) and Valmouth (1919). 弗班克,(阿瑟·安尼斯雷)罗纳德:(1886-1926) 英国作家,因其讽刺小说闻名,包括《虚荣心》 (1915年)和 《瓦尔穆斯》 (1919年) 〔Barnum〕American showman who established The Greatest Show on Earth (1871), which was merged with its major competition (1881) to form the Barnum and Bailey Circus.巴纳姆,菲(尼斯)·泰(勒):(1810-1891) 美国马戏团节目演出经理人,建立了世界大马戏团(1871年),(1881年)与其主要竞争对手合并形成巴纳姆贝利马戏团〔Grasse〕A town of southeast France west of Nice. Probably founded in Roman times, it was an independent republic in the 12th century. The city has long been noted for its perfume industry. Population, 24,553.格拉斯:法国东南部一个城镇,位于尼斯西方。可能建立于罗马时代,在12世纪时曾是独立共和国。 该市因其香水工业而久负盛名。人口24,553〔Niskayuna〕An unincorporated community of east-central New York, a suburb between Albany and Schenectady. There are research laboratories in the town. Population, 17,471.尼斯卡于纳:美国纽约中东部的一个没有合并的郊区社区,位于奥尔巴尼和斯克内克塔迪之间的,城内有研究实验室。人口17,471〔Barnard〕South African surgeon who performed the first human heart transplant (1967).巴纳德,克里斯蒂安·尼斯林:(生于 1923) 南非外科大夫,首次作了人类心脏移植手术(1967年)〔gamut〕ut [first note of the lowest hexachord] after ut , first word in a Latin hymn to Saint John the Baptist, the initial syllables of successive lines of which were sung to the notes of an ascending scale CDEFGA: Ut queant laxis re sonare fibris Mi ra gestorum fa muli tuorum, Sol ve polluti la bii reatum, Sancte Iohannes ut [最低六度音阶的第一个音符] 源自 ut ,施洗者圣约翰拉丁文赞歌中的第一个单词,按上升音阶CDEFGA所演唱的一系列音符中的首字母: 音阶的第一音 queant laxis 音阶的第二音 sonare fibris 音阶的第三音 ra gestorum 音阶的第四音 muli tuorum 音阶的第五音 ve polluti 音阶的第六音 bii reatum,萨克特·因汉尼斯




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