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单词 大主教
释义 〔grace〕Grace Used withHis, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop. Grace 大人,夫人:与his,her, 或 your 连用,作为公爵,公爵夫人或大主教的头衔或称谓的形式 〔Manning〕British cleric who became archbishop of Westminster in 1865 and cardinal in 1875. He intervened to settle the 1889 London dock strike.曼宁,亨利·爱德华:(1808-1892) 英国教士,于1865年成为威斯特敏斯特大主教,1875年成为红衣主教,曾插手平息了1889年伦敦码头工人罢工〔Ramsey〕British prelate and archbishop of Canterbury (1961-1974).拉姆齐,阿瑟·米切尔:(1904-1988) 英国坎特伯雷主教和大主教(1961-1974年)〔archiepiscopal〕from Late Latin archiepiscopus [archbishop] * see archbishop 源自 后期拉丁语 archiepiscopus [大主教] * 参见 archbishop〔suffragan〕A bishop regarded in position as subordinate to an archbishop or a metropolitan.副主教:地位从属于大主教或教区主教〔Becket〕English Roman Catholic martyr. Chancellor to Henry II after 1154, he was appointed archbishop of Canterbury (1162) and fell into disfavor with the king. Charged with misappropriating crown funds (1164), Becket fled the country. Upon his return (1170) he was embroiled in the controversy surrounding Henry's appointment of his son as archbishop of York and was murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral. He was canonized in 1173.贝克特,托马斯:(1118?-1170) 英国的罗马天主教殉教者。1154年后任亨利二世的主教管区秘书室教士,他被指派为坎特伯雷大主教(1162年)并失宠于国王。由于侵占国王基金被起诉(1164年),贝克特逃离这个国家。他刚一回来(1170年)就被卷入亨利指定他的儿子为约克大主教的争论中,并在坎特伯雷大教堂里被四个爵士谋杀。1173年他被认可为圣徒〔Wiseman〕Spanish-born British prelate and theologian. An important figure in the 19th-century English revival of Roman Catholicism, he served as archbishop of Westminster from 1850 to 1865.威斯曼,尼古拉斯·巴特里克·斯蒂芬:(1802-1865) 西班牙裔的英国高级教士和神学家。19世纪罗马天主教在英国复兴时有重要影响的人物,从1850到1865年曾任威斯敏斯特的大主教〔archbishop〕A bishop of the highest rank, heading an archdiocese or a province.大主教,主教长:最高级别的主教,领导一大主教(管辖)区或一个省〔Basil〕Greek Christian leader who was bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia aftera.d. 370 and a vigorous opponent of Arianism. 巴兹尔:希腊的基督教领袖,他自公元 370年以后任塞沙里亚大主教,强烈反对阿里乌斯神学运动 〔Canterbury〕A borough of southeast England on the Stour River east-southeast of London. Canterbury Cathedral (11th-16th century) is the seat of the archbishop and primate of the Anglican Communion. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Augustine c. 600, it was the scene of the murder of Thomas à Becket (1170). Population, 36,000.坎特伯雷:英格兰东南部一座自治市,位于伦敦东南偏东斯陶尔河畔。坎特伯雷大教堂(建于11-16世纪)是英国圣公会的大主教和首席主教的住地。建在由圣奥古斯丁在公元600年建立的一个修道院的遗址上,是托马斯·贝科特被谋杀的地点(1170年)。人口36,000〔archbishopric〕The rank, office, or term of an archbishop.大主教级别,大主教职务,大主教任期〔hierarchy〕from hierarkhēs [high priest] * see hierarch 源自 hierarkhēs [大主教] * 参见 hierarch〔Dunstan〕English prelate. As bishop of Winchester (957) and archbishop of Canterbury (959-978) he attempted to integrate the Danes and the English as a nation.