单词 | 实施 |
释义 | 〔jackal〕An accomplice or a lackey who aids in the commission of base or disreputable acts.同谋,同伙:共犯或帮凶,其帮助实施无耻或下流的行为〔underground〕A clandestine, often nationalist, organization fostering or planning hostile activities against, or the overthrow of, a government in power, such as an occupying military government:地下组织:一个酝酿或计划反对或颠覆现行政府,如实施占领的军事政府等敌对行动的秘密的民族主义者组织:〔decide〕"If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each" (John Marshall). “如果两条法律相互之间有冲突,那么法院必须跟据每条法律的实施情况来做出选择” (约翰·马歇尔)。 〔establish〕To introduce and put (a law, for example) into force.介绍和实施(如,法律)〔featherbed〕To engage in or promote featherbedding.实施或促进限产超雇〔recognizance〕An obligation of record that is entered into before a court or magistrate, containing a condition to perform a particular act, such as making a court appearance.保证书,切结书:在开庭前缔结的法律合约记录,带有实施这一特定行为的条件,如出庭〔occupation〕The military government exercising control over an occupied nation or territory.控制:军政府对一被占国或其边境所实施的控制〔dispense〕To administer (laws, for example).实施、执行(如法律)〔function〕Latin fūnctiō fūnctiōn- [performance, execution] 拉丁语 fūnctiō fūnctiōn- [履行,实施] 〔command〕Done or performed in response to a command:执行的:按照指挥去作或实施的:〔Mazzini〕Italian patriot who spurred the movement for an independent, unified Italy with his political writings and machinations, conducted mostly from exile in London.马志尼,朱森珀:(1805-1872) 意大利爱国者,以其政治性文章和秘密策划推行独立、统一的意大利的运动,大部分是在伦敦流亡期间实施的〔multitrack〕Having or using several schedules:有或实施多种计划的:〔incite〕Their leader tried to incite the dissidents to overthrow the government. Toinstigate is to conceive and encourage the implementation of a plan of action, usually an evil or illegal one: 他们的领袖试图煽动持不同政见者推翻政府。 Instigate 指构思或鼓励通常是罪恶或不合法的行动计划的实施: 〔pry〕Something, such as a crowbar, that is used to apply leverage.撬杠:用于实施杠杆作用的某物,比如撬杠等〔resurrection〕The act of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; revival.重新流行,恢复使用:使恢复实施、受注意或应用的行为;复兴〔gendarme〕A member of the French national police organization constituting a branch of the armed forces with responsibility for general law enforcement.乡村警察:法国警察组织的一员,由一支武装力量组成,负责普通法律的实施〔assumpsit〕A legal action to enforce or recover damages for a breach of such an agreement.要求赔偿损失的诉讼:对违背这种协议而提出的强制实施或赔偿损失的法律行为〔despotism〕A government or political system in which the ruler exercises absolute power:专制政府:统治者实施绝对权力的政府或政治体系:〔guaranty〕Something given as security for the execution, completion, or existence of something else.担保物:作为担保某事的实施,完成或存在的东西〔segregationist〕One that advocates or practices a policy of racial segregation.种族隔离主义者:提倡或实施种族隔离政策的人〔mar〕To inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage, on.损坏:对…实施破坏,尤指那种损坏外形的破坏〔destruct〕The intentional, usually remote-controlled destruction of a space vehicle, rocket, or missile after launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety.毁灭,摧毁:因为方案不完善或为了安全的原因,经常通过遥控对已发射的宇宙飞船、火箭或导弹实施的有意的摧毁〔laparoscope〕A slender, tubular endoscope that is inserted through an incision in the abdominal wall to examine or perform minor surgery within the abdominal or pelvic cavities.腹腔镜:细长管状内诊镜,通过食管进入腹腔以检查腹腔或骨盆或在其中实施手术〔magistrate〕A civil officer with power to administer and enforce law, as:地方行政官:有权执法和实施法律的公务员,如:〔strategy〕The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war.战略学:在和平或战争时期尽可能有效地利用一国的全部力量去实施核准的计划的一门科学与艺术〔law〕The body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community and enforced by a political authority; a legal system:法律系统:规范某一社会事务的一套规则和原则,由政治权力机构实施;法律系统:〔Severus〕Emperor of Rome (193-211) who created a military monarchy and ruled as a despot.塞佛留斯,卢西乌斯·塞蒂穆斯:() 罗马(193-211年)皇帝,实施暴君统治并建立军事独裁〔stern〕a stern disciplinarian.See Synonyms at severe 一个严格的实施纪律者 参见 severe〔geostrategy〕Governmental strategy based on geopolitics.地缘政治战略实施:建立在地缘政治学基础上的政治战略实施〔sickly〕"Timidity . . . sicklies the whole cast of thought in action"(Henry Adams)“腼腆…使所有的思想实施起来显得苍白无力”(亨利·亚当斯)〔Kristallnacht〕The night of November 9, 1938, on which the Nazis coordinated an attack on Jewish people and their property in Germany and German-controlled lands.水晶之夜:1938年11月9日夜晚,纳粹份子从中协作实施了对德国和德国控区内的犹太人及其财产的袭击〔titrate〕To determine the concentration of (a solution) by titration or perform the operation of titration.用滴定法测量:用滴定或通过实施滴定的方法确定(一种溶液)的浓度〔hakim〕from ḥakama [to exercise authority] 源自 ḥakama [实施权力] 〔ponder〕"The King struck the blow he had for some time meditated" (William E.H. Lecky). “国王实施了他考虑已久的打击” (威廉E.H.莱奇)。 〔qualify〕and from Middle English qualifien [to specify the time and place of a document's execution] 并源自 中古英语 qualifien [使文件实施的时间和地点具体化] 〔Medicare〕A program under the U.S. Social Security Administration that reimburses hospitals and physicians for medical care provided to qualifying people over 65 years old.医疗保障方案:美国社会保障局实施的一项方案,向医院和医生支付为65岁以上的人士提供医疗服务所需的费用〔castigate〕To inflict severe punishment on.See Synonyms at punish 对…实施严厉的惩罚 参见 punish〔saturation〕Intensive shelling or bombing of a military target to achieve total destruction.饱和轰炸:对军事目标实施密集轰炸而达到完全摧毁之目的〔preventive〕Carried out to deter expected aggression by hostile forces.防止的:实施以用来防止敌对势力有可能的进攻的〔monometallism〕The economic theory or practice of using only one metal as a monetary standard.单金属本位制:仅使用一种金属作为货币标准的经济理论或实施方法 |
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