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单词 复合
释义 〔impedance〕A measure of the total opposition to current flow in an alternating current circuit, made up of two components, ohmic resistance and reactance, and usually represented in complex notation asZ = R + iX, where R is the ohmic resistance and X is the reactance. 全电阻:在交流电路中电流所遇到的所有阻抗的度量单位,由欧姆电阻抗和电抗两部分组成,在复合符号中通常表示为Z = R + iX, 其中 R 是电阻抗, X 是电抗 〔lichen〕A fungus, usually of the class Ascomycetes, that grows symbiotically with algae, resulting in a composite organism that characteristically forms a crustlike or branching growth on rocks or tree trunks.地衣:一种真菌类植物,通常属于子囊菌纲,与藻共生形成一种复合有机体,生长于岩石或树干上,多为硬壳状或枝叉状〔tourmaline〕A complex crystalline silicate containing aluminum, boron, and other elements, used in electronic instrumentation and, especially in its green, clear, and blue varieties, as a gemstone.电气石:一种复合晶体硅酸盐,含有铝、硼和其它元素,用于电子仪器制造,其绿色,透明及蓝色的变体可作为宝石〔involucel〕A secondary involucre, as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel.次总苞,小总苞:次级花被,如处于复合伞形花序中一个伞形花序基部之花被〔unifoliolate〕Compound in structure but having a single leaflet, as the leaf of a citrus plant.(复叶)具一小叶的:结构上是复合的,但有单一小叶,如柑橘类植物的叶子〔kenning〕A figurative, usually compound expression used in place of a name or noun, especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry; for example,storm of swords is a kenning for battle. 隐喻语:尤指古英语和古斯堪的纳维亚语诗中,一种比喻性的,在表名字或名词时常用的复合表达方式,如“剑的风暴” 是 “战争” 的隐喻语 〔Merrifield〕American biochemist. He won a 1984 Nobel Prize for developing a method of mass-producing complex proteins.梅里菲尔德,罗(伯特)·布鲁斯:(生于 1921) 美国生化学家。他因发展了大批量生产复合蛋白质的方法而在1984年获得诺贝尔奖〔goer〕One that goes, especially a person who goes to a specified place frequently or regularly. Often used in combination:常客,经常参加者:参加的人,尤其是指常常或是经常参加特定场合的人,常与其它名词复合使用:〔dispersion〕Separation of a complex wave into its component parts according to a given characteristic, such as frequency or wavelength.频散;弥散:复合波根据给定特征,如频率或波长,而分成各组成部分〔Siegbahn〕Swedish physicist. He shared a 1981 Nobel Prize for developing technologies to study complex forms of matter.西格班,凯·曼内·勃尔杰:(生于 1918) 瑞典物理学家,因其拓展了研究物质复合结构的技术而获1981年诺贝尔奖〔taxi〕"Taxi" is much easier to yell into the traffic thantaximeter cabriolet, the form from which taxi has ultimately been shortened. Taximeter comes from the French word taximètre, ultimately derived from Medieval Latintaxāre, "to tax,” and the French combining form -metre. Taximètre originally meant, as did its English companion, "a device for measuring distance traveled,” but this device was soon adapted to measure waiting time and compute and indicate the fare as well.Taximeter, first recorded in English in 1898 (an earlier form, taxameter, borrowed through French from German, was recorded in 1894), joined forces withcab, a shortening (1827) of cabriolet, "a two-wheeled, one-horse carriage.” This word, first found in English in 1766,came from Frenchcabriolet, of the same meaning, which in turn was derived fromcabriole, "caper,” because the vehicle moves along with a springing motion.Cab, the shortened form, was applied to other vehicles as well, including eventually public conveyances.Fitted with a taximeter, such a vehicle,first horse-drawn and then motorized,was known as ataxameter cab (1899), a taximeter cab (1907), and a taxicab (1907), among other names, includingtaxi (1907), a shortening of eithertaximeter or taxicab. Interestingly enough,the fullest form possible,taximeter cabriolet, is not recorded until 1959."Taxi"比taximeter cabriolet (最终缩写成 taxi 的形式)更容易在交通中叫出。 Taximeter 来源于法语 taximètre , 它最早来自中世纪拉丁文taxare (“征税”)和法语复合形式 -metre。 Taximètre(与它的英语同伴一样,最初意为“测量行驶距离的设备”), 这一设备很快适合于测量等待时间并计算和显示车费。Taximeter 在英语中首次记载于1898年(更早的形式 taxameter 是从德语通过法语借来的,记载于1894年), 同cabriolet (“一种双轮双马马车”)的缩写形式(1827年) cab 结合。 