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单词 尼克松
释义 〔Lodge〕American politician and diplomat. He was Richard Nixon's running mate in the 1960 presidential election and later served as ambassador to South Vietnam (1963-1967).洛奇,小亨利·卡伯特:(1902-1985) 美国政治家和外交家。在1960年总统大选中与理查德·尼克松搭档,后任美国驻南越大使(1963-1967年)〔pathetic〕"If when the chips are down, the world's most powerful nation . . . acts like a pitiful, helpless giant, the forces of totalitarianism and anarchy will threaten free nations and free institutions throughout the world" (Richard M. Nixon). “如果当情况危急时,世界上最强大的国家…象一个可怜的无助的巨人,那么集权主义和独裁势力将会威胁到全世界的自由国家和组织机构” (理查德·M·尼克松)。 〔Ervin〕American politician who as U.S. senator from North Carolina (1954-1974) led the committee that investigated the Watergate Scandal during the Nixon administration.欧文,小塞缪尔·詹姆斯:(生于 1896) 美国政治家,1954-1974年间曾任来自北卡罗来纳州的美国参议员,其间领导了调查尼克松政府水门丑闻的委员会〔silent〕"the great silent majority" (Richard M. Nixon).The term may also mean refraining from speech, as out of fear or confusion: “沉默的大多数” (理查德·M·尼克松)。这个词也可以指由于恐惧或迷惑等原因不说话: 〔superconducting〕"a revolutionary superconducting magnetic propulsion system"(Colin Nickerson)“革命性的超导电磁推进系统”(科林·尼克松)〔Agnew〕Vice President of the United States (1969-1973) under Richard M. Nixon. Agnew resigned amid charges of illegal financial dealings during his governorship of Maryland (1966-1968).阿格纽,斯普罗·狄奥多拉:(生于 1918) 理查德·M·尼克松政府时期的美国副总统(1969-1973年)。因其任马里兰州长期间(1966-1968年)的非法金融交易受到指控而辞职〔dark〕"Nixon confined himself to opaque philosophical statements that indicated he was not ready for a discussion of basic assumptions" (Henry A. Kissinger).“尼克松把自己沉浸在晦涩的哲学论述中,这意味着他不准备讨论基础假说” (亨利·A·基辛格)。〔vintage〕"It was vintage Nixon: the fear of confrontation; the indirect approach; the acute insight"(Henry A. Kissinger)“这就是独特的尼克松:害怕对峙;方法间接;洞察力敏锐”(亨利A.基辛格)〔negative〕"As voters get to know his liberal views, his negatives will rise"(Richard M. Nixon)"I'm known for being very forthright and honest in my opinions. If that's a negative, it's a negative"(Kitty Dukakis)“当投票者开始了解他的自由派言论后,他的消极之处便会显露出来”(理查德M.尼克松)“我因发表见解正直且诚实而闻名,如果那也是缺点的话,它就是一个缺点”(基蒂·杜卡基斯)〔plumber〕"The plumbers pushed the departments to investigate with interviews and polygraph tests"(Richard M. Nixon)“堵漏人员催促各部门通过采访和测谎器测验来进行督察”(理查德M.尼克松)〔stonewall〕"I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment"(Richard M. Nixon)“我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改”(理查德M.尼克松)〔Nixon〕First Lady of the United States (1969-1974) as the wife of President Richard M. Nixon. She worked to make the White House more accessible for disabled and sightless people and restored original antiques to many of the state rooms.尼克松,塞尔玛·凯瑟琳·瑞安:(生于 1912) 美国第一夫人(1969-1974年),总统里查·M·尼克松的妻子,她为使白宫更重视残疾和盲人而工作,并且将古董原物交回给国库〔Kissinger〕German-born American diplomat who was national security adviser (1969-1975) and U.S. secretary of state (1973-1977) under Presidents Nixon and Ford. He shared the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for helping negotiate the Vietnam cease-fire.基辛格,亨利·阿尔弗烈德:(生于 1923) 德国裔美国外交家,曾在尼克松总统和福特总统手下任国家安全事务顾问(1969-1975年)和美国国务卿(1973-1977年)。他因促进越南停战谈判而获1973年诺贝尔和平奖〔Ford〕The 38th President of the United States (1974-1977), who was appointed Vice President on the resignation of Spiro Agnew (1973) and became President after Richard Nixon's resignation over the Watergate scandal. As President, Ford granted a full pardon to Nixon (1974).福特,杰拉尔德·鲁道夫:(生于 1913) 美国第38届总统(1974-1977年),在斯皮罗·阿格纽(1973年)辞职后被任命为副总统并在理查德·尼克松因水门事件丑闻辞职后升为总统。作为总统,他对尼克松(1974年)之过一概不究〔Nixon〕The 37th President of the United States (1969-1974). Vice President (1953-1961) under Dwight D. Eisenhower, he lost the 1960 presidential election to John F. Kennedy. Elected President in 1968, he visited China (1972) and established détente with the U.S.S.R. Although he increased U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia, he was also responsible for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops. When Congress recommended three articles of impeachment for Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal, he resigned from office (August 9, 1974).尼克松,理查德·米尔豪斯:(生于 1913) 美国第三十七任总统(1969-1974年),在艾森豪·威尔执政时任副总统(1953-1961年),他在1960的总统选举中输给了约翰·F·肯尼迪,1968年为总统候选人,他访问了中国(1972年)并缓和了与苏联的关系。尽管他增加了美国在东南亚的军事介入,但他也对最终在美军从该地区的撤回中起主要作用。当国会因尼克松卷入水门事件丑闻交付三篇弹劾文章时,他辞去了总统职务(1974年8月9日)




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