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单词 大约
释义 〔input〕The nouninput has been used as a technical term for about a century in fields such as physics and electrical engineering, but its recent popularity grows out of its use in computer science,where it refers to data or signals entered into a system for processing or transmission.In general discourseinput is now widely used to refer to the transmission of information and opinion, as inThe report questioned whether a President thus shielded had access to a sufficiently varied input to have a realistic picture of the nation or The nominee herself had no input on housing policy. In this last sentence the meaning of the term is uncertain:it may mean either that the nominee provided no opinions to the policymakersor that she received no information about housing policy.This vagueness in the nontechnical use ofinput may be one reason that some critics have objected to it (including, in an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel). Though the usage is well established,care should be taken not to use the word merely as a way of pretending to a scientific precision unwarranted by the facts of the case.名词input 作为一个专业名词在象物理和电子工程领域已经被用了大约一个世纪, 但是它在计算机科学上的最新流行超出了原来的用法,在计算机科学上它指输入系统进行运行或传送的信息和信号。总的来说,input 广泛地用来指信息和观点的传送, 就象在报告怀疑这样保护起来的总统是否能获得接近足够多样信息的机会,从而有一幅这个国家的现实图景 或 被提名人自己没有关于房产政策的任何信息 。 在后一句中单词的定义是不确定的:它既可以指被提名人未向决策者提供任何建议,也可以指她未收到任何有关房产政策的信息。这种模糊在input 的非专业用法中有可能是一些批评家反对它(在一个早期调查中,其中包括大部分用法专题小组成员)的一个原因。 尽管这种用法已完全确立,用这个词时也应谨慎,不能把这个词仅仅用来伪装一种科学的精确性,而在这样的情况下,如此的精确性是不被事实所证明的〔toddler〕A size of clothing for children between the ages of about one and three years.学步儿童穿的衣服尺码:大约一岁到三岁之间的儿童穿的衣服的尺码〔Essequibo〕A river rising on the Brazilian border of southern Guyana and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) generally northward to the Atlantic Ocean.埃塞库柏河:发源于盖亚纳南部与巴西交界处的一条河流,向北流经大约965公里(600英里)并注入大西洋〔athlete〕Athletes who believe that winning is the most important aspect of athletics have etymological support for their view,even if the way one plays the game is more important than winning a prize.The wordathlete may ultimately go back to the Greek word athlos, "contest, especially a contest for a prize.” Two other possible sources areathlon, "prize won in a contest,” and .athleus, "one who competes.” The Greek wordathlētēs, derived from at least one of these sources, meant "combatant, champion,” and was used especially for competitors in games.Our wordathlete, borrowed from Greek by way of Latin, is first recorded in Middle English (possibly before 1425) with reference to wrestlers.那些坚信体育比赛中取胜是最重要一面的运动员,有词源学根据来支持他们的观点,甚至参加运动的方式比获取奖品更重要。athlete 这个单词可以最终追溯到希腊单词 athlos “比赛, 尤指为获取奖品的竞赛。”另外两个可能的词源是athlon “体育竞赛中获得的奖品”和 athleus “参加体育竞赛的人”。 athletes 这个希腊单词至少从这些词源之一发展而来,意思是“竞技者、冠军”, 尤其用来指体育比赛中的竞技者。这个词athlete 通过拉丁语从希腊语中借用, 最早记录于中世纪英语(大约在1425年以前),用来指摔跤运动〔Nikolayev〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. in the Ukraine at the mouth of the Western Bug River northeast of Odessa. Founded c. 1784 as a fortress, it became a shipbuilding center in the 1780's. Population, 486,000.尼古拉耶夫:原苏联欧洲部分南部的一座城市,位于乌克兰境内敖德萨城东北部的西布格河的河口处。作为一个要塞大约建于1784年,在18世纪80年成为造船中心。