单词 | 大会 |
释义 | 〔conclude〕concluded the rally with the national anthem.See Synonyms at complete 大会以国歌作为结束 参见 complete〔Mott〕American feminist and social reformer who was active in the antislavery movement and with Elizabeth Cady Stanton called the first convention for women's rights, held at Seneca Falls, New York (1848).马特,卢克雷蒂娅·科芬:(1793-1880) 美国女权运动者和社会改革家,她在反奴隶制度的运动中表现积极并和伊丽莎白·凯蒂·斯坦东一起在纽约的塞尼卡·福尔斯召集关于妇女权利的首次大会(1848年)〔capitulary〕A member of an ecclesiastical or similar chapter.教士会成员:教士大会或类似大会的一名成员〔jamboree〕A large assembly, often international, especially of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.大集会:大型集会,常指国际性的,尤指童子军大会〔notable〕Often Notable One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency. 常作 Notable 应召显贵:法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨〔Nicaea〕An ancient city of Bithynia in northwest Asia Minor. Dating from the fourth centuryb.c. , it flourished during Roman times. The Nicene Creed was adopted at an ecumenical council convened here by Constantine I in a.d. 325. 尼西亚:比提尼亚一个古代的城市,位于小亚细亚半岛的西北部。从公元前 4世纪开始在罗马时期繁盛一时。尼西亚的教义在康斯坦丁一世于 公元 325年召集的世界范围的大会上被采纳 〔chapter〕An assembly of the canons of a church or of the members of a religious residence.教会全体教士大会:大教堂的全体教士大会或一宗教社区的成员大会〔Stanton〕American feminist and social reformer. She helped organize the first women's rights convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York (1848), for which she wrote a Declaration of Sentiments calling for the reform of discriminatory practices that perpetuated sexual inequality.斯坦顿,伊丽莎白·卡迪:(1815-1902) 美国女权主义者和社会改革家,在纽约州的塞讷卡瀑布,她曾帮助组织并召开了第一次妇女权利大会(1848年),为此她起草了《感情宣言》,号召改革那些长久存在的不平等的性别歧视行为〔eisteddfod〕An annual competitive festival of Welsh poets and musicians.威尔斯艺术节:一年一度的威尔士诗人、音乐家比赛大会〔carousel〕French carrousel [tilting match, carousel] 法语 carrousel [骑马持矛冲刺比赛,竞技比武大会] 〔host〕Host was used as a verb in Shakespeare's time, but this usage was long obsoletewhen the verb was reintroduced (or perhaps reinvented) in recent yearsto mean "perform the role of a host.”The usage occurs particularly in contexts relating to institutional gatherings or television and radio shows,where the person performing the role of host has not personally invited the guests to his or her own establishment (thus it would be odd to sayThis evening we are hosting a dinner party at our house for my husband's cousins from New York ). Perhaps because the verb involves a suspect extension of the traditional conception of hospitality,it initially met with critical resistance.In a 1968 surveyonly 18 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the usage in the sentenceThe Cleveland chapter will host this year's convention. Over time, however,the usage has become increasingly well establishedand appears to serve a useful purpose in describing the activities of one who performs the ceremonial or practical role of a host (in arranging a conference or entertainment, welcoming guests, and so forth).In our most recent survey53 percent of the Panelists accepted the usage in the phrasea reception hosted by the Secretary of State. The verb is less well accepted when used to describe the role of a performer who acts as a master of ceremonies for a broadcast or film,where the relation of the word to the notion of "hospitality" is stretched still further.Only 31 percent of the Panel accepted the use of the verb in the sentenceStudents have watched Sex, Drugs and AIDS, a graphic film hosted by actress Rae Dawn Chong. · The verbcohost has likewise become well established in its use to refer to those who collaborate in assuming responsibility for an occasion. Fifty-eight percent of the Usage Panel accepted this use in the sentenceThe Department of Architecture and the Department of History will be cohosting a reception for conference participants. Host 一词在莎士比亚时代用作动词, 但自那时起这一用法很长时间不用了,直到近年来又被重新起用(或者可能重新创造),用来表示“担当主人的角色”。