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单词 喜剧演员
释义 〔gagster〕A gagman, especially a standup comedian.编造笑话的人:逗笑的人,尤指以站立姿势表演的喜剧演员〔Benny〕American comedian known for his delayed comic delivery and for his shows on radio (1932-1955) and television (1950-1965), which featured sketches based on his ficticious miserliness, constant age of 39, and inexpert violin playing.本尼,杰克:(1894-1974) 美国喜剧演员,以迟钝的喜剧口才和在广播(1932-1955年)及电视(1950-1965年)中的表演而著称,其滑稽剧的特色以虚构的吝啬为主要题材。演艺生涯共39年并且是业余小提琴手〔Allen〕American comedienne best remembered as the confused but unflappable foil to her husband and stage partner, George Burns.艾伦,格拉斯·埃塞尔·塞西尔·罗莎莉:(1906-1964) 美国女喜剧演员,常作为其丈夫兼舞台搭档乔治·伯恩斯的配角,她那种充满迷惑而又沉稳冷静的形象令人难忘〔sock〕A light shoe worn by comic actors in ancient Greek and Roman plays.轻软鞋:古希腊和罗马戏剧中喜剧演员穿的轻软鞋〔Burns〕American comedian and actor. From 1922 to 1964 he and Gracie Allen were a popular husband-and-wife comedy team. Since her death in 1964 he has appeared in both comic and dramatic roles, winning an Academy Award in 1975 forThe Sunshine Boys. 伯恩斯,乔治:(生于 1896) 美国喜剧演员。从1922年到1964年他和格雷西·艾伦是一对受人欢迎的夫妻喜剧演员。自从1964年艾伦死后,他既担任喜剧角色,又担任戏剧性的角色。1975年因演《乐天小子》 而获奥斯卡奖 〔patter〕Glib, rapid speech, as of an auctioneer, a salesperson, or a comedian.快板,顺口溜:滔滔不绝的、快速的言语,如拍卖商、小商贩或喜剧演员等的言语〔comedian〕A professional entertainer who tells jokes or performs various other comic acts.喜剧演员:说笑话或进行各种其他滑稽表演的职业演艺者〔screamer〕The comedian's act is a real screamer.那个喜剧演员的表演真是令人捧腹〔Durante〕American comedian remembered for his hoarse voice, ample nose, and time-worn hat. He appeared in a number of films and Broadway shows, includingRed, Hot, and Blue (1936). 杜兰蒂,吉米:(1893-1980) 美国喜剧演员,以其沙哑的声音,大鼻子与破帽子著称,他在许多电影与百老汇演出中扮演角色,如《红,热与蓝》 (1936年) 〔gagman〕A comedian who uses gags, especially a standup comedian.喜剧演员:表演笑料的喜剧演员,尤指以站姿表演的喜剧演员〔spoof〕When a comedian spoofs a television show or someone watches such a spoof,one is indebted to Arthur Roberts (1852-1933),a British comedian who invented a game calledSpoof, which involved trickery and nonsense.The first recorded reference to the game in 1884refers to its revival.It was not long beforethe wordspoof took on the general sense "nonsense, trickery,” first recorded in 1889. The verbspoof is first recorded in 1889 as well, in the sense "to deceive.” These senses are less widely used now than the noun sense "a light parody or satirical imitation,” first recorded in 1958,and the verb sense "to satirize gently,” first recorded in 1927.In the 1969American Heritage Dictionary the Usage Panel found both usages acceptable in writing at all levels,which seems the obvious finding since these senses had come to be so important to the use of the term.当一个喜剧演员在电视剧里表演滑稽讽刺剧或者当人们看到此类表演时,人们应当感激亚瑟·罗伯茨(1852-1933年),一个发明了叫做Spoof 剧的英国喜剧家。 此剧包括打趣和滑稽言辞。1884年第一次记载此类剧,表明它的兴起。不久以后,spoof 一词有了“傻话,哄骗”的一般意义,1889年第一次记载下来。 动词spoof 也首次记载于1889年,是“欺骗”的意义。 这些意思现在不如该词首次记载于1958年的名词意思“轻浮地讽刺模仿品和滑稽模仿作品”使用广泛,“轻浮地讽刺”的动词意义首次记载于1927年。1969年,美国词源字典 词语用法专家发现, 两种用法在许多情况下都可以接受。