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释义 〔academic〕Scholarly to the point of being unaware of the outside world.See Synonyms at pedantic 学究式的,迂腐的:除学术方面以外对外界毫无知觉 参见 pedantic〔sensitive〕Responsive to external conditions or stimulation.敏感的:对外界状况或刺激有反应的〔foreign〕Conducted or involved with other nations or governments; not domestic:对外的:牵涉到或卷入其它国家或政府的;非国内的:〔filibuster〕To take part in a private military action in a foreign country.擅自对外侵略:在外国参与一项秘密军事行动〔protopathic〕Sensing pain, pressure, heat, or cold in a nonspecific manner, usually without localizing the stimulus. Used especially of certain sensory nerves.只有原始感觉力的:以一种非特定方式感觉疼痛、压力、热或冷的,尤指对外界刺激没有形成方位感的尤用于形容某些感觉神经〔external〕"An internal sense of righteousness dwindles into an external concern for reputation"(A.R. Gurney, Jr.)“内心的正义感变成对外在名誉的关心”(小A.R.格尼)〔redundancy〕The usages that critics have condemned as redundancies fall into several classes.In some cases,such asconsensus of opinion, close proximity, hollow tube, and refer back, the use of what is regarded as an unnecessary modifier or qualifier can sometimes be justified on the grounds that it in fact makes a semantic contribution.Thus ahollow tube can be distinguished from one that has been blocked up with deposits, and aconsensus of opinion can be distinguished from a consensus of judgments or practice. In other cases the use of the qualifier is harder to defend.Thus there is no way torevert without reverting back and noconsensus that is not general. · Sometimes recognition of redundancy may require familiarity with a foreign language.The expressionsSierra Mountains and Rio Grande River are indeed redundant for those who know Spanish, but the use of the wordsmountains and river may still serve some purpose when one is addressing an English-speaking audience. Occasionally, what originates as a redundant element may, through long use,become part of the established name of a thing.Thus a reference to the site of a famous World War II battle as "the El Alamein"incorporates three versions of the definite article, in English, Spanish, and Arabic.See Usage Note at close ,consensus ,cross section ,mental telepathy ,rarely ,refer 被评论家指责为冗长和重复的使用方法可分为几类。在某些情况下,如consensus of opinion,、close proximity、 hollow tube 和 refer back , 这种不必要修饰或限定语的使用有时也不能完全否定,因为它们从语义上说还是有意义的。因此,一个空管子 可以与被装填物堵满的管子相区别, 观点的一致 可以与判断力或惯例的一致相区别。 在其它情况下类似修饰语的使用就不那么容易自圆其说了。因此,没有 reverting back 就没有办法 revert , 没有 consensus 不是 general。 · 有时辨认出冗余需要对外语很熟悉。对于懂西班牙语的人来说 Sierra Mountains 和 Rio Grande River 这类说法是重复的, 但当对说英语的人讲话时,使用 mountains 和 river 还是有用的。 有时,一个刚产生时是多余的成份经过长时间使用后,可成为一个物体固定的一部分。因此当提到二战时叫做“阿拉曼战役”的著名战役时,在英语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语中的定冠词的三种形式取得了一致 参见 close,consensus,cross section,mental telepathy,rarely,refer〔newsstand〕An open booth or stand at which newspapers and periodicals are sold.报摊,报刊柜:对外出售报纸和期刊的摊点或售货台〔catalepsy〕A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed. It is known to occur in a variety of physical and psychological disorders, such as epilepsy and schizophrenia, and can be induced by hypnosis.强直性昏厥:以缺乏对外界刺激的反应和肌肉僵硬为特征的一种状态,在此状态下,四肢保持任何一种它们所被放置的姿势。它被认为由多种身体或生理紊乱如癫痫和精神分裂症而引起,也可由催眠术导致〔close〕Confined to specific persons or groups:秘密的,不对外公开的:只限于特殊人或集团的:〔akimbo〕"There he remained, dead to the world, limbs akimbo, until we left"(Alex Shoumatoff)“[She] often skips into a veritable ballet of akimbo limbs" (Jack Kroll)“直到我们离去他一直四肢弯曲着呆在那儿,对外界全然不顾”(亚历克斯·肖马托夫)“[她] 常常能跳出四肢弯曲的真正的芭蕾舞动作” (杰克·克罗尔)〔sleep〕A natural, periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in human beings and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming.睡眠:意识和身体的自然的、周期性的休息状态,在这种状态中,眼睛通常闭上,意识全部或部分地丧失,身体活动减少,对外界刺激的反应减少。人类和其它哺乳动物在睡眠期内大脑经历一种特有的脑电波活动循环,其中有做梦时的间歇〔lack〕"Only when he has ceased to need things can a man truly be his own master and so really exist" (Anwar el-Sadat).“只有当一个人惭惭地对外物无所求时,他才可能成为他自己真正的主人并因此而真实地存在” (安瓦尔·埃尔·萨达特)〔Roosevelt〕The 26th President of the United States (1901-1909). A hero of the Spanish-American War, he served as governor of New York (1899-1900) and U.S. Vice President (1901) under William McKinley. On McKinley's assassination (September 1901), he assumed the presidency. Roosevelt's administration was marked by the regulation of trusts, the building of the Panama Canal, and a foreign policy based on the motto "Speak softly and carry a big stick.” He won the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation in the Russo-Japanese War.罗斯福,狄奥多尔:(1858-1919) 美国第二十六任总统(1901-1909年),他是美西战争的中心人物,曾任纽约州州长(1899-1900年)并在威廉·麦金利被暗杀后(1901年9月)继任总统。他的政策以调节托拉斯集团、建筑巴拿马运河及对外奉行“说话和气,手持大棒”为显著特征。他因调停俄日战争而获1906年度诺贝尔和平奖〔coma〕A state of deep, often prolonged unconsciousness, usually the result of injury, disease, or poison, in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding to external stimuli and internal needs.昏迷:一种很深且通常是持续的失去知觉的状态,常因受伤、疾病或中毒引起,在昏迷中的人不能感觉且对外界刺激或内部需求没有反应〔Aomori〕A city of extreme northern Honshu, Japan, onAomori Bay. Opened to foreign trade in 1906, it is now the chief port of northern Honshu. Population, 294,050. 青森:日本本州岛最北部青森湾 上的一座城市。1906年开始对外进行贸易,现为本州北部主要港口。人口294,050




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