这一单词最早于1766年在英语中发现,来源于具有同一种意思的法语cabriolet , 它依次来源于cabride (“跳跃”), 因为这种车辆移动时有跳跃的运动;缩写形式cab 还可以适用于其它的车辆, 包括最终的公共运输工具;被安装了自动计费器的车辆,开始是马拉的,后来装上马达,被称作taxameter cab (1899年)、 taximeter cab (1907年)和 taxicab (1901年)。 在其它的名称中包括taxi (1907年), 它是taximeter 或 taxicab 的缩写形式。 非常有趣的是,可能是最全的形式的taximeter cabriolet , 直到1959年才有记载〔complex〕Consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts; composite.复合的:由互相关联或交织的部分构成的;复合〔blackberry〕Any of various shrubs of the genusRubus, having usually prickly stems, compound leaves, and an aggregate fruit of small drupelets. 黑莓:一种灌木悬钩子 属,通常有带刺茎干,复合叶和小核果的聚生果实 〔zoarium〕The aggregate of zooids that make up a colonial or compound organism.苔藓虫类菌落:形成集群或复合有机体的簇集游动孢子〔advised〕Thought out; considered. Often used in combination:经过考虑的:仔细想过的;考虑过的。常用于复合形式中:〔warfarin〕A white crystalline compound, C19H 16O 4, used to kill rodents and medicinally as a blood anticoagulant. 丙酮苄羟香豆素:白色复合晶体,分子式为C19H 16O 4,用于灭杀啮齿类动物,并在医学上用作抗凝血剂 〔multiplex〕Relating to, having, or consisting of multiple elements or parts:复合的:多种因素或部分的、与之有关的或由其构成的:〔telephone〕When one telephones someone else,one never gives a second thought to the linguistic and etymological processes illustrated by the wordtelephone. To begin with,the nountelephone is one of a class of technological and scientific words that are made up of combining forms, in this casetele- and -phone. These forms are derived from classical languages:tele- is from the Greek combining form tēle- or tēl-, a form of tēle, meaning "afar, far off,” while-phone is from Greek phōnē, "sound, voice.” Such words derived from classical languages can be put together in French or German,for example, as well as in English.Which language actually gave birth to them cannot always be determined.In this case Frenchtelephone (about 1830) seems to have priority. The word was used for an acoustic apparatus, as it originally was in English (1844).Alexander Graham Bell appropriated the word for his invention in 1876,and in 1877 we have the first instance of the verbtelephone meaning "to speak to by telephone.” The verb is an example of a linguistic process called functional shift.This occurs when we use a noun as a verb,an adjective as a noun, or a noun as an adjective.Thus, we are changing the syntactic function of the word,just as we do when wetelephone a friend. 当某人打电话给别人时,他决不会再想一想单词Telephone 所说明的语言学的和词源学的发展历程。 开始时,名词telephone 是由复合形式构成的一类技术和科学术语中的一个, 在这个例子中是tele- 和 -phone 。 这些形式来自于古典语言:tele- 来自于希腊语的复合形式 tele- 或 tel- ( tele 的形式,意为“在远处,遥远地”), 而-phone 则来自希腊语 phone (“声音,嗓音”)。 这些来自古典语言的词可以在法语或德语中放在一起,例如,同英语一样。这些词到底诞生于哪一种语言通常无法确认。在这个例子中,法语telephone (大约于1830年)看起来出现较早。 这个单词正如它最初出现在英语中(1844年)的意思一样,在法语中它用于指声音设备。亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔在1876年用这个词指代他的发明物,1877年我们有了第一个意为“用电话与…交谈”的动词telephone 的实例。 这个动词是称为功能转移的语言学进程的一个例子。这种情况在我们将名词作为动词,将形容词作为名词或将名词作为形容词使用时就发生。这样,我们正在改变单词的句法功能,正如在我们打电话给 一位朋友时所做的一样 〔meaning〕Disposed or intended in a specified manner. Often used in combination:打算做的:以一特定的方式处置或打算。常复合使用:〔MHC〕Major histocompatibility complex.主组织相容性复合基因〔form〕To make (a word) by derivation or composition.衍生:用派生法或复合法构(词)〔conjunction〕The relationship between the components of a conjunction.复合命题中分子句间的关系〔santonin〕A colorless crystalline compound, C15H 18O 3, obtained from species of wormwood, especially santonica, and used as an anthelmintic. 山道年:一种无色的复合晶体,分子式为C15H 18O 3,从蒿属植物,尤其是山道年植物中提取而来,用作驱虫剂 〔polysynthetic〕Of or relating to a language such as Eskimo or Mohawk, characterized by long, morphologically complex words with a large number of affixes that express syntactic relationships and meanings usually expressed as phrases or sentences in other languages.多式综合的;多词合成的:属于或关于象爱斯基摩语或莫霍克语这类语言的,特征是带大量前后缀的、形态上复杂的长词语,在其它语言中,表示复合的关系和通常作为短语或句子表示综合意思〔Michel〕German biochemist. He shared a 1988 Nobel Prize for determining the structure of complex proteins that are essential to photosynthesis.