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单词 宗教领袖
释义 〔Allen〕American religious leader and the first bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (1816-1831).艾伦,理查德:(1760-1831) 美国宗教领袖,曾任非洲美以美圣公会第一任主教(1816-1831年)〔Moon〕Korean-born American religious leader and founder of the Unification Church (1954). He was found guilty in 1982 of conspiracy to evade taxes in the United States.文鲜明:朝鲜裔美籍宗教领袖,统一教(1954年)创始人。他于1982年在美国被认定犯共谋逃税罪〔Hutchinson〕English-born American colonist and religious leader who was banished from Boston (1637) for her religious beliefs.哈钦森,安妮:(1591-1643) 英裔美国殖民者,宗教领袖,1637年因其宗教信仰而被逐出波士顿市〔Muhlenberg〕German-born American religious leader of all Lutheran groups in the colonies. His sonJohn Peter Gabriel (1746-1807) was a Revolutionary soldier and a U.S. representative from Pennsylvania (1789-1791, 1793-1795, and 1799-1801). Another son, Frederick Augustus (1750-1801), was a delegate to the Continental Congress (1779-1780) and a U.S. representative (1789-1797) who served as the first speaker of the house. 穆伦贝尔格,亨利·梅尔希奥:(1711-1787) 德裔美籍宗教领袖,美国殖民地信义会的领导者,他的儿子约翰·彼德·加布里埃尔 (1746-1807年)是位美国革命军士兵,曾作为来自宾夕法尼亚州的美国国会议员(1789-1791,1793-1795和1799-1801年)。另一个儿子, 弗雷德里克·奥古斯都 (1750-1801年),是大陆会议代表(1779-1780年)和美国众议院首席议长(1789-1797年) 〔Wesley〕British religious leader who founded Methodism (1738). His brotherCharles (1707-1788) wrote thousands of hymns, including "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.” 卫斯理,约翰:(1703-1791) 英国宗教领袖。他创建了卫理公会(1738年)。他的兄弟查理斯 (1707-1788年)写了上千首赞歌,书中包括“听,预言天使的歌唱” 〔Adler〕American religious leader and educator who was president of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (1924-1940) and edited scholarly works concerning Judaism.阿德勒,赛勒斯:(1863-1940) 美国宗教领袖及教育家,美国犹太神学院的校长(1924-1940年),编辑过有关犹太教的学术著作〔Smith〕British religious leader and writer known for his witty polemics, especially his defense of the political emancipation of Catholics in England.史密斯,悉尼:(1771-1845) 英国宗教领袖和作家,以其机智的辩论而著称,特别是他为在英国从政治上解放天主教徒所作的辩护〔Fox〕English religious leader who founded the Society of Friends, or Quakers (1647-1648).福克斯,乔治:(1624-1691) 英国宗教领袖,创建了友谊会,或贵格会教徒(1647-1648年)〔Fosdick〕American religious leader who maintained that scientific and psychiatric advances should not be considered threatening to religion.福斯迪克,哈里·埃默森:(1878-1969) 美国宗教领袖,主张不应该把科学和精神病学的进步看作是对宗教的威胁〔Young〕American religious leader who directed the Mormon Church after the assassination (1884) of its founder, Joseph Smith. He led an exodus of the Mormons from their troubled settlement in Illinois to the site of present-day Salt Lake City, Utah, where they established a permanent home for the church (1847).扬,布里格姆:(1801-1877) 美国宗教领袖,在摩门教创始人约瑟夫·史密斯遭暗杀(1884年)之后,他领导摩门教徒从他们在伊利诺斯州居住的是非之地出走,到今天的犹他州的盐湖城所在地,在此为他们的教徒建立了永久的家园(1847年)〔McCloskey〕American religious leader who became the first American Roman Catholic cardinal (1875).