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单词 小花
释义 〔snowberry〕Any of various tropical American shrubs or vines of the genusChiococca, having white globular fruit and small yellow or white flowers clustered in lateral racemes. 白雪浆果:一种热带美洲灌木或藤本植物白雪浆果 ,结有白色的球状果实,开侧生总状花序的黄色或白色小花 〔goosefoot〕Any of various weeds of the genusChenopodium, having small greenish flowers. 藜属植物:一种藜 属的莠草,开有淡绿花小花 〔pyxie〕A creeping evergreen shrub(Pyxidanthera barbulata) having small white or pinkish flowers, native to pine barrens of the eastern United States. 岩梅:一种匍匐生长四季常青的灌木(沙盖花 盖花属) 长有白色或粉红色的小花,生长于美国东部长有松林的沙地 〔pennywort〕A North American plant(Obolaria virginica) having fleshy leaves and small white or purplish flowers. 弗吉尼亚光钱草:一种长有柔嫩多汁的叶子和白紫色小花的北美(弗吉尼亚光叶草) 植物 〔pimpernel〕Any of various plants of the genusAnagallis, especially the scarlet pimpernel (A. arvensis) having opposite, entire leaves and small red, purple, or white flowers. 海绿:一种海绿 属植物,尤指艳红的海绿属植物 (琉璃繁缕属 琉璃繁缕) 有反向生长的金缘叶和红色、紫色和白色的小花 〔coyotillo〕A poisonous shrub(Karwinskia humboldtiana) native to Texas and Mexico, having small greenish flowers and black fruits. 洪堡鼠李:一种产于得克萨斯州和墨西哥的有毒灌木(洪堡鼠李) ,开有淡绿色的小花,结黑色的果实 〔motherwort〕Any of several Eurasian plants of the genusLeonurus, especially L. cardiaca, a weed having clusters of small purple or pink flowers and spine-tipped calyx lobes. 益母草,茺蔚:任一种生活于欧亚大陆的茺蔚属 植物,尤指 山艾属 野草,开紫色或粉色小花串,生有尖端有刺的花萼裂片 〔waterweed〕Any of various submersed aquatic herbs of the genusElodea, native to the New World, having opposite or whorled one-nerved narrow leaves and small axillary flowers. 伊乐藻:原产美洲的几种伊乐藻 属水底草本植物之任一种,有对生或轮生的单脉狭长叶片和腋生的小花 〔heliotrope〕Any of several plants of the genusHeliotropium, especially H. arborescens, native to Peru and having small, highly fragrant purplish flowers. Also called turnsole 天芥菜属植物:几种天芥菜 属中的任何一种植物,尤指 香水草 ,原产于秘鲁,开芳香的紫色小花 也作 turnsole〔madwort〕A low-growing Eurasian plant(Asperugo procumbens) having rough stems and small blue flowers. 糙草:一种产于欧亚大陆(糙草 糙草属) 的矮生植物,长有粗壮的茎杆并开蓝色的小花 〔angelica〕Any of various herbs of the genusAngelica in the parsley family, having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels, especially A. archangelica, whose roots and fruits are used in flavoring liqueurs and whose stems are candied and eaten. 独活:一种伞形科当归 属草本植物,有羽状复叶和白色或淡绿色的小花组成散状花序,特别是 圆当归 ,它的根和果实可用作酒的香料,茎有甜味可食用 〔caraway〕A biennial Eurasian herb(Carum carvi) in the parsley family, having finely divided leaves and clusters of small, white or pinkish flowers. 葛缕子:一种伞形科的两年生欧亚大陆草本植物(葛缕子) ,有微细全裂的叶子和白色或粉色小花花簇 〔ninebark〕Any of several shrubs of the genusPhysocarpus, especially P. opulifolius of eastern North America, having peeling or shredding bark and clusters of small white flowers. 九层皮,风箱果:一种风箱果 属的灌木。尤指北美洲东部的 P. opulifolius ,具有一层层薄皮并开白色小花 〔chaff〕The scales or bracts borne on the receptacle among the small, individual flowers of many plants in the composite family.膜片:许多菊科植物单朵小花的花托上长的鳞片或苞叶〔floweret〕A small flower; a floret.