邓斯坦:英国高级教士,任温彻斯特主教时,与坎特伯雷大主教试图将丹麦与英国合并为一个国家〔hierarch〕One who occupies a position of authority in a religious hierarchy.祭祀长,高僧,大主教:掌握高级职位或有权威的宗教领袖〔crosier〕A staff with a crook or cross at the end, carried by or before an abbot, a bishop, or an archbishop as a symbol of office.十字杖:一种末端有弯钩或十字的木杖,为修道院院长、主教或大主教所持有或放置在他们面前作为教职的象征〔Laud〕English prelate who as archbishop of Canterbury (1633-1645) was a strident supporter of Charles I and absolutism in church and state. His attempts to impose High Church doctrine on Protestants in Scotland and England led to his imprisonment and execution for treason by Parliament.劳德,威廉:(1573-1645) 英国高级教士,在他担任坎特伯雷大主教期间(1633-1645年)曾是查理一世的忠诚支持者,是宗教上和政治上的专制主义者。他企图把高教派教义强加给苏格兰和英格兰新教徒的尝试把他送进了牢狱,并以背叛国会罪被处死〔Recklinghausen〕A city of west-central Germany southwest of Münster. Originally a Saxon settlement, it was held by the archbishop of Cologne after 1236 and passed to Prussia in 1815. Population, 117,989.雷克林豪森:德国中西部的一座城市,位于的西南面。原来是萨克森人的一个定居点。1236年以后同科隆大主教掌管,1815年统治权转给普鲁士。人口117,989〔Runcie〕British prelate and archbishop of Canterbury (1980-1991).朗西,罗伯特·亚历山大·肯尼迪:(生于 1921) 英国高级教士,坎特伯雷大主教(1980-1991年)〔Wolsey〕English prelate and politician. The influential chief adviser to Henry VIII, he fell from favor after failing to secure papal approval of Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon (1529).沃尔西,托马斯:(1475?-1530) 英国大主教和政治家。是亨利八世很有影响的主要参谋者,他因(1529年)未能促成罗马教皇同意亨利与亚拉冈的凯瑟琳离婚而失宠〔Gardiner〕English bishop who defended royal supremacy over the church during the Reformation.加德纳,斯蒂芬:(1483?-1555) 英国大主教,在改革期间曾主张皇室权力应凌驾于教会之上〔Westphalia〕A historical region and former duchy of west-central Germany east of the Rhine River. The duchy was created in the 12th century and was administered for many centuries by ecclesiastical princes, especially the archbishop of Cologne. The Peace of Westphalia (1648) marked the end of the Thirty Years' War. Napoleon seized the area in 1807 and designated a portion of it as the kingdom of Westphalia, to be ruled by his brother Jérôme. The region became part of Prussia after 1815.威斯特法利亚:德国中西部一历史地区和前公国,位于莱茵河以东。公国建于12世纪,在以后的许多世纪中由教会贵族统治,尤其是指科隆大主教。威斯特法利亚和平协议(1648年)标志着“三十年战争”的结束。在1807年拿破仑攫取了该地区,并把其中的一部分定为威斯特法利亚王国,由他的兄弟圣哲罗姆统治。此地区在1815年后成为普鲁士的一部分〔Hippo〕An ancient city of northwest Africa in present-day northeast Algeria south of Annaba. Saint Augustine was its bishop froma.d. 396 to 430. 希波:古代非洲西北部的一座城市,在今天阿尔及利亚东北部,安纳巴以南圣奥古斯丁在公元 396年到430年任该城的大主教 〔dark〕"life and the memory of it cramped,/dim, on a piece of Bristol board" (Elizabeth Bishop);it can also apply to a source of light to indicate insufficiency: “生活及其回忆在一块上等板纸上束缚着、模糊着” (伊丽莎白大主教);它也能用于被表示不足光线的来源: 〔Cranmer〕English prelate who as archbishop of Canterbury (1533-1553) was instrumental in the marital machinations of Henry VIII, revised theBook of Common Prayer (1552), and instituted other reforms. Under Mary I, a Roman Catholic, he was convicted of heresy and burned at the stake. 