单词 | 审判 |
释义 | 〔surrender〕The delivery of a prisoner, fugitive from justice, or other principal in a suit into legal custody.引渡:罪犯、逃犯或一案件中的首犯从司法审判到合法监护的转移〔pass〕To cause or allow to go through a trial, a test, or an examination successfully:使通过:使或允许…顺利通过审判、检验或检查:〔Socrates〕Greek philosopher who initiated a question-and-answer method of teaching as a means of achieving self-knowledge. His theories of virtue and justice have survived through the writings of Plato, his most important pupil. Socrates was tried for corrupting the minds of Athenian youth and subsequently put to death (399).苏格拉底:希腊哲学家,首创了问答工教学方法,作为获得认识自我的一种方法。他关于道德和正义的理论,通过柏拉图(他最著名的学生)的著作而得以流传下来。苏格拉底因被指控毒害雅典年轻人的头脑而受到审判,并因此被处死(公元前339年)〔Rosenberg〕American spy who with his wife,Ethel (1915-1953), was convicted of helping pass information concerning nuclear weaponry to the Soviets. Despite questions concerning the fairness of their trial and international pleas for clemency, the couple was executed. 罗森伯格,尤里乌斯:(1918-1953) 美国间谍,和他的妻子艾塞尔 (1915-1953年)被指控向苏联传送有关核武器方面的情报。尽管有人对他们审判的公正性提出质疑,且国际上也恳请对他们以宽大处理,但这对夫妇仍被处死 〔tribunal〕The bench on which a judge or other presiding officer sits in court.法官或其他执行审判任务者在法庭坐的长凳〔doom〕from Old English dōm [judgment] * see dhē- 源自 古英语 dōm [审判] * 参见 dhē- 〔ordeal〕A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.神判法:让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定〔judicatory〕Late Latin iūdicātōrium [from neuter of] iūdicātōrius [judicial] 后期拉丁语 iūdicātōrium 源自iūdicātōrius的中性词 [司法的,审判的] 〔judgment〕from jugier [to judge] 源自 jugier [判断,审判,裁判] 〔parody〕The trial was a parody of justice.这次审判是对公正的一次拙劣的模拟〔burlesque〕The antics of the defense attorneys turned the trial into a burlesque of justice.辩护律师们滑稽的动作将审判变成了对正义的滑稽的模仿〔extraterritorial〕Of or relating to persons exempt from the legal jurisdiction of the country in which they reside.治外法权的:免于居住地所在国合法审判的人的,与其有关的〔Desmoulins〕French journalist and revolutionary who along with Danton urged moderation during the Reign of Terror. She was arrested and guillotined after a mock trial.德穆兰,(卢茜娅·辛普利斯)卡米丽(贝诺特):(1760-1794) 法国记者,革命份子。她在暴政统治时期,与丹东一起强烈主张温和统治。她被逮捕后,经过一个虚假可笑的审判就被推上了断头台〔alcalde〕qāḍī [judge] from qaḍā [to judge] qāḍī [法官] 源自 qaḍā [审判] 〔Hays〕American lawyer. As counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union (1912-1954) he was involved in several famous legal battles, including the Scopes trial (1925) and the Sacco-Vanzetti case (1927).海斯,阿瑟·嘉费尔德:(1881-1954) 美国律师,曾担任美国公民自由联合会顾问(1912-1954年),参与过多场著名的司法论战,包括斯科普斯审判案(1925年)和萨柯一万泽蒂案(1927年)〔assize〕One of the periodic court sessions formerly held in each of the counties of England and Wales for the trial of civil or criminal cases.巡回审判(庭):以前在英格兰和威尔士各郡,审判民事或刑事案件时的一种不定时开庭期的巡回审判庭〔West〕British writer and critic whose works include psychological novels, such asThe Judge (1922), critical studies, as of Henry James (1916), a historical study of Yugoslavia (1942), and several reports on the Nuremberg trials. 韦斯特,雷贝卡:(1892-1983) 英国作家和评论家。他的作品包括心理分析小说、如《法官》 (1922年),文学批评研究,如有关亨利·詹姆斯的研究(1916年),有关南斯拉夫的历史研究(1942年)和有关纽伦堡审判的几则报道 〔task〕The reporter's assignment was to attend the trial and interview the principals at its conclusion. 