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单词 大脑
释义 〔forebrain〕The segment of the adult brain that develops from the embryonic forebrain and includes the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus.前脑部分:成人大脑的一部分,由前脑胚胎发育而成,包括大脑、下丘脑及丘脑〔periaqueductal〕Situated around the aqueduct of the brain:位于大脑脉管周围的:〔dopamine〕A monoamine neurotransmitter formed in the brain by the decarboxylation of dopa and essential to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. A reduction in its concentration within the brain is associated with Parkinson's disease.多巴胺:由多巴的脱羧产物,在大脑中形成单胺神经传递素,是中枢神经系统正常运行的必要因素。在大脑中的浓度降低会引起帕金森氏病〔anesthetic〕Some people feel that television becomes an anesthetic for the mind after too many hours of steady viewing.一些人感觉在持续观看电视数小时后电视会成为大脑的麻醉品〔cerebrovascular〕Of or relating to the blood vessels that supply the brain.脑血管的:属于或关于给大脑供血的血管的〔nerve〕Any of the cordlike bundles of fibers made up of neurons through which sensory stimuli and motor impulses pass between the brain or other parts of the central nervous system and the eyes, glands, muscles, and other parts of the body. Nerves form a network of pathways for conducting information throughout the body.神经:指任何由许多种神经元组成的束状纤维,感官刺激和运动神经冲动通过它可以在大脑或神经中枢系统的其他部分和眼睛腺体、肌肉和身体其他部分传递。神经形成一个在全身传递信息的线路网〔brainworm〕A small, hairlike, parasitic roundworm that infects the meninges surrounding the brain of large hoofed animals, usually members of the deer family.脑线虫:感染大型有蹄类动物(通常为鹿科动物)大脑周围脑膜的细小寄生线虫〔phenylethylamine〕An amine, C8H 11N, that has pharmacological properties similar to those of amphetamine, occurs naturally as a neurotransmitter in the brain, and is present in chocolate and oil of bitter almonds. 苯基乙胺,苯氨基丙酸:药理特性类似于安非他命的胺,C8H 11N,是自然存在于大脑中的神经传导素,也见于巧克力和苦杏仁油中 〔fancy〕An image or a fantastic invention created by the mind.想象的产物:大脑产生的情景或奇怪想法〔drunk〕Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor to the point of impairment of physical and mental faculties.醉的:过度饮用酒精饮料,导致妨碍身体和大脑的正常功能〔imagination〕The ability to confront and deal with reality by using the creative power of the mind; resourcefulness:机智,聪明:通过运用大脑的创造力而形成的应对和处理现实事务的能力;机智:〔pallial〕Of or relating to the cerebral cortex.外皮的:大脑外皮的或与大脑外皮有关的〔rhinencephalon〕The olfactory region of the brain, located in the cerebrum.嗅脑:脑的嗅觉区域,位于大脑〔psychosurgery〕Brain surgery used to treat severe, intractable mental or behavioral disorders.精神外科学:用于治疗严重的,难以治愈的精神或行为病症的大脑外科手术〔hedonics〕The branch of psychology that studies pleasant and unpleasant sensations and states of mind.快感学:心理学的一个分支,研究快乐和不快乐的感觉及大脑状态〔confuse〕a head that was muddled by endless facts and figures;大脑被没完没了的数字和事实搞得乱七八糟;〔subcortex〕The portion of the brain immediately below the cerebral cortex.下皮层,皮层下部:紧邻在脑皮层下方的大脑部分〔occur〕To come to mind:闪现:进入大脑〔hippocampus〕A ridge in the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain that consists mainly of gray matter and has a central role in memory processes.海马状突起:大脑侧面脑室壁上的隆起物,主要由灰白质构成,在泛记过程中起主要作用〔encephalogram〕An x-ray picture of the brain taken by encephalography. Also called encephalograph 脑造影照片:用脑照相术所拍摄的大脑的X光照片 也作 encephalograph〔afflux〕an afflux of blood to the head.