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单词 声音
释义 〔tintinnabulum〕We may have little occasion to use the wordtintinnabulum, "a small, tinkling bell,” but it nonetheless teaches us something important about the formation of words.The English word, first used in 1597,was adopted from Latin,in whichtintinnābulum, meaning "a bell,” was derived from the verbtintinnāre, "to make a sound such as a ringing or jangling.” Tintinnāre was in turn derived from tinnīre, "to ring or clang.” Tinnīre is formed by a process called onomatopeia, or the formation of words that imitate what they denote.In the case oftinnīre we can hear the resemblance betweentinn- and a jingle or a ring. The verbtintinnāre was created from tinnīre by a process known as reduplication, in this case meaning thattin- duplicates tinn-. Tintinn- does indeed suggest a jingling, ringing sound.And a tintinnabulum makes such a sound.我们可能很少有机会用到tintinnabulum “一个小的叮铛响的铃”这个词, 但它能够告诉我们一些关于词的构成的一些重要情况。首次使用这个英语词是在1597年,它来源于拉丁文。在拉丁文中,tintinnabulum 的意思是“钟”, 它是从动词tinnare (“发出鸣响或叮铛这样的声音”)衍生而来。 Tintinnare 是从 tinnire (“鸣响或发出铛铛声”)演化而来。 Tinnire 是通过所谓的拟声构词法形成, 也就是词语模仿其所指的东西的构词法。在tinnire 这一实例中, 我们可以听出tinn- 与叮铛或鸣响之间的类似。 动词tintinnare 通过叠词构词法由 tinnire 而来, 就是说tin- 与 tinn-重叠。 Tintinn 的确让人想起这种声音。小铃铛正是发出这样一种声音〔ventriloquism〕The art of projecting one's voice so that it seems to come from another source, as from a wooden figure.腹语术,口技:一种发声的技巧,声音仿佛来自它处,如来自木偶〔nonconductor〕A material that conducts little or no electricity, heat, or sound.非导体:仅能在很小的程度上或不能传导电、热或声音的物质〔psychoacoustics〕The scientific study of the perception of sound.心理声学:对声音感知的科学研究〔dripping〕The act or sound of something falling in drops.滴落:物体滴落的行为或声音〔aliasing〕The static distortion in digital sound caused by a low sampling rate.声音失真:由低采样率引起的数字声音静态失真〔babble〕To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds.说话含糊不清:发出一种无意义的混乱的词或声音〔repetend〕A word, sound, or phrase that is repeated; a refrain.叠句:重复的词语、声音或短语;重复句〔rhythm〕The patterned, recurring alternations of contrasting elements of sound or speech.有规律的变动:声音或演讲的对比元素有格式的,重现的改变〔sone〕Latin sonus [a sound] * see swen- 拉丁语 sonus [一种声音] * 参见 swen- 〔recordist〕One that records sound electronically, as for films or at concerts.录音师:利用电子来录制声音的人,如电影或音乐会的录音师〔channeling〕Purported communication by a disembodied entity through a living person, as by voice during a trance.沟道作用:传说中一种游离躯壳与活人进行的交流,如催眠状态时通过声音进行交流〔adenoidal〕a singer with an adenoidal voice.带有腺样增殖体肿胀声音的歌手〔vibrate〕To produce (sound) by vibration.通过振动产生(声音〔waver〕To tremble or quaver in sound, as of the voice or a musical note.颤抖:如嗓音或曲调等声音抖动或颤抖〔shrill〕To produce a shrill cry or sound.尖叫:发出一种尖锐的喊叫或声音〔alto〕An instrument that sounds within this range.中音乐器:声音在这个音域里的乐器〔snap〕A sudden, sharp cracking sound or the action producing such a sound.啪嗒声或发出啪嗒声:一种突然、轻脆的声音或发出这种声音的动作〔dissonance〕A harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord.不和谐的声音:刺耳的、不和谐的混合声音;不调和〔treble〕A singer or player that performs this part.高音:一个演唱或演奏这个声部的歌唱家或表演者高(声音〔dead〕Having no resonance. Used of sounds:无杂音的:没有共振的。用于声音〔swish〕A movement making such a sound.发出这种声音的动作〔understand〕To comprehend the language, sounds, form, or symbols of.理解:理解语言、声音、形式和符号〔vowel〕from vōx vōc- [voice] * see wek w- 源自 vōx vōc- [声音] * 参见 wek w- 〔diapason〕The entire range of an instrument or voice.音域:乐器或声音的整个音域〔anthem〕phōnē [voice] * see bhā- 2phōnē [声音] * 参见 bhā- 2〔voiced〕Having a voice or a specified kind of voice. Often used in combination:…声的,嗓音…的:具有声音的或一种具体声音的。常用于复合词:〔montage〕a montage of voices on an audiotape.在一盘录音磁带里声音的混合〔piping〕Having a high-pitched sound:尖声的,高声的:发出高音度声音的:〔cackle〕The act or sound of cackling.咯咯:咯咯的动作或声音〔slam〕A forceful impact that makes a loud noise.撞击:有力的,发出很大声音的撞击〔VCR〕An electronic device for recording and playing back video images and sound on a videocassette.盒式磁带录像机:用来录制和放送盒式录像带上的图像和声音的一种电子仪器〔clunk〕"Icy weather affected the clock's mechanism and for several hours Big Ben clunked instead of bonged the time changes"(Christian Science Monitor)“冰冻的天气影响了钟的机械装置,大笨钟好几个小时只发出沉闷的声音而不发出镗镗的表明时间变化的声音”(基督教科学箴言报)〔sniffle〕The act or sound of sniffling.吸鼻子的行动或声音〔organ〕Any one of various other instruments, such as the electronic organ, that resemble a pipe organ either in mechanism or sound.电子风琴:任何一种在机械装置或声音上类似管风琴的其它各类乐器,例如电子风琴〔slam〕An act of shutting forcefully and loudly:砰的关上的动作:有力并发出很大声音的关的动作:〔language〕The use by human beings of voice sounds, and often written symbols representing these sounds, in organized combinations and patterns in order to express and communicate thoughts and feelings.语言,语言文字:人类声音的使用,并且经常是代表这些声音的文字符号,并以有条理的组合和形式出现,目的是为了表达和交流思想和感情〔sonic〕Having a speed approaching or being that of sound in air, about 1,220 kilometers (760 miles) per hour at sea level.声速的:拥有与空气中声音接近或相同速度的,即在海平面高度为每小时1,220公里(760英里)〔impersonate〕To imitate the appearance, voice, or manner of; mimic:扮演:模仿…的容貌、声音或仪态;模仿:〔emit〕To give out as sound; utter:发出:如声音般发出;发射出:




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