这一用法尤其在学术聚会或电视、电台节目的情况下使用,在这些情况下,身为主人的人并没有以私人身份邀请客人去到他或她自己的家中,(这样的话,如果我们说今天晚上我们将在家中为我丈夫来自纽约的表兄妹‘主办’一个晚餐会 就会觉得有点别扭)。 也许是因为有人认为这一动词用法会扩大传统的“好客”概念,所以一开始它就遭到了批评性抑制。在1968年的一次调查中,用法专题使用小组中18%的成员在如下句子中的用法,即克利夫兰分会将主办本年度的大会。 但是,随着时间的推移,这一用法已逐渐被接受,并在描绘一个担当司仪或具体的主人任务(例如安排会议或娱乐活动,欢迎客人等等)时起到了很好的作用。在我们最近一次的调查中,用法专题使用小组中的53%的成员接受了短语由国务卿出面举办的招待会 中"host"一词的用法。 但当这一动词用法用来描绘作为广播节目或电影节目的主持人的主持工作时,人们就不太接受其用法,因为这样用,这个词与“好客”这一概念的关系就更松了。只有31%的用法专题使用小组成员接受host在句子学生们观摩了 由 演员雷·唐·宗主持解说的纪录片 ‘性、毒品与艾滋病’”中的动词用法。 同样,用来表示分工合作共同举办某一活动的动词cohost 也已被普遍接受。 58%的用法专题使用小组成员接受这一动词在如下句子中的用法:建筑系和历史系将共同为与会者举办一次招待会 〔guillotine〕"At half past 12 the guillotine severed her head from her body.”So reads the statementcontaining the first recorded use ofguillotine in English, found in theAnnual Register of 1793. The word occurs in a context clearly illustrating the function of theguillotine, "a machine with a heavy blade that falls freely between upright guides to behead a condemned person.” Ironically, the guillotine, which became the most notable symbol of the excesses of the French Revolution,was named for a humanitarian physician, Joseph Ignace Guillotin.Guillotin, a member of the French Constituent Assembly,recommended in a speech to that body on October 10, 1789,that executions be performed by a beheading device rather than by hanging, the method used for commoners, or by the sword, reserved for the nobility.He argued that beheading by machine was quicker and less painful than the work of the rope and the sword.In 1791 the Assembly did indeed adopt beheading by machine as the state's preferred method of execution.A beheading device designed by Dr. Antoine Louis, secretary of the College of Surgeons, was first used on April 25, 1792, to execute a highwayman named Pelletier or Peletier.The device was called alouisette or louison after its inventor's name,but because of Guillotin's famous speech,his name became irrevocably associated with the machine. After Guillotin's death in 1814,his children tried unsuccessfully to get the device's name changed.When their efforts failed,they were allowed to change their name instead.“十二点半,断头台斩落了他的头颅。”这句话如此写道。这是英语文章中第一次使用guillotine 这个词, 它出现在1793年的年度文摘 中。 该文中,该词清楚地体现了guillotine 的功用——“利用垂直向下砍落的重斧斩落犯人头颅的机器。” 令人啼笑皆非的是,这一成为法国大革命中恐怖暴行最显著标志的断头台,竟是因一个人文主义医生,约瑟夫·英格纳斯·吉约坦命名的。吉约坦是法国国民代表大会的成员,在1789年10月的一次发言中向大会提出,在处决犯人时以一种砍头的机器来代替处决普通犯人时所用的绞刑或是处决贵族时使用的宝剑。他认为用机器砍头比用绳子或宝剑快而且痛苦小。1791年,国民大会确实将用机器砍头定为国家处决犯人的方法。由外科医生院秘书长安东尼·路易医生设计的砍头装置在1792年4月25日处决拦路强盗佩尔蒂或佩尔捷时第一次使用。这个装置被称为路易塞特 或 路易森 , 因由其发明者而得名。但是由于吉约坦那次著名的发言,他的名字不可避免地与这种机器联系在一起。1814年吉约坦死后,他的子孙试图为这种机器换个名字,但没有成功。当他们的努力失败后,他们得到允许,改换了自己的名字〔Flushing〕A section of New York City in northern Queens on western Long Island. Flushing Meadow was the site of two world's fairs (1939-1940 and 1964-1965) and the temporary headquarters of the United Nations (1946-1949).弗拉兴:纽约城的一个区,位于长岛西部的皇后区北部。弗拉兴牧场曾是两届世界贸易大会(1939-1940年和1964-1965年)的所在地和联合国的临时总部(1946-1949年)〔Henderson〕British politician who was president of the World Disarmament Conference (1932-1935). He won the 1934 Nobel Peace Prize.