小花:一朵小花小花〔spikelet〕A small or secondary spike, characteristic of grasses and sedges, having a varying number of reduced flowers each subtended by one or two scalelike bracts.小穗,小穗状花序:禾草或蓑衣草所特有的一种小的或次级的穗,具有数目不等的由一至二片鳞状苞片衬托的渐少的小花〔edelweiss〕An alpine plant(Leontopodium alpinum), native to Europe and having leaves covered with whitish down and small flower heads surrounded by conspicuous whitish bracts. 火绒草:一种原产于欧洲的高山植物(高山火绒草 火绒草属) ,叶面覆盖有白毛,开为明显的白色苞片环绕四周的小花 〔colicroot〕Any of certain perennial herbs of the genusAletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic. Also called star grass 绞痛根:一种百合科粉条儿菜属 多年生草本植物,特别是 北美粉条儿菜 ,产于北美东部,长有白色小花的总状花序,根茎最初用于药中治疗疝痛 也作 star grass〔clearweed〕Either of two eastern North American annual plants(Pilea pumila or P. fontana) having short, drooping clusters of tiny greenish-white flowers and translucent stems and leaves. Also called richweed 北美冷水花,美豆:两种北美东部一年生植物中的一种(水冷花属 北美水冷花 或 水冷花) ,有短且下垂的花簇,开白色杂淡绿的小花,茎和叶透明 也作 richweed〔lavender〕Any of various aromatic Old World plants of the genusLavandula, especially L. angustifolia, having clusters of small purplish flowers that yield an oil used in perfumery. 熏衣草:任一种产于欧洲的熏衣草 属芳香植物,尤指 狭叶熏衣草 ,开成串的紫色小花,其香精油可用于制香水 〔lantana〕Any of various aromatic, chiefly tropical shrubs of the genusLantana, having dense spikes or heads and small colorful flowers. 马缨丹属:各种芳香植物的任一种,主要是热带灌木类马缨丹属 ,有浓密的穗状花序或头状花序和颜色鲜艳的小花 〔dodder〕Any of various leafless, annual parasitic herbs of the genusCuscuta that lack chlorophyll and have slender, twining, yellow or reddish stems and small whitish flowers. 菟丝子,菟丝子属植物:一年生无叶寄生草本植物菟丝子属 ,缺少叶绿素,有细长蜷曲黄色或浅红色茎,开白色小花 〔chickweed〕Any of various herbs of the generaCerastium and Stellaria, especially S. media, a European weed naturalized worldwide. The herb has small white flowers, petals with two deep lobes, and opposite leaves. 卷耳:卷耳 属和 繁缕 属中任何一种草本植物,特别是指原产于欧洲而后在全世界引种的 繁缕 ,这种草本植物开有白色的小花,花瓣有两个深裂片,叶为对生叶 〔leatherwood〕A deciduous shrub(Dirca palustris) of eastern North America, having tough flexible branches, pliable bark, and small yellow flowers. Also called moosewood ,wicopy 沼泽革木:一种生长于北美洲东部的落叶灌木(沼泽革木 麋木) ,树干坚硬有韧性,树皮柔韧,开黄色小花 也作 moosewood,wicopy〔crowberry〕A low-growing evergreen shrub(Empetrum nigrum) native to cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere and having tiny leaves, small pinkish or purplish flowers, and black, berrylike fruits. 岩高兰:一种原产于北极寒冷地区且生长缓慢的常绿灌木(岩高兰属 岩高兰) ,生有细小的叶子,开粉红色或紫色的小花,结黑色的浆果状果实 〔viburnum〕Any of various shrubs or trees of the genusViburnum, having opposite leaves, showy terminal clusters of small white or pink flowers, and red or black drupes. 荚蒾:一种荚蒾 属的灌木或树木,具有对生叶,有顶生的鲜艳白色和粉红色小花组成的花束和红色或黑色核果 〔spurry〕Any of several weedy, low-growing herbs of the generaSpergula or Spergularia, especially Spergula arvensis native to Europe, having linear whorled leaves and small white flowers. 