单词 | 坚持认为 |
释义 | 〔affirm〕To support or uphold the validity of; confirm.证实,确实:支持或维护…的正确性;坚持认为〔responsible〕Some critics have maintained thatresponsible should not be used to describe things, since only persons can be held accountable.The application to things is justifiable, however, whenresponsible is used to mean "being the source or cause of.” In an earlier survey,a majority of the Usage Panel accepted the sentence 一些批评家坚持认为responsible 不应用于描述事物, 因为只有人才能负担责任。但是当responsible 被用来表示“归因于…”的意思时,用它叙述事物是合理的。 在更早期的调查中,用法专题小组中的大部分成员都接受句子 〔Bradley〕British philosopher who, like Hegel, maintained that the mind is more fundamental than matter.布拉德利,弗朗西斯·赫伯特:(1846-1924) 英国哲学家,象黑格尔一样,他坚持认为精神比物质更基本〔Alcott〕American educator and transcendentalist philosopher who maintained that learning should be based on pleasure and imagination instead of discipline.阿尔科特,阿莫斯·布朗森:(1799-1888) 美国教育家及先验论哲学家,坚持认为学习应建立在乐趣及想象力之上而非原则之上〔well〕Used as an adjective applied to people,well usually refers to a state of health, whereasgood has a much wider range of senses. It has always been a first principle of grammatical criticism that there should be no difference without a distinction,and perhaps for this reason, some critics have insisted that the expressionfeel good cannot be used in reference to health. It is true that there is a distinction betweenfeel well and feel good, but both can be applied to a state of health.Thus a patient suffering from a chronic disease might appropriately say to a doctorI feel good today, which implies a relative lack of physical discomfort.By contrast,I feel well today would be appropriate if the patient believes that the ailment has disappeared. See Usage Note at good 用作形容词来形容人时,well 通常指健康状况, 但是good 的意思更加广泛。 在语法评论中,没有区别就没有差别一直是第一性原则,也许正是因为如此,一些批评家坚持认为feel good 这一表达方式不能用来指健康。 诚然,feel well 与 feel good 有区别, 但是两者都可用来指健康。所以一位患有慢性病的病人完全可以对医生说I feel good today(我今天感觉不错) , 这句话暗示着病痛相对减轻了。相反,I feel well today(我今天感到全好了) 也可以,如果病人确信病症已消失了 参见 good〔Austin〕British legal theorist who maintained that law is a form of command determined by power relationships and is therefore distinct from moral principles.奥斯丁,约翰:(1790-1859) 英国法学理论家,他坚持认为法律是由权力关系所决定的法令形式,因此与道德原则相区分〔Mackinder〕British geographer who established geography as an academic field and maintained that Europe was the logical geographic center of world government, a theory used to support Nazi geopolitics.麦金德,霍尔福德·约翰:(1861-1947) 英国地理学家,他把地理学引入学术界,坚持认为欧洲是逻辑地理上的世界政府中心,这是一种用来支持纳粹地理政治的理论〔Nietzsche〕German philosopher who reasoned that Christianity's emphasis on the afterlife makes its believers less able to cope with earthly life. He argued that the ideal human being, theUbermensch, would be able to channel passions creatively instead of suppressing them. His written works include Beyond Good and Evil (1886) and Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883-1892). 尼采,弗里德里希·威廉:(1844-1900) 德国哲学家,论断基督教强调的来生说使它的信徒们不能很好地处理现世的生活。他坚持认为理想化的人类,《超人哲学》 能够创造性地引导情感而不被它们所压制。他的著作包括 《善与恶的彼岸》 (1886年)和 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》 (1883-1892年) 〔so〕Many critics and grammarians have insistedthatso must be followed by that in formal writing when used to introduce a clause giving the reason for or purpose of an action: 很多批评家和语法学家都坚持认为:在正式的写作中,当用来引入一个表示动作的原因或目的的从句时,so 的后面必须跟有 that : 〔former〕Grammarians have often insistedthat the phrasesthe former and the latter should be used only to refer to the first of two things and the second of two things, respectively: 语法家们经常坚持认为,the former 和 the latter 应该只用于分别替代两件事中的第一件和第二件: 〔couple〕Although the phrasea couple of has been well established in English since before the Renaissance, it has been criticized on several grounds.Grammarians used to insist thata couple of should be used only to refer to things closely linked to one another and so was improperly used in phrases such asa couple of years ago. This objection has not been heard in some time and was never well supported.Modern critics have sometimes maintained thata couple of is too inexact to be appropriate in formal writing. But the inexactitude ofa couple of may