单词 | 如同 |
释义 | 〔alcohol〕Theal- in alcohol may alert some readers to the fact that this is a word of Arabic descent, as is the case withalgebra and alkali—al being the Arabic definite article corresponding to the in English. The origin of-cohol is less obvious, however. Its Arabic ancestor waskuḥl, a fine powder most often made from antimony and used by women to darken their eyelids;in fact,kuḥl has given us the word kohl for such a preparation. Arabic chemists came to useal-kuḥl to mean "any fine powder produced in a number of ways, including the process of heating a substance to a gaseous state and then recooling it.” The English wordalcohol, derived through Medieval Latin from Arabic, is first recorded in 1543 in this sense. Arabic chemists also usedal-kuḥl to refer to other substances such as essences that were obtained by distillation, a sense first found for Englishalcohol in 1672. One of these distilled essences, known as "alcohol of wine,” is the constituent of fermented liquors that causes intoxication.This essence took over the termalcohol for itself, whence it has come to refer to the liquor that contains this essence as well as to a class of chemical compounds such as methanol.al- 包含于 alcohol 中的用法可能会使读者注意到这个词来源于阿拉伯语, 就如同algerbra 和 alkali--al 作为与英语中 the 相对应的阿拉伯语定冠词。 不过-cohol 的词源就不那么明显了。 它在阿拉伯语中写作kuhl, 是一种通常用锑精研而成的粉末,妇女们用它来涂黑眼睑;实际上我们由kuhl 这个词已可以得出作为备用的 kohl 一词。 阿拉伯的化学家们开始把al-kuhl 一词用来指“通过一系列方法而得到的细粉末, 这些方法包括将一种物质加热至气化状态再使之冷却的过程。”英语中的alcohol 这个词,是由该阿拉伯词汇入中世纪拉丁语之后发展而来的,用作这个意义的记录最早出现于1543年。 阿拉伯化学家也用al-kuhl 这个词指如通过蒸馏而得到的精华的其它物质, 英语词汇alcohol 的这一含义最早出现于1672年。 其中有一种被称为“酒精”的蒸馏产物是可以醉人的发酵液体的组成部分。alchohol 成了专指这一物质的词汇, 从此以后它也指包含该物质的液体及甲醇等化合物〔fluorescent〕Glowing as if with fluorescence; vivid:发亮的,容光焕发的:如同有荧光般闪烁的;有生机的:〔gallivant〕Ladies' men and gambling are no strangers,as the history of the wordgallivant may attest. Gallivant, which is first recorded in English in 1819, is thought possibly to be an alteration of the wordgallant, "to play the gallant or dandy, flirt,”under the influence of the wordlevant, "to leave quickly and secretly, especially as a gambler might do to avoid payment of debts.”The wordlevant may hark back to the notion of the Levant, the countries of the Near East, as a far-off place where someone might go to hide. In French the phrasefaire voile en Levant, which means literally "to sail into the Levant,” actually means "to be stolen.”When a person gallivanted,the person was at one time playing the gallant, perhaps with the intention of stealing away with a heart or two.One can still gallivant with others or simply gallivant on one's own.好向女人献殷勤的男人和赌博并不是不相干,就如同gallivant 的历史所表明的一样。 Gallivant 一词于1819年第一次收录进英语, 被认为可能是gallant 的变体, 意为“调情;卖弄风情”,并受到词语levant 的影响, 其意为“迅速而秘密地离去,尤指一个赌徒为了逃避赌债可能做的。”单词levant 可追溯到黎凡特的概念,指作为有人想要躲藏的遥远地方的近东一些国家。 在法语中短语faire voile en Levant 字面含义为“航行到黎凡特,” 实际意思为“被偷了。”当一个人调情时,他调一次情却可能有意偷走一两颗心。一个人可能还会与别人调情或只是与自己的情人调情〔strawberry〕Izaak Walton's 1655 comment,"We may say of Angling as Dr. Boteler said of Strawberries; Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did,”is perhaps the nicest use of the wordstrawberry in its history. This history goes back much further in English to the Old English period when the word is first recorded.We know thatstrawberry was formed during that period from the Old English ancestors of our words straw and berry. What is not known is why the wordstraw is the first part of this compound. One possibility is that the small, one-seeded fruits on the surface of a strawberry resemble fragments of straw.