由于这些意思的使用已经变得相当重要,因而似乎很容易发现此种情况〔Lillie〕Canadian-born British comedienne who appeared on stage in such productions asAuntie Mame (1958) and High Spirits (1964). 莉莉,贝雅特里齐:(1898-1989) 加拿大裔英籍女喜剧演员,参加过《梅姆大娘》 (1958年)和 《兴高采烈》 (1964年)的演出 〔Berle〕American entertainer and comedian. His television seriesTexaco Star Theater (1948-1956) earned him the name "Mr. Television.” 伯利,弥尔顿:美国表演者和喜剧演员。他的电视连续剧《德士古星剧场》 (1948年-1956年)为其赢得“电视先生”的美誉 〔Coca〕American comedian who costarred in comedy sketches with Sid Caesar on the weekly television program "Your Show of Shows" (1950-1954).寇卡,伊梦姬:美国喜剧演员,与锡德·西泽合演每周电视节目中的喜剧短剧“戏中戏”(1950年-1954年)〔Carson〕American comedian and mainstay of late-night television as the host ofThe Tonight Show (since 1962). 卡森,约翰尼:(生于 1925) 美国喜剧演员,(自1962年起)作为《今夜表演》 的主持人而成为夜间电视节目的支柱人物 〔Laurel〕British-born American comedian who with Oliver Hardy formed the first great comedy team of talking films. Their works includeThe Music Box (1932) and A Chump at Oxford (1940). 劳莱,阿瑟·斯坦利·杰斐逊:(1890-1965) 英裔美国喜剧演员,他和奥利佛·哈代组成了有声电影中第一对杰出的喜剧搭档,他们的作品包括《八音盒》 (1932年)和 《牛津白痴》 (1940年) 〔comedy〕from kōmōidos [comic actor] 源自 kōmōidos [喜剧演员] 〔zany〕A comical person given to extravagant or outlandish behavior.丑角:给人过分的或离奇的表演的喜剧演员〔trademark〕the shuffle and snicker that became the comedian's trademark.搅和与窃笑成为喜剧演员的标志〔comedienne〕French comédienne [feminine of] comédien [comedian] * see comedian 法语 comédienne comédien的阴性词 [喜剧演员] * 参见 comedian〔Bruce〕American comedian whose scathing, often obscene humor strongly influenced later young comics.布鲁斯,列尼:(1926-1966) 美国滑稽演员,其刻薄,粗俗的幽默很大地影响了后来的年轻的喜剧演员〔Hopper〕American musical-comedy actor remembered for his performances of the poem "Casey at the Bat.”霍柏,(威廉)德沃尔夫:(1858-1935) 美国音乐喜剧演员,其在诗剧《捕捉蝙蝠》中的表演令人难忘〔bazooka〕After the bazooka , a crude wind instrument made of pipes, invented and named by Bob Burns (1896-1956), American comedian 源自 bazooka ,由管筒制成的简陋管乐器,美国喜剧演员鲍伯·柏恩斯(1896-1956年)发明并命名它,可能源自巴祖 〔Marceau〕French mime whose most famous character is Bip, a sad-faced clown.马尔索,马塞尔:(生于 1923) 法国喜剧演员,最有名的角色是一个忧郁的小丑毕普〔comedian〕French comédien [player, comedian] 法语 comédien [演员,喜剧演员] 〔Allen〕American comic actor, writer, and filmmaker whose films includeAnnie Hall (1977), which won two Academy Awards. 艾伦,伍迪:(生于 1935) 美国喜剧演员、作家、电影制作人,他的影片包括《安妮·霍尔》 (1977年),获两项奥斯卡金像奖 〔coarse〕A stand-up comedian performed a coarse imitation of the President.滑稽说笑的喜剧演员粗劣地模仿总统。〔Marx〕Family of American comedians, including the brothersJulius (1890-1977), known as "Groucho"; Leonard (1891-1961), known as "Chico"; Arthur (1893-1964), known as "Harpo"; and Herbert (1901-1979), known as "Zeppo.” Some of their many popular motion pictures include Horse Feathers (1932) and Duck Soup (1933). 马克斯兄弟:美国喜剧演员家族,包括兄弟朱力斯 (1890-1977年),即"Groucho"; 利奥那多 (1891-1961年),即"Chico"; 阿瑟 (1893-1964年),即"Harpo";以及 赫尔伯特 (1901-1979年),即"Zeppo"。他们受人喜爱的电影作品包括 《马羽毛》 (1932年)和 《鸭子汤》 (1933年) 〔monologue〕A continuous series of jokes or comic stories delivered by one comedian.独角戏:由一个喜剧演员所表演的一系列的笑话或喜剧故事




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