单词 | 实质上 |
释义 | 〔material〕"the moral and material welfare of all good citizens"(Theodore Roosevelt)“所有优秀市民的道德上和实质上的好处”(西奥多·罗斯福)〔Kansas〕A state of the central United States. It was admitted as the 34th state in 1861. Organized as a territory by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which provided it would be classified as a free or slave state on the basis of popular sovereignty, it became a virtual battleground, known as Bleeding Kansas, for free and slave factions (1854-1859). Kansas was finally admitted as a free state. Topeka is the capital and Wichita the largest city. Population, 2,485,600.堪萨斯州:美国中部一州。1861年被批准为第34个州。通过1854年的堪萨斯内布拉斯加法案,堪萨斯被组织成为一个地区。该法案规定,遵照人民主权论的原则该地区可以成为自由州或蓄奴州。1854年至1859年间该州实质上成为自由派和蓄奴派的战场,被称为血腥的堪萨斯。堪萨斯最终被批准成为自由州。其首府为托皮卡,最大城市为威奇托。人口2,485,600〔practical〕Being actually so in almost every respect; virtual:实质上的:几乎在每一方面都实际的;实质上的:〔virtually〕In fact or to all purposes; practically:实际上地或实质上地:〔materially〕With regard to matter as distinguished from form.实质上:关于区别于形式的物质地〔deep〕Deep down, she was still a rebel.她实质上仍是个叛逆者〔tantamount〕a request tantamount to a demand.一个实质上与需求无异的请求〔virtual〕Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name:实质上的,实际上的:虽然没有实际的事实、形式或名义,但在实际上或效果上存在或产生的:〔intrapreneur〕The wordentrepreneur is more than 150 years old, having come into English from French in 1828.But it is not until very recently that we find its intracorporate counterpart,intrapreneur, meaning "a person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation.”This coinage is generally attributed to management consultant Gifford Pinchot,author of the 1985 book entitledIntrapreneuring; others insist its true originator was Norman Macrae, deputy editor of theEconomist, although Macrae himself denies it.Still, whatever its exact source,in the scant number of years since its inception the termintrapreneur has gained currency very quickly. It has also given rise to various derivatives,such as the aforementioned gerundintrapreneuring, the noun intrapreneurship (as in a September 30, 1985, interview with Stephen Jobs inNewsweek : "The Macintosh team was what is commonly known as intrapreneurship—only a few years before the term was coined—a group of people going in essence back to the garage, but in a large company"),the adjectiveintrapreneurial, and another noun, intrapreneurialism ("what has become known as intrapreneurialism, where people within the corporation acquire more adventurous small business outlooks,” by Ian Hamilton-Fazy in "An Uneasy Co-existence,”Financial Times, October 23, 1984). Broad use of a word and the development of numerous derivatives are strong signals predicting staying power within the language.Intrapreneur and its spinoffs are of particular interest to etymologists and lexicographers because they illustrate the constant changes inherent in a living language.entrepreneur 一词已有150多年的历史, 于1828年从法语传入英语。但是直到最近我们才发现其在公司内部的对应人物intrapreneur , 意为“对通过果断地承担风险和革新使想法变为有利可图的成品这一过程承担直接责任的大公司里的高级成员”。这个新造的词普遍认为应归功于业务顾问吉福德·平肖,1985年出版的名为Intrapreneuring 一书的作者; 其他人坚持其真正的发明者是经济学家 杂志的副编辑诺曼·麦克里, 虽然麦克里本人否认这一点。然而,不管其准确的起源是什么,自它开始出现以来的短短几年中,intrapreneur 一词已很快流行开来。 它同样产生了多个衍生词,例如前面提到的动名词intrapreneuring ,名词 intrapreneurship (例如新闻周刊 于1985年9月30日斯蒂芬·乔布斯的采访中: “马金托什队通常地以出色的企业运作而闻名——仅仅是这个词条被发明的几年前——一群实质上是回到汽车房的人,而现在不过是大公司的汽车房罢了”),形容词intraprenurial 以及另一个名词 intrapreneurialim (以企业运作主义出名的地方,在那儿公司内部的职员获得更为冒险的商业前景”,伊恩·汉密尔顿一费茨的“不稳定的共存”,金融时报 1984年10月23日出版)。 一个词的广泛运用以及无数派生词的产生是预示语言内部持久力的强烈的信号。词源学家以及词典编纂者对intrpreneur 以及它的派生词产生了独特的兴趣, 因为它们说明现用语言所固有的持续不断的变化〔effect〕In essence; to all purposes:实质上;本质上:〔carcass〕Remains from which the substance or character is gone:残骸,空壳:残余下来的东西,其实质上的物体或特性已经不存在了:〔servitude〕 Bondage emphasizes being bound to the service of another with virtually no hope of freedom: Bondage 强调必然为他人服务而实质上毫无自由的可能: 〔nature〕"She was only strong and sweet and in her nature when she was really deep in trouble"(Gertrude Stein)“她仅是外表坚强和纯真,实质上在她的心中却充满烦恼”(格特鲁德·斯坦)〔brother〕"A station that . . . relies on corporate contributions or advertising to survive runs the risk of becoming virtually indistinguishable from its commercial brethren"(W. John Moore)“依靠法人团体的捐助和刊登广告来维生的电台,最后可能成为实质上的营利机构”(W.约翰·穆尔) |
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