单词 | 密切 |
释义 | 〔see〕 Note andnotice suggest close observation and a rather detailed visual or mental impression; Note 和notice 指密切地观察和提供更具细节和视觉或精神印象; 〔near〕Closely related by kinship or association; intimate:密切的,近亲的:因家族关系或联系紧密相关的;密切的:〔Klamath〕A Native American people inhabiting an area of the Cascade Range in south-central Oregon and northern California, with close cultural ties to the Modoc.克拉马特族:在美国俄勒冈州中南部和加利福尼亚州北部的喀斯喀特山脉一地区中居住的北美印第安民族,与莫多克族有密切的文化联系〔intimate〕Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity.See Synonyms at familiar 亲密的:以密切的相识、联系或熟悉为标志的 参见 familiar〔Karok〕A Native American people inhabiting northwest California, closely related in culture to the Yurok.卡洛克:居住在加利福尼亚州西北部的一支美洲印第安人,文化上与尤洛克人有密切的亲缘关系〔pry〕To look or inquire closely, curiously, or inquisitively, often in a furtive manner; snoop:窥探:密切地好奇地或过分好奇地看或打听,经常是以一种偷偷摸摸的方式进行;打探:〔affined〕Linked by a very close relationship.关系密切的:由非常密切的关系联系着的〔claustrophobic〕This latter usage was unacceptable to 74 percent of the members of the Usage Panel,many of whom said thatclaustrophobic should be used only to describe a psychological state. In defense of this usage,however, it can be pointed out that it is well establishedand that it follows a general tendencyto combine adjectives with nouns according to a progressively looser construal of the semantic connection between the two.Thus the phrasetopless swimsuit came to be followed by topless dancers, which led in turn totopless bars, topless districts, and topless ordinances. By the same token,a room that induces a particular emotion may be described assad or cheerful without objection, and there seems to be no principled basis for drawing the line at calling itclaustrophobic. 后种用法为用法使用小组中74%的成员所不接受,其中许多人说claustrophobic 应只能用来描述一种心理状态。 为维护这种用法,毕竟要指出这种用法已经很好地确定了下来,并且它跟随一种普遍倾向,即通过对形容词与名词之间语义联系积极的、更密切的解释将两者合并。这样,词组topless swimsuit 导引出 topless dancers, 随之又引出topless bars,topless district 和 topless ordinance 。 用同样的表示法,导致一种特殊情绪的状况可描述为无任何异议的sad 或 cheerful , 称其为claustrophobic 似乎不存在什么描述性的原则 〔dishonest〕Untruthful is a softer but closely related term;it suggests both lack of veracity and divergence from fact: Untruthful 是一个口气更温和而关系更密切的交情;该词既意味着缺乏真实,又意味着脱离事实: 〔Ida〕A peak, 2,457.7 m (8,058 ft) high, of central Crete. It is the highest elevation on the island and in ancient times was closely associated with the worship of Zeus.艾达峰:克里特岛中部一山峰,海拔2,457.7m(8,058英尺)。它是该岛的最高点,在古代它与人们对宙斯的崇拜有密切的相联〔tie〕To bring into or have a close or effective relation; connect or coordinate:使结合成一整体:使具有密切或有效的关系;联系或协调:〔see〕Remark suggests close attention and often an evaluation of what is noticed: Remark 暗示密切地注意和经常对所观察的事物进行估价: 〔Castro〕Cuban revolutionary leader who overthrew the corrupt regime of the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and established a socialist state. He has supported other liberation struggles in Latin America and Africa and maintained close ties with the Soviet Union.卡斯特罗,菲德尔:(生于 1927) 古巴革命领导者,在1959年推翻了独裁者弗尔根西欧·巴蒂斯塔的腐败统治并建立了社会主义国家。他曾支持拉丁美洲和非洲一些其他解放运动,并和苏联保持着密切的联系〔focus〕Close or narrow attention; concentration:密切或严密的注意;集中:〔hive〕To live with many others in close association.聚居:很密切地和许多人住在一起〔semicolon〕A mark of punctuation (;) used to connect independent clauses and indicating a closer relationship between the clauses than a period does.分号:一种用来连接主句的标点(;),其显示的主句间的关系比句号连接的主句间的关系更密切〔whereupon〕In close consequence of which:随之,据此:与…有密切因果联系:〔tight〕"me and the D.A., who happen to be very tight with one another"(Tom Wolfe)“我和那位文学博士碰巧关系很密切”(汤姆·沃尔夫)〔nearly〕In a close manner; intimately:接近地;密切地:〔Marcos〕Philippine president (1965-1986) who maintained close ties with the United States and exercised dictatorial control over his country. After a fraudulent presidential election against Corazon Aquino (1986) he fled the Philippines with his wife,Imelda (born 1930). 马科斯,费迪南德·爱达林:(1917-1989) 菲律宾总统(1965-1986年),他与美国建立了密切的联系,并对他的国家采取独裁式的统治。在一次针对科拉松·阿基诺的欺骗性选举(1986年)之后,他和他的妻子伊梅尔达 (生于1930年)逃离菲律宾 〔brucine〕A poisonous white crystalline alkaloid, C23H 26N 2O 4, derived from the seeds of nux vomica and closely related plants and used to denature alcohol. 番木鳖碱:有毒的白色结晶体状生物碱,C23H 26N 2O 4,得自马钱子的种子中,同植物关系极其密切并可用来使酒精变性 〔rub〕To mix or socialize closely:与…密切混合或交往:〔liaison〕A close relationship, connection, or link.密切的联系、关系或关联〔see〕 Observe emphasizes careful, closely directed attention: Observe 强调仔细、密切地直接观察: 〔Zulu〕The Nguni language of this people, closely related to Xhosa.祖鲁语:祖鲁人使用的恩古尼语,与科萨人有密切的关系〔awkward〕too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate.过于笨拙以致在谈话变得过于密切时无法离开房间。〔searching〕Examining closely or thoroughly; probing:密切地或彻底地检查的;探寻的:〔close〕Rigorous; thorough:密切的;周全的: |
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