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单词 奇怪的
释义 〔queer〕Deviating from the expected or normal; strange:异常的;古怪的:出乎意料的或异常的;奇怪的〔strange〕Americans living abroad often acquire a curious hybrid accent. See also Synonyms at foreign 生活在国外的美国人常有一种奇怪的混杂口音 参见同义词 foreign〔fantastic〕Bizarre, as in form or appearance; strange:奇异的:古怪的,如在形式上或外表上;奇怪的〔unco〕variant of uncouth [strange] * see uncouth uncouth的变体 [奇怪的] * 参见 uncouth〔unnatural〕Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom.奇怪的:与某一程式或习俗不一致的〔whore〕Derivatives of Indo-European roots often make strange bedfellows. A prime example is the case of.kā-, "to like, desire.” From the stem.kāro- derived from this root came the prehistoric Common Germanic word .hōraz with the underlying meaning "one who desires" and the effective meaning "adulterer.” From this word came the Old English wordhōre, the ancestor of Modern Englishwhore. The same stem produced the Latin wordcārus, "dear,” from which came Modern Englishcaress, cherish, and charity, the highest form of love. Contact with East Indian culture has added yet another pair of derivatives from this Indo-European root to the English language.From the stem.kāmo- came the Sanskrit word kāmaḥ, "love, desire,” from which are derived the English borrowingsKama, "the Hindu god of love,” andKamasutra, "a Sanskrit treatise on the rules of love and marriage according to Hindu law.” 从印欧语词根派生出的词常产生奇怪的词伴。一个很好的例子就是ko- “喜欢,渴望”。 从这个词根派生出karo 这个词干,然后又产生出史前共同日尔曼语的 horaz 一词,暗指“渴望…的人”,也含有显著的意义“通奸者”。 从这个词又产生古英语中的hore, 这是现代英语whore 的前身。 这一词干产生了拉丁词carus “亲爱的”, 又由它而引出现代英语中的caress,cherish 和 charity 这是爱的最高形式。 与东印度文化的接触又给英语语言加上了另外两个从这个印欧词根派生出的词。从词干kamo- 产生出梵语词 kamah “爱,欲望”, 从这个词又产生出英语的外来词Kama “印度人的爱神”, 和Kamasutra “根据印度法律所制定的关于爱情和婚姻的规定的梵语论述” 〔popcorn〕Popcorn is very much an American institution.Particularly enjoyed by people in the United States,it is grown as a native product and denoted by a word that is an Americanism,a word or expression that was first used in English in the United States.Popcorn, from the verb pop and the noun corn, fits these criteriabecause the first recorded use of the word is found inMemorable Days in America, an account written by the British traveler William Faux and published in London in 1823: "I crossed the Big Wabash . . . at La Valette's ferry,where is beautiful land . . . and two lonely families of naked-legged French settlersfrom whom I received two curious ears of poss corn.”Notice that either Faux misunderstood the termor the French settlers mispronounced it.This type of corn, introduced to the settlers by Native Americans,was long grown by them,little knowing that their benefaction would one day be consumed by countless moviegoers while watching Westerns.爆玉米是美洲人非常熟知的事物。尤其为美国人喜欢,这种作物被他们作为本地作物而大量种植并以一个美国单词来命名,这个词首先在美国被用于英语中。Popcorn 源于动词 pop 和名词 corn, 并且它适应这些标准,因为有关这个词的最早记录见于由英国旅行者威廉·福克斯所著的、1823年在伦敦出版的游记在美国的难忘日子 中,福克斯在其中写道: “我在瓦莱特码头渡过大沃巴什河,那儿有美丽的田地…及两个孤零零的法国家庭,他们都是赤脚的法国拓荒者,从他们那儿我得到了两根奇怪的玉米棒。”请注意,要么也许是福克斯误解了该词,要么也许是法国拓荒者发错了音。这种类型的玉米是美洲印第安人介绍给这些拓荒者的,且已被这些印第安人种植很久了,但他们几乎无法料到他们的施惠有一天会被无数电影观众一边嚼着一边看西部片。〔amorphous〕Of no particular type; anomalous.