人口486,000〔Lamia〕A city of east-central Greece northwest of Athens. Founded c. fifth centuryb.c. , it was the site of the Lamian War (323-322 b.c. ) between the confederated Greeks and the Macedonian general Antipater, who was besieged in the city for several months before his ultimate victory. Population, 41,667. 拉米亚:希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典的西北部。该市大约于公元前 5世纪建立,希腊联邦与马其顿将军安提帕特之间的拉米亚战争( 公元前 323年-322年)就爆发于此地,安提帕特将军在该市被困几个月后最后取得胜利。人口41,667 〔erudite〕One might like to beerudite but hesitate to berude. This preference is supported by the etymological relationship betweenerudite and rude. Erudite comes from the Latin adjectiveērudītus, "well-instructed, learned,” from the past participle of the verbērudīre, "to educate, train.” The verb is in turn formed from the prefixex-, "out, out of,” and the adjective rudis, "untaught, untrained,” the source of our word rude. The English worderudite is first recorded in a work possibly written before 1425 with the senses "instructed, learned.”Erudite meaning "learned" is supposed to have become rare except in sarcastic use, at least during the latter part of the 19th century, but the word now seems to have been restored to favor.一个人想成为erudite (博学的), 但却犹豫会成为rude (粗鲁的)。 这个优先选择可以由erudite 和 rede这两个词在语源学上的关系得出。 Erudite 源于拉丁语的形容词eruditus ,指“受过良好教育的、博学的,” 来源于动词erudire 的过去分词,指“教育、训练”。 这个动词反过来由前缀ex- ,(表示“出、离开”)和形容词 rudis 意为“没受教育的,没受训练的”组成,它又是现代词 rude 的来源。 英语单词erudite 最早记录于大约写在1425年以前的一本著作中, 那时意思是“受教育的、博学的”。至少在19世纪后半期,Erudite 意思为“博学的”,除了讽刺的用法外已经很少被人所用, 但是现在这个单词好象又逐渐被人们使用起来〔noise〕For those who find that too much noise makes them ill,it will come as no surprise that the wordnoise possibly can be traced back to the Latin word nausea, "seasickness, feeling of sickness.” Our wordsnausea and noise are doublets, that is, words borrowed in different forms from the same word.Nausea, first recorded probably before 1425, was borrowed directly from Latin.Noise, on the other hand, first recorded around the beginning of the 13th century, came to us through Old French,probably ultimately from Latin,which explains its change in form.The unrecorded change in sense probably took place in Vulgar Latin.Old Frenchnois, descended from Latin nausea, meant "sound, din, uproar, quarrel,” all senses that came into Middle English with the word.Noise, however, is an example of how words can change for the better, for a noise can be pleasantas well as unpleasant,as in the sentence "The only noise was the wind in the pines.”对那些发现太多的嘈杂声使他们很不舒服的人来说,无须惊奇词语noise 很可能可以追溯到拉丁语 nausea “晕船,不舒服的感觉”。 词语nausea 和 noise 是同源词, 也就是说这两个词是同一单词的不同形式。Nausea 第一次记录也许在1425年以前, 它直接来自于拉丁语。另一方面,noise 大约在13世纪初第一次记录下来, 在古法语中使用,可能最终源自拉丁语,这解释了它的形式变化。这种意义上讲未被记录的变化可能在民间拉丁文中。古法语nois 从拉丁语 nausea “声音,嘈杂声,喧嚣,吵闹”转变过来, 所有意义都随此词进入中世纪英语。然而noise 是一个词语如何演变向更好的方面的例子, 因为一种声音可能是悦耳的,也可能是不悦耳的,如在句子"The only noise was the wind in the pines"中〔latency〕The psychoanalytic stage of development, from about five years to puberty, during which a child represses sexual urges and prefers to associate with members of the same sex.潜伏期:心理分析学中人的大约五岁到青春期这一发展阶段,在这期间儿童压抑其性欲并倾向于与同性别成员相处〔Cottonwood〕A river, about 225 km (140 mi) long, of southwest Minnesota flowing generally eastward to the Minnesota River.科顿马德河:明尼苏达州西南部一条河,长大约225公里(140英里),通常向西流向明尼苏达河〔poundal〕A unit of force in the foot-pound-second system of measurement, equal to the force required to accelerate a standard one-pound mass one foot per second per second (approximately 0.138 newton).