单词 | 尊严 |
释义 | 〔draw〕To bring (oneself) into an erect posture, often as an expression of dignity or indignation.昂首挺立:使(自己)来到一个直立的姿势,通常用于表示尊严或愤怒〔Algren〕American writer noted for his novels about the pride and longings of impoverished people, includingThe Man with the Golden Arm (1949). 阿尔格伦,纳尔逊:(1909-1981) 美国作家,以描写下层穷苦人的尊严和渴望的小说而著称,这些作品包括《金臂人》 (1949年) 〔viscountcy〕The rank, title, or dignity of a viscount. Also called viscounty 子爵的等级、头衔或尊严 也作 viscounty〔indignity〕A source of offense, as to a person's pride or sense of dignity; an affront.有辱尊严之举:冒犯人的举动,如冒犯一个人的荣誉或尊严的举动;轻蔑的举动〔pontifical〕Having the dignity, pomp, or authority of a pontiff or a bishop.有教皇权威的,有教皇身份的:具有一位教皇或一名主教的尊严、华贵或权威的〔proud〕 Proud can suggest dignity or justifiable self-respect or self-satisfaction,but it often implies conceit or vanity: Proud 可表示尊严或正当的自尊或自我满足感,但这个词又经常含有自满或虚荣的意思: 〔attach〕Very little prestige attaches to this position.几乎没有什么尊严属于这个职位〔black〕"When the history books are written in future generations, the historians will . . . say, ‘There lived a great people—a black people—who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization’”(Martin Luther King, Jr.)"Despite the exposure, being young, gifted and Black in the corridors of power has its trying moments"(Ebony)“后世在撰写历史书时,历史学家会…说,‘这里有过一个伟大的民族——黑人民族——他们为文明的血脉注入了崭新的意义与尊严’”(小马丁·路德·金)“尽管有成功的机会,在通向权力的道路上,做为年轻、有天份的黑人尚需经历艰难时刻”(艾伯尼)〔mean〕These adjectives mean lacking in the elevation or dignity or falling short of the standards befitting human beings.这些形容词都是有缺乏尊严或不符合人类的道德标准的含义。〔abase〕To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem.See Synonyms at degrade 使谦卑,贬低:降低地位、威望或尊严 参见 degrade〔lordly〕Very dignified and noble:高贵的,尊严的:非常有尊严的和高贵的:〔unalienable〕"All of them . . . claim unalienable dignity as individuals"(Garrison Keillor)“他们都宣称自己作为个体的不可剥夺的尊严”(加里森·谢勒)〔deign〕To think it appropriate to one's dignity; condescend:降尊纡贵:认为…符合某人的尊严;屈尊:〔Yankee〕Yankee is an excellent example of a widely known word whose origins cannot be determined. The best hypothesis is thatYankee comes from Dutch Janke, a nickname forJan, "John.” Evidence can be found in theOxford English Dictionary that the forms Yankey, Yanky, and Yankee were used as surnames or nicknames in the 17th century. The wordYankee is first found in one of our modern senses in 1758, the sense being "a New Englander.” The 17th-century nickname forJan was derisive, and the first instances of our word show the term being used derisively by the British for New Englanders.After the Battle of Lexington (1775) New Englanders dignified the name.The British were responsible for application of the term to all Americans (a use first recorded around 1784);and Southerners, for application of the term to Northerners (first recorded in 1817).Yankee 是一个广为人知但来源不明的单词的极好例证。 最好的假设是Yankee 来自于荷兰语 Janke, 是Jan “约翰”的浑名。 从《牛津英语字典》 可以找到证据证明 Yankey,Yanky 和 Yankee 这些形式在17世纪曾被用作姓氏或浑名。 Yankee 一词的第一个现代意义出现于1758年,即“新英格兰人”。 17世纪Jan 的浑名含有嘲弄意味, 该词的第一例用法也说明英国人用它来嘲弄新英格兰人。在莱克星顿战役(1775年)后,新英格兰人赋于了它尊严与荣誉。英国人用该词来指称所有美国人(首次出现于1784年);美国南方人则用它指称北方人(首次出现于1817年)〔degrade〕a defeat that humiliated both army and nation. See also Synonyms at demote 一次丧失了军队和国家尊严的失败 参见同义词 demote〔below〕Unsuitable to the rank or dignity of:有失身份:对社会阶层或尊严来说不合适:〔tribunate〕The rank, office, dignity, or authority of a tribune.保民官的职位、任期、尊严、权力〔of〕robbed of one's dignity; cured of distemper.剥夺了尊严;治愈了犬瘟热〔bereft〕They are bereft of their dignity.他们被夺去了尊严〔offend〕Outrage implies the flagrant violation of a person's integrity, pride, or sense of right and decency: Outrage 暗含对一个人的正直、尊严或权利和正派的感觉的公然的违反、冒犯: 〔canonry〕The office or dignity of a canon.教士的职位或尊严〔unmanly〕Dishonorable; degrading.丢人的:不光彩的;降低人的尊严的〔majesty〕The greatness and dignity of a sovereign.君王的伟大和尊严〔degraded〕Reduced in rank, dignity, or esteem.被降级的:降级的、丢脸的或降低尊严的〔standing〕High reputation; esteem:很高的声誉;尊严:〔grand〕Majestic suggests lofty dignity or nobility: Majestic 暗指崇高的尊严或高贵: 〔degree〕Relative social or official rank, dignity, or position.地位,身份:相应的社会地位或军衔、尊严或职务〔diadem〕Royal power or dignity.王权或王的尊严〔sanctity〕The quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability.神圣,尊严:神圣的美德或节操;不可侵犯性〔degrade〕To lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace:侮辱,羞辱:降低…的尊严;败坏…的声誉或使…蒙受耻辱:〔aloof〕stood apart with aloof dignity.带着超然的尊严站在一旁〔place〕To lower the dignity of (someone); humble.降低某人的尊严;贬抑〔raise〕To improve in rank or dignity; promote:升迁,升官:在职位或尊严方面改善;提升:〔Skinner〕American psychologist. A leading behaviorist, Skinner influenced the fields of psychology and education with his theories of stimulus-response behavior. His books includeWalden Two (1961) and Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971). 斯金纳,布(鲁斯)·腓(特烈):(1904-1990) 美国心理学家。作为新行为主义代表人物,斯金纳以他关于刺激-反应行为的理论影响了心理学和教育领域。他的作品包括《华尔登第二》 (1961年)以及 《超越自由与尊严》 (1971年) 〔pompous〕Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious:爱炫耀的,自负的:以过度的自尊或夸大的尊严为特征的;爱炫耀的:〔pride〕A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.骄傲:感受到自身的尊严或价值的感觉;自尊〔stoop〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to descend to a level considered inappropriate to one's dignity": 这些动词的中心意思为“降低到一个被认为是与一个人的尊严不符的高度”: 〔revere〕 Venerate connotes reverence accorded by virtue especially of dignity, character, or age: Venerate 指与尊严、品性或年龄等品德相一致的尊敬: 〔kingship〕Used withhis as a title for a king. 君王的身份或尊严:与his 连用作为国王的头衔 〔grand〕Dignified or noble in appearance or effect:威严的,高贵的:外表或印象上尊严或高贵的: |
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