单词 | 宣传 |
释义 | 〔plugola〕Advertising or publicity that is intended for self-promotion and not paid for or underwritten by an independent sponsor:插播广告:没有独立广告客户付费承担,而用意只在于自我推销的广告或宣传:〔demo〕A product, such as an automobile, used for demonstration and often sold later at a discount.示范样品:用于产品宣传并通常在后来折价出售的产品,例如小轿车〔circularize〕To publicize with circulars.用传单广为宣传〔buildup〕Widely favorable publicity, especially by a systematic campaign:宣传,树立:广泛的令人满意的宣传,尤指通过一次系统的运动:〔Irwin〕American journalist and writer noted for his critiques of the press, includingPropaganda and the News (1936). 欧文,威廉·亨利:(1873-1948) 美国记者和作家,以他对新闻界的批评性书籍而出名,作品包括《宣传和新闻》 (1936年) 〔promoter〕A financial and publicity organizer, as of a boxing match or an artistic performance.发起人:经济上和宣传上的组织者,比如拳击比赛或艺术表演的组织者〔publicist〕One who publicizes, especially a press or publicity agent.宣传家:尤指报社或传媒等做宣传的人〔announce〕promulgated a policy of nonresistance;宣传不抵抗政策;〔flack〕To act as a press agent for; promote:为…作新闻广告;宣传:〔feature〕An item advertised or offered as particularly attractive or as an inducement:重点宣传的产品:作为特别有吸引力、诱惑力而提供或作广告的项目:〔billboard〕To advertise or proclaim on or as if on a billboard:宣传:在广告板或类似的板上做广告或宣布:〔consistency〕pitched with remarkable consistency throughout the season.在整个赛季中始终如一地做宣传〔Otis〕American Revolutionary politician and publicist whose speeches and pamphlets influenced American sentiment against the British.奥蒂斯,詹姆斯:(1725-1783) 美国独立革命时期的政治家、政论家,他的演讲和宣传小册子激起美国人民的反英情绪〔promo〕a promo piece; an author's promo tour.宣传性的文章;作者的宣传性旅游〔eat〕She really eats up the constant publicity.她经常被宣传而乐不可支〔boost〕boosted their school with rallies and fund drives.通过集会和募捐来宣传他们的学校〔milline〕A unit of advertising copy equal to one agate line one column wide printed in one million copies of a publication.百万行:一种宣传广告品的单位,等于现在一百万份出版物上的一行一栏宽的报纸广告行〔party〕An established political group organized to promote and support its principles and candidates for public office.政党,党派:组建起来用以宣传和支持其原则以及帮助候选人竞选政治职务的政治团体〔propagandize〕To spread propaganda:进行传播:扩大宣传:〔promo〕A promotional presentation, such as a television spot, radio announcement, or personal appearance.宣传,广告:推销性的表达,比如电视广告、广播启事或个人的外貌特征〔billboard〕billboarded as the workers' candidate.做为工人候选人的宣传〔publicity〕The act, process, or occupation of disseminating information to gain public interest.宣传:传播信息以引起公众兴趣的行动、过程或职业〔agitprop〕a massive agitprop campaign; agitprop filmmaking.强大的宣传攻势;宣传鼓吹的电影〔advertorial〕An advertisement promoting the interests or opinions of a corporate sponsor, often presented in such a way as to resemble an editorial.社论式广告:宣传公司赞助商的兴趣或观点的广告,经常以社论的形式刊登〔starlet〕A young film actress publicized as a future star.年轻女明星:被宣传成为未来的明星的年轻电影女演员〔subliminal〕subliminal propaganda.影响甚小的宣传〔tract〕A leaflet or pamphlet containing a declaration or an appeal, especially one put out by a religious or political group.传单,小册子:含有宣言或呼吁的传单或宣传小册,尤指由宗教或政治团体散发的〔prejudicial〕Reporters were expelled from the courtroom after it was decided that their coverage had resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant.