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单词 国内
释义 〔inland〕The interior of a country or region.国内:一国或一地区的内部〔Jenney〕American inventor and architect who designed the Home Insurance Company Building in Chicago (1884-1885), which, with its skeletal construction, is often considered the first skyscraper.詹尼,威廉·勒巴隆:(1832-1907) 美国发明家和建筑师,他设计了芝加哥国内保险公司大厦(1884-1885年),该大厦因框架式结构而被认为是第一座摩天大楼〔supersaver〕An airline ticket, purchased typically well ahead of the departure date, that affords the purchaser considerable savings over regular fare.特廉(国内)飞机票价:在动身日期很早以前购买的、比常规票价廉得多的飞机票〔intranational〕Occurring or existing within a single nation:国内的:位于或者发生于单一国家内:〔transcendent〕"fails to achieve a transcendent significance in suffering and squalor"(National Review)“无法从痛苦和卑劣之中获得一种超然的意义”(国内评论)〔obscure〕"Unlike the origins of most nations, America's origins are not obscured in the mists of time"(National Review)“不象大多数国家的起源,美国的起源不会在时间的长河中被隐藏”(国内评论)〔group〕a small group of supporters across the country.国内一小群支持者〔Cochran〕American aviator who held numerous national and international speed records and headed the Women's Air Force Service Pilots during World War II.哥奇兰,吉奎琳:(1910-1980) 美国飞行员,保持许多国内和国际飞行速度记录,在第二次世界大战中领导空军女性驾驶员队〔statesman〕A man who is a leader in national or international affairs.政治家:国内国际事务中的领导者〔intranational〕an intranational conflict; intranational regions.国内冲突;国内区域〔business〕involved in the domestic fur trade;涉及国内的皮毛交易活动;〔abusive〕"argued . . . that homes are abusive, that foster homes are abusive"(National Review)“争论道…自己家是污言秽语的,养父母家也是满口脏话的”(国内评论)〔obscurity〕"writings meant to be understood . . . by all, composed without deliberate obscurity or hidden motives"(National Review)“作品是要被所有人理解的,而不是带着故意不让人知晓或隐藏的动机写成的”(国内评论)〔Eisenhower〕American general and the 34th President of the United States (1953-1961). As supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force (1943-1945) he launched the invasion of Normandy (June 6, 1944) and oversaw the final defeat of Germany (1945). His presidency was marked by an end to the Korean War (1953), domestic racial problems, cold war with the Soviet Union, and a break in diplomatic relations with Cuba (1961).艾森豪威尔,德怀特·戴维:(1890-1969) 美国将领,第34任美国总统(1953-1961年)。任盟军远征军最高司令时(1943-1945年)发动了诺曼底登陆(1944年6月6日),最终打败了德国(1945年)。任总统期间突出的事件是,终止了朝鲜战争(1953年),国内种族问题,与前苏联的冷战,中断与古巴的外交关系(1961年)〔uncertain〕domestic changes of great if uncertain consequences.后果虽未确定但很严重的国内变化〔foreign〕Conducted or involved with other nations or governments; not domestic:对外的:牵涉到或卷入其它国家或政府的;非国内的:〔primate〕A bishop of highest rank in a province or country.首席主教,大主教:一省或一国内职位最高的主教〔develop〕developed a national corporation into a worldwide business.把国内企业扩展成世界性的企业〔stateswoman〕A woman who is a leader in national or international affairs:女政治家:国内国际事务的女领导人:〔inland〕In, toward, or into the interior of a country or region.国内地:在,向或进入一国或一地区内部〔Frankfurter〕Austrian-born American jurist. A founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, he served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1939-1962).弗兰克福特,费利克斯:(1882-1965) 奥地利裔美国法官。美国国内自由联盟的创建者。在美国高级法院任陪审法官(1939-1962年)〔frighten〕"premeditated and systematized terrorizing of the civil populations" (Edith Wharton).“有计划、有组织地控制国内人口” (伊迪丝·沃顿)。