尹扎卡·沃尔顿在1655年的评论道,“我们可以谈论钓鱼就如同包特勒医生谈论草莓;无疑地,上帝可以创造一种更好的浆果,但毫无疑问他从来没有做”,这一评论可能是strawberry 这个词在其历史上最好的用法。 在英语中,这个词的最早记录历史可更远地追溯到古英语时期。我们知道,strawberry 这个词在那时来自于我们的词语 straw 和 berry 的古英语祖先。 为什么这个复合词的前半部分为straw 无从得知。 一种可能是草莓表面小的单个种子状的果实象稻草的碎片〔scenographic〕"Contemporary design has a strongly scenographic appeal, as if modern rooms were meant to be stage sets"(Los Angeles Times)“当代设计对具有舞台布景的透视画法有很大的兴趣,这就如同现代的房间”(洛杉矶时报)〔entomb〕To place in or as if in a tomb or grave.埋葬:放置或如同放置在坟墓中〔collaborate〕To cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country.勾结:叛逆地合作,如同侵占自己国家的敌人合作〔flash〕 Scintillate is applied to what flashes as if emitting sparks in a continuous stream: Scintillate 用来指如同源源不断的河流上发出的光: 〔clinical〕"He spoke in the clipped, clinical monotones typical of police testimony in court"(Connie Paige)“他讲话简短而客观,如同在法庭陈述警方掌握的证据”(康妮·佩奇)〔stroke〕To rub lightly, with or as if with the hand or something held in the hand; caress.抚:用手或如同用手一般对手掌内的东西轻轻地摩擦;抚摸〔distort〕"The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it" (Francis Bacon). “人的理解如同一面假镜子,无规律地接收光线,将自己的本质和事物的本质混合起来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质” (富兰西斯·培根)。〔whence〕It is difficult to label as incorrect a construction with such respectable antecedents.Still, it may be observed thatwhence (like thence ) is most often used nowadays to impart an archaic or highly formal tone to a passage, and that this effect is probably better realized if the archaic syntax of the word—withoutfrom —is preserved as well. 由于这样一些值得尊敬的先人,故而将其归类为一个不正确的结构就比较困难。不过,仍然可以注意到whence (如同 thence )在今天最常用来给一段文章赋予一种古体的或极其正式的语调, 并可以注意到如果该调整的古式构词方式(即不带有from 这个词)亦同样保留的话,该古体且高度正式的语调的效果则能更好地体现出来 〔otherwise〕Other than supposed; different:不同的,意料之外的:并非如同假定的;另外的:〔fit〕 Happy andfelicitous are applicable to what seems especially suitable, as by its nature: Happy 和felicitous 适用于看起来特别合适,如同由它的性质而定的: 〔flow〕To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid.流,流动:如同有了液体特性似的连续不断地移动或流淌〔trait〕A stroke with or as if with a pencil.一笔:用铅笔或如同用铅笔一样画一下〔rhinestone〕Although rhinestones are inseparably associated with the costumes of country and western singers and Las Vegas showgirls,the word originally had European associations.The Rhine inrhinestone is the Rhine River, andrhinestone is a translation into English of the French phrase caillou du Rhin. Originally a rhinestone was a kind of rock crystal that was found in or near the Rhine and given a fancy name, as have other types of rock crystal such as Cornish diamond.Such stones could be made to imitate diamonds;hence the namerhinestone was applied to artificial gems made from paste, glass, or gem quartz. Rhinestones have spread far beyond the Rhine,becoming a central ingredient of certain aspects of Americana.Cornish diamonds have not shared the same fate.虽然莱茵石与乡村服装,西部歌手及拉斯维加斯的歌舞女郎联系紧密,但这个单词最初与欧洲有联系。单词rhinestong(莱茵石) 中的Rhine指莱茵河, 而rhinestone 是由法语短语 caillou du Rhin 翻译成英语的。 莱茵石最初是一种在莱茵河中或附近发现的天然透明石英石,并如同其它类型天然透明石英石,例如康沃尔钻石那样被赋予了一个新奇的名字。这样的石头能被用来仿造钻石;因而名称rhinestone(莱茵石) 便用于由含铅玻璃、玻璃或宝石石英制成的人造宝石。 莱茵石已遍及莱茵河以外,成为美国某些外观的重要组成部分。