难以归类的:不属于任何一类的;奇怪的〔freakish〕freakish weather; a freakish combination of styles.奇怪的天气;奇特风格的组合〔geezer〕An eccentric old man.See Usage Note at adage 奇怪的老人 参见 adage〔crotchet〕An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion.怪念头:奇怪的、奇异的或顽固的想法〔fantastic〕Quaint or strange in form, conception, or appearance.奇异怪诞的:在形式、概念或形象上显出奇异的或奇怪的〔prehistory〕“[He] then told me the curious prehistory of his obsessive interest in the seduction theory" (Janet Malcolm)“然后[他] 告诉了我他对诱惑理论产生强烈兴趣的奇怪的背景” (珍尼特·马尔科姆)〔peculiar〕Unusual or eccentric; odd.古怪的:不寻常的或古怪的;奇怪的〔votary〕"The almighty dollar, that great object of universal devotion throughout our land,seems to have no genuine devotees in these peculiar villages" (Washington Irving).Ahabitué regularly frequents a place, especially one offering a particular pleasurable activity: “那看起来在我们全部领土上令人一致献身的伟大物质——全能的美元,在这奇怪的村庄里看起来没有真正的追随者” (华盛顿·欧文)。habitue 固定地爱去某个地方, 尤指提供特定的娱乐活动的地方: 〔grotesque〕Outlandish or bizarre, as in character or appearance.See Synonyms at fantastic 奇怪的,怪诞的:奇形怪状的,如性格或外貌 参见 fantastic〔rummy〕Odd, strange, or dangerous; rum.古怪的、奇怪的或离奇的;危险的〔token〕"Tears are queer tokens of happiness"(Eugene O'Neill)See Synonyms at sign “眼泪是快乐的一种奇怪的表示”(尤金·奥涅尔) 参见 sign〔quaint〕Unfamiliar or unusual in character; strange:古怪的:特征不熟悉或不寻常的;奇怪的〔xenon〕From Greek [neuter of] xenos [foreign, strange] * see xeno- 源自 希腊语 xenos的中性 [外国的,奇怪的] * 参见 xeno-〔eldritch〕Old English el- [strange, other] * see al- 1古英语 el- [奇怪的,另外] * 参见 al- 1〔gerrymander〕"An official statement of the returns of voters for senators give[s] twenty nine friends of peace, and eleven gerrymanders.”So reported the May 12, 1813, edition of theMassachusetts Spy. A gerrymander sounds like a strange political beast,which in fact it is, considered from a historical perspective.This beast was named by combining the wordsalamander, "a small lizardlike amphibian,” with the last name of Elbridge Gerry, a former governor of Massachusetts— a state noted for its varied, often colorful political fauna.Gerry (whose name, incidentally, was pronounced with a hardg, though gerrymander is now commonly pronounced with a soft g ) was immortalized in this way because an election district created by members of his party in 1812 looked like a salamander.According to one version of howgerrymander was coined, the shape of the district attracted the eye of the painter Gilbert Stuart,who noticed it on a map hanging in a newspaper editor's office.Stuart decorated the map with a head, wings, and clawsand then said to the editor, "That will do for a salamander!”"Gerrymander!” came the reply.A new political beast was created then and there.The word is first recorded in April 1812 with respect to the creature or its caricature,but it soon came to mean not only "the action of shaping a district to gain political advantage"but also "any representative elected from such a district by that method.”Within the same yeargerrymander was also recorded as a verb. “一份答复参议员选举人的官方声明宣布了二十九个和平伙伴和十一个不公正划分的选区。”在1813年3月12日的一期马萨诸塞州观察报 上有如上报导。 一个不公正划分选区听起来象是一个奇怪的政治怪兽,事实上它是来自历史上的观点。这个怪兽是由两个词合并而命名的,即salamander “一种蜥蜴状的两栖动物,”及马萨诸塞州州长埃尔布里奇·格里的姓。 而马萨诸萨州以其多变的、通常多姿多彩的政治动物群而闻名。