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单词 失败
释义 〔take〕To endure punishment, suffering, or defeat.遭受惩罚、折磨或失败〔bow〕To yield in defeat or out of courtesy; submit.See Synonyms at yield 谦让,引退:因失败或出于礼貌而让步;屈服 参见 yield〔damnation〕Failure or ruination incurred by adverse criticism.失败,毁灭:由敌对的批评而招致的失败或毁灭〔buck〕My friends tried to buck me up after I lost the contest.我在竞赛中失败后,我的朋友们想使我打起精神来〔commiserate〕commiserated over their failure.对他们的失败表示同情〔dent〕The loss put a dent in the team's confidence.这失败给全队的信心投下了阴影〔Catiline〕Roman politician and conspirator who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic while Cicero was a consul.凯蒂林:罗马政治家和阴谋家,在西塞罗执政时期领导了颠覆罗马共和国的反叛运动,最后以失败告终〔yield〕To give up, as in defeat; surrender or submit.让与,屈服:因失败而放弃;投降或屈服〔Raleigh〕English courtier, navigator, colonizer, and writer. A favorite of Elizabeth I, he campaigned in Ireland and Cádiz, explored Guiana, colonized Virginia, and introduced tobacco and the potato to Europe. Convicted of treason by James I, he was released for another expedition to Guiana and executed after its failure. His literary works include poetry, memoirs, and a world history.罗利,沃尔特:(1552?-1618) 英国大臣,航海家,殖民者,作家。他是伊丽莎白一世的宠臣,曾在爱尔兰和卡迪兹活动,考察了圭亚那,在弗吉尼亚州移民,把烟草和马铃薯传入欧洲。詹姆斯一世时被判为叛国罪,获释后又到圭亚那进行了一次远征,远征失败而被处死。他的文学著作包括诗歌、回忆录和世界历史〔founder〕The verbsfounder and flounder are often confused. Founder comes from a Latin word meaning "bottom" (as infoundation ) and originally referred to knocking enemies down;it is now used as well to mean "to fail utterly, collapse.” Flounder means "to move clumsily, thrash about,”and hence "to proceed in confusion.”If John isfoundering in Chemistry 1, he had better drop the course; if he isfloundering, he may yet pull through. 动词founder 和 flounder 常被混淆。 Founder 从拉丁语演变而来, 意为“底部”(如在foundation 中), 原指将敌人打倒在地;现在亦指“完全失败,崩溃”。 Flounder 指“挣扎,踉跄”,并由此引申出“在困惑中进行”的意思。如果说约翰在化学1中失败, 他最好放弃这门功课; 如果他正在挣扎中, 他可能还能通过这门课 〔loss〕The act or an instance of losing:失败失败的行为或实例:〔misfire〕To fail to achieve an anticipated result:失败:没有达到预期的结果:〔despair〕To be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat.断念:被徒劳无功或失败打倒了〔misfire〕To fail to ignite when expected. Used of an internal-combustion engine.不点火:当希望点火时点火失败,用于内燃机〔Stuart〕Pretender to the British throne. The son of James II, he made two unsuccessful attempts to take the throne (1708-1715). The final Jacobite rising (1745-1746), also a failure, was conducted on his behalf by his son Charles Edward Stuart.斯图亚特,詹姆斯(弗朗西斯)·爱德华:(1688-1766) 英国王位的觊觎者詹姆士二世之子,他企图二次攫取王位未获成功(1708-1715年)。最后代表他儿子查尔斯·爱德华·斯图亚特策划的雅各宾派的最后一次起义(1745-1746年)也以失败告终〔Longstreet〕American Confederate general. His delay in carrying out Gen. Robert E. Lee's orders contributed to the Confederate defeat at Gettysburg (1863).朗斯特里特,詹姆斯:(1821-1904) 美国邦联军将领。他因延误执行罗伯特·E·李将军的命令而导致邦联军队在葛底斯堡的失败(1863年)〔fiasco〕from Italian fare fiasco [to make a bottle, fail] 源自 意大利语 fare fiasco [制造瓶子,失败] 〔depressed〕looked downcast after his defeat;失败后垂头丧气;〔flagrant〕Gross suggests a magnitude of offense or failing that cannot be condoned or forgiven: Gross 意指触犯或失败的程度不容宽恕或原谅: 〔Stuart〕Pretender to the British throne. The grandson of James II, he led the last Jacobite rising (1745-1746), claiming the throne for his father, James Edward Stuart, but was defeated in battle and fled to France.