而康沃尔钻石则没有同样的命运〔erase〕Cancel refers to invalidating by or as if by drawing lines through something written or by indicating that the force or effect of something has been terminated: Cancel 是通过或如同通过在某物上划线表示删除、消去或者通过说明某物的力量或效力已经结束而消除: 〔absquatulate〕The vibrant energy of American English sometimes appears in the use of Latin affixes to create jocular pseudo-Latin "learned" words.There is a precedent for this in the language of Shakespeare,whose plays contain scores of made-up Latinate words.Midlandabsquatulate has a prefix ab-, "away from,” and a suffix-ate, "to act upon in a specified manner,” affixed to a nonexistent base form-squatul-, probably suggested bysquat. Hence the whimsicalabsquatulate, "to squat away from.” Another such coinage is Northernbusticate, which joins bust with -icate by analogy with verbs like medicate. Southernargufy joins argue to a redundant -fy, "to make; cause to become.” These creations are largely confined to regions of the United States where change is slow,and where the 19th-century love for Latinate words and expressions is still manifest.For example, Appalachian speech is characterized by the frequent use ofrecollect, aggravate, oblige, and other such words. 美国英语的创造力有时表现在用拉丁文词缀去创造滑稽的假拉丁文“文雅”的单词。莎士比亚的语言是一先行者,他的戏剧中有大量创造出来的拉丁词。中部地区的absquatulate 有一前缀 ab-, 表“离开,走开,” 和一个后缀-ate, 表“以特殊方式行事,” 这些再加在一个不存在的词根上-squatul-, 也许是由squat 而来的。 所以奇特的absquatulate 表“走开,离开。” 另外一个这样的造词是从北部的busticate 来的,这是把 bust 加上 -icate 变来的,如同源动词 medicate。 南部的argufy 把 argue 加上多余的 -fy, 意为“变成;使成为”。 这种造词只见于美国变化较慢的地区,在那儿仍保持了19世纪那种喜好拉丁语词语的习惯。比如在阿巴拉契亚地区的语言中,如同recollect,aggravate,oblige 和其他这样一些词经常被使用的 〔naive〕Simple and credulous as a child; ingenuous.天真的:如同孩子般简单和易轻信的;天真的〔fizzle〕In Philemon Holland's 1601 translation of Pliny'sNatural History, we are surprised by the use of the wordfizzle in the statement that if asses eat a certain plant,"they will fall a fizling and farting.” Fizzle was first used in English to mean,in the decorous parlance of theOxford English Dictionary, "to break wind without noise.” During the 19th centuryfizzle took on a related but more respectable sense, "to hiss, as does a piece of fireworks,”illustrated by a quotation from the November 7, 1881, issue of theLondon Daily News: "unambitious rockets which fizzle doggedly downwards.”In the same centuryfizzle also took on figurative senses, one of which seems to have been popular at Yale.TheYale Literary Magazine for 1849 helpfully defines the word as follows: “Fizzle, to rise with modest reluctance, to hesitate often, to decline finally; generally, to misunderstand the question.”The figurative sense offizzle that has caught on is the one with which we are most familiar today, "to fail or die out.”在腓利门荷兰1601年对普林尼的博物志 中, 我们对fizzle 一词的用法感到很惊讶, 它说如果驴吃了某种植物,“他们就会放屁。” Fizzle 首先在英语中指“无声地放屁,”是在牛津英语字典 的高雅用语中出现的。 在19世纪,fizzle 有了一个相关的但更文雅的含义, “发嘶嘶声,如同烟火那样,”这个词义是通过1881年11月7日的伦敦每日新闻 的引文说明的: “抱负不大的火箭,它们顽固地嘶嘶下坠。”同一世纪,fizzle 还赋与了比喻义, 其中的一个比喻义似乎在耶鲁大学很流行。1849年的耶鲁文学杂志 给这个词下了一个有益的定义: “Fizzle, 不十分情愿地上升,常犹豫不决,最终放弃; 通常是弄错问题。”人们已接受的fizzle 的比喻义, 即今天我们最为熟悉的“失败或消失”〔snort〕To make a sound resembling noisy inhalation:发呼哧声:发出如同大声吸气般的声音:〔bewitching〕Enchanting as if with a magic spell; fascinating.令人心醉的:使如同有魔咒般迷住的;迷人的〔like〕In the manner of being; as if. Used as an intensifier of action:像…似的,如同:以某种方式;好象。用于激励行动:〔cabaletta〕"And a chronic chorus of cascades and birds/Cuts loose in a wild cabaletta"(W.H. Auden)“如同小瀑布和鸟鸣般的大段合唱在一阵狂野的卡巴列塔式乐曲中结束”(W.H.