单词 | 头状花序 |
释义 | 〔santonica〕The dried unopened flower heads of this plant.该种植物的干燥的完整的头状花序〔lantana〕Any of various aromatic, chiefly tropical shrubs of the genusLantana, having dense spikes or heads and small colorful flowers. 马缨丹属:各种芳香植物的任一种,主要是热带灌木类马缨丹属 ,有浓密的穗状花序或头状花序和颜色鲜艳的小花 〔teasel〕The bristly flower head ofD. sativus, used to produce a napped surface on wool and other fabrics. 起绒刺果:起绒草 如刚毛般的头状花序,用于在羊毛和其它织物上制成起绒的表面 〔ramtil〕An Ethiopian plant(Guizotia abyssinica) having opposite leaves and rayed, yellow flower heads, grown for its oil-rich seeds. 黑芝麻:生长在埃塞俄比亚的一种植物(黑芝麻) ,叶对生,有黄色放射状的头状花序,因种子多油而种植 〔capitate〕Latin capitātus [having a head] 拉丁语 capitātus [有一个头状花序的] 〔chamomile〕The dried flower heads of either one of these plants, used to make an herbal tea and yielding an oil used in commercial flavorings and perfumery.黄春菊花序:上述植物的任一种头状花序,用于做花茶且可产生一种商业上用来做调味品或香水的油〔goatsbeard〕A European weed(Tragopogon pratensis) widely naturalized in eastern North America, having grasslike leaves and yellow, dandelionlike flower heads. 婆罗门参:广泛种植于北美东部的一种欧洲草本植物(草地婆罗门参 婆罗门参属 ) ,有草状叶以及蒲公英花似的头状花序 〔aster〕Any of various plants of the genusAster in the composite family, having radiate flower heads with white, pink, or violet rays and a usually yellow disk. 紫菀属植物:一种菊科紫菀 属的植物,有带白、粉、或蓝紫色伞形放射状头状花序,花盘一般为黄色 〔primrose〕Any of numerous plants of the genusPrimula, having well-developed basal leaves and tubular, variously colored flowers grouped in umbels or heads with a funnel-shaped or salverlike corolla and a tube much longer than the calyx. 报春花:一种报春花 属植物,有发育完全的基生叶,花呈管状,有各种颜色,簇生的伞形花序或头状花序,花冠呈漏斗形或托盘状,有一个比花萼还长的花冠筒 〔elecampane〕A tall, coarse plant(Inula helenium) native to central Asia, having rayed yellow flower heads. The roots are used medicinally. 土木香:大型粗糙的植物(土木香 旋覆花属) ,原产于中亚,花黄色,头状花序呈辐射状向四周延伸,根入药 〔sagebrush〕Any of several aromatic plants of the genusArtemisia, especially A. tridentata, a shrub of arid regions of western North America, having silver-green leaves and large clusters of small white flower heads. 蒿属植物,山艾树:北美洲西部干旱地区的一种芳香植物蒿属 ,尤指 三齿蒿 ,有银绿色叶子、大花束和小的白色头状花序 〔santonica〕A perennial or shrubby Eurasian plant(Artemisia maritima) having aromatic, bipinnately dissected leaves and numerous flower heads that yield santonin. 山道年:欧亚多年生或灌木植物(滨海蒿 蒿属) ,生有芳香的二回羽状分叶和众多产生山道年的头状花序 〔knapweed〕Any of various thistles of the genusCentaurea, having variously colored flowers grouped in a head with a spiny involucre. 黑矢车菊:一种属于矢车菊属 的蓟属植物,其花有多种颜色,聚集在有刺状花被的头状花序里 〔cudweed〕Any of various woolly plants of the genusGnaphalium in the composite family, having small whitish or yellowish flower heads. 鼠曲草:任一种菊科鼠曲草 属的有绒毛植物,开有白色或黄色的小型头状花序 〔hawkweed〕Any of numerous often hairy plants of the genusHieracium, having yellow or orange dandelionlike flower heads. 山柳菊:任何常覆有绒毛的有黄色或橙色类似蒲公英的头状花序的植物属山柳菊, 〔teasel〕Any of several plants of the genusDipsacus, native to the Old World, having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts. 