斯图亚特,查尔斯·爱德华:(1720-1788) 英国王位的觊觎者为詹姆士二世的孙子,领导雅各宾派的最后起义(1745-1746年),要求继承他父亲詹姆士·爱德华·斯图亚特的王位,但在战斗中失败后逃往法国〔Kennedy〕The 35th President of the United States (1961-1963). A U.S. representative (1947-1953) and senator (1953-1960) from Massachusetts, he became the youngest man elected to the presidency (1960). Kennedy approved the failed invasion of the Bay of Pigs (1961) and forced Khrushchev to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba (1962). He also established the Peace Corps (1961) and advocated civil rights reform. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.肯尼迪,约翰·菲茨杰拉德:(1917-1963) 美国第三十五任总统(1961-1963年)。曾任美国国会议员(1947-1953年)和马萨诸塞州议员(1953-1960年),他成为当选总统的最年轻的人(1960年)。肯尼迪同意侵略猪湾(1961年)但失败,迫使赫鲁晓夫从古巴撤出苏联导弹。他建立了和平军队(1961年)并倡议平民权利改革。于1963年11月22日在得克萨斯州达拉斯遇刺〔chagrin〕A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event:懊恼,苦恼:一种强烈的思想不安感,如由失败,失望或烦恼的事件引发的恼怒或尴尬:〔slump〕read defeat in the slump of his shoulders.从他肩膀的无力下垂上可以看出他失败〔fall〕To fail because of an inability to reconcile or choose between two courses of action.失之交臂:在可供选择的两个当中因未能协调一致或未能作出正确的决定而失败〔Godoy〕Spanish politician whose alliance with Napoleon I against Great Britain led to the defeat of French and Spanish naval forces at Trafalgar (1805).戈多伊,曼纽尔·德:(1767-1851) 西班牙政治家,他同拿破仑一世结盟反对大英帝国,致使法国和西班牙海军1805年在特拉法尔加失败〔Weygand〕French general who as supreme Allied commander (1940) at the outset of World War II was unable to prevent the fall of France.伟刚,(路易斯)马克西米:(1867-1965) 法国将军,在第二次世界大战开始时期,为联军最高司令(1940年),未能阻挡住法国的失败〔overreach〕To miss by reaching too far or attempting too much:越出…而未中目标:因追求自己力所不能及的东西或追求的过多而失败〔flash〕One that promises great success but fails.昙花一现:许诺会取得巨大成功但失败了的人〔Zedekiah〕The last king of Judah (597-586b.c. ). He revolted unsuccessfully (588-586) against Nebuchadnezzar II and was sent to captivity in Babylon, where he died. 泽德基亚:犹大最后一个国王(公元前 597-586年),他抵抗尼布甲尼撒二世失败后(公元前588-586年),被囚禁在巴比伦,最后也死在这里 〔ride〕To court danger or disaster.行动莽撞,招致失败(危险等):招致危险或灾难〔damn〕To bring about the failure of; ruin.使…失败;毁灭〔rout〕An overwhelming defeat.大败:无法抵抗的失败〔smash〕Financial failure; bankruptcy.破产:财政上的失败;倒闭〔negligence〕A negligent act or a failure to act.疏忽行为:疏忽的行为或行为所失败〔bummer〕"Now, the bad news: the book is a bummer"(Newsweek)“现在宣布坏消息:这本书失败了”(新闻周刊)〔Stassen〕American politician who served as governor of Minnesota (1938-1943) and made numerous unsuccessful bids for the Republican presidential nomination.史塔生,哈罗德·爱德华:(生于 1907) 美国政治家,曾任明尼苏达州州长(1938-1943年),并多次争取共和党总统的提名失败〔Cade〕English rebel who led an unsuccessful rebellion against Henry VI (1450).凯德,杰克:(卒于 1450) 英国反叛者,1450年领导了反抗亨利六世的起义,以失败告终〔clunker〕A failure; a flop.失败失败之作〔abortive〕Failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless:失败的,夭折的:不能完成预定目标的;无结果的:〔lose〕To fail to achieve or receive an expected gain.输掉,失败:未能达到或收到预定的目的




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