单词 | 大卫 |
释义 | 〔Joab〕In the Bible, the nephew and adviser of David whose military victories greatly strengthened David's monarchy. His violent acts of revenge to protect David led to his execution under Solomon.裘柏:圣经中大卫的侄子及幕僚,所取得的军事胜利极大地加强了大卫的君主政体。他为了保护大卫王所实施的暴力报复行动令他被所罗门杀死〔Porter〕American naval officer who was court-martialed for unauthorized military activities in Puerto Rico. He later commanded the Mexican navy (1826-1829). His sonDavid Dixon Porter (1813-1891) was a Union naval officer during the Civil War. 波特,戴维:(1780-1843) 美国海军军官,因在波多黎各擅自采取军事行动而受到军事法庭的审判。后来他成为墨西哥海军司令(1826-1829年),他的儿子大卫·迪克森·波特 (1813-1891年)在内战期间是联邦军海军军官 〔Jesse〕In the Old Testament, King David's father and the progenitor of the line of Jesus.耶西:《圣经·旧约》中国王大卫之父,耶稣基督家谱上最早的一代祖先〔Mannes〕Polish-born American musician who with her husbandDavid Mannes (1866-1959) founded and directed (1916-1948) the Mannes College of Music in New York City. 马纳斯,克拉拉·达姆罗施:(1869-1948) 波兰裔美国音乐家,与其丈夫大卫·马纳斯 (1866-1959年)一起设立并管理纽约市的马纳斯音乐学院 〔Mobile〕A city of southwest Alabama at the mouth of theMobile River, about 61 km (38 mi) long, on the north shore of Mobile Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico. Founded c. 1710, the city was held by the French, British, and Spanish until it was seized by U.S. forces in 1813. In the Battle of Mobile Bay (August 1864) Adm. David Farragut defeated a major Confederate flotilla and secured Union control of the area. Population, 196,278. 墨比尔:亚拉巴马州西南的一座城市,在长约61公里(38英里)的墨比尔河 口处,位于墨西哥湾的一个海湾 墨尔比湾 的北海岸。约设立于1710年,该市在1813年为美国军队夺取前曾被法、英和西班牙拥有。在墨比尔湾战役(1864年8月)中,海军上将大卫·法拉革特击溃了一支邦联军舰队主力并确保联邦对该地区的控制。人口196,278 〔Susskind〕American talk-show host and television producer. He appeared onThe David Susskind Show, a popular late-night program. 萨斯金得,戴维:(1920-1987) 美国访谈节目主持人和电视制片人,他曾出现在一个受欢迎的午夜节目《大卫·萨斯金得节目》 中 〔Abigail〕In the Old Testament, the wife of David.亚比该:《旧约》中的大卫之妻〔Stanley〕British journalist and explorer known for his expedition into Africa in search of David Livingstone, whom he greeted with the words "Doctor Livingstone, I presume?” (1871).斯坦利,亨利·莫顿:(1841-1904) 英国记者和探险家,以其在非洲找寻大卫·李文斯顿的探险而闻名,见到李文斯顿时他说,‘我想,您是李文斯顿博士吧?’(1871年)〔Teniers〕Flemish painter of religious subjects. His sonDavid (1610-1690), known as "the Younger,” painted landscapes, religious subjects, and genre scenes, such as Company at Table (1634). 坦尼尔斯,戴维:(1582-1649) 法兰德斯宗教画家。其子大卫 (1610-1690年),即“小坦尼尔斯”,作品有风景画、宗教题材画和风俗画,如 《桌边的聚会》 (1634年) 〔Reid〕Scottish philosopher who founded a philosophy of common sense largely as a reaction to the ideas of David Hume.里德,托马斯:(1710-1796) 苏格兰哲学家,建立了共同意识的哲学,主要作为对大卫·休姆的思想的反应〔phenomenalism〕The doctrine, set forth by David Hume and his successors, that percepts and concepts actually present in the mind constitute the sole object of knowledge, with the objects of perception themselves, their origin outside the mind, or the nature of the mind itself remaining forever beyond inquiry.