单词 | 对抗 |
释义 | 〔transposon〕A segment of DNA that is capable of moving to a new position within the same or another chromosome, plasmid, or cell and thereby transferring genetic properties such as resistance to antibiotics.转位子:一种脱氧核糖核酸片断,它能够移到同一个或另一个染色体、质体或细胞上的新位置,并转录各种基因的特性,如对抗菌体的抵抗力〔rebellion〕An act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention.反抗,对抗:对权威或已被接受的传统习惯蔑视的行为或表现〔countervail〕To act against an often detrimental influence or power.对抗:对抗一种通常有害的影响或力量〔repugnant〕Middle English [antagonistic] 中古英语 [对抗的] 〔Dickinson〕American Revolutionary politician and pamphleteer who became the leading conservative voice of opposition to Great Britain through hisLetters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (1767-1768). 狄金森,约翰:(1732-1808) 美国革命政治家和小册子作者,他通过他的《来自宾夕法尼亚农夫的信》 (1767-1768年)成为保守党对抗大不列颠最主要的喉舌 〔opposite〕from Latin oppositus [past participle of] oppōnere [oppose] * see oppose 源自 拉丁语 oppositus oppōnere的过去分词 [对抗] * 参见 oppose〔warm〕To approach a state of confrontation or violence.接近对抗或暴力状态〔breast〕To encounter or advance against resolutely; confront boldly.坚毅地面对,与…搏斗:坚毅地与…对抗或对决;勇敢地面对〔oppose〕To be in contention or conflict with:和…起冲突:与某事物对抗或冲突:〔fight〕To contend with or struggle against:奋斗,对抗:与…进行斗争或奋斗:〔Kaunas〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Neman River south of Riga. Founded in the 11th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights. Russia acquired the city in the third partition of Poland (1795). Population, 405,000.考纳斯:苏联欧洲部分的西部城市,位于里加南部涅曼河河畔。于11世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站以及立陶宛人对抗古修顿骑士的据点。俄罗斯在第三次瓜分波兰(1795年)时占据此城。人口405,000〔antagonism〕Hostility that results in active resistance, opposition, or contentiousness.See Synonyms at enmity 对抗,对立,敌对,敌意:由于强烈抵制、反对或争吵而产生的敌意 参见 enmity〔antidote〕A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.解毒药,解毒剂:用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂〔countermeasure〕A measure or action taken to counter or offset another one.反措施,对抗手段,对策:对抗或抵消某手段或行为的策略或行动〔competition〕The act of competing, as for profit or a prize; rivalry.对抗:竞争行为,如为了利益或奖品;敌对〔take〕To oppose in competition:对抗:在竞争中迎击:〔rivalry〕The state or condition of being a rival.竞争,对抗,对立:处于竞争的状态或条件〔withstand〕with [against] * see with with [对抗] * 参见 with〔sensitize〕To make hypersensitive or reactive to an antigen, such as pollen, especially by a second or repeated exposure.使过敏:使…对抗尿过敏或敏感,例如花粉,过敏或反应,尤指通过第二次或重复的暴露〔backlash〕"White backlash increases as the pressure for change in South Africa mounts"(Masipula Sithole)“随着南非要求变化活动的压力的增加,白人的对抗情绪也增加了”(马西普拉·西索尔)〔encounter〕A hostile or adversarial confrontation; a contest:遭遇战,对抗:敌意的或对抗性的遭遇战;会战:〔bid〕To refuse to submit; offer resistance to.对抗:拒绝服从;抗拒…〔dispute〕disputed the actions of his competitors.对抗他的竞争对手〔brushfire〕Minor enough to involve only small-scale mobilization of counteracting resources:对抗部队的小规模调动的:〔culminate〕habitual antagonism that culminated in open hostility.在公开敌对中达到高潮的习惯性对抗〔duel〕A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas.斗争:相互对抗的人们,团体或思想之间争夺统治地位的斗争〔Scopes〕American teacher who violated a state law by teaching the theory of evolution in a Tennessee high school. His trial (July 1925) was a highly publicized confrontation between defense attorney Clarence Darrow and the director of the prosecution William Jennings Bryan. Scopes was found guilty and fined a nominal sum, but his conviction was later reversed on technical grounds.斯科普斯,约翰·托马斯:(1900-1970) 美国一教师,因在田纳西州的一所中学里讲授进化论而违反了州法。对他的审判(1925年7月)是辩护律师克拉仑斯·达柔和原告律师长威廉·詹尼斯·布赖恩之间的公开的高度对抗。斯科普斯被确认为有罪而且被罚了一点微不足道的罚金,但对他的判决后果由于技术方面的理由后来得到平反〔opponent〕Latin oppōnēns oppōnent- [present participle of] oppōnere [oppose] * see oppose 拉丁语 oppōnēns oppōnent- oppōnere的现在分词 [对抗] * 参见 oppose〔counterconditioning〕Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response.对抗条件反射作用:意在用肯定反应代替对某刺激产生的否定反应的条件反射作用〔barrel〕During the negotiations the opposing faction had us over a barrel.在谈判中,那个对抗的派别使我们一筹莫展〔autoimmune〕Of or relating to an immune response by the body against one of its own tissues or types of cells.自体免疫的:属于或有关于一种免疫反应的,即有机体对抗其自身的组织或细胞类型〔withers〕Possibly from obsolete wither- [against (from the strain exerted on them when a horse draws a load)] 可能源自 废语 wither- [对抗(因马拉重物时放在这上面的绳条而来)] 〔kom〕cum ; cooncan , from Latin cum , co- , with. cum ; cooncan , 源自 拉丁语 cum , co- , 对抗. 〔incompatible〕Incapable of associating or blending or of being associated or blended because of disharmony, incongruity, or antagonism:无法共存的:因为不和谐、不一致或对抗而不能共存、相容或不能被共存、相容:〔hostage〕One that serves as security against an implied threat:制约物:对抗暗藏的威胁事物:〔gang〕various agencies ganging up to combat the use of illicit drugs.不同的机构联合起来对抗非法药品的使用〔state〕"The condition of man . . . is a condition of war of everyone against everyone" (Thomas Hobbes).“人类的状态…是人与人对抗的战争状态” (托马斯·霍布斯)。〔Salk〕American microbiologist who developed the first effective killed-virus vaccine against polio (1954).索尔克,乔纳斯·爱德华:(生于 1914) 美国微生物学家,首先培育出有效对抗小儿麻痹症的杀菌疫苗(1954年)〔countermine〕To make or lay down countermines.以对抗地道抵御〔Crassus〕Roman politician and general who joined Julius Caesar and Pompey in the first triumvirate to challenge the senate's power (60). Hungry for military glory, he invaded Parthia and was killed in battle.克拉苏,马库斯·李锡尼:(115?-53) 罗马政治家和将军。他与尤里乌斯·凯撒和庞培组成了前三头政治,以对抗元老院的权力(60年)。在贪术战功的欲念驱使下,他进犯安息帝国,结果在战场上被杀死 |
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