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单词 寄生
释义 〔entomophagous〕Feeding on insects; insectivorous.虫生的:以昆虫为生的;昆虫体寄生〔helminth〕A worm, especially a parasitic roundworm or tapeworm.蠕虫,肠虫:一种蠕虫,尤指寄生蛔虫或绦虫〔toxocariasis〕A disease caused by a parasitic nematode of the genusToxocara , transmitted to humans by ingestion of a substance, such as soil, that has been contaminated by dog or cat feces and typically affecting either the eye or the internal organs. The ocular form of the disease can lead to permanent loss of vision. 弓形虫病:由弓形虫 属寄生线虫引起的疾病,经由摄取被猫狗排泄物污染的土壤等物质而传染给人类,一般感染眼部或内脏。眼部感染会引发永久性失明 〔sporoplasm〕An infective mass of protoplasm within a spore that is injected into a host cell by various parasitic microorganisms.孢子原生质:一种传染性的孢子内原生质,该孢子通过寄生微生物可被注入囊状细胞中〔sporozoite〕Any of the minute undeveloped sporozoans produced by multiple fission of a zygote or spore, especially at the stage just before it infects a new host cell.孢子体、子孢子:一种由受精卵或孢子的成熟分裂而产生的微小的未发育的孢子物,尤指在未感染一个新的寄生细胞阶段〔heteroecious〕Spending different stages of a life cycle on different, usually unrelated hosts. Used of parasites such as rust fungi and tapeworms.异寄主的:在生命周期的不同阶段,寄生于不同的、通常为不相关的寄生主上的,如锈菌真菌和绦虫等寄生〔mite〕Any of various small or minute arachnids of the order Acarina that are often parasitic on animals and plants, infest stored food products, and in some species transmit disease.螨类:蜱螨目的任何一种小的乃至微小的蜘蛛纲动物,通常寄生于动植物体内,也寄生在储藏食物中,有些种还传播疾病〔epizoic〕Living or growing on the external surface of an animal.外寄生的:寄生在动物身体表面的〔phthiriasis〕Infestation with lice, especially crab lice; pediculosis.虱病:虱子的寄生侵扰,尤指毛虱;虱病〔flea〕Any of various small, wingless, bloodsucking insects of the order Siphonaptera that have legs adapted for jumping and are parasitic on warm-blooded animals.跳蚤:蚤目的各种小型、无翅吸血昆虫中的任一种,长有适于跳跃的腿,寄生在温血动物身上〔acervulus〕A tiny cushionlike or blisterlike structure produced by certain fungi on a plant host and consisting of a mass of hyphae-bearing asexually produced spores.分生孢子层:很小的垫状或疱状结构,由植物上寄生的真菌产生,包括由菌丝无性生殖的孢子〔babesiosis〕A tick-borne protozoan infection of animals, such as Texas fever of cattle, that is caused by species ofBabesia. 巴倍斯焦虫病:一种虱子产生的动物寄生传染病,如得克萨斯牛热病,由巴倍虫 引起 〔wormy〕Infested with or damaged by worms.虫蛀的:有蛀虫寄生或被其侵害的〔broomrape〕Any of various parasitic herbs of the genusOrobanche, having purplish or yellowish flowers and small scalelike leaves that lack chlorophyll. Broomrape grows on the roots of various plants. 列当属植物:一种列当属 寄生草,开紫色或黄色花、长有不含叶绿素的鳞状小叶,列当属植物生长在各种植物的根上 〔nutgall〕A nutlike swelling produced on an oak or other tree by certain parasitic wasps. Also called gallnut 核果瘤:由某些寄生黄蜂在橡树或其他树上引起的坚果状肿块 也作 gallnut〔babesia〕A genus of parasitic sporozoans of the family Babesiidae that infect the red blood cells of human beings and of animals such as dogs, cattle, and sheep. Also called piroplasm 巴倍虫属原虫:一种巴倍虫属科的寄生孢子虫,能感染人类和某些动物的红血球,如狗、牛和羊等 也作 piroplasm〔simulium〕Any of a genus(Simulium) of black flies, several species of which transmit the parasitic filarial worms that cause onchocerciasis. 蚋属绳:一种(蚋属) 属黑绳,其中一些品种上携带能引起盘带丝虫病的寄生丝虫 〔trichinous〕Containing trichinae:旋毛虫的:旋毛虫寄生的,有旋毛虫的:〔homoecious〕Of or being a parasite that spends all stages of its life cycle on the same host.单种宿主寄生的:这种寄生虫在同一宿主身上度过生命周期的每一阶段〔botfly〕Any of various stout, two-winged flies, chiefly of the generaGasterophilus and Oestrus, having larvae that are parasitic on various animals, especially horses and sheep, and sometimes on humans. 马蝇:一种胃蝇属 和 狂蝇属 身体大的双翼蝇,其幼虫寄生于多种动物,尤其是马和羊,有时也寄生在人体内 〔tapeworm〕Any of various ribbonlike, often very long flatworms of the class Cestoda, that lack an alimentary canal and are parasitic in the intestines of vertebrates, including human beings.