格里(他的名字碰巧发重音g, 尽管 gerrymander 现在普遍发轻音 g, )以此种方式而垂名史册, 因为1812年由他所在党成员组建的选举区就象一只蝾螈。根据一种gerrymander 如何被创造的观点, 该区的形状吸引了一位画家基尔伯特·斯图亚特,他在一家报纸的主编办公室里挂在墙上的地图中发现了它。斯图尔特又画上头、翅膀和爪子,然后对主编说,“那就象只蝾螈了!”"Gerrymander!”主编回答道。此时此地一个新的政治怪兽产生了。这个词于1812年4月首次被记录是在谈到这种牲畜或讽刺的画中,但很快,它就不仅意味“为赢得政治优势的改变区划的行动”,而且有“用此种方法选出的任何代表”的意思。同年gerrymander 也被作为一个动词而记载下来 〔queer〕Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric.See Synonyms at strange 行为古怪的:奇怪的或不合传统的,如行为;古怪的 参见 strange〔emit〕"She emitted her small strange laugh"(Edith Wharton)“她发出了她的小而奇怪的笑声”(伊迪丝·华顿)〔adder〕The biblical injunction to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves looks somewhat alien in the Middle English guise "Loke ye be prudent as neddris and symple as dowves.”Neddris, which is perhaps the strangest-looking word in this Middle English passage, would beadders in Modern English, with a different meaning and form. Adder, an example of specialization in meaning, no longer refers to just any serpent or snake, as it once did, but now denotes only specific kinds of snakes.Adder also illustrates a process known as false splitting, or juncture loss: the word came from Old Englishnǣdre and kept its n into the Middle English period, but later during that stage of the language people started analyzing the phrasea naddre as an addre —the false splitting that has given us adder. “象蟒蛇一样聪明,象白鸽一样无邪”的圣经训谕与在中古英语中的“象蛇一样智虑,象鸽子一样简单”的表达法看起来颇为不同。Neddris 也许是中古英语的中看起来较奇怪的一个词, 在现代英语中为adders ,意义和形式相差很大。 Adder 作为意义特殊化的一个例子,不再象从前一样表示蟒蛇或蛇, 而只表示蛇的特殊种类。Adder 同时也说明了错误分离或连音遗失的过程: 这个词来源于古英语的needre 并在中古英语中保留 n , 但是在后来的英语发展阶段,人们开始将词组a naddre 分析为 an adder --这种错误的分离给我们提供了 adder 一词 〔fantasyland〕A place conjured up by the imagination, often populated by bizarre inhabitants:幻境:想象中的地方,通常居住着奇怪的居民:〔arouse〕The odd sight aroused our curiosity.See Synonyms at provoke 奇怪的景象激起我们的好奇 参见 provoke〔mask〕An often grotesque representation of a head and face, used for ornamentation.头像:面或头部通常奇怪的象征,用于装饰〔unco〕So unusual as to be surprising; uncanny.奇怪的:异常的,令人惊讶的;怪诞的〔antiphonal〕"this curious antiphonal relationship between the two men"(Henry A. Kissinger)“两个人之间奇怪的交替关系”(亨利A.基辛格)〔banter〕joshed his brother about his strange new haircut;他取笑他弟弟奇怪的新发式;〔curiosity〕A strange or odd aspect.奇怪,古怪:奇怪的或古怪的方面〔weird〕"The queer stumps . . . had uncanny shapes, as of monstrous creatures, whose eyes seemed to peer out at you" (John Galsworthy).Somethingunearthly seems so strange and unnatural as to come from or belong to another world: “奇怪的树桩…有着神秘的形状,象是眼睛盯着你的大怪物” (约翰·高尔斯华绥)。Unearthly 的东西很奇怪、不自然,象是来自或属于另一个世界的: 〔singular〕Deviating from the usual or expected; odd.See Synonyms at strange 奇怪的:与通常的或所预计的不同的;奇特的 参见 strange〔kooky〕Characteristic of a kook; strange or crazy.怪僻的,疯狂的:有怪人特点的;奇怪的或疯狂的〔freakish〕Markedly unusual or abnormal; strange:奇特的:明显不寻常或反常的;奇怪的〔Callaghan〕Canadian writer whose realistic works include the novelStrange Fugitive (1928). 卡拉汉,莫利·爱德华:(生于 1903) 加拿大作家,其现实主义作品包括小说《奇怪的逃亡者》 (1928年) 〔eldritch〕Strange or unearthly; eerie.怪异的:奇怪的或离奇的;怪异的〔strangeness〕The quality or condition of being strange.奇怪:奇怪的性质或状态〔odd〕an odd name; odd behavior.See Synonyms at strange 奇怪的名字;古怪的行为 参见 strange




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