单词 | 回报 |
释义 | 〔rent〕Payment, usually of an amount fixed by contract, made by a tenant at specified intervals in return for the right to occupy or use the property of another.租金:通常在合同中确定数额的、由租户每隔一定的时间缴纳的钱款以作为对占据或使用另一人的财产的权利的回报〔recompense〕Payment in return for something, such as a service.报酬:对某事物,如某项服务,而回报的酬金〔roost〕The consequences of her misdeeds eventually came home to roost.她的不良行为所产生的后果最终回报到她自己身上了〔return〕In repayment or reciprocation.回报的:作为回报或回复的〔yield〕A profit obtained from an investment; a return.投资的收益:投资获利;回报〔turbocharge〕"How to use tax breaks to turbocharge investment returns"(Kathy Kristof)“如何利用税务减免增加投资回报”(凯斯·克里斯托弗)〔payback〕The act or process of paying back.偿还:回报的行为或过程〔risky〕"Anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky"(Dorothy Canfield Fisher)“凡是保证有高额回报的东西必定都是有风险的”(多萝西·坎菲尔德·费希尔)〔payback〕"One problem with space ventures is that the up-front costs are enormous and the paybacks uncertain and far off at best"(Eric Gelman)“太空事业的一大问题是,付出巨大的代价,但是回报却是未卜的或远不尽人意”(埃里克·盖尔曼)〔revenge〕re- [re-] re- [前缀,表示“回报”] 〔retort〕To return in kind; pay back.反击,报复:以同样的方式回报;报复〔profit〕The return received on an investment after all charges have been paid.净利:所有的费用都付清后投资所得的回报〔unless〕"Exceptional talent does not always win its reward unless favored by exceptional circumstances"(Mary Elizabeth Braddon)“除非得到特殊的情况的护佑,否则有特殊才能的人并不总能赢得对其才能的回报”(玛丽·伊丽莎白·布雷登)〔boring〕Irksome describes what is demanding of time and effort and yet is dull and often unrewarding: Irksome 指需要时间和努力,然而是单调而且通常是没有回报的: 〔sponsor〕One that finances a project or an event carried out by another person or group, especially a business enterprise that pays for radio or television programming in return for advertising time.赞助者:以金钱形式赞助起他人或团体的项目的人,特指商业企业为了赢得广告时间的回报而为电台或电视节目支付的花销〔recoil〕"Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent"(Arthur Conan Doyle)“事实上,暴力最终回报应在暴力者身上”(阿瑟·科南·多伊尔)〔render〕To give in return or retribution:还以,抱以:以回报或报复给予:〔redound〕Glory redounds upon the brave.荣誉是给勇者的回报〔exchange〕To give in return for something received; trade:交换,交易:给…以作为收到某物的回报;贸易:〔retorsion〕An act perpetrated by one nation upon another in retaliation or reprisal for a similar act perpetrated by the other nation.报复:一个受侵害国家对另一个国家采取的行动,以回报或报复该国曾进行的类似行动〔parasite〕One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return.寄生虫:总是利用别人的慷慨大方而从不做任何有益回报的人〔sell〕To give up or surrender in exchange for a price or reward:出卖:为了某一价值或回报而放弃或在交换中放弃:〔Laffite〕French pirate leader who aided U.S. troops in the War of 1812 in return for an official pardon for his crimes.拉菲特,简:(1780?-1826?) 法国海盗首领,作为对官方赦免他罪行的回报,他在1812年战争中曾帮助过美国舰队〔reward〕Something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior or in retribution for evil acts.报答,报应:为相应的行为做酬劳或为邪恶的举止做回报而授予或收到的某些东西〔reciprocate〕consideration requited with callous disregard;得到冷淡回报的关心;〔error〕"Nothing is easy in war.Mistakes are always paid for in casualties" (Dwight D. Eisenhower).“战争中没有易事。错误总是由伤亡来回报” (德威特·D·艾森豪威尔)。〔return〕She returned his praise.她回报了他的夸奖〔assassin〕At first glance, one would be hard-pressed to find a link between pleasure and the acts of assassins.Such was not the case, however, with those who gave us the wordassassin. They were members of a secret Islamic order originating in the 11th centurywho believed it was a religious duty to harass and murder their enemies.The most important members of the order were those who actually did the killing.Having been promised paradise in return for dying in action, the killers,it is said, were made to yearn for paradise by being given a life of pleasure that included the use of hashish.Hence, the name for the secret order as a whole,ḥaššāšīn, "hashish users.” After passing through French or Italian, the word came into English and is recorded in 1603 with reference to the Moslem assassins.开始接触这个词,可能不容易看出暗杀者的乐趣与行为的联系。但是,对于给我们assassin 这个词的人来说,并不是这样。 他们是伊斯兰秘密团体的成员,该团体源自11世纪,他们认为骚扰并杀死他们的敌人是他们的宗教义务。该团体中最重要的成员是实际行使暗杀者。由于暗杀者被许诺进入天堂以作为对可能在行动中被杀的回报,据说为促使他们对天堂的热切渴望,先给予他们一种包括使用大麻麻醉剂乐趣的生活。这样hassasin “大麻使用者”就成了该秘密团体的名称。 这个词经过法语或意大利语进入英语,1603年记录下来,指穆斯林暗杀者。〔tribute〕A gift, payment, declaration, or other acknowledgment of gratitude, respect, or admiration:礼物,称赞,颂辞:表示感激、尊重或仰慕等情感的礼物、回报、声明或其他形式的表示:〔acknowledgment〕An answer or response in return for something done.答谢,致谢:为回报已做事情的答复或回复〔reciprocate〕To make a return for something given or done.回报:对被给予或做的某事物进行报答〔payback〕The return gained from or paid on an investment:报答:对投入而获得的或应付给的回报:〔impracticable〕Impracticable applies to a course of action that is impossible to carry out or put into practice;impractical, though it can be used in this way, also can be weaker in sense,suggesting that the course of action would yield an insufficient return or would have little practical value.A plan for a new baseball stadium might be rejected asimpracticable if the site was too marshy to permit safe construction; but if the objection was merely that the site was too remote for patrons to attend games easily,the plan would better be described asimpractical. See Usage Note at practicable Impracticable 用于不可能实行或行不通的动作过程;impractical 虽然也能这样用, 但也有较弱意思的用法,指动作过程能产生不足的回报或者几乎没有实际的价值。如果建筑地点过于湿软而不能保证稳固的建筑,那么修建棒球体育场的计划就可能因其impracticable (不可行)而遭到反对; 但是如果反对的理由仅仅是场址太偏远而使得爱好者们不能轻易到场观看比赛的话,这个计划还是应该被看成是impractical(不切实际的) 参见 practicable〔riposte〕To make a return thrust.还击:作回报的一刺〔investment〕Property or another possession acquired for future financial return or benefit.资本:以求将来以金钱或利益回报的财产或其它所有物〔requite〕requite another's love.See Synonyms at reciprocate 回报另一人的爱 参见 reciprocate〔repay〕To make a return or compensation for:回报:回报或补偿:〔retaliate〕To return like for like, especially evil for evil.报复,回报:以牙还牙,尤指以恶报恶〔profit〕An advantageous gain or return; benefit.得益:得利或回报;收益〔return〕To give or send back in reciprocation:回报:给予或赠送以作为回报: |
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