单词 | 商店 |
释义 | 〔aisle〕A passageway for inside traffic, as in a department store, warehouse, or supermarket.内部通道:商店、仓库或超级市场的内部车辆通道〔Chester〕A borough of west-central England on the Dee River south-southeast of Liverpool. The Romans built a fort here to defend the river crossing into Wales and named the settlement Deva. Chester is known for its Rows, a double tier of shops and houses along its main streets. Population, 58,100.切斯特:英国中西部市镇,位于利物浦东南偏南处迪河上。罗马人曾在此筑堡守卫流入威尔士的这条河流,并将些地称为迪瓦。切斯特以其街、沿着主要街道的两排商店和房屋而著名。人口58,100〔runner〕One who solicits business, as for a hotel or store.推销员,兜售者:拉生意者,如旅馆或商店的〔carry〕a store that carries a full line of electronic equipment.出售一整套电子设备生产线的商店〔made〕bought some made goods at the local store.在当地的商店里购买一些人工制造的物品〔tend〕tend bar; tend a store in the owner's absence.经营酒吧;当老板不在时照看一个商店〔shopper〕A commercial agent who compares the merchandise and prices of competing merchants.为商店打听行情的人:一个对互相竞争的商人的商品和价格进行比较的商业人商业员〔shoplift〕To steal merchandise from a store that is open for business.从一家营业的商店偷商品〔closer〕The closer of the shop has to lock up.商店的关门者要锁门〔galleria〕A roofed passageway or indoor court usually containing a variety of shops or businesses.走廊:有屋顶的走廊或室内陈列区,通常包括各种商店或商行〔credit〕a store that offers credit; bought my stereo on credit.提供赊帐的商店;我赊购了一台音响〔midtown〕midtown traffic; midtown shops.市中心区的交通;市中心区的商店〔sale〕a store where pets are for sale.出售宠物的商店〔honor〕honor a check; a store that honors all credit cards.兑现支票;接受所有信用卡的商店〔storekeeper〕One who keeps a retail store or shop; a shopkeeper.零售店店主:拥有一个零售店或商店的人;商店店主〔bazaar〕A shop or a part of a store in which miscellaneous articles are sold.百货商店:一个出售各种各样物品的商店或商店的一部分〔tax〕A contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government.税:要求在政府统治下的人、团体或商店为支持政府而交纳的捐献物〔tool〕a store selling modern appliances. 经营现代化器材的商店 〔miscellaneous〕The shop carries suits, coats, shirts, and miscellaneous accessories.这家商店摆放着套装、大衣