麦克劳斯基,约翰:(1810-1885) 美国宗教领袖,第一位美国罗马天主教的红衣主教(1875年)〔Brewster〕English Pilgrim colonist who sailed to America on theMayflower (1620) and was the religious leader of Plymouth Colony. 布鲁斯特,威廉:(1567-1644) 英国清教徒殖民主义者,乘五月花号 航行至美洲(1620年),是普利茅斯殖民地的宗教领袖 〔Eddy〕American religious leader who founded Christian Science (1879), the tenets of which she explained inScience and Health (1875). She also founded the Christian Science Monitor (1908), a daily newspaper. 艾迪,玛丽(莫尔斯)·贝克:(1821-1910) 美国宗教领袖,她在1879年创立“基督教科学教会”,她的教义在《科学与健康》 中得以阐明(1875年)。她还创建了一种日报 《基督教科学箴言报》 (1908年) 〔Miller〕American religious leader who preached that Christ's Second Coming would take place in 1843. Miller's followers later organized the Advent Christian Church (1860).米勒,威廉:(1782-1849) 美国宗教领袖,曾宣扬基督的二次降临将发生在1843年。米勒的信徒后来组织了基督降临教会(1860年)〔Bahaullah〕Persian religious leader who was a follower of the Bab and founded the Baha'i sect (1863).巴哈安拉:波斯的宗教领袖,他是巴布的追随者并创立了巴哈教派(1863年)〔Wise〕Hungarian-born American religious leader who was an ardent Zionist and founded the World Jewish Congress (1936).怀斯,斯蒂芬·塞缪尔:(1874-1949) 匈牙利裔的美国宗教领袖,激进的犹太复国主义者且是世界犹太人议会的创始人(1936年)〔Mott〕American religious leader. He shared the 1946 Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership of the YMCA.马特,约翰·雷利:(1865-1955) 美国宗教领袖。由于对天主教青年会的领导而获得1946年诺贝尔和平奖〔Asbury〕British-born American religious leader and first Methodist Episcopal cleric to become a bishop in the colonies (1784).阿斯伯里,弗朗西斯:(1745-1816) 英裔美国宗教领袖,第一个成为各殖民地主教的卫理公会主教派教士(1784年)〔Cromwell〕English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) and called for the execution of Charles I. As lord protector of England (1653-1658) he ruled as a virtual dictator. His sonRichard (1626-1712) succeeded him briefly as lord protector (1658-1659) before the restoration of the monarchy under Charles II. 克伦威尔,奥利弗:(1599-1658) 英国军人、政治家和宗教领袖,他在英国内战时(1642-1649年)率领国会军队取得了胜利并要求处死查理一世。作为英格兰的护国公(1653-1658年),他实际上实行独裁统治。他的儿子理查德 (1626-1712年)在他之后继任护国公(1658-1659年),但不久以后就因查理二世的王政复辟而下台 〔Cotton〕English-born American cleric who was vicar of Saint Botolph's Church in England until he was summoned to court for his Puritanism. He fled to Boston, Massachusetts, where he became a civil and religious leader.科顿,约翰:(1584-1652) 英国裔的美国牧师,是圣包托尔夫斯教堂的教区牧师,直到他后来追随清教主义。他逃到马萨诸塞州的波士顿,在那里成为民间的宗教领袖〔Whitefield〕British religious leader. A follower of John Wesley, he preached widely in the American colonies and was a central figure in the Great Awakening of Protestantism and the establishment of Methodism in America.怀特菲尔德,乔治:(1714-1770) 英国宗教领袖,是约翰·卫斯理的追随者。他曾在美国殖民地广泛传教,是在美国建立新教教义大觉醒及卫理公会派的中心人物〔Waldo〕French religious leader who founded the Waldenses and was excommunicated in 1184.瓦尔多,彼得:(12世纪) 法国宗教领袖,瓦尔多教派的创建者,于1184年被逐出教会〔hierarch〕One who occupies a position of authority in a religious hierarchy.祭祀长,高僧,大主教:掌握高级职位或有权威的宗教领袖〔Nanak〕Indian religious leader who broke from orthodox Hinduism to found Sikhism.那纳克:印度宗教领袖,他脱离正统的印度教建立起锡克教〔Baker〕American religious leader who founded (1919) a communal religious sect called the Peace Mission.