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单词 break



动词变化: "to break"

一般过去式: broke
过去分词: broken
本页中: break, recess
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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

break | recess
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
(disease: outbreak) (疾病)爆发,发作
 Authorities have reported a breakout of cholera in the area.
cigarette break nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (pause from activity to smoke a cigarette)休息一下吸支雪茄
xiū xī yí xià xī zhī xuě jiā
 Since they introduced the law which bans smoking in public places, we have to take all our cigarette breaks outside ... in public.
coffee break nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (pause for coffee, tea, etc.)(工作期间、研讨会等中途)喝咖啡休息的时间
gōng zuò qī jiān yán tǎo huì děng zhōng tú hē kā fēi xiū xī de shí jiān
 Whenever I try to ask for her help, she's on a coffee break.
commercial break nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (TV, radio: pause for ads)广告时段
guǎng gào shí duàn
chā bō guǎng gào de jiàn xiē
 I usually go to the restroom during commercial breaks so that I don't miss any of the program.
lucky break nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (piece of good fortune)好运气
hǎo yùn qì
lunch break nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (pause from work to eat midday meal)午休
wǔ xiū
wǔ cān shí jiān
 During my lunch break I often go to the tearoom next door for a sandwich.
make a break for [sth] v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal (run towards)向…逃窜
xiàng … táo cuàn
 Six monkeys jumped the electric fence and made a break for freedom.
make or break [sth] v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal (cause success, failure)要么成之,要么毁之
 That critic's reviews can make or break a new restaurant.
make-or-break adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." informal (success or failure)成败在此一举的
 It is make-or-break time for the store after two years of declining sales.
March break,
US: spring break
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
(school holiday in spring) (学校的春季假期)春假,春季休假
 Many people go to the beach for Spring Break.
prison break,
jail break
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
yuè yù
 There was a prison break this week, and the police are now looking for five missing criminals.
recess (US),
playtime (UK)
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
(school: pause from lessons)假期
jià qī
kè jiān xiū xī
 Tim couldn't wait for recess and the chance to get out of this boring math class.
spring break,
Spring Break
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
US (academic holiday in spring)春假
chūn jià
 I'm looking forward to spring break.
take a break v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (have a rest)休息一会儿
xiū xī yī huì er
 Take a break - we'll finish painting the door frames later.
tax break nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (exemption from taxes)免税
miǎn shuì
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
([sth] that protects from wind)防风带
fáng fēng dài
fáng fēng lín
fáng fēng lín
without a break advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (incessantly, non stop)一刻不停地
yí kè bù tíng dì
lián xù
 I worked straight through from noon till 9 p.m. without a break.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