〔insurrection〕The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.See Synonyms at rebellion 造反:公开反抗国内政权或已存在的政府的行为或事件 参见 rebellion〔Niue〕An island dependency of New Zealand in the south-central Pacific Ocean east of Tonga. Discovered by Capt. James Cook in 1774, it became internally self-governing in 1974. Alofi is the capital. Population, 3,578.纽埃岛:在太平洋中南部,汤加群岛东部的一个独立于新西兰的岛。于1774年被船长詹姆斯库克发现,1974年实行国内自治。首都阿罗夫。人口3,578〔disorder〕A breach of civic order or peace; a public disturbance.骚乱,动乱:打乱国内的次序或和平;公众骚乱〔audit〕Independent accountants audit the company annually. The IRS audits questionable income tax returns.独立会计师每年审计公司帐目。美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得税报告〔Henley〕British writer and editor of theNational Observer (1889-1903), in which he published the early works of George Bernard Shaw, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, and other aspiring writers. 亨里,威廉·欧内斯特:(1849-1903) 英国作家,《国内观察者》 (1889-1903年)的编辑。他在该杂志中出版了乔治·伯纳德·萧、托马斯·哈代、拉迪亚德·吉卜林以及其他有志作家的早期作品 〔Louvain〕A city of central Belgium east of Brussels. First mentioned in the 9th century, it was a center of the wool trade in the Middle Ages but declined in the late 14th century because of civil strife. Its famed university dates from the 15th century. Population, 85,068.卢维思:布鲁塞尔东部比利时中部的一个城市,9世纪第一次被提及,它是中世纪的皮毛商业中心,到14世纪由于国内纷争而没落。其名牌大学开创于15世纪。人口85,068〔Muldoon〕New Zealand politician and prime minister (1975-1984) who enacted economic reforms to counteract the nation's high inflation, unemployment, and national debt.马尔登,罗伯特·戴维:(生于 1921) 新西兰政治家和总理(1975-1984年),他采取经济改革措施来降低国内高通货膨胀、高失业率和国家外债〔equivalent〕"Prejudicing vital foreign policy considerations in order to rescue individuals finds its domestic equivalent in the inflated awards paid to . . . accident and malpractice victims"(Moorhead Kennedy)“为了挽救个人而对重要外交政策的考虑产生偏见,正如国内相应的对于事故和医疗误诊的受害者加以巨额补偿一样”(穆尔黑德·肯尼迪)〔stateless〕Not having any recognized citizenship in a state or nation.无国籍的:在一国内无任何合法国籍的〔Gestapo〕The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty.盖世太保:纳粹政体下的德国国内秘密警察,以其用以对付那些被怀疑为犯下叛国罪或其忠实可疑的人的恐怖方法而闻名〔progressivity〕"Proponents of progressivity often argue that higher-income people should pay higher taxes because they benefit more from government"(National Review)“进步势力认为高收入的人应该纳更多的税,因为他们从政府那儿获利更多”(国内评论)〔shake〕"All of a sudden there came into being a vast conservative infrastructure: think-tanks . . . and more foundations than you could shake a stick at"(National Review)“突然出现了一个庞大的保守的行政机构;智囊团…及名目繁多的基金会”(国内评论)〔autostrada〕An expressway in Italy.多车道高速公路:意大利国内的高速公路〔Mandelstam〕Russian poet, translator, and critic. Although his early works were highly regarded, he went unpublished in the Soviet Union after 1933, when he denounced Stalin and refused to comply with Soviet censors. He endured years of internal exile and eventually died in a concentration camp.曼德斯坦:俄罗斯诗人、翻译家和评论家。他的早期作品受到高度评价,但1933年后因其指责斯大林并拒绝遵守苏联出版品检查,在苏联未有作品问世。经历了国内的多年流放后最终死于集中营.〔insurgent〕One that revolts against civil authority.造反者:反抗国内政权的人〔excise〕An internal tax imposed on the production, sale, or consumption of a commodity or the use of a service within a country:国内货物税:一个国家对一个商品的生产、销售、消费及售后服务所征收的国内税:〔commentary〕a scandal that is a sad commentary on national politics.这件丑闻为国内的政客下了悲哀的注脚〔Logan〕A peak, 5,954.8 m (19,524 ft) high, of the St. Elias Mountains in southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, near the Alaska border. It is the highest elevation in Canada.洛根山:加拿大育空地区西南靠近阿拉斯加州边境圣伊利厄斯山脉的一座山峰,海拔5,954.8米(19,524英尺)。为加拿大国内最高点




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