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单词 实现
释义 〔effect〕To produce as a result.实现:产生一种结果〔crown〕To bring to completion or successful conclusion; consummate:使完成,圆满结束;实现〔stoop〕stooping to contemptible methods to realize their ambitions;为实现他们的野心而卑屈到采取可鄙的手段;〔thwart〕To prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of:挫败:阻止…的发生、实现或达成:〔Mendel〕Austrian botanist and founder of the science of genetics. Through years of experiments with plants, chiefly garden peas, he discovered the principle of the inheritance of characteristics through the combination of genes from parent cells.孟德尔,格雷戈尔·约翰:(1822-1884) 奥地利植物学家,遗传学之创始人。经过几年的植物实验,主要是对豌豆做的实验,他发现了母体特征之遗传是通过母体细胞之基因组合来实现的这一遗传定律〔achieve〕To attain with effort or despite difficulty.See Synonyms at reach 实现:经努力或克服困难而达到,得到 参见 reach〔realize〕To make real; fulfill:实现:使之变成真实的;完成:〔adapter〕One that adapts, such as a device used to effect operative compatibility between different parts of one or more pieces of apparatus.适应物,转接器,接合器:适应物,如用于在一件或多件仪器的不同部件之间实现有效兼容性的装置〔assassin〕One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.刺客:以突然袭击方式杀人者,尤指为为实现阴谋而刺杀名人〔ergonomics〕The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. Also called biotechnology ,human engineering ,human factors engineering 人类工程学:一种研究设备设计,如工作环境设计,以减低操作人员疲劳度和不适从而实现最高生产率的应用科学 也作 biotechnology,human engineering,human factors engineering〔bulldoze〕"intends to bulldoze ahead with plans for extensive reconstruction"(New York Times)“打算尽力实现广泛重建计划”(纽约时报)〔covenantor〕The party in a covenant by whom the promise is to be carried out.制约人:合同中将要实现承诺的一方〔materialize〕By building the house, we materialized a dream.通过建造这所房子,我们实现了一个梦想〔shoran〕A relatively short-range navigation system by which a ship or an aircraft can determine its position with high precision by measuring the times required for a radar signal to reach and return from each of two ground stations of known position.近程导航系统:一种相对短程的导航系统,利用该系统一艘船或一架飞机可以极其精确地测定自己所处的位置,通过测定雷达信号到达两个位置已知的地面接收站中的每一个站并返回所需的时间来实现〔pacification〕"Real pacification is hard to get in the Vietnamese countryside"(McGeorge Bundy)“在越南的乡下真正的安宁是很难实现的”(麦乔治·邦迪)〔conspire〕To plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.搞阴谋:一起秘密筹划以进行非法或错误的行动或通过非法行动实现合法目标〔lift〕Boost suggests upward movement effected by or as if by pushing from below: Boost 含有从下面推或好象从下面推的动作实现的向上运动的意思: 〔sly〕Artful emphasizes adroitness in maneuvering to accomplish a purpose: Artful 强调在实现某一目的时使用的手段的高明: 〔finesse〕To accomplish by the use of finesse.以技巧实现:利用巧妙的手段完成〔ax〕a social program that was axed to effectuate budget cuts.为实现预算削减而被无情去除的社会项目〔artful〕Skillful in accomplishing a purpose, especially by the use of cunning or craft.See Synonyms at sly 狡猾的:能巧妙实现目的,尤指使用狡诈和诈骗(手段) 参见 sly〔make〕To achieve, produce, or attain:实现,产生,达到:〔Zeuxis〕Greek artist who was among the first Athenians to use shading, thereby achieving a degree of realism hitherto unknown in Greek painting.宙克西斯:希腊画家,首批使用明暗法的雅典人之一,因此实现了迄今在希腊绘画艺术中仍不为人知的现实主义手法〔fulfill〕fulfilled their promises.实现他们的诺言〔work〕To exert oneself physically or mentally in order to do, make, or accomplish something.创造,实现:尽力使用自己的体力或脑力以便做、干或完成某事〔ideal〕Lacking practicality or the possibility of realization.假设的,虚幻的:缺少现实性或实现的可能性的〔actualize〕"More flexible life patterns could . . . nurture and renew our spirits through opportunities to actualize personal dreams"(Fred Best)“更多灵活的生活方式能…通过实现个人梦想的机会滋养和更新我们的精神”(弗雷德·贝斯特)〔tangible〕Possible to understand or realize:实际的:有可能被理解或实现的:〔prayer〕Her prayer for rain was granted at last.她盼雨的祈求终于实现〔engine〕An agent, an instrument, or a means of accomplishment.工具:用来实现某一目的的事物、手段或工具〔perform〕He accomplished his purpose, the rapid acquisition of enormous profits, only by making risky investments. Toachieve is to accomplish something especially by dint of effort or despite difficulty; the term often implies a significant result: 他仅通过冒险投资就实现了自己的目标——迅速获得了巨额收益。 Achieve 尤指通过努力或克服困难而获得某物; 本词常意指重大的结果: 〔Wilkins〕American civil rights leader. Long associated with the NAACP, he asserted that racial equality should be achieved through the democratic process.威尔金斯,罗伊:(1901-1981) 美国民权运动领袖,与全国有色人种协会长期有联系,他坚持种族平等应该通过民主过程来实现〔plan〕To formulate a scheme or program for the accomplishment, enactment, or attainment of:筹划,部署:为某事的完成、开展或实现制订计划:〔automation〕The techniques and equipment used to achieve automatic operation or control.自动学:用于实现自动运行或控制的技术或设备〔workable〕Capable of being put into effective operation; practicable or feasible.See Synonyms at possible 行得通的:可能被用于有效的运行中的;可实行的或易实现的 参见 possible〔achievement〕Something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance.See Synonyms at feat 1成就,成绩:成功实现了的事情,尤指通过努力、技能、实践或毅力 参见 feat1〔Vedanta〕The system of philosophy that further develops the implications in the Upanishads that all reality is a single principle, Brahman, and teaches that the believer's goal is to transcend the limitations of self-identity and realize one's unity with Brahman.吠檀多:进一步发展“奥义书”中含义的哲学体系,即所有的实在论是唯一的神婆罗门,并且宣扬信奉者的目标是超出个性的限制并实现与婆罗门合而为一〔actualize〕To realize in action or make real:实现:在行动中实现或使…成为真的:〔unmet〕Not satisfied or fulfilled:未被满足或实现的:〔consummate〕a dream that was finally consummated with the publication of her first book.她处女作的发表实现了她的梦想




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