break [breIk]pt(pp broke)broken
I vt
1 [+ cup, window etc] 打碎 dǎsuì
2 [+ leg, arm] 弄断(斷) nòngduàn
3 [+ equipment] 损(損)坏(壞) sǔnhuài
4 [+ promise, contract] 违(違)背 wéibèi
5 [+ law, rule] 违(違)反 wéifǎn
6 [+ record] 打破 dǎpò
7 [+ habit, pattern etc] 改变(變) gǎibiàn
8 [+ person] 毁(毀)掉 huǐdiào
  • He never let his jailers break him.
    他是永远不会让他的监狱看守弄垮的。 Tā shì yǒngyuǎn bù huì ràng tā de jiānyù kāishǒu nòngkuǎ de.
9 [+ fall, impact] 减(減)弱 jiǎnruò
  • The trees broke his fall.
    树丛使他下落的坠势稍缓。 Shùcóng shǐ tā xiàluò de zhuìshì shāo huǎn.
10 [+ news] 透露 tòulù
  • Then Louise broke the news that she was leaving me.
    然后(後)路易丝(絲)向我透露她要和我分手。 Ránhòu Lùyìsī xiàng wǒ tòulù tā yào hé wǒ fènshǒu.
11 [+ code] 破译(譯) pòyì
12 (Tennis) [+ sb's serve] 破发(發)成功 pòfā chénggōng
II vi
1 [cup, window etc] 破碎 pòsuì
2 [storm, weather] 突然发(發)生 tūrán fāshēng
3 [dawn, day] 破晓(曉) pòxiǎo
4 [story, news] 传(傳)开(開) chuánkāi
5 (=pause, rest) 暂(暫)停 zàntíng
  • They broke for lunch.
    他们(們)暂(暫)停去吃午餐了。 Tāmen zàntíng qù chī wǔcān le.
6 [wave] 冲(衝)击(擊) chōngjī
7 [voice]
(of boy) 变(變)声(聲) biànshēng
1 [c] (=rest) 休息 xiūxi [次 ]
  • I'm going to have a break.
    我要休息一下。 Wǒ yào xiūxi yīxià.
2 [c] (=pause, interval) 间(間)歇 jiànxiē [个 ]
  • There was a break in the middle of the day's events.
    那天的活动(動)中有一次间(間)歇。 Nà tiān de huódòng zhōng yǒu yī cì jiànxiē.
3 [c] (=fracture) 骨折 gǔzhé [次 ]
4 [u] (Brit) (Scol) 课(課)间(間)休息 kèjiān xiūxi [美 = recess]
5 [c] (inf: chance) 运(運)气(氣) yùnqi
  • Her big break came when she appeared on TV.
    上电(電)视(視)的机(機)会(會)给(給)她带(帶)来(來)了好运(運)气(氣)。 Shàng diànshì de jīhuì gěi tā dàiláile hǎo yùnqi.
6 [c] (=holiday) 休假 xiūjià [次 ]
  • to break the news to sb
    委婉地向某人透露消息 wěiwǎn de xiàng mǒurén tòulù xiāoxi
  • to break even
    (Comm) 收支持平 shōuzhī chípíng
  • to break with sb/sth
    与(與)某人绝(絕)交/放弃(棄)某事 yǔ mǒurén juéjiāo/fàngqì mǒushì
  • to break free or loose (of sb/sth)
    [person, animal] 摆(擺)脱(脫)(某人/某事) bǎituō(mǒurén/mǒushì)
  • to take a break
    (for a few minutes) 休息一下 xiūxi yīxià (=have a holiday) 休假 xiūjià
  • without a break
    连(連)续(續)不断(斷) liánxù bùduàn
  • a lucky break
    好运(運)气(氣) hǎo yùnqi
break away vi (from pursuer etc) 逃脱(脫) táotuōbreak down
I vi
1 [machine, car] 坏(壞)掉 huàidiào
2 (Chem) 分解 fēnjiě
3 [person] 情绪(緒)失控 qíngxù shīkòng
4 [talks] 破裂 pòliè
II vt
1 [+ figures, data] 把…分类(類) bǎ…fēnlèi
2 [+ door etc] 捣(搗)毁(毀) dǎohuǐ
3 (Chem) 分解 fēnjiě
4 (fig) [+ barriers, prejudices] 解除 jiěchú
break in
I vi
1 [burglar] 破门(門)而入 pòmén ér rù
2 (=interrupt) 打断(斷) dǎduàn
II vt [+ new shoes, engine etc] 使合用 shǐ héyòng
break into vt fus 不可拆分
1 [+ house] 强(強)行进(進)入 qiángxíng jìnrù
2 [+ new activity] 开(開)始进(進)入 kāishǐ jìnrù
  • She finally broke into films after an acclaimed stage career.
    继一段成功的舞台生涯之后她最终投身电影业。 Jì yī duàn chénggōng de wǔdǎo shēngyá zhīhòu tā zuìzhōng tóushēn diànyǐngyè.

  • to break into song/a run
    突然唱起来(來)/跑了起来(來) tūrán chàng qǐlái/pǎole qǐlái
break off
I vi
1 [branch] 折断(斷) zhéduàn
2 [speaker] 突然打住 tūrán dǎzhù
II vt
1 [+ branch, piece of chocolate] 折断(斷) zhéduàn
2 [+ talks] 突然终(終)止 tūrán zhōngzhǐ
3 [+ engagement, relationship] 断(斷)绝(絕) duànjué
  • to break it off with sb
    同某人分手 tóng mǒurén fēnshǒu
break open vt [+ door, window etc] 用力打开(開) yònglì dǎkāibreak out vi
1 (=begin)
[war, fight] 爆发(發) bàofā
2 (=escape)
[prisoner] 逃脱(脫) táotuō
  • to break out in spots/a rash/a sweat
    突然出了一身红(紅)点(點)/疹子/汗 tūrán chūle yīshēn hóngdiǎn/zhěnzi/hàn
break through
I vi [sun] 显(顯)现(現) xiǎnxiàn
II vt fus 不可拆分 [+ defences, barrier] 突破 tūpò
break up
I vi
1 [ship] 碎裂 suìliè
2 [couple, marriage] 破裂 pòliè
3 [meeting, party] 纷(紛)纷(紛)离(離)去 fēnfēn líqù
4 (Brit) 学(學)期结(結)束 xuéqī jiéshù
II vt
1 [+ rocks, biscuit etc] 弄碎 nòngsuì
2 [+ journey, day] 使有间(間)歇 shǐ yǒu jiànxiē
3 [+ fight] 调(調)停 tiáotíng
4 [+ meeting, demonstration] 驱(驅)散 qūsàn
5 [+ marriage] 使破裂 shǐ pòliè
  • to break up with sb
    同某人分手 tóng mǒurén fēnshǒu




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