单词 | 图案 |
释义 | 〔engrave〕To carve, cut, or etch a design or letters into:雕饰、镌刻,将一图案或字母刻入:〔watermark〕The metal pattern that produces this design.印成这种标记的金属图案〔indent〕To impress (a design, for example); stamp.盖上(例如,一个图案);加上记号〔stele〕An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building.石碑,石柱:刻有文字或图案的直立石板,用作纪念碑或建筑物表面的纪念匾额〔intarsia〕The art or practice of making such a pattern.细木镶嵌工艺:制做此种图案的艺术或实践〔carving〕A figure or design formed by this kind of cutting.雕像:雕刻出来的人物或图案〔hourglass〕an hourglass design; an hourglass figure.沙漏状的图案;沙漏形的图形〔splashy〕Covered with splashes of color.斑驳的:图案等大片不同颜色,斑驳的〔carving〕The cutting of material such as stone or wood in order to form a figure or design.雕刻:对石头或木头这样的原料进行雕刻以刻出一个人物或图案〔chinoiserie〕A style in art reflecting Chinese influence through use of elaborate decoration and intricate patterns.中国式装饰风格:一种用精美装饰和复杂图案表现出中国影响的艺术风格〔show〕The dealer spread the rug out to display the pattern.商人将地毯铺开以展示图案。〔tartan〕Any of numerous textile patterns consisting of stripes of varying widths and colors crossed at right angles against a solid background, each forming a distinctive design worn by the members of a Scottish clan.格子图案:任一种苏格兰人所穿的有许多格子图案的织物,该图案由在同一种颜色的背景上成直角相交的宽度和颜色各异的条纹组成,其中每一种条纹都形成一个独立的图案〔frottage〕A method of making a design by placing a piece of paper on top of an object and then rubbing over it, as with a pencil or charcoal.擦印画法:画图案的一种方法。把一张纸盖在物体上,然后用铅笔或石炭在上面摩擦〔Rauschenberg〕American artist noted for his collages, photomontages, and paintings that incorporate photographs and real objects.劳申伯格,罗伯特:(生于 1925) 美国画家,以其图案拼凑,利用蒙太奇手法和将像片与实物放在一起的油画而出名〔Mimbres〕The final period of the Mogollon culture, from the 9th to the 13th century, noted for its distinctive pottery bowls painted with black-on-white designs.明布雷斯文化:莫戈伦文化的最后阶段,从9世纪到13世纪,以其黑白图案的陶器而著称〔circuitry〕The design of or a detailed plan for an electric circuit.电路图:电路的图案或详细的计划〔vermiculation〕Wormlike marks or carvings, as in a mosaic or masonry.虫迹形;虫蚀纹装饰:蠕虫状的标记或雕刻图案,如在镶嵌物或石造建筑物中〔incuse〕an incuse design on a coin.硬币上铸印的图案〔mug〕Various senses of the termmug illustrate uses and abuses of the human face. One use to which the face was put in the 18th century was as a form of decoration for cups or mugs.It is probably from these grotesque and striking facesthatmug came to mean "face,” the word in this sense being first recorded in 1708.The next recorded development ofmug is its use as a verb in 1818 in the sense "to strike in the face.” This verb has developed the sense "to attack and rob,”all too familiar to urban dwellers.The face's role in conveying emotion explains the development of the verb sense "to make faces, grimace,”recorded first in 1855.Another sense of the noun, "photograph or portrait of the face,”found earliest in 1887,is an obvious development, although it is ironic that those who mug criminally end up in a mug book.The use of the face to express affection explains the sense "to kiss, fondle,”recorded first in Australia in 1890.mug 的各种不同的含义显示了对人脸的使用和滥用。 