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单词 天空
释义 〔Hipparchus〕Greek astronomer who mapped the position of 850 stars in the earliest known star chart. His observations of the heavens form the basis of Ptolemy's geocentric cosmology.喜帕恰斯:希腊天文学家,曾绘制已知的最早的星象图,其中包括了850颗星星的位置,他对天空的观察奠定了托勒密的地心宇宙论的基础〔loft〕Middle English [sky, upstairs room] 中古英语 [天空;楼上的房间] 〔Serpens〕A constellation in the equatorial region of the northern sky, made up of two parts,Serpens Cauda, the "tail,” and Serpens Caput, the "head,” both near Hercules and Ophiuchus. 巨蛇座:北部天空赤道带的星座,由两部分组成,巨蛇尾 是“尾部”, 巨蛇头 是“头部”,与武仙座和蛇夫座相邻 〔coil〕black smoke coiling up into the sky.黑烟盘绕直上天空〔uranic〕Of or relating to the heavens; celestial.天的,天空的:天上的,与天有联系的;天上的;天空〔Lennon〕British musician and composer who was a member of the Beatles. With Paul McCartney he wrote many of the group's songs, including "Yesterday" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”列农,约翰:(1940-1980) 英国音乐家和作曲家,是“披头士乐队”的成员。他与保罗·马卡尼一起创作了该乐队的许多歌曲,其中包括《昨日》和《露西在布满钻石的天空〔pilot〕The pilot of an aircraft flying through the air has a foot on the ground not literallybut etymologically.If we poke around in the etymological soil for the roots of the wordpilot, we find that it goes back to the Indo-European rootped-, meaning "foot.” From the lengthened-grade suffixed formpēdo- came the Greek word pēdon, "blade of an oar,” and in the plural, "rudder.” In Medieval Greekthere is assumed to have existed the derivativepēdōtēs, "steersman,” which passed into Old Italian and acquired several forms,includingpedota, and pilota, the form that was borrowed into Old French aspilot. English borrowed the word from French,and aspilot it has moved from the water to the air, first being recorded in 1848 with reference to an airborne pilot—a balloonist.飞行员一脚踩地飞进天空这句话字面上虽讲不通,但在词源上却可以。如果为找到pilot 的根源而溯其词源, 我们会发现它源自印欧语系词根ped- 意为“脚”。 从加长的这个词根的后缀形式pedo- 我们得到希腊词语 pedon “桨叶”及复数形式,“舵”。 在中世纪的希腊,据称曾存在派生词pedotes “舵手”, 该词进了古意大利语并添了一些形式,包括pedota 和 pilota , 这些形式被法语借用过来,便成了pilot 。 英语又借自法语,随着pilot 从水上被移用到天上, 于1848年第一次用来指天上飞行员——热气球驾驶员〔hypaethral〕aithēr [sky, air] aithēr [天空,空气] 〔sweep〕Searchlights swept across the sky.探照灯横扫过天空〔cirrostratus〕A high-altitude, thin hazy cloud, usually covering the sky and often producing a halo effect.卷层云:一种薄雾状高空云,常覆盖天空并产生光晕效应〔lower〕To appear dark or threatening, such as the sky.黑沉沉:看上去黑沉沉,具有威胁性,比如天空〔map〕A representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth or heavens.地图,天体图:指通常画在一块平面上的用以代表某一陆地或天空区域的图示〔house〕One of the 12 parts into which the heavens are divided in astrology.星宿:占星学中将天空分成十二个部分〔sullen〕sullen, gray skies.阴沉、灰色的天空〔skysurfing〕The sport of performing maneuvers or stunts during free fall while riding on a skyboard.空中冲浪:踩在滑雪板时自天空如自由落体般落下时表演花招或是惊险特技〔pollute〕The stadium lights polluted the sky around the observatory.体育馆的灯光使得天文台周围的天空不那么宜于观测了〔sky〕stars in the southern sky.南部天空的群星〔empyreal〕Of the sky; celestial.天空的;苍天的〔Helios〕The sun god, son of Hyperion, depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily.赫利俄斯:太阳神,许珀里翁之子,相传每日驾四马战车自东至西驰过天空〔lofty〕from loft [upstairs room, sky] * see loft 源自 loft [楼上的房间,天空] * 参见 loft〔scatter〕"Time dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).“时间会让事实坚固的棱角消失在明亮的天空” (拉尔夫·威尔杜·爱默生)。〔scan〕To move a radar beam in a systematic pattern over (a sector of sky) in search of a target.侦测:以系统的方式移动雷达波束并扫过(一段天空)以查找目标〔dark〕"The dusky night rides down the sky,/And ushers in the morn" (Henry Fielding);it often refers to deepness of shade of a color: “黑夜驱走了天空/带来了早晨” (亨利·菲尔丁);它常指阴影或颜色的深度: 〔expanse〕A wide and open extent, as of surface, land, or sky.广阔:广阔的水面、陆地或天空〔sky〕The celestial regions; the heavens:天空的地域;天空〔Draper〕American astronomer who developed methods for photographing the heavens and was the first to photograph a stellar spectrum (1872) and a nebula (1880).德雷珀,亨利:(1837-1882) 美国天文学家,发明了天空摄影方法,首先拍摄了恒星的光谱(1872年)与星云(1880年)的照片〔stratosphere〕-sphère [sphere] from Old French espere * see sphere -sphère [天空] 源自 古法语 espere * 参见 sphere〔pole〕from Greek polos [axis, sky] * see k wel- 1源自 希腊语 polos [轴,天空] * 参见 k wel- 1〔Uranus〕from Greek ouranos [heaven, Uranus] 源自 希腊语 ouranos [天空,天王星] 〔zenith〕The upper region of the sky.天空天空的较高区域〔turn〕The sky turned to pink at dawn. The night turned into day.天空在黎明时分变成了粉红色。黑夜变成了白天〔Calinago〕ka [sky, spirit] ka [天空,灵魂] 〔overcast〕Clouded over.(天空)多云的,阴的〔alight〕The sky was alight with millions of stars.成千上万颗星星照亮了天空〔loft〕from Old Norse lopt [upstairs room, sky, air] 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 lopt [楼上的房间,天空,空气] 〔kindle〕The sunset kindled the skies.落日照亮了天空〔swing〕the swing of a bird across the sky.一只鸟掠过天空〔flush〕The sky flushed pink at dawn.黄昏时分天空一片粉红的亮丽〔block〕skyscrapers obstructing the sky;遮住了天空的摩天楼;〔streamer〕A column of light shooting across the sky in the aurora borealis.北极光:北极光横越天空的光柱




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