流向大脑的血液〔leukotomy〕leuko- [referring to the white matter of the brain] leuko- [指的是大脑的白色物质] 〔forebrain〕The most anterior of the three primary regions of the embryonic brain from which the telencephalon and diencephalon develop.前脑:大脑胚胎三个主要区域中最靠前的一个,端脑与间脑从这里发育〔cortex〕The outer layer of gray matter that covers the surface of the cerebral hemisphere.皮质:大脑表层覆盖的灰质外层〔working〕the workings of the mind.大脑运行的方式〔cerebral〕Of or relating to the brain or cerebrum.脑的:关于或属于大脑或脑的〔archencephalon〕The part of the primitive embryonic brain from which the forebrain and midbrain develop.原脑:原生的萌芽期大脑部分,由之发展成前脑和中脑〔stroke〕A sudden loss of brain function caused by a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel to the brain, characterized by loss of muscular control, diminution or loss of sensation or consciousness, dizziness, slurred speech, or other symptoms that vary with the extent and severity of the damage to the brain. Also called cerebral accident ,cerebrovascular accident 中风:由于通向大脑的血管受阻或断裂而导致的大脑功能突然丧失,其特点为肌肉运动失控,萎缩或感觉,意识丧失,发晕,言语不清及多种其它症状,随大脑受损的范围和程度而不同 也作 cerebral accident,cerebrovascular accident〔innate〕Of or produced by the mind rather than learned through experience:内在的,直觉的:属于或产生自大脑而并非来自经验的:〔encephalitis〕Inflammation of the brain.脑炎:大脑的炎症〔intracerebral〕Occurring or situated within the cerebrum:大脑内的:发生于或位于大脑内部的:〔encephalography〕Radiographic examination of the brain in which some of the cerebrospinal fluid is replaced with air or another gas that acts as a contrasting medium.脑照相术:在大脑的部分脑脊液被空气或其它可作为对比媒介的气体替代后所作的脑的射线照相检查方法〔dysphasia〕Impairment of speech and verbal comprehension, especially when associated with brain injury.难语症,诵读困难症:语言或文字理解能力受损,尤指那些与大脑受损伤相联系的〔galactosemia〕An inherited metabolic disorder characterized by the deficiency of an enzyme that is necessary for the metabolism of galactose. The disorder results in elevated levels of galactose in the blood and, if untreated, can lead to mental retardation and eye and liver abnormalities.半乳糖症:一种遗传的代谢紊乱,因缺乏对半乳糖新陈代谢所必需的酶引起。这种紊乱会引起半乳糖在血液中的积聚上升,如果不治疗会导致大脑发育迟缓且眼和肝脏畸形〔saveloy〕from Latin cerebellum [diminutive of] cerebrum [brain] * see ker- 1源自 拉丁语 cerebellum cerebrum的小后缀 [大脑] * 参见 ker- 1〔neocortex〕The dorsal region of the cerebral cortex, especially large in higher mammals and the most recently evolved part of the brain. Also called neopallium 新(大脑)皮质:大脑皮层的背面,尤指大高等哺乳动物大脑中新生长的部分 也作 neopallium〔acculturation〕The process by which the culture of a particular society is instilled in a human being from infancy onward.文化移入:从婴儿起一特定社会的文化就植入一个人大脑的过程〔convolution〕One of the convex folds of the surface of the brain.脑回:大脑表面凸出褶皱中的一条〔content〕"The brain is hungry not for method but for content, especially content which contains generalizations that are powerful, precise, and explicit"(Frederick Turner)“大脑迫切需要的不是方法,而是意义,尤其是包含了有力、准确及明晰的通则”(弗雷德里克·特纳)〔sensorium〕The part of the brain that receives and coordinates all the stimuli conveyed to various sensory centers.感觉中枢:接收和协调所有传达给所有感官中枢刺激的大脑的一部分




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