serve a useful communicative purpose, suggesting that the writer is indifferent to the precise number of items involved.Thus the sentenceShe lives only a couple of miles away implies not only that the distance is short but that its exact measure is unimportant. Furthermore,a couple of is different from a few in that it does not imply that the relevant amount is relatively small. One might say admiringly of an exceptional center fielder thathe can throw the ball a couple of hundred feet, but not, except ironically,a few hundred feet, which would suggest that such a throw was unremarkable. The usage should be considered unobjectionable on all levels of style.尽管a couple of 这个短语在文艺复兴之前就已在英语中形成, 它仍受到多方面批评。语法学家过去坚持认为a couple of 应该只用于指互相之间紧密相连的东西, 所以在a couple of years ago 这样的短语中用是不适当的。 这样的反对意见长时间没有人提起了,也从未受到太多支持。现代批评家有时也认为a couple of 太不精确,不能很恰当地用于正式的写作中。 但a couple of 的不精确性也有一种很有用的传达交流的意图, 表明作者对于所涉及的事物的精确数目并不太关心。因此她住的只有几英里远 这个句子不仅表明距离很远,同时也表明精确测量是不重要的。 另外a couple of 与 a few 的不同还表现在它不表示有关的数量是相对来说小的。 如果夸赞一个优秀的中外野球手,可以说他能把球抛几百英尺远 , 若非如此的话,排除反意的可能,a few hundred feet 指抛这么远并没什么稀奇之处。 这种用法在各种文体上都是无可辩驳的〔than〕Since the 18th centurygrammarians have insisted thatthan should be regarded as a conjunction in all its uses, so that a sentence such asBill is taller than Tom should be construed as an elliptical version of the sentence Bill is taller than Tom is. According to this view,the case of a pronoun followingthan is determined by whether the pronoun serves as the subject or object of the verb that is "understood.” Thus, the standard rule requiresPat is taller than I (not me ) on the assumption that this sentence is elliptical forPat is taller than I am but allowsThe news surprised Pat more than me, since this sentence is taken as elliptical forThe news surprised Pat more than it surprised me. However,than is quite commonly treated as a preposition when followed by an isolated noun phrase, and as such occurs with a pronoun in the objective case:John is taller than me. Though this usage is still widely regarded as incorrect,it is predominant in speechand has reputable literary precedent.It is also consistent with the fact thatthan is clearly treated as a preposition in the than whom construction, as ina poet than whom (not than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen. Still, the writer who risks a sentence such asMary is taller than him in formal writing must be prepared to defend the usage against objections of critics who are unlikely to be dissuaded from their conviction that the usage is incorrect. · Comparatives usingas . . . as can be analyzed in a parallel way to those using than. Traditional grammarians insist thatI am not as tall as he is the only correct form, and though both literary precedent and syntactic arguments can be marshaled in support of the analysis of the secondas as a preposition (which would license I am not as tall as him ), one should treat this use ofas as a conjunction in formal writing. See Usage Note at as 1自18世纪以来,语法学家坚持以为than 在其所有用法中均应被看作连词, 因此,在诸如Bill is taller than Tom 的句子中应解释为句子 Bill is taller than Tom is 的省略说法。 根据这一观点,than 后跟随代词的情况取决于该代词作为所“理解”的动词的主语还是谓语。 这样,标准规则要求Pat is taller than I (而不是 me ), 考虑到这个句子是Pat is taller than I am 的省略, 但允许The news surprised Pat more than me , 因为这个句子被认当是The news surprised Pat more than it surprised me 的省略。 然而,当than 跟随一个独立名词短语时常被看作是介词, 如代词用于宾语的情况:John is taller than me 。 尽管这种用法仍然被广泛认为是错误的,但它仍在口语中占主要地位,并且有著名的文学先例。它也符合than 在 than whom 结构中显然被认为是介词的事实, 就象在a poet than whom (而不是 than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen 。 然而,冒险在正式写作中应用诸如Mary is taller than him 的作者必须准备针对那些不可能被劝服放弃坚信这种用法是错误的批评家们的反对意见而对此种用法进行辩护。 用比较级as…as 可以用与 than 相同的方式进行分析。 传统的语法学家坚持认为I am not as tall as he 是唯一正确的形式, 尽管文学先例和语法规则都能支持第二个as 作为介词(即允许 I am not as tall as him )的分析, 我们仍应该把这个as 作为正式写作中的连词 参见 as1〔include〕Some writers have insisted thatinclude be used only when it is followed by a partial list of the contents of the referent of the subject. On this account,one may writeNew England includes Connecticut and Rhode Island, but one must usecomprise or consist of when a full enumeration is provided: 有些作者坚持认为include 只包括一个中心内容的部分组成。 