克兰麦,托马斯:(1489-1556) 英国高级教士,曾任坎特伯雷大主教(1533-1553年),在亨利八世的婚姻阴谋中起了重要作用。他修订了《公祷书》 (1552年)并着手进行其它的字数改革。在罗马天主教徒玛丽一世统治期间,他因异教学说被判有罪,被烧死在火刑柱上 〔hierarch〕from Greek hierarkhēs [high priest] 源自 希腊语 hierarkhēs [大主教,祭祀长] 〔Lanfranc〕Italian-born English prelate and political adviser who was archbishop of Canterbury (1070-1089) and a counselor of William the Conqueror.兰弗朗克:意大利裔英国高级教士和政治顾问,他曾在1070-1089年间担任坎特伯雷大主教和征服者威廉的顾问〔archiepiscopal〕Of or having to do with an archbishop or an archbishopric.大主教的:大主教大主教辖区的或与之有关的〔magistral〕from Latin magister magistr- [former chief officer of a college or band of priests] * see meg- 源自 拉丁语 magister magistr- [以前的大学的首脑或者大主教] * 参见 meg- 〔archdiocese〕The district under an archbishop's jurisdiction.大主教(管辖)区:大主教辖区下的地区〔primate〕A bishop of highest rank in a province or country.首席主教,大主教:一省或一国内职位最高的主教〔hierarchy〕from Greek hierarkhia [rule of a high priest] 源自 希腊语 hierarkhia [大主教的统治] 〔Cooke〕American Roman Catholic clergyman who was archbishop of New York from 1968 to 1983.库克,泰伦提乌斯·詹姆斯:(1921-1983) 美国天主教神职人员,1968至1983年间曾任纽约大主教〔archbishopric〕The area under an archbishop's jurisdiction; an archdiocese.大主教教区:大主教管辖下的地区;大主教教区〔Noah〕In the Old Testament, the patriarch who was chosen by God to build an ark, in which he, his family, and a pair of every animal were saved from the Flood.诺亚:在旧约圣经中,被上帝选去建造方舟的大主教,藉此方舟,诺亚、其家人以及每种动物各一对,在大洪水中保全了性命〔Augustine〕Italian-born missionary and prelate who introduced Christianity to southern Britain and in 598 was ordained as the first archbishop of Canterbury.奥古斯丁:意大利裔传教士及高级教士,他将基督教义传至英国南部,并于598年被任命为坎特伯雷地区第一任大主教〔Seabury〕American religious leader who was the first bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America (1784-1796).西伯里,塞缪尔:(1729-1796) 美国宗教领导人,他是美国基督教圣公会首任大主教(1784-1796年)〔Brooks〕American Episcopal bishop noted for his intelligent and positive sermons. He wrote the Christmas hymn "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (1868).布鲁克斯,菲利普斯:(1835-1893) 美国基督教圣公会的大主教,以巧妙明确的布道著称,著作有圣诞赞美诗“啊!伯利恒小镇”(1868年)〔Langton〕English prelate who as archbishop of Canterbury (1207-1228) sided with the nobility in their struggle with King John and was a signer of the Magna Carta (1215).兰顿,斯蒂芬:(1150?-1228) 英国高级教士,担任坎特伯雷的大主教(1207-1228年)。他在与国王约翰的斗争中站在贵族阶层一边,并于1215上成为英国大宪章的签名者〔Pole〕English prelate. The last Roman Catholic archbishop of Canterbury (1556), he was a leading figure in the Counter Reformation.波尔·雷金诺德,雷金纳德:(1500-1558) 英国枢机主教。最后一任坎特伯雷罗马天主教大主教(1556年),在反宗教改革中他是一名领导性人物〔Gloria〕A Latin doxology forming part of the Ordinary of the Mass and beginning with the wordsGloria in excelsis Deo. 荣归主颂:以Gloria in excelsis Deo 词开头和形成部分的弥撒大主教的拉丁颂歌




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