奥登)〔parafoil〕A nonrigid, parachutelike, usually nylon airfoil of ribbed or cellular construction, used especially in kites and paragliders.伞翼:通常为非刚性的,如同降落伞般的尼龙制肋状或格状结构飞行翼,尤其用于滑翔翼及飞行伞〔dissimilitude〕similis [like] * see similar similis [象,如同…样] * 参见 similar〔brew〕Something produced as if by brewing; a mix:如同炮制的物品;混合物:〔chainfall〕A hoisting device consisting of a chain suspended from or laid over a fixed, raised structure such as a beam, used to lift heavy objects, especially vehicle engines.起重吊架:如同天平横杆的固定吊物结构,由铁链悬挂或定位吊物的装置,被用来吊起重物,尤其是汽车的引擎〔scatter〕To distribute loosely by or as if by sprinkling; strew:散落:洒或如同洒开一般分散;散播:〔demarcate〕To separate clearly as if by boundaries; distinguish:区分,区别:清楚地分开,如同划了一条边界一般;区分:〔entangle〕To involve in or as if in a tangle.See Synonyms at catch 使卷入或如同卷入混乱之中 参见 catch〔jet〕Something emitted in or as if in a high-velocity fluid stream:喷雾:以或如同高速流体状喷射出的物质:〔verticillaster〕A cymose inflorescence resembling a whorl but actually arising in the axils of opposite bracts, as in most mints.轮状聚伞花序:类似涡旋状的聚伞花序,但实际上是从相对花苞的枝腋中产生的,如同大部分的薄荷属植物〔scribble〕It is not easy to think simultaneously of the carefully crafted writings of a trained scribe and the hastily scrawled jottings referred to by the wordscribble, but the two words are related.Scribe goes back to the Latin scrība, meaning "one who has charge of things such as public records or accounts,” scrība, in turn, coming from scrībere, "to write.” The Latin word was borrowed into English directly as well as by way of Old French (scribe ), giving us Middle English scribe, first recorded in a work written probably around 1200.People do not always write with great care,especially when pressed for time,as is shown by an early use of the verbscribble in a Middle English text: "Scribled in hast with mine owne hand in default of other helpe.”Hence it is easy to see why the verbscribble came into existence. From Latinscrībere English had formed its own verb scriben, "to write,” and probably from this verb with the addition of the suffix-el, denoting diminutive, repetitive, or intensive actions, came the Middle English word scriblen (first recorded around 1456), the ancestor of our wordscribble. 不容易同时想到由经过训练的抄写员细心写出来的字体和单词scribble 所指的匆忙中胡乱的涂写, 但是这两个字是有关联的。Scribe 可追溯到拉丁文 scriba 意思是“管理公众记录或记事的人”。 scriba 反过来,来自于 scribere, 即“写”。 这个拉丁文字通过古法语(scribe )被直接借入英语,这样我们就有了中世纪英语 scribe, 大概在1200年左右第一次被写入作品中。人们不是总能非常细心地写字,尤指当时间紧凑时,就如同在一个中世纪英语文章中scribble 的早期用法似的: “缺少其它帮助时用我自己的手匆匆地乱写”。因此很容易理解为什么动词scribble 出现了。 源于拉丁文scribere ,英语也形成了它自己的动词 scriben, “写”。 并用加上后缀-el, 表示小的、反复的或者强调的行为的单词,可能衍生了那个中世纪英语单词 scriblen (最早被记录于1456年左右), 即我们现在的单词scribble 的前身 〔musing〕"an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections"(James Atlas)“一个如同绣帷般雅致,由引用、沉思、谚语与自传反射形成的内心想法”(詹姆斯·阿特拉斯)〔pamper〕"Pelham . . . felt that an ally so little used to control . . . might well be indulged in an occasional fit of waywardness" (Macaulay).“佩勒姆…觉得掌握这样小的一个联盟…如同让自己沉溺在对反复无常的适应上” (麦考雷)。〔squirm〕To twist about in a wriggling, snakelike motion; writhe.蠕动:如同蛇一样弯弯曲曲地蠕动;扭动〔vocation〕An inclination, as if in response to a summons, to undertake a certain kind of work, especially a religious career; a calling.神召,天命:担负起某种工作,尤指宗教事业的一种倾向,如同响应神召一样;呼唤〔pipe〕To convey as if by pipes, especially to transmit by wire or cable:传送:如同通过管道传送,尤指用电线或电缆输送: |
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