这位记者的任务是出席该次审判并在审判结束后采访被审问的几名主犯 〔judiciary〕from iūdex iūdic- [judge] * see judge 源自 iūdex iūdic- [审判,判断,裁判] * 参见 judge〔Areopagus〕The highest judicial and legislative council of ancient Athens.最高法院:古雅典的最高审判及立法委员会〔pretrial〕A proceeding held before an official trial, especially to clarify points of law and facts.审前预备会议:在正式审判之前举行的会议,尤指为弄明白法律条文和事实的会议〔shelter〕"vagrants and criminals, who make this wild country a refuge from justice" (Sir Walter Scott). “流浪汉和罪犯把这个野郊的乡村作为躲避审判的避难所” (瑟尔瓦尔特·斯科特)。 〔responsible〕"The sovereign of this country is not amenable to any form of trial" (Letters of Junius).See also Synonyms at reliable “这个国家的主权不受任何形式审判的支配” (朱尼厄斯的信) 参见同义词 reliable〔doomsday〕dōm [judgment] * see doom dōm [审判] * 参见 doom〔judicious〕from iūdex iūdic- [judge] * see judge 源自 iūdex iūdic- [判断,审判,裁判] * 参见 judge〔judicature〕from feminine future participle of Latin iūdicāre [to judge] * see judge 源自 拉丁语 iūdicāre的阴性将来式分词 [审判,裁决] * 参见 judge〔arbitrage〕from Latin arbitrārī [to give judgment] * see arbitrate 源自 拉丁语 arbitrārī [判断,审判] * 参见 arbitrate〔fail〕"We must . . . hold . . . those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember"(Anthony Lewis)“记住:我们必须将那些惨事交付法庭审判。否则,对遭受法西斯主义迫害的人,我们将无法尽到应尽的责任”(安东尼·刘易斯)〔judgment〕The act or process of judging; the formation of an opinion after consideration or deliberation.判断,审判,裁判:判断、审判、裁判的行为或过程;在考虑或商议之后形成某个观点〔trial〕"the fiery trial through which we pass"(Abraham Lincoln)“我们通过了这场艰难的审判”(亚伯拉罕·林肯)〔ordeal〕of Middle English ordal [trial by ordeal] 中古英语 ordal的变化 [以神判方式进行的审判] 〔Welles〕American filmmaker and actor who directed and starred inCitizen Kane (1941). His other films include Touch of Evil (1958) and The Trial (1962). 威尔斯,(乔治)奥松:(1915-1985) 美国电影制片人和演员。他自导自演了《公民凯恩》 (1941年)。他的其它电影包括 《罪恶的接触》 (1958年)和 《审判》 (1962年) 〔pass〕pass judgment; pass sentence on an offender.审布判决;宣布对罪犯审判〔graymail〕A defensive tactic in an espionage trial whereby the accused threatens to reveal secret information unless the charges are dropped.灰函:在间谍案审判中的一种保护性策略,除非指控被撤消,否则揭露秘密信息的威胁〔summary〕summary justice; a summary rejection.简明的审判;立即拒绝〔brood〕stewing over her upcoming trial;担心她即将到来的审判;〔pass〕To pronounce an opinion, a judgment, or a sentence.宣判:宣布一项意见、判决或审判〔Valentine〕Roman Christian who according to tradition was martyred during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius II. Another martyr named Valentine, who was bishop of Terni, a region in present-day central Italy, has also been suggested as the inspiration for our modern feast of Saint Valentine's Day.圣瓦伦丁:罗马基督教徒,据说他在皇帝克劳迪二世对基督教徒的审判中遇难,另一个叫圣瓦伦丁的遇难者是今天意大利中部地区的特尔尼的主教,他也被认为是我们当代圣瓦伦丁节日宴会的启示者〔Chase〕American jurist who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1864-1873). He presided over the trial of President Andrew Johnson (1868).蔡斯,萨蒙·波特兰:(1808-1873) 美国法官,1864至1873年间任美国最高法庭大法官,曾于1868年主持对安德鲁·约翰逊总统的审判〔Vishinski〕Soviet jurist and diplomat. As chief Soviet prosecutor (1935-1939) he conducted the infamous Great Purge trials. He later served as a Soviet delegate to the United Nations (1946-1954) and as foreign minister (1949-1953).维辛斯基,安德烈·雅奴阿列维奇:(1883-1954) 苏联法学家兼外交官。作为苏联检察长(1935年-1939年)曾进行了对臭名昭著“大清洗”案的审判。他后来成为苏联驻联合国代表(1946年-1954年)及外交部长(1949年-1953年) |
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