迈克尔,哈特:(生于 1948) 德国生物化学家,因测定对光合作用极其重要的复合蛋白的结构而与人共获诺贝尔奖〔per〕Suffixed form*p—ə-i . arpent , from Latin arepennis , half-acre (second element obscure), from Gaulish ari (combining form are- ), before, from Celtic *(p)ari , *are . 添加后缀的形式*p—ə-i . arpent , 源自 拉丁语 arepennis , 半亩 (第二个元素模糊), 源自 高卢语 ari (复合形式 are- ),在…之前, 源自 凯尔特语 *(p)ari , *are . 〔ne〕Zero-grade combining form*ö- . 零级复合形式*ö- . 〔orderly〕Systematic emphasizes observance of a coordinated and orderly set of proceduresconstituting part of a complex but unitary whole: Systematic 强调严格遵守一套协调的、有序的程序,该程序由一个复合且统一的综合体组成。 〔great〕Being one generation removed from the relative specified. Often used in combination:曾的,表辈分:亲属关系中间隔两代的。常用作复合构词:〔treacle〕A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for poison.解毒剂:一种药物复合剂,以前用于解毒〔Deisenhofer〕German chemist. He shared a 1988 Nobel Prize for determining the structure of complex proteins that are essential to photosynthesis.迪森霍弗,约翰:(生于 1943) 德国化学家。他因确定了对光合作用必不可少的复合蛋白质的结构而与人共获1988年度诺贝尔奖〔syconium〕The fleshy multiple fruit of the fig, consisting primarily of the enlarged, hollow, globose floral receptacle open at the apex and containing numerous fruitlets.隐头花序:无花果树的多肉复合果实,主要由扩大的、中空的、球状的且在顶部开口的球状花托组成,含有无数的小果实〔conjunction〕Abbr. conj.A compound proposition that has components joined by the wordand or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true. 缩写 conj.综合命题:由和 或其符号所连接的子句组成的复合命题,只有当所有子句为真时,该句才为真 〔sorrel〕Any of various plants of the genusOxalis, having usually compound leaves with three leaflets. 酢浆草:一种酢浆草属植物,酢浆草 长有通常由三片小叶子组成的复合〔Huber〕German chemist. He shared a 1988 Nobel Prize for determining the structure of complex proteins that are essential to photosynthesis.胡伯,罗伯特:(生于 1937) 德国化学家。因测定了在光合作用中起关键性作用的复合蛋白的结构而获1988年诺贝尔奖〔favor〕When a Southernerfavors a relative, he or she is not giving that person special privileges;rather, the Southerner looks like that relative.Favor can be either transitive— She favors her father — or intransitive with a compound subject: She and her father favor. This sense offavor goes back to early modern English: "This young lord Chamont/Favors my mother" (Ben Jonson).The verb derives from the nounfavor, which was used from the 15th to the 19th century to mean "appearance, aspect; the countenance, face": "What makes thy favor like the bloodless head/Fall'n on the block?” (Tennyson).This sense of the noun is now archaic,but the verb thrives in the English of the Southern United States.当一个南方人favors 一个亲属, 他(或她)不是给这个人特权;而是这个南方人长得像那个亲属。Favor 可以是及物的—— 她像她父亲—— 或不及物的,与复合主语连用: 她和她父亲相象。 Favor 的这种含义可以上溯到早期的现代英语: “这个年轻的贵族像我妈妈” (本·杰森)。这动词来源于名词favor, 在15世纪到19世纪被作为“外貌,样子;面貌,脸部”的意思用: “什么使你的脸毫无血色,脑袋耷拉下来?” (坦尼森)。名词的这一用法现在已经陈旧了,但动词仍在美国南部英语中流行〔riboflavin〕An orange-yellow crystalline compound, C17H 20N 4O 6, the principal growth-promoting factor in the vitamin B complex, naturally occurring in milk, leafy vegetables, fresh meat, and egg yolks. Also called lactoflavin ,vitamin B 2 核黄素:一种桔黄色结晶化合物,C17H 20N 4O 6,在复合维生素B中的主要促进成长的因素,自然存在于牛奶、有叶蔬菜、鲜肉及蛋黄中维生素 也作 lactoflavin,vitamin B2 〔exocentric〕Of or relating to a compound word whose referent is not the same as the referents of any of its constituent parts. For example, the nounrazorback does not refer to a type of back, but to a type of hog (one having a sharply ridged back). 外向的,离心的:一个复合文字的或是与其相关的,该复合文字所指称的东西与其任一组成分子所指称的东西均不相同,举例而言,razorback(尖背野猪) 这个名词指的并非背脊的一种,而是公猪的一种(有着尖削背脊的一种公猪) 〔paripinnate〕Pinnately compound with two terminal leaflets:偶数羽状的:由两片顶生小叶复合成羽状的:〔lipoprotein〕Any of a group of conjugated proteins in which at least one of the components is a lipid. Lipoproteins, classified according to their densities and chemical qualities, are the principal means by which lipids are transported in the blood.脂蛋白:一种复合蛋白质,至少一种成分为油脂。脂蛋白是根据其密度和化学质量进行分类而来的,并是脂肪进入血液的主要媒介




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