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单词 增多
释义 〔reduction〕A decrease in positive valence or an increase in negative valence by the gaining of electrons.还原:通过获得电子而造成正价电子减少和负价电子增多〔histiocytosis〕Any of several abnormal conditions characterized by the appearance of histiocytes in the blood or tissues.组织细胞增多病:血液或组织中组织细胞增多的不正常状况〔propagate〕To cause (an organism) to multiply or breed.增殖:使(有机体)数量增多或生育〔mononucleosis〕The presence of an abnormally large number of white blood cells with single nuclei in the bloodstream.单细胞增多症:血液中单核白血细胞的异常增多〔basophilia〕An increase in the number of basophils in the circulating blood.嗜碱细胞增多:循环血液中嗜碱体数量增多〔exostosis〕-ōsis [-osis] -ōsis [后缀,表“增多”] 〔split〕To divide (stock) by issuing multiples of the existing stock with a corresponding reduction in the price of each share, so that the total value of the stock is unchanged.分割(股份):通过把(股票)每股价格降低,从而使现存股票数目增多的方式或分割股票,但股份总价值不变〔listeriosis〕A bacterial disease caused byListeria monocytogenes, affecting wild and domestic animals and occasionally human beings and characterized by fever, meningitis, and encephalitis. 李斯特氏菌病:一种由单核球增多性李司特氏菌 引起的含细菌疾病,会影响野生或家养动物,偶尔影响人类。其特征是发烧,脑膜炎和脑炎 〔aldosteronism〕A disorder marked by excessive secretion of the hormone aldosterone, which can cause weakness, cardiac irregularities, and abnormally high blood pressure.皮质醛酮增多症:由于皮质醛酮激素分泌过量而导致的紊乱,可造成虚弱、心脏异常和异常高血压〔extension〕An addition that increases the area, influence, operation, or contents of something:扩大,增加:面积的增加、影响的扩大、功能的增强或某物内容的增多〔augmented〕Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.增半音的:比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个“半音”的〔asphyxia〕A condition in which an extreme decrease in the amount of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death. Asphyxia can be induced by choking, drowning, electric shock, injury, or the inhalation of toxic gases.窒息:因体内一定数量的氧气极度减,并伴有二氧化碳气体增多,而导致失去知觉或死亡的状况。心肌梗塞,溺水,触电,受伤或吸入有毒气体也可能导致窒息〔access〕Increase by addition.增长,增多:因添加而增多〔schistocytosis〕The presence or accumulation of schistocytes in the blood.血液中裂细胞的出现或增多〔leukocytosis〕An abnormally large increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood, often occurring during an acute infection or inflammation.白血球增多:血液中白血球数量不正常地大量增多,经常出现于急性感染或炎症〔lymphocytosis〕A condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bloodstream, usually resulting from infection or inflammation.淋巴结胞增多症:一种以血液内淋巴细胞异常增多为特征的症状,一般是感染或发炎导致的〔efflorescence〕A growth of salt crystals on a surface caused by evaporation of salt-laden water.起霜:盐晶体增多,由盐水蒸发引起的表层起霜〔mono〕Infectious mononucleosis.传染性单核细胞增多〔hyperthyroidism〕The condition resulting from excessive activity of the thyroid gland, characterized by increased basal metabolism.甲状腺功能亢进症:甲状腺过度活动造成的状态,特征是基本新陈代谢的增多〔fatten〕To increase the amount or substance of; swell:增多:增加数量或含量;肿:〔build〕money building interest in a savings account; build support for a political candidate.储蓄中逐渐增多的利息;加强一个政党候选人的支持〔mononucleosis〕Infectious mononucleosis.传染性单核细胞增多〔propagation〕Multiplication or increase, as by natural reproduction.繁殖:数目增加或增多,比如天然生殖〔polycythemia〕A condition marked by an abnormally large number of red blood cells in the circulatory system.红血球增多症:特征为循环系统中存在不正常的大量红血球〔oncogenic〕Tending to cause or give rise to tumors:致癌的:有导致肿瘤或肿瘤增多倾向的:〔nationwide〕a speech that was broadcast nationwide; nationwide opposition to the tax hike.全国性的播出的演说;全国性的反对税收增多〔biodiversification〕The process by which biodiversity develops or is increased within a region or a group of organisms.生物多样性进程:生物多样性在一地区或生物群发展或增多的进程〔rise〕To increase in size, volume, or level:增多,升高,上涨:在尺寸,体积或水平方面增长、提高:〔eosinophilia〕An increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood.嗜曙红白血球增多:血液中嗜曙红白血球数量的增加〔herpesvirus〕Any of a group of DNA-containing animal viruses that form characteristic inclusion bodies within the nuclei of host cells and cause diseases such as chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, herpes simplex, and shingles.疱疹病毒:一种含有脱氧核糖核酸的动物病毒之一,可在寄主细胞核内形成明显的内含物实体,因而引起如水痘、传染性单核细胞增多症,单纯性疱疹和带状疱疹〔build〕clouds building on the horizon.地平线上逐渐增多的云〔proliferate〕To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring.增生,增殖:通过迅速产生新的组织、器官、细胞或产生物而生长或增多〔propagate〕To have offspring; multiply.繁殖:子女数目增多〔basophilia〕An abnormal stippling of red blood cells with basic staining granules.嗜碱细胞增多症:在红色血液细胞中带有碱性染色颗粒的不正常的症状〔erythroblastosis〕The abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the blood.成红细胞增多症,母红血球增多症:血液中红血球异常出现〔monocytosis〕An abnormal increase of monocytes in the blood, occurring in infectious mononucleosis and certain bacterial infections such as tuberculosis.单核细胞增多症:单核细胞在血液中异常地增多,出现在传染性单核细胞增多症和某些细菌感染中,如肺结核〔pleiotaxy〕An increase in the number of whorls in an inflorescence.多轮式:花序中轮数目的增多




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