单词 | 小肠 |
释义 | 〔jejunum〕from Medieval Latin iēiūnum (intestīnum) [fasting (intestine) (so called because in dissection it was always found empty)] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 iēiūnum (intestīnum) [禁食的(小肠)(因解剖时总为空的而得名)] 〔microvillus〕Any of the minute hairlike structures projecting from the surface of certain types of epithelial cells, especially those of the small intestine.微绒毛;微小突起物;指状突起:一些上皮细胞表面上突起的微小发状结构的总称,尤指小肠上的〔enterocolitis〕Inflammation of both the small intestine and the colon.小肠结肠炎:小肠与结肠同时发炎〔ileum〕The terminal portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum.回肠:从空肠延至盲肠之间的小肠的最后一部份〔flatus〕Gas generated in or expelled from the digestive tract, especially the stomach or intestines.屁:从胃或小肠等消化道中产生或排出的气体〔cholera〕An acute infectious disease of the small intestine, caused by the bacteriumVibrio cholerae and characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, severe dehydration, and depletion of electrolytes. Also called Asiatic cholera 霍乱:一种症状为大量水泻、呕吐、肌肉痉挛、严重脱水以及电解质缺失的小肠急性传染病,由霍乱弧菌 引起 也作 Asiatic cholera〔chymotrypsin〕A pancreatic digestive enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of certain proteins in the small intestine into polypeptides and amino acids.胰凝乳蛋白酶:胰消化酶,在小肠中催化某些蛋白质水解形成多肽和氨基酸〔meconium〕A dark green fecal material that accumulates in the fetal intestines and is discharged at or near the time of birth.胎便:汇集于腹部小肠中的一种深绿色渣滓物,并在出生时或将近出生之时排出〔hairworm〕Any of various slender, parasitic nematode worms of the genusTrichostrongylus, which infest the stomach and small intestine of cattle, sheep, and related animals. 毛细线虫:一种细小的毛细线虫 属的寄生线虫,在牛、羊和其它相关动物的胃和小肠里活动 〔yersiniosis〕An intestinal disease with symptoms resembling those of appendicitis, occurring chiefly in children and young adults and caused by a species of yersinia(Yersinia enterocolitica) that infects human beings and animals. 耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌肠道病:一种症状类似于阑尾炎的肠内疾病,多发于孩子或年轻人身上,是由能感染人类和动物的一种耶尔森氏菌(小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌) 引起 〔boudin〕from Old French bodine [intestines] 源自 古法语 bodine [小肠] 〔jejunum〕The section of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum.空肠:小肠位于十二指肠和回肠之间的那部分〔chitterlings〕The small intestines of pigs, especially when cooked and eaten as food.食用猪小肠:尤指经烹饪后作为食品的猪小肠〔bowel〕from Latin botellus [small intestine] [diminutive of] botulus [sausage] 源自 拉丁语 botellus [小肠] botulus的小后缀 [香肠,腊肠] 〔enteritis〕Inflammation of the intestinal tract, especially of the small intestine.肠炎:肠道发炎,尤其是小肠〔cholecystokinin〕A hormone produced principally by the small intestine in response to the presence of fats, causing contraction of the gallbladder, release of bile, and secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes. Also called pancreozymin 缩胆囊素:主要由小肠对脂肪存在作出反应而产生的一种激素,会导致胆囊收缩、胆汁释放以及胰消化酶的分泌 也作 pancreozymin〔lymph〕A clear, watery, sometimes faintly yellowish fluid derived from body tissues that contains white blood cells and circulates throughout the lymphatic system, returning to the venous bloodstream through the thoracic duct. Lymph acts to remove bacteria and certain proteins from the tissues, transport fat from the small intestine, and supply mature lymphocytes to the blood.淋巴:一种清澈、呈水状的,有时微黄的液体,从身体组织中产生,内含白血球并在淋巴系统内循环,通过胸导管返回静脉血中。淋巴的作用是把细菌和某些蛋白质从组织中清除掉,从小肠中输送脂肪,并为血液提供成熟的淋巴细胞〔mesentery〕Any of several folds of the peritoneum that connect the intestines to the dorsal abdominal wall, especially such a fold that envelops the jejunum and ileum.肠系膜:任一种将小肠和腹腔后壁联结起来的腹膜,尤指包被着空肠及回肠的这种腹膜〔duodenum〕The beginning portion of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extending to the jejunum.十二指肠:小肠的开始部分,开始于胃的底部,伸入空肠 |
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