其中一个用途是在18世纪作为杯子上的装饰图案。也许正是由于这些鬼脸和令人惊讶的脸谱,mug 开始意指“脸”, 该词有此意义最先记录于1708年。此后,另一种有记录mug 的用法作为动词的意思是“打击脸部。” 这个动词以后又发展为“袭击和抢劫”之意,这对城镇居民来说真是太熟悉了。脸在表达感情时所扮演的脸色可以解释该动词的延伸义“做鬼脸,做怪像”,该意思最早记录于1855年。该名词的另一个意思:“脸部的像片或画像”最早见于1887年,虽然具有讽刺意味的是那些抢劫犯最终将被警方拍照存档,但这仍然是一个显而易见的进步。运用脸部来表达情爱意指“吻,抚爱”,此用法最早于1890年在澳大利亚有记载〔starburst〕A shape or design with emanating rays that resembles the flash of light produced by an exploding star.星放射状:类似爆发的星产生的光芒那样的放射线的形状或图案〔tool〕A design impressed on a book cover by such a stamp.压印:用压印器盖出来的书封面上的图案〔club〕A black figure shaped like a trefoil or clover leaf on certain playing cards.梅花:某些游戏纸牌上的一种黑色图案,类似三叶形或苜蓿叶形〔indistinct〕an indistinct pattern; indistinct shapes in the gloom.轮廓不明的图案;黑暗中模糊的形状〔pyrography〕A design made by this process.烫画,烙画:通过这种过程制成的图案〔patternmaker〕One who makes patterns, as for sewing, carpentry, or industrial machinery.制模工,制图者:图案射击者,如为缝纫、木匠或工业机械〔cut〕An engraved block or plate.刻版:雕刻有文字或图案的图版或印版〔badge〕A device or emblem worn as an insignia of rank, office, or membership in an organization.徽章:一种作为军衔、官衔或某一组织中会员的标志而佩带的图案或符号〔intaglio〕A die incised so as to produce a design in relief.凹纹钢模:为制作浮雕图案而刻制的钢模〔pilaster〕A rectangular column with a capital and base, set into a wall as an ornamental motif.壁柱,半露柱:有柱顶和底座的长方形柱子,作为装饰图案置入墙内〔tail〕Often tails (used with a sing. verb)The side of a coin not having the principal design and the date. 常作 tails (与单数动词连用)硬币不带主图案和日期的那一面〔floriated〕Decorated with floral designs.以花的图案装饰〔mask〕To cover with a decorative or protective mask.带上:用带有装饰性图案的或具有保护功能的面具覆盖〔grid〕A pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines forming squares on a map, a chart, an aerial photograph, or an optical device, used as a reference for locating points.网格,坐标方格:在地图、设计图、航空图片或光学仪器上由规则放置的平行和垂直的结构成的,用来作为标明各点位置的参照的图案〔prick〕prick a pattern on a board.在木板上刺出一幅图案〔die〕An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.金属模子:一种用于镌刻的金属件,可将设计好的图案压印到较软的金属上,例如压制货币〔agree〕 Correspond refers either to actual similarity in form or nature (The dots on the pattern correspond with the seam allowance on the cut fabric ) or to similarity in function, character, or structure: Correspond 指形式或性质的真正相似(图案上的点正好和剪开织物的线缝吻合 )或者指功能、特征或结构的相似: 〔figure〕A design or pattern, as in a textile:设计,样式:如织物上的图样或图案:〔trapunto〕Quilting in which the design is outlined with two or more rows of running stitches and then padded from the underside to achieve a raised effect.提花垫纬凸纹布:一种衍缝物,图案是用两排或两排以上的平缝针缝出的,然后再在底面加入衬垫物,以达到凸起的效果〔alligatoring〕[From the resemblance of the cracks to the pattern of an alligator's scales] [源自似鳄鱼鳞甲图案的裂纹] 〔Heriz〕A strong, finely woven Persian rug that has patterns of flowers, garlands, and trees.海里斯地毯:一种坚牢的,纺织细密的波斯小地毯,其图案由花朵、花环及树木组成 |
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