贝克,乔治:(1877-1965) 美国宗教领袖,他于1919年建立了取名和平使命的公共宗教派别〔Lee〕British religious leader and founder (1776) of the Shakers in America.李,安:(1736-1784) 英国宗教领袖,是美国震颤派的创始者(1776年)〔Rapp〕German-born American religious leader who founded utopian communities in Pennsylvania and Indiana.拉普,乔治:(1757-1847) 德裔美国宗教领袖,在宾夕法尼亚州和印第安纳州建立了乌托邦式的团体〔Finney〕American religious leader and educator who was president of Oberlin College in Ohio (1851-1866).芬尼,查尔斯·格兰迪逊:(1792-1875) 美国宗教领袖和教育家,曾任俄亥俄州奥伯林学院院长(1851-1866年)〔Maronite〕after Maro , fourth-century a.d. Syrian religious leader 源自 马洛 , 公元 4世纪叙利亚宗教领袖 〔Mercier〕Belgian theologian and religious leader who spoke out against the excesses of the German troops occupying Belgium during World War I and is noted for his application of the scholasticism of Saint Thomas Aquinas to modern thought.梅西耶,德瑟拉·约瑟夫:(1851-1926) 比利时神学家和宗教领袖,他曾强烈抗议第一次世界大战期间占领比利时的德军的暴行,并以其在现代思想中对圣·托马斯·阿奎那的经院哲学的运用而著名〔Campbell〕Irish-born American religious leader who with his sonAlexander (1788-1866) founded the Disciples of Christ (1809). 坎贝尔,托马斯:(1763-1854) 爱尔兰裔美国宗教领袖,他与儿子亚历山大 (1788至1866年)建立了基督十二门徒说(1809年) 〔Seton〕American religious leader. A widowed mother of five, she converted to Catholicism (1805), opened a parochial school in Maryland, and founded a religious order, the Sisters of Charity (1809). She was the first native-born American to be canonized (1975).塞丁,伊丽莎白·安·佩雷:(1774-1821) 美国宗教领袖。五个孩子的寡母,她皈依基督教(1805年),在马里兰州开设教区学校,并建立教规,成为查瑞德嫫嫫(1809年)。她是第一个美国本土出生的典范〔Wise〕Bohemian-born American religious leader who united Reform Jewish organizations in the United States.怀斯,艾萨克·梅耶:(1819-1900) 波希米亚裔的美国宗教领袖,他统一了美国的犹太人教改革派〔Beissel〕German-born religious leader and hymn writer whose works influenced American hymnody.贝塞尔,约翰·康拉德:(1690-1768) 德国裔宗教领袖与圣歌作者,其作品对美国赞美诗深有影响〔Cabrini〕Italian-born American religious leader who founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (1880) and was the first American to be canonized (1946).卡夫里尼,弗朗西斯·泽维尔:(1850-1917) 意大利裔美国宗教领袖,他于1880年建立了“圣心姐妹教会”,是第一个被封为圣徒的美国人(1946年)年〔Russell〕American religious leader who founded (1884) the sect now called Jehovah's Witnesses.拉塞尔,查尔斯·泰兹:(1852-1916) 美国宗教领袖,组织了现称为耶和华见证会的前身(1884年)〔Mennonite〕after Menno Simons (1492-1559), Frisian religious leader 源自 孟诺 塞门(1492-1559年),夫里斯兰宗教领袖 〔Stetson〕American religious leader who founded the first Christian Science congregation in New York City (1888).斯泰森,奥古斯塔·爱玛·西蒙斯:(1842-1928) 美国宗教领袖,他在纽约建立了第一个基督教科学会(1888年)〔Wovoka〕Paiute religious leader who founded the Ghost Dance movement. The movement faded when a number of its followers, thought to have supernatural protection, were massacred at Wounded Knee (1890).沃伏卡:派尤特人的宗教领袖,倡导了鬼神舞运动。当许多被认为有神圣力量保护的信徒在翁迪德尼被杀后(1890年),这场运动逐渐平息〔Otterbein〕German-born American religious leader who was a founder (1789) of the United Brethren in Christ.奥特拜因,菲利普·威廉:(1726-1813) 德国出生的美国宗教领袖,为联合弟兄会的创始人(1789年)




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