在他们的报道被认定已造成了对被告的不利宣传之后记者们被驱逐出法庭〔black〕black propaganda; black radio transmissions.间接宣传;间接无线电传送〔milline〕The cost of a unit of advertising copy.百万行广告费:一个单位的宣传广告品的费用〔puffery〕Flattering, often exaggerated praise and publicity, especially when used for promotional purposes.吹捧:尤指用于促销的常是夸张的赞扬和宣传〔exploitation〕An advertising or a publicity program.广告,宣传:一种广告或宣传节目〔Tractarianism〕The religious opinions and principles of the founders of the Oxford movement, put forth in a series of 90 pamphlets entitledTracts for the Times, published at Oxford, England (1833-1841). 牛津运动主义:牛津运动发起人的宗教观点及原则,阐述于一系列九十本宣传小册子,被命名为时代书册 于1833-1841年在英格兰牛津出版 〔propaganda〕from ablative feminine gerundive of Latin prōpāgāre [to propagate] * see propagate 源自 拉丁语 prōpāgāre的夺格阴性动形词 [宣传] * 参见 propagate〔powwow〕Because trances were so important to the Native American shaman as a means of getting in touch with spiritual forces beyond the ken of the normal person,the titlepowwaw, literally meaning "one who has visions,” was accorded him. One of the occurrences of this word in an early piece of propaganda designed to bring more settlers to New Englandrepresents fairly well the Puritan attitudes to the religion of the native inhabitants of the New World:"The office and dutie of the Powah is to be exercised principally in calling upon the Devil;and curing diseases of the sicke or wounded.”The word whose spelling was eventually settled in English aspowwow was also used as the name for ceremonies and councils, probably because of the important role played by the shaman in both.After the native peoples had been dealt withand the fear of devil worship was somewhat diminished,the newcomers decided that they could have powwows too,the first reference to one of these being recorded in the Salem, Massachusetts,Gazette of 1812: "The Warriors of the Democratic Tribe will hold a powwow at Agawam on Tuesday next.”The verbpowwow, "to confer,” was recorded even earlier, in 1780. 因为作为一种超出常人理解范围的与神灵联系的方式,催眠对于北美印第安人巫师来说是如此重要,故巫师被冠以字面意思为“有洞察力的人”的powwaw 这一名称。 这个词在早期为鼓励更多人去新英格兰定居而作的宣传中的出现,它很好地证明了清教徒们对于美洲大陆土著居民宗教的态度:“帕瓦仪式的职责与义务主要就是用来召唤魔鬼;治愈病人或伤者。”这个在英语中最后以powwow 的拼写形式固定下来的词也用作仪式及会议的名称, 这也许是因为巫师在两者中都起着重要作用。在与土著居民进行接触以后,随着对其魔鬼崇拜的恐惧逐渐消逝,那些新来者决定他们也可以举行帕瓦仪式,1812年马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的时事报 第一次提及了这种会议: “下星期二民主党派的斗士们将在阿加瓦姆召开会议”。动词意为“商讨”的powwow 则早在1780年就有记载了 〔agitprop〕The means or vehicle, such as a government department or a state-controlled press, by which such propaganda is disseminated.煽动机构:指政府部门或国家控制的媒介物,通过它们来传播宣传〔plug〕authors who plug their latest books on TV talk shows.在电视谈话节目中为他的新书宣传的作者〔buildup〕The new movie was given a tremendous buildup in the media.新影片在媒体中得到了广泛的宣传〔boost〕To stir up enthusiasm for; promote vigorously:增强:激起对…的热情;强有力地宣传:〔propaganda〕short for Sacra Congregātiō dē Prōpagandā Fide [Sacred Congregation for Propagating the Faith (established 1622)] Sacra Congregātiō dē Prōpagandā Fide的简写 [为了宣传信仰的神圣公理制(建于1662年)] |
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