磅达:英尺-磅-秒制中力的单位,相当于使1磅的自由质量得到一英尺每秒加速度的力(大约等于0.138牛顿每秒)〔Andrew〕One of the 12 Apostles. According to legend, he was martyred at Patrai (c.a.d. 60). 安德烈:耶稣十二使徒之一,根据传说他在巴特海殉教(大约.公元 60年) 〔kurgan〕A type of tumulus or barrow characteristic of a culture located on the steppes of southern Russia about 5000b.c. and later spreading to the Danube, northern Europe, and northern Iran from around 3500 b.c. (东欧或西伯利亚的)坟头,坟墩:一种古坟或古冢,为公元前 5000年左右俄罗斯南部大草原上的文明所特有的,后来这种文明大约从 公元前 3500年扩展到多瑙河流域、北欧和伊朗北部 〔Superior〕The largest and westernmost of the Great Lakes, between the north-central United States and southern Ontario, Canada. Probably first sighted by French explorers in the early 1600's, it is an important link in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway system.苏必利尔湖:五大湖最大的、最西部的湖,位于美国中部和加拿大安大略南部之间。最早大约于1600年为法国探险家发现,它是五大湖区和圣劳伦斯航道的重要枢纽〔Bactria〕An ancient country of southwest Asia. It was an eastern province of the Persian Empire before its conquest by the Greeks in 328b.c. . The kingdom was destroyed c. 130 b.c. by nomadic tribes. 巴克特里亚:亚洲西南的一个古国,于公元前 328年被希腊征服之前是波斯王国的一个东部省份,这个王国大约在 公元前 130年被游牧部落摧毁 〔Varanasi〕A city of northeast-central India on the Ganges River southeast of Lucknow. One of India's oldest cities, it is a sacred Hindu pilgrimage site with some 1,500 temples, palaces, and shrines. Population, 708,647.瓦腊纳西:印度中部偏东北恒河上的一座城市,位于勒克瑙城的东南部,它是印度最古老的城市之一,有大约1500座宙宇、宫殿或圣殿并成为印度教朝圣圣地。人口708,647〔Mur〕A river, about 483 km (300 mi) long, of south-central Austria and northern Yugoslavia flowing east, northeast, south, and southeast to the Drava River.穆尔河:奥地利中南部和南斯拉夫北部的河流,流程大约483公里(300英里),流向东、东北、南和东南汇入德瓦尔河〔mendelevium〕A synthetic radioactive transuranium element of the actinide series. Atomic number 101; mass numbers 255 and 256; half-lives approximately 30 minutes (Md 255) and 1.5 hours (Md 256). See table at element 钔:锕系之合成放射性超铀元素。其原子序数为101;质量数为255和256;半衰期大约为30分钟(质量数为255的元素),及一个半小时(质量数为256的元素) 参见 element〔flimsy〕The origin offlimsy, although uncertain, is not completely obscure.The word is first recorded in English in the 17th century in a dictionary of cant, the jargon of people such as thieves and beggars.Its early senses "frail" and "trivial"as well as its form may link it withflim-flam, recorded first around 1538.The nounflim-flam could mean "a piece of nonsense or idle talk,” and the adjective could mean "frivolous.” Flim-flam itself is a reduplication in which the patternfl—m occurs twice, the first time with the sound (ĭ);the second, with the sound (ă). Flim may be related to the Old Norse wordflim, meaning "a lampoon, libel.”Flimsy 的词源虽然不确定, 但并不是完全不清楚。这个单词在17世纪首次用英语记载于一本行话字典里,即记载如小偷和乞丐等人所使用的隐语的字典。它最初的意思是“脆弱的”和“轻微的”,其形式可能与flim-flam 有联系, 首次记载大约是在1538年。Flim-flam 作名词时意思为“一句无意义的或无聊的话,” 作形容词时可当作“琐屑的,无意义的”讲。 Flim-flam 本身是一个重叠词,fl-m 这样形式出现两次, 第一次是与语音(i)组合;第二次是与语音(a)组合。 Flim 可能与古斯堪的纳维亚语flim 有关, 其意思为“讽刺,诽谤”〔Naugatuck〕A town of west-central Connecticut south of Waterbury on theNaugatuck River, about 105 km (65 mi) long. Naugatuck is an industrial center. Population, 30,625. 诺格塔克:位于康涅狄格特中西部,沃特伯里南部,诺格塔克河 畔的一个城镇,大约105公里(65英里)长。诺格塔克是一个工业中心,人口30,625 〔raceme〕An inflorescence having stalked flowers arranged singly along an elongated, unbranched axis, as in the lily of the valley.总状花序:一种花序,花心大约等长的花梗沿一条延长的,不分叉的轴线单向生长,如山谷百合〔Denebola〕A star in the constellation Leo, approximately 43 light-years from Earth.