现象主义:由大卫·休谟和他的继承者提出的学说,认为实际存在于人们意识中的感知和概念,连同被感知事物本身,它们在意识外的起源,或是意识本身的不可知性一同构成了人们对某一对象的认识〔Cowley〕English metaphysical poet whose works includeDavideis (1656), an epic on the life of King David. 考利,亚伯拉罕:(1618-1667) 英国玄学派诗人,他的作品包括有描述大卫王一生的长篇史诗《大卫》 (1656年) 〔jorum〕Perhaps after Joram , who brought vessels of silver, gold, and brass to King David (II Samuel 8:10) 可能源自 乔拉姆 ,他将银、金和黄铜容器带给国王大卫(撒母耳记8:10) 〔Nathan〕In the Old Testament, a prophet during the reigns of David and Solomon.内森:在旧约里大卫和所罗门统治时期的一位预言家〔Uriah〕In the Old Testament, an officer in the Israelite army and the husband of Bathsheba. He was sent to die in battle so that David could marry his wife.乌利亚:在旧约中以色列军队中的一个军官,是拔示巴的丈夫。大卫送他到战场以致于大卫能娶他的妻子〔Vallejo〕A city of western California on San Pablo Bay north of Oakland. It is a trade and processing center and has a large naval shipyard, founded by Adm. David Farragut in 1854. Population, 109,199.瓦列霍:美国加利福尼亚州西部的一座城市,位于奥克兰北部的圣帕伯罗湾上,它是一个贸易和加工中心并拥有一个很大的海军造船厂,它是由亚当·大卫·法勒哥特于1854年建立。人口109,199〔ambiguous〕"The polling had a complex and equivocal message for potential female candidates at all levels" (David S. Broder). “民意测验对各阶层潜在的女性候选人的态度复杂而又模糊” (大卫·S.布罗德)。〔Jonathan〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of King Saul of Israel and friend of David.约拿单:《圣经·旧约》中以色列国王扫罗的长子,大卫的朋友〔Goliath〕In the Old Testament, a giant Philistine warrior who was slain by David with a stone and sling.歌利亚:旧约圣经里的非利士巨人勇士,被大卫用石头打死〔amuse〕"He loved to regale his friends with tales about the many memorable characters he had known as a newspaperman" (David Rosenzweig). “他喜欢讲些他当记者时认识的许多名人的故事给朋友们消遣” (大卫·罗森斯维格)〔Darnley〕Scottish nobleman and second husband (1565-1567) of Mary Queen of Scots. He plotted to kill David Rizzio, Mary's secretary, in 1566 and was himself murdered the following year, possibly at the urging of Mary's lover, the Earl of Bothwell.达恩利:苏格兰贵族和苏格兰女王玛丽的第二个丈夫(1565-1567年),他于1566年密谋杀害了大卫·利齐欧,玛丽的秘书,第二年自己也被暗杀了,可能是在玛丽的情人博恩韦尔伯爵的操纵下被杀的〔Saul〕The first king of Israel. He defended Israel against numerous enemies, especially the Philistines, and was succeeded by David.扫罗:以色列第一个国王,他保卫以色列并抵御了无数外敌,尤其是腓力基人,大卫后来继其王位〔need〕"No . . . more pernicious [doctrine] was ever invented . . . than that any of [the Constitution's] provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government" (David Davis)“没有…曾经创造的 能比在一次政府的危急关头对 条款的取消更为有害的” (大卫·戴维斯)。〔Donatello〕Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statueDavid. 多那太罗:意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格的先驱者,以其生动自然、形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像《大卫象》 〔David〕The second king of Judah and Israel. According to the Old Testament, he slew the Philistine giant Goliath and succeeded Saul as king. He is the reputed author of many of the Psalms.大卫:犹大和以色列的第二任国王,据旧约记载,他杀死了腓力斯巨人歌利亚,并且接替索尔任国王,他是许多赞美诗的据说的作者〔Dickens〕British writer known for his tales of Victorian life and times. Immensely popular both then and now, his works includeThe Pickwick Papers (1836-1837), Oliver Twist (1837-1838), and David Copperfield (1849-1850). 