亨德森,阿瑟:(1863-1935) 英国政治家,曾为世界裁军大会(1932-1935年)的主席。他获1934年诺贝尔和平奖〔Stone〕American feminist and social reformer who organized the first national women's rights convention, held in Worcester, Massachusetts (1850), and was a founder of the American Woman Suffrage Association (1869).斯通,露西:(1818-1893) 美国女权主义者和社会改革家,她组织了于马萨诸塞州的伍斯特举行的全美第一届妇女权利大会(1850年),是美国妇女选举联合会(1869年)的组建者〔preprimary〕preprimary conventions; preprimary support.初选前的大会;初选前的支持〔Burritt〕American social reformer who advocated an international congress to promote world peace.伯里特,伊莱休:(1810-1879) 美国社会运动参加者,他提倡以国际代表大会来推进世界和平〔carousel〕A tournament in which knights or horsemen engaged in various exercises and races.竞技比武大会:一种大型竞赛,武士或骑士参加各种比赛〔conventioneer〕One who attends a convention.与会者:参加会议或大会的人〔Farmer〕American civil rights leader who founded the Congress of Racial Equality (1942), served as its national director (1961-1966), and advocated nonviolent forms of protest.法默,詹姆斯·伦纳德:(生于 1920) 美国民权领导人,建立种族平等大会(1942年),任大会的董事(1961-1966年),致力于非暴力抵抗〔meeting〕An assembly or a gathering of people, as for a business, social, or religious purpose.会议,大会:一群人为商谈商业问题、社会问题或宗教问题而集合到一起〔Blair〕American jurist who was a member of the Constitutional Convention (1787) and served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1789-1796).布莱尔,约翰:(1732-1800) 美国法官,立宪大会(1787年)的成员之一,曾任美国联邦最高法院陪审法官(1789-1796年)〔Bolshevik〕The wordBolshevik, an emotionally charged term in English, is derived from a very common word in Russian,bol'she, "bigger, more,” the comparative form ofbol'shoĭ, "big.” The nameBol'shevik was given to the faction in the majority at the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party in 1903 (the term is first recorded in English in 1907).The smaller faction was known asMen'sheviki, from men'she, "less, smaller,” the comparative ofmalyĭ, "little, few.” TheBol'sheviki, who sided with Lenin in the split that followed the Congress, subsequently became the Russian Communist Party.In 1952 the wordBol'shevik was dropped as an official term in the Soviet Union, but it had long since passed into other languages, including English.It had even spawned the slang termbolshie, though there is nomenshie. 单词Bolshevik 在英语中是带有感情色彩的单词, 来源于俄语中非常普通的词bol'she “较大的,较多的”, 是bol'shoi “大”的比较级形式。 Bol'shevik 这个名字是给予1903年俄国社会民主工人党第二次大会时的多数派的 (英语中最早记有该词是1907年)。少数派即著名的Men'sheviki 来源于 men'she, “较少,较小”, 是malyi “小,少”的比较级形式。 Bol'sheviki ,即讨论会后分裂时站在列宁一边的那些人, 后来成为俄国共产党。1952年,Bol'shevik 一词成为苏联的官方术语。 但它已传入包括英语的其他语言。它甚至衍生了一个俚语词bolshie, 尽管不存在menshie 〔Annapolis〕The capital of Maryland, in the central part of the state on an inlet of Chesapeake Bay south-southeast of Baltimore. Settled in 1649, it was the site of the Annapolis Convention in 1786, which led to the federal Constitutional Convention of 1787. The U.S. Naval Academy, founded in 1845, is in Annapolis. Population, 33,187.安纳波利斯:美国马里兰州首府,位于该州的中部,巴尔的摩东南偏南的切萨皮克海湾入口处。1649年开始有人定居,这里是1786年安纳波利斯大会的旧址,该大会导致了1787年联邦宪法会议的召开。1845年建立的美国海军军官学校就设在此地。人口33,187〔superdelegate〕An elected official or political party leader who attends a presidential nominating convention and who may or may not have made a commitment to vote for a candidate.超级代表:参加总统提名大会、由选举产生的官员或政党领袖,可以是作出或没作出承诺参加投票选举候选人的代表〔moderator〕The officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian Church.主持官员:主持基督教长老会的会议或大会的官员〔tourney〕To compete in a tournament.马上比武:在马上比武大会中比赛 |
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