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单词 完美
释义 〔perfecta〕From American Spanish (quiniela) perfecta [perfect (quinella)] [feminine of] perfecto [perfect] 源自 美国西班牙语 (quiniela) perfecta [完整的] perfecto的阴性词 [完美的] 〔Verdi〕Italian composer of operas, includingLa Traviata (1853), Aïda (1871), and Otello (1887). He is credited with raising Italian opera to its fullest artistic form. 威尔地,朱森珀:(1813-1901) 意大利歌剧作曲家,其作品包括有《吟游诗人》 (1853年)、 《阿依达》 (1871年)和 《奥赛罗》 (1887年)。他因把意大利歌剧推到最完美的艺术形式而著名 〔acquaint〕from Latin accognitus [past participle of] accognoscere [to know perfectly] 源自 拉丁语 accognitus accognoscere的过去分词 [完美地了解] 〔absolute〕Perfect in quality or nature; complete.完美的:质量上或本质上的完美的;完全的〔archetype〕an archetype of the successful entrepreneur.成功企业家的完美典范〔rounded〕a rounded meal.一顿完美的膳食〔rehearse〕To perfect or cause to perfect (an action) by repetition.See Synonyms at practice 经训练使熟练掌握:通过反复使完善或造成动作的完美 参见 practice〔visionary〕Tending to envision things in perfect but unrealistic form; idealistic.理想主义的:倾向于用完美但不切实际的形式设想事物的;理想主义的〔perfectible〕perfectible prose.可以渐臻完美的散文〔Doctorow〕American writer noted for his artful blend of history and fiction in novels such asThe Book of Daniel (1971). 多克特罗,埃(德加)·劳(伦斯):(生于 1931) 美国作家。以小说中历史和虚构的完美融合著称,如《丹尼尔记》 (1971年) 〔polished〕Having no imperfections or errors; flawless:完美的,精良的:没有不完美之处或错误的;完美无暇的:〔perfect〕a consummate performer;完美的表演者;〔showcase〕“[The producer] has crafted backgrounds which perfectly showcase [the singer's] vocals and driving rhythm guitar" (Elijah Wald).“ 已精心设计好了能完美展示 声音和动感十足的吉他的后台” (伊莱贾·沃尔德)。〔complement〕Complement and compliment, though quite distinct in meaning, are sometimes confused because they are pronounced the same. Complement means "something that completes or brings to perfection": Complement 和 compliment, 虽然在意义上截然不同, 但是因为它们发音相同所以时常被混淆。 Complement 意思是“补足或使…完美”: 〔grain〕A state of fine crystallization.完美结晶的状态〔assiduous〕an assiduous worker who strove for perfection.See Synonyms at busy 一个勤奋的工人力求做到完美 参见 busy〔Sanskrit〕Sanskrit sa­skṛtam [from neuter of] sa­skṛta- [perfected, refined] 梵文 sa­skṛtam 源自sa­skṛta-的中性词 [完美的,优雅的] 〔imperfect〕perfectus [perfect] * see perfect perfectus [完美的,完成时的] * 参见 perfect〔strength〕The number of people constituting a normal or ideal organization:人力:组成一个规范的或完美的组织结构的人数:〔beauty〕A quality or feature that is most effective, gratifying, or telling:完美:一种最有效的、令人满意的或显著的品质或形象:〔Castiglione〕Italian diplomat and writer best known forIl Cortegiano (1528), which describes the perfect courtier. 卡斯第里欧尼,巴尔达萨雷:(1478-1529) 意大利外交家和作家,最有名的是描绘完美朝臣的作品《科尔泰贾诺》 (1528年) 〔round〕To come to satisfactory completion or perfection.圆满结束,完美〔king〕The perfect, omniscient, omnipotent being; God.上帝:完美的,无所不知的,万能的存在;上帝〔nouveau〕"The perfect[Los Angeles] combination: a gas station that is also a nouveau convenience store" (David Mermelstein)“[洛城] 的完美组合:加油站也是崭新的便利商店” (戴维·莫麦斯坦)〔mar〕To impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of; spoil.See Synonyms at injure 损害…的健全、完美或完整;毁坏 参见 injure〔irreproachable〕Perfect or blameless in every respect; faultless:无瑕疵的:完美的或在各方面都无可挑剔的;没有错误的:〔Geber〕Arab scholar and alchemist who wrote a number of influential books of alchemical theory, includingSumma Perfectionis. 格伯:阿拉伯学者和炼金家,写了许多有关炼金理论的颇具影响的书籍,包括《完美的冶炼产品》 〔nonpareil〕A person or thing that has no equal; a paragon.See Synonyms at paragon 完美无比的人或物:无比杰出的人或物;完人 参见 paragon〔other〕She performed other than perfectly.她表演得远说不上完美〔coherent〕Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts:条理分明的:各部分之间有序的、逻辑的和完美一致的关系特征的:〔cohere〕To have internal elements or parts logically connected so that aesthetic consistency results:紧密地结合:内部要素或结构逻辑地连接在一起以形成完美地一致:〔practiced〕Acquired or brought to perfection by practice:习得的,练成的:通过练习获得或达到完美、成熟:〔paragon〕A model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example:典型,模范:一类中杰出或完美的模式;无可匹敌的范例:〔shape〕"He shaped history as well as being shaped by it"(Robert J. Samuelson)“犹如历史创造了完美的他一样,他也塑造了完美的历史”(罗伯特J.塞缪尔森)〔pat〕Completely, exactly, or perfectly:彻底地,正确地,完美地:〔summit〕Acme refers to an ultimate point, as of perfection: Acme 指 极点,如完美的极至: 〔indefectible〕Having no flaw or defect; perfect.无瑕疵的,无缺点的;完美〔round〕Brought to satisfactory conclusion or completion; finished.圆满的:结局令人满意或圆满的;完美〔culture〕"Culture is then properly described not as having its origin in curiosity, but as having its origin in the love of perfection" (Matthew Arnold). “由此修养被恰当地描述为源于对完美的热爱,而不是出于好奇心” (马修·阿诺德)。〔yoga〕Also Yoga A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity. 也作 Yoga 瑜伽:致力于训练一种能达到完美精神内省和宁静状态的意识的印度训练方法




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