狄更斯,查尔斯·约翰·胡法姆:(1812-1870) 英国作家,他以描写维多利亚女王时代的生活和境况而出名,过去和现在都很受欢迎。他的作品有《匹克·威克外传》 (1836-1837年), 《双城记》 (1837-1838年)以及 《大卫·科波菲尔》 (1849-1850年) 〔Blimp〕After Colonel Blimp, a cartoon character invented by David Low (1891-1963) 源自科罗奈尔 Blimp, ,大卫·罗(1891-1963年)创造的一个卡通人物 〔Absalom〕In the Bible, a son of David who staged a revolt against his father's kingship and was defeated and killed in the ensuing battle.押沙龙:圣经中大卫的儿子,他策划了一起谋夺父皇王权的叛乱,在随后的搏斗中被击败并杀死〔rival〕"The whole world emulates Athens and Rome" (David Hume).“全世界都仿效雅典和罗马 (大卫·休谟)〔reason〕"Mere reason is insufficient to convince us of its [the Christian religion's] veracity" (David Hume).“仅仅是理性还不足以使我们信服它的 真实性” (大卫·休漠)。〔David〕French painter known for his classicism and his commitment to the ideals of the French Revolution. His works includeThe Oath of the Horatii (1785) and The Death of Marat (1793). 大卫,雅克·路易斯:(1748-1825) 法国画家,因其古典主义和对法国革命理想的献身而闻名,他的作品有《贺拉提乌斯兄弟之誓》 (1785年)和 《马拉之死》 (1793年) 〔Nielsen〕Danish composer whose polytonal and contrapuntal works include several symphonies, the operaSaul and David (1903), and chamber works. 尼尔森,卡尔·奥古斯特:(1865-1931) 丹麦作曲家,其多调性及对位法的作品包括几部交响乐,歌剧《扫罗和大卫》 (1903年)和一些室内作品 〔Philistine〕It has never been good to be a Philistine.Samson, Saul, and David in the Bible helped bring the Philistines into prominence because they were such prominent opponents.Even though the Philistines have long since disappeared,their name has lived on in the Old Testament.The English name for them,Philistines, which goes back through Late Latin and Greek to Hebrew, is first found in Middle English,wherePhilistiens, the ancestor of our word, is recorded in a work composed before 1325. Beginning in the 17th centuryphilistine was used as a common noun usually in the plural to refer to various groups considered the enemy,such as literary critics.In Germany in the same centuryit is said that in a memorial at Jena for a student who had been killed in a town-gown quarrel,the minister preached a sermon from the text "Philister über dir Simson! [The Philistines be upon thee, Samson!],”the words of Delilah to Samson after she attempted to render him powerless before his Philistine enemies.From this usage it is said that German students came to usePhilister, the German equivalent of Philistine, to denote nonstudents and hence uncultured or materialistic people.Both usages were picked up in English in the early 19th century.做非利士人从来没有好处。《圣经》中的参孙、索尔和大卫使非利士人出名是因为他们是很优秀的对手。尽管非利士人已消失很久了,他们的名字却仍存在于《旧约》当中。他们的英文名称Philistines 可由晚期拉丁语和希腊语追溯到希伯来语, 是在中世纪英语中首先发现的,其中我们所用词的前身Philistines 记载在一部1325年前的著作中。 17世纪以来,Philistine 被用作普通名词并且常以复数形式出现, 意指被认为是敌人的各种团体,如文学批评家。在同一世纪的德国,据说在耶拿举行的纪念一名在市民和大学生争执中被杀的学生的纪念会上,牧师从“[非利士人比你强,参孙!]”中选取了一段做布道,就是迪莱勒在试图使参孙在他的非利士手面前变得软弱无力后说的那些话。这段话的用法中可见德国学生开始使用philister 作为 philistine 的德语替代语, 意指不是学生因此也就是没有文化以及不务实的人。这两种用法在19世纪早期的英语中均能找到〔blemish〕"His independence and love of the English were his only faults" (David Livingstone). “他的独立和对英语的热爱是他唯一的缺点” (大卫·利文斯通)。 |
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