大爪草:长得很慢的大爪草属 或 牛漆姑草属 草本植物,特别是原产于欧洲的 大爪草 ,具有线轮形叶子和白色小花 〔snowberry〕Any of various shrubs of the genusSymphoricarpos, especially S. albus of North America, having small pinkish flowers and white berries. 雪果:一种灌木毛核木 ,尤指 矮生灌木 ,产于北美洲,开粉红色小花,结白色浆果 〔mimosa〕Any of various mostly tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees of the genusMimosa, having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate, compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light. 含羞草:一种含羞草 属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感 〔alumroot〕Any of various North American perennials of the genusHeuchera having palmately lobed basal leaves and leafless stalks bearing numerous small greenish, white, or reddish flowers. 矾根草,老鹳草:一种北美的矾根 属多年生植物,有掌状垂片基生叶和无叶茎,茎上有很多淡绿色、白色或浅红色的小花 〔greasewood〕A spiny shrub(Sarcobatus vermiculatus) of western North America, having small alternate leaves, white stems, and small greenish flowers. 黑肉叶刺茎藜:一种生长于北美西部的有刺灌木(黑肉叶刺茎藜 肉叶刺藜属) ,生有小的互生叶,茎白色,开绿色小花 〔chamise〕An evergreen shrub,(Adenostoma fasciculatum) in the rose family, native to California, having small needlelike leaves in fascicles and clusters of small white flowers. 蔷薇属灌木:一种蔷薇科常绿灌木(手杖木) ,原产于加利福尼亚州,有聚成伞状的小针叶和簇生的白色小花 〔sourwood〕A deciduous tree(Oxydendrum arboreum) of the eastern United States, having drooping terminal panicles of small, white, urn-shaped flowers. Also called sorrel tree 酸树:一种每年落叶的乔木(酸叶树 杜鹃花科) ,生长于美国东部,开白色 小花,内有下垂的顶生圆锥花序 也作 sorrel tree〔peppermint〕A plant,Mentha piperita, having small purple or white flowers and downy leaves that yield a pungent oil. 椒薄荷:一种薄荷属 植物,有紫或白色小花,带绒毛的叶子可制成辣油 〔ramie〕A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers. 苎麻:一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属 微绿苎麻) ,有宽阔的叶片,簇生分枝的圆锥花序,单性、无花瓣的小花 〔fumitory〕An herb(Fumaria officinalis) native to Eurasia, having finely divided leaves and small, spurred, purplish flowers. Also called earth smoke 延胡索:一种原产于欧亚大陆的草本植物(蓝堇 蓝堇属) ,长着错落有致的叶子和开带刺的紫色小花 也作 earth smoke〔ivy〕Any of several woody, climbing or trailing evergreen plants of the genusHedera native to the Old World, especially H. helix, having palmately lobed leaves, root-bearing young stems, and small green flowers grouped in umbels. 常春藤:常春藤 属中的一种木质的、攀援的或拖曳的常绿植物,原产于欧洲,尤指 洋常春藤 ,有掌状的裂叶、根生的幼茎和伞形花序的绿色小花 〔purslane〕A trailing Asian weed(Portulaca oleracea) having small yellow flowers, reddish stems, and fleshy obovate leaves that are sometimes cooked as a vegetable or used in salads. 马齿苋:亚洲的一种爬在地上的草(马齿苋 马齿苋属) ,生有黄色小花、淡红色根茎及多肉的倒卵形的叶子,叶子有时可被用作蔬菜而烹制或用在沙拉里 〔woodruff〕Any of various plants of the genusAsperula, having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers. 车叶草:一种车叶草 属的植物,有螺旋形的叶子和漏斗形的小花 〔bedstraw〕Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genusGalium, having whorled leaves, clusters of small white or yellow flowers, and prickly stems. Also called cleavers 猪殃殃:一种草本或装饰性植物猪殃殃属 ,有环生叶、簇状白色或黄色小花和带刺的茎 也作 cleavers




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