根据这个观点,我们可以这样写新英格兰包括康涅狄格和罗德岛, 但我们必须用comprise 和 consist of 来表示全部组成部分已被列出: 〔repulse〕A number of critics have maintained thatrepulse should only be used to mean "to drive away, spurn,” as inHe rudely repulsed their overtures, and not to mean "to cause repulsion in,”as inTheir hypocrisy repulsed me. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing tendency to userepulse in the sense "cause repulsion in.” Reputable literary precedent exists for this usage,and the confusion is understandable,given that the stigmatized use ofrepulse is parallel to the unexceptionable uses of repulsion and repulsive. Still, writers who want to stay on the safe side may prefer to use onlyrepel when the intended sense is "cause repulsion in.” 一些评论家坚持认为repulse 一词应该只用来指“赶走;摒弃,” 如在他粗鲁地拒绝了他们的提议 中, 而不应用来表示“使产生反感,”如在他们的虚伪使我产生了反感 中。 然而近来却越来越倾向于在“使产生反感”的意义上使用repulse 一词。 这一用法有着为优秀作家所认可的文学先例,而且这一困惑是可以理解的,如果repulse 这一被指责的用法是与 repulsion 以及 repulsive 的无懈可击的用法相对应的。 然而,想站在安全一边的作家在其意思是“使产生反感”时,可能只愿意使用repel 一词 〔irregardless〕The labelNon-Standard does only approximate justice to the status of irregardless. More precisely,it is a form that many people mistakenly believe to be a correct usage in formal stylebut that in fact has no legitimate antecedents in either standard or nonstandard varieties. (The word was likely coined from a blend ofirrespective and regardless. ) Perhaps this is why critics have sometimes insisted that there is "no such word" asirregardless, a charge they would not think of leveling at a bona fide nonstandard word such asain't, which has an ancient genealogy.给irregardless 贴上 Non-Standard 的标签只是对其地位做了近似恰当的评价。 更精确地说,许多人错误地相信它是正式语体中的规范用法,但实际上无论在标准或非标准变体中都没有这个词真正的前身。(该词可能是把irrespective 和 regardless 合在一起生造出来的。) 也许这就是为什么批评者们有时坚持认为“没有irregardless 这么个词”的原因, 他们不会把这项指责安在一个象ain't 这样一个正牌的非标准用词上, 因为这个词的家史渊源流长〔Malinowski〕Polish-born British anthropologist who maintained that customs and beliefs have specific social functions.马林诺团体斯基,布伦尼斯洛·卡斯佩:(1884-1942) 波兰裔英国人类社会学家,坚持认为习俗和信仰具有特定的社会功能〔however〕Although some grammarians have insisted thathowever should not be used to begin a sentence, this rule has been ignored by a number of reputable writers.See Usage Note at but ,whatever 虽然有些语法学家坚持认为however 不应用在句首, 但有相当一部分知名作家不理会这条规则 参见 but,whatever〔nauseous〕Traditional critics have insisted thatnauseous is appropriately used only to mean "causing nausea" and that it is incorrect to use it to mean "affected with nausea,”as inRoller coasters make me nauseous. In this example,nauseated is preferred by 72 percent of the Usage Panel. What is curious, however,is that 88 percent of the Panelists indicated that they would prefernauseating in the sentenceThe children looked a little green from too many candy apples and nauseous rides. Thus it appears that like a handful of other words such astranspire, nauseous is actively used mainly in the sense in which it is considered incorrect. · While the use ofnauseous to mean "affected with nausea" may incur critical displeasure, it should be pointed out in its defense not only that it is quite common among educated speakersbut that it is subtly distinct fromnauseated in this sense. Nauseated is a passive participle, and hence suggests a condition induced by a specific external cause.By contrast,nauseous is an adjective that refers to an occurrent state whose cause may be nonspecific or unknown.The person who reports thatI woke up this morning feeling nauseous might not be willing to accept that he or she had beennauseated by any external agent. 传统的评论家坚持认为nauseous 只适合用于“引起人厌恶的”意思, 而用于指“患恶心症的”是不正确的,就像在巨浪滑行者使我感到恶心 中一样。 在这个例子中,nauseated 被72%的用法专题使用小组成员认为是合适的。 然而,有趣的是,88%的成员认为他们会选用nauseating 这个词, 用在句子太多的苹果糖和令人恶心的骑乘使得孩子们的脸色有点绿 中。 因此似乎像许多别的词如transpire那样,nauseous 积极地主要用于被人认为是不正确的意思中。 然而用nauseous 来指“患恶心症”可能引起评论的不愉快, 作为防卫我们应该指出不仅在受过教育的演说者中此种用法普遍,而且在这个意思上它和nauseated 有细微的区别。 Nauseated 是过去分词, 因此意味着由特殊的外部原因引导的条件。相反nauseous 是形容词指偶发的状态, 可能是非特殊的或不知道的。声称我早上起来时感到恶心 的人, 可能不情愿接受他或她被任何外界力量所恶心到 |
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