川续断:产于东半球的川续断属 植物,具有针状花苞围绕的头状花序 〔chamomile〕An aromatic perennial herb(Chamaemelum nobile) in the composite family, native to Europe and the Mediterranean region, having feathery foliage and flower heads with white rays and yellow centers. 黄春菊,果香菊:一种菊科芳香型多年生草本植物(果香菊 果香菊属) ,原产于欧洲和地中海地区,有带毛的叶子和带有舌状白花和黄色花心的头状花序 〔pussytoes〕Any of several low-growing perennial plants of the genusAntennaria, having leaves with whitish down and clusters of small, white flower heads. 蝶须属,猫爪花:一种生长得较短的多年生植物蝶须属植物 属,长有带白色绒毛的叶片和簇生头状花序的小白花 〔acacia〕Any of various often spiny trees or shrubs of the genusAcacia in the pea family, having alternate, bipinnately compound leaves or leaves represented by flattened leafstalks and heads or spikes of small flowers. 金合欢属树:一种豆科金合欢属 通常为多刺的树木或灌木,有复生的羽状复叶,或者由扁平的叶柄以及小花构成的头状花序或穗状花序所代替的叶子 〔ligule〕A straplike structure, such as the corolla of a ray flower or a membranous or hairy appendage between the sheaf and blade of a grass leaf.舌叶:带状结构,如伞形头状花序的花冠,或草叶的叶束与叶片之间的膜状或茸毛状附着物〔goldenrod〕Any of numerous chiefly North American plants of the genusSolidago, having clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall. 一枝黄花:许多主要产于北美的一枝黄花 属植物,簇生成头状花序的小黄花,在夏末和秋季开花 〔cineraria〕Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio × hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage. 瓜叶菊,千日莲:一种菊科杂交的装饰用植物(千里光属 × 杂交种) ,由原产于加那利群岛的品种繁育而来,有艳丽的、杂色的放射状头状花序和引人注目的有银色光泽的叶子,作为室内植物或花坛植物而广泛地栽种 〔ironweed〕Any of various plants of the genusVernonia, having alternate leaves and clusters of purplish flower heads. 斑鸠菊:斑鸠菊 属植物,有互生叶和簇生的紫色头状花序 〔capitate〕from caput capit- [head] * see kaput- 源自 caput capit- [头状花序] * 参见 kaput- 〔boltonia〕Any of several perennial herbs of the genusBoltonia in the composite family, having flower heads with white to purplish rays and yellow centers. 波菊属植物:菊科波菊 属的一种多年生草本植物,长有白色至紫色的伞形花和黄色中心的头状花序 〔chrysanthemum〕A flower head of one of these plants.这些植物之一的头状花序〔groundsel〕Any of various plants of the genusSenecio, having rayed, usually yellow flower heads. 千里光:多种千里光 属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状花序 〔silverrod〕An eastern North American plant(Solidago bicolor) related to the goldenrods but having white rather than yellow flower heads. 多枝阿福花:一种产于北美东部的植物(二色一枝黄花) 属,与一种黄花属植物相近,但有白色而不是黄色的头状花序 〔ageratum〕Any of various New World plants of the genusAgeratum in the composite family, especially A. houstonianum, having showy, colorful flower heads. 藿香蓟:一种产于西半球的菊科胜红蓟属 植物,尤指 熊耳草 ,具有鲜艳的彩色头状花序 〔monocephalic〕Bearing one flower head, as in the scape of a dandelion.具有单头状花序的,如蒲公英的花茎〔tidytips〕A Californian herb(Layia platyglossa) having daisylike flower heads. 宽舌莱氏菊:一种有似雏菊的头状花序的草木植物,(宽舌莱氏菊) 生长在美国加利福尼亚州 〔chrysanthemum〕Any of numerous, mostly Eurasian plants of the genusChrysanthemum in the composite family, many of which are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy, radiate flower heads. 菊,菊花:一种菊科菊属 植物,多数产于欧亚,有艳丽的放射头状花序,被栽培作为装饰物 〔strawflower〕A stout Australian plant(Helichrysum bracteatum) having flower heads with showy, variously colored bracts that retain their color when dried. 蜡菊:一种粗壮的澳大利亚植物(蜡菊) ,其头状花序有鲜艳且颜色各异的苞片,在花变干时色泽不变 |
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