绦虫:任一种绦虫纲的带状且通常较长的扁虫,没有消化道。寄生在包括人类在内的脊椎动物的肠腔内〔nit〕The egg or young of a parasitic insect, such as a louse.虱卵:寄生昆虫的卵或幼虫,如虱子〔rhizocephalan〕Any of various small aquatic crustaceans of the order Rhizocephala that are parasitic on other crustaceans.根头虫:寄生在其它甲壳类动物上的根头目中的任一种小型水生甲壳类动物中〔mistletoe〕A Eurasian parasitic shrub(Viscum album) having leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries. 槲寄生:一种欧亚寄生灌木,(槲寄生属 白果槲寄生) ,有草质、绿色茎叶和蜡白色桨果 〔cercaria〕The parasitic larva of a trematode worm, having a tail that disappears in the adult stage.尾动幼虫,摇尾幼虫:吸虫纲虫的寄生幼虫,其尾在成虫阶段消失〔scabies〕A contagious skin disease caused by a parasitic mite(Sarcoptes scabiei) and characterized by intense itching. 疥癣:由寄生螨(疥螨 疥螨属) 引起的感染性皮肤病,症状为剧痒 〔ectogenous〕Able to live and develop outside a host, as certain pathogenic microorganisms do.外生的:能够在寄生在主体外生长发育的,如病毒性微生物〔heartworm〕A filarial worm(Dirofilaria immitis) transmitted by mosquitoes and parasitic in the heart and associated blood vessels of dogs and other canids. 犬心虫:一种由蚊虫传播且寄生在狗或其他犬科动物的心脏或相连的血管中的丝虫(犬恶丝虫 恶丝虫属) 〔filaria〕Any of various slender, threadlike nematode worms of the superfamily Filarioidea that are parasitic in vertebrates and are often transmitted as larvae by mosquitos and other biting insects. The adult form lives in the blood and lymphatic tissues, causing inflammation and obstruction that can lead to elephantiasis.丝虫:丝虫科一种细长丝状蠕虫,寄生在脊椎动物体内并通常被蚊子和其它咬人昆虫以幼虫的方式传播。成虫寄生在血液或淋巴组织中,导致可以引发象皮病的肿痛发炎和障碍物〔brainworm〕A small, hairlike, parasitic roundworm that infects the meninges surrounding the brain of large hoofed animals, usually members of the deer family.脑线虫:感染大型有蹄类动物(通常为鹿科动物)大脑周围脑膜的细小寄生线虫〔tat〕A gene in the AIDS virus that stimulates the host cell to replicate genetic components of the virus.转移活化基因:爱滋病病毒中的一种基因,能刺激寄生细胞复制爱滋病病毒的基因成分〔saxitoxin〕A potent neurotoxin produced by certain dinoflagellates that accumulates in shellfish feeding on these organisms and consequently causes food poisoning in human beings who eat the shellfish.蛤蚌毒素:一种剧烈神经毒素,由某些寄生在牡蛎上的鞭毛虫分泌,人吃了这样的牡蛎会导致食物中毒〔eelworm〕Any of various often parasitic nematode worms, such as the vinegar eel.鳗蛔虫:任一种寄生线虫,如醋鳗鲡〔giardia〕Any of various flagellated, usually nonpathogenic protozoa of the genusGiardia that may be parasitic in the intestines of vertebrates including human beings and most domestic animals. 贾第鞭毛虫属:一种鞭毛形通常是无致病原因的原生动物属贾第虫属 ,可能寄生在脊椎动物体内(包括人和大部分家禽) 〔endobiotic〕Living as a parasite or symbiont within the tissues of a host.内在的:作为寄生虫或共生物寄生寄生组织内部的〔mistletoe〕Any of several American parasitic shrubs, such asPhoradendron flavescens of eastern North America. 美洲寄生灌木:任何一种美洲寄生灌木,如穗花桑寄生属 ,产于北美洲东部 〔trichinous〕trichinous pork.旋毛虫寄生的猪肉〔Manson〕British parasitologist noted for advances in tropical medicine, such as the assertion that mosquitoes transmit malaria (1877).梅森,帕特里克:(1844-1922) 英国寄生生物学家,以在热带医学研究上的领先而著称,如断定蚊子传播霍乱(1877年)〔trichina〕A small, slender parasitic nematode worm(Trichinella spiralis) that infests the intestines of various mammals and whose larvae move through the bloodstream, becoming encysted in muscles. 旋毛线虫,毛线虫:一种小型细长的寄生线虫(旋毛线虫 毛线虫属) ,寄生在各种哺乳动物的肠内,幼虫在血液中运动,定居在肌肉中间 〔babesiosis〕A human protozoan disease of red blood cells caused byBabesia species that is transmitted by the northern deer tick, characterized by fever, malaise, and hemolytic anemia, and prevalent on the coastal islands of the northeast United States. Also called piroplasmosis 巴倍斯焦虫病:一种由巴倍斯虫 引起的人类血红血球寄生疾病,由北方鹿虱传染,特征为发烧、身体不适和贫血,在美国东北部沿岸的岛上十分流行 也作 piroplasmosis




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