德尼波拉星:狮子座的一颗恒星,距地球大约43光年〔Ravi〕A river, about 764 km (475 mi) long, of northwest India and northeast Pakistan. Rising in the Himalaya Mountains, it is one of the five rivers of the Punjab.拉维河:位于印度西北部和巴基斯坦东北部的一河流,全长大约764公里(475英里),发源地在喜马拉雅山脉,是旁遮普五大河流之一〔Escambia〕A river rising in southeast Alabama as the Conecuh River and flowing about 372 km (231 mi) southwest to joinEscambia Creek, about 121 km (75 mi) long, and then southward into northwest Florida, where it empties into Escambia Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico near Pensacola. 埃斯坎比亚河:一条河流,其上游是位于美国阿拉巴马洲东南部的康尼考河,向西南大约372公里(231)流入埃斯坎比亚河 ,长约121公里(75mi),然后向南流入佛罗里达洲的西北部,在此汇入了潘萨克拉附近墨西哥海湾的分支 埃斯坎比亚湾 〔more〕About; approximately:大约;差不多:〔Tripoli〕A historical region of northern Africa roughly coextensive with the ancient region of Tripolitania. It became part of the Barbary States in the 16th century and later passed to Turkey and Italy.的黎波里:北非历史上的一个工区,大约与古代的黎波里塔尼亚地区同时期存在,16世纪该地区成为巴巴里诸国的一部分,后来归属土耳其和意大利管辖〔Deneb〕The brightest star in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 1,630 light-years from Earth.天津四,天鹅α星:在天鹅座最亮的一颗恒星,距地球大约有1,630光年〔lava〕Lava was appropriately named by people living near Mount Vesuvius.The only active volcano on the European mainland, Vesuvius has erupted frequently since Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried by it ina.d. 79. The Neapolitans who lived in the vicinity took a word in Italian,lava, meaning "a stream caused suddenly by rain,” and applied it to the streams of molten rock coming down the sides of Vesuvius. The term was then taken into Standard Italian,where it came to mean the rock in both its molten and its solidified states.The Italian word in all its senses was borrowed into English around the middle of the 18th century (1750 being the earliest date of record).火山岩这一恰当的名称是由生活在维苏威火山附近的居民命名的。维苏威火山是欧洲大陆唯一的活火山,自从公元 79年庞贝和赫库兰尼姆被它埋没以来,它一直频繁爆发。 生活在附近的那不勒斯人用意大利语中的一个单词lava 指代从维苏威火山上流淌下来的熔化岩石流,而这个词的本意是“由雨水骤然形成的溪流”。 这一词语被纳入标准意大利语,意为处于熔化或凝固状态的岩石。大约在18世纪中期,这一意大利单词和其含义都被借用到英语之中(最早的记录见于1750年)〔Juniata〕A river, about 241 km (150 mi) long, of south-central Pennsylvania flowing eastward to the Susquehanna River.朱尼亚塔:美国宾夕法尼亚州中部偏南的一条河,流程大约241公里(150英里),向东流入萨斯奎哈纳河〔Troy〕Also Il.i.on [ĭlʹē-ən, -ŏn'] or [-ē-əm] An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the Dardanelles River. Originally a Phrygian city dating from the Bronze Age, it is the legendary site of the Trojan War and was captured and destroyed by Greek forces c. 1200b.c. The ruins of Troy were discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in 1871. 也作 Il.i.on [ĭlʹē-ən, -ŏn'] 或 [-ē-əm] 特洛伊:小亚细亚西北一古城,位于达达尼尔河附近。从青铜器时代起便是一座弗里吉亚城市,传说为特洛伊战争所在地,大约在公元前 1200年被希腊军队侵占并毁灭。特洛伊城废墟于1871年由海因里希·希里曼发现 〔Orontes〕A river, about 402 km (250 mi) long, flowing through Lebanon, Syria, and southern Turkey to the Mediterranean Sea. It is used extensively for irrigation.奥伦特斯:一条大约长402公里(250英里)的河流,经黎巴嫩、叙利亚和土耳其南部进入地中海。该河大部分用于灌溉〔peck〕A unit of dry volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System equal to 8 quarts or approximately 537.6 cubic inches.配克:美国海关系统的一干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约537.6立方英寸〔telephone〕When one telephones someone else,one never gives a second thought to the linguistic and etymological processes illustrated by the wordtelephone. To begin with,the nountelephone is one of a class of technological and scientific words that are made up of combining forms, in this casetele- and -phone. These forms are derived from classical languages:tele- is from the Greek combining form tēle- or tēl-, a form of tēle, meaning "afar, far off,” while-phone is from Greek phōnē, "sound, voice.” Such words derived from classical languages can be put together in French or German,for example, as well as in English.Which language actually gave birth to them cannot always be determined.In this case Frenchtelephone (about 1830) seems to have priority. The word was used for an acoustic apparatus, as it originally was in English (1844).Alexander Graham Bell appropriated the word for his invention in 1876,and in 1877 we have the first instance of the verbtelephone meaning "to speak to by telephone.” The verb is an example of a linguistic process called functional shift.This occurs when we use a noun as a verb,an adjective as a noun, or a noun as an adjective.Thus, we are changing the syntactic function of the word,just as we do when wetelephone a friend. 当某人打电话给别人时,他决不会再想一想单词Telephone 所说明的语言学的和词源学的发展历程。 开始时,名词telephone 是由复合形式构成的一类技术和科学术语中的一个, 在这个例子中是tele- 和 -phone 。 这些形式来自于古典语言:tele- 来自于希腊语的复合形式 tele- 或 tel- ( tele 的形式,意为“在远处,遥远地”), 而-phone 则来自希腊语 phone (“声音,嗓音”)。 这些来自古典语言的词可以在法语或德语中放在一起,例如,同英语一样。这些词到底诞生于哪一种语言通常无法确认。在这个例子中,法语telephone (大约于1830年)看起来出现较早。 这个单词正如它最初出现在英语中(1844年)的意思一样,在法语中它用于指声音设备。亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔在1876年用这个词指代他的发明物,1877年我们有了第一个意为“用电话与…交谈”的动词telephone 的实例。 这个动词是称为功能转移的语言学进程的一个例子。这种情况在我们将名词作为动词,将形容词作为名词或将名词作为形容词使用时就发生。这样,我们正在改变单词的句法功能,正如在我们打电话给 一位朋友时所做的一样 〔Hague〕The de facto capital of the Netherlands, in the western part of the country near the North Sea. The Hague grew around a palace built c. 1250 by William of Holland (1228-1256) and is today the seat of the country's legislature and supreme court and of the International Court of Justice. Population, 445,213.海牙,格莱温哈哥:荷兰实际上的首都,在荷兰西部,临近北海。它是由荷兰的威廉(1228-1256年)在大约1250年建造的宫殿基础上发展而来,现在是该国议会和最高法院及国际法院的所在地。人口445,213〔Neolithic〕Of or relating to the cultural period beginning around 10,000b.c. in the Middle East and later elsewhere, characterized by the development of agriculture and the making of polished stone implements. 新石器时代的:属于或同始于大约公元前 10,000年中东及后来其它一些地方的文化时期相关的,以农业发展和磨制石具的制作为特征 〔somewhere〕Approximately; roughly:大约;差不多:〔Hannibal〕Carthaginian general who crossed the Alps in 218 with about 35,000 men and routed Roman armies at Lake Trasimeno (217) and Cannae (216). He was later defeated at the Battle of Zama (202).汉尼拔:迦太基将军,他在公元前218年率大约35,000 人穿越阿尔卑斯山并且在特拉西梅诺湖(公元前217年)和坎尼(公元前216年)彻底击溃罗马军队。后来在扎马战役( 公元前202年)被击败〔Han〕A member of the principal ethnic group of China, constituting about 93 percent of the population, especially as distinguished from Manchus, Mongols, Huis, and other minority nationalities. Also called Chinese ,Han Chinese 汉人;汉族:中国占主导地位的种族集团的成员,占人口总数的大约百分之九十三,主要区别于满族、蒙族、回族以及其它少数民族 也作 Chinese,Han Chinese〔Eastmain〕A river rising in central Quebec, Canada, and flowing about 821 km (510 mi) eastward to James Bay.伊斯特曼河:发源于加拿大魁北克中部一河流,流程大约821公里(510英里),向东注入詹姆斯湾〔some〕Some 40 people attended the rally.大约有40个人参加了集合




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