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单词 奢侈
释义 〔hog〕In a lavish or extravagant manner:花钱很多或奢侈地:〔herd〕"It is the luxurious and dissipated who set the fashions which the herd so diligently follow"(Henry David Thoreau)“是奢侈和放荡的人制造了民众孜孜不倦地追求的时尚”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔sport〕A person who lives a jolly, extravagant life.放浪者:过放浪,奢侈生活的人〔Hogarth〕British artist whose satirical paintings attacked the contradiction of luxury and squalor in society.荷加斯,威廉:(1697-1764) 英国艺术家,他的讽刺画批评了当时社会上奢侈和贫穷之间的强烈反差〔prodigal〕Marked by rash or wasteful extravagance:奢侈的:以极度挥霍浪费为特点的:〔epicure〕A person devoted to sensuous pleasure and luxurious living.See Usage Note at gourmet 爱奢侈享受的人:一个追求快乐和奢侈生活的人 参见 gourmet〔sensuous〕 Sybaritic even more strongly suggests devotion to pleasure and luxury;the term implies excess and sometimes connotes effeteness or decadence: Sybaritic 甚至更强烈地暗指热心于欢乐和奢侈;这个词暗指过分的和经常意味着枯竭或堕落: 〔lavish〕Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion:奢侈的:以奢侈和大量丰富生产为特征的:〔regale〕To entertain sumptuously with food and drink; provide a feast for.宴请:以奢侈的饮食款待;为…设宴〔excessive〕extravagant gifts); often it implies unbridled divergence from the bounds of reason or sound judgment ( 奢侈的礼物); 它经常指远离合理或公正的界限( 〔heap〕To bestow in abundance or lavishly:大量或奢侈地赠予:〔luxuriant〕Latin luxuriāns luxuriant- [present participle of] luxuriāre [to be luxuriant] * see luxuriate 拉丁语 luxuriāns luxuriant- luxuriāre的现在分词 [奢侈的] * 参见 luxuriate〔luxury〕from Latin luxuria [excess, luxury] 源自 拉丁语 luxuria [过度,奢侈] 〔stingy〕"He lived in the most penurious manner, and denied himself every indulgence" (William Godwin).“他以最简朴的方式生活着,抵制一切奢侈” (威廉·葛德文)。〔high〕In an extravagant or luxurious way:挥霍地:以奢侈的、豪华的方式:〔Corinthian〕Given to licentious and profligate luxury.奢侈的:沉溺于淫荡奢华的〔lush〕Overelaborate or extravagant:过分修饰的,奢侈的:〔spendthrift〕Wasteful or extravagant:浪费的,奢侈的:〔gala〕Characterized by sumptuous social pleasure:奢侈的:以奢侈社交娱乐特性的:〔prodigal〕One who is given to wasteful luxury or extravagance.挥霍者:大量浪费金钱的人或追求奢侈的人〔cologne〕The wordcologne, denoting toilet water, is fromCologne, the French name of the city in Germany that in German is calledKöln, where cologne has been made since the beginning of the 18th century.The first use ofcologne for toilet water is recorded in English in 1814, with the word being used in the compoundcologne water, a translation of eau de cologne, the French name for this liquid. With a history dating back to the Roman Empire, a history reflected in its name,in fact, which comes from the Latin wordColōnia, meaning "colony,” Cologne is memorialized in English, though in a hidden way, as the name of a minor luxury.科隆 一词指代花露水, 来源于德国一城市的法语名字Cologne , 在德语中叫Koln , 自18世纪初期科隆香水在此制造。cologne 第一次用于花露水是1814年, 在英语中用于复合词 cologne water ,是法语 eau de cologne 的译文。 科隆一词的历史可追溯到罗马帝国时期,事实上它来源于拉丁语Colonia ,意指“殖民地”, 在英语中一提到科隆,虽然不太明显,一般来说是轻度奢侈的代名词〔voluptuary〕A person whose life is given over to luxury and sensual pleasures; a sensualist:酒色之徒:追求奢侈生活、享受肉欲满足的人;好色者:〔come〕"He attempts to come to terms with his own early experiences . . . and with his father, a con man of extravagant dimensions"(Peter S. Prescott)“他打算遵从于自己的早年经历…和他的父亲——奢侈的反对者”(彼得S.普雷斯科特)〔sensuous〕"Lucullus . . . returned to Rome to lounge away the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence" (J.A. Froude).“卢库卢斯…返回罗马以闲散度过他盛下的奢侈放纵的日子” (J·A·弗劳德)。〔hog〕lives high on the hog since getting his share of the inheritance.他自从继承遗产后过得很奢侈〔sumptuous〕Of a size or splendor suggesting great expense; lavish:豪华的,华丽的:在尺寸或华丽的外观上显示出昂贵的;花费奢侈的:〔luxurious〕Fond of or given to luxury.奢侈的:喜爱或被给予奢侈生活的〔Belmont〕American socialite and suffragist who won acceptance into New York's high society through extravagant spending and entertaining. She later promoted women's suffrage and was president of the National Women's Party (1921-1933).贝尔蒙,阿尔瓦·埃特斯金·史密斯·范德比尔特:(1853-1933) 美国社会名流和主张扩大参政权者,通过奢侈的花费和款待得以进入纽约上层社会。后来她促进妇女参政并成为“美国妇女党”的主席(1921-1933年)〔luxuriate〕from luxuria [luxury] * see luxury 源自 luxuria [奢侈] * 参见 luxury〔high〕Luxurious; extravagant:奢侈的;豪华的:〔Juvenal〕Roman satirist whose works denounced the corruption and extravagance of the privileged classes in Rome.尤维纳利斯:古罗马讽刺作家,其作品谴责了古罗马特权阶级的腐化和奢侈〔luxurious〕Marked by or contributing to luxury.奢华的:以奢侈为标志的或有助于奢侈〔luxuriant〕Marked by or displaying luxury; luxurious.显示或以奢侈为特征的;奢侈〔go〕All luxuries will have to go.必须放弃一切奢侈行为〔moneybag〕moneybags (used with a sing. verb)A rich, often extravagant person. moneybags (与单数动词连用)富人,富有的但经常是很奢侈的人〔gala〕the gala life of the very rich.大富翁们奢侈的生活〔clover〕Living a carefree life of ease, comfort, or prosperity.生活优裕,生活奢华:过着安逸、舒适或幸运的奢侈生活〔wanton〕To waste or squander extravagantly.奢侈:无节制地浪费或挥霍〔prodigal〕Rashly or wastefully extravagant:挥霍的,奢侈的:非常浪费的或无节制地花费的:〔splurge〕To indulge in an extravagant expense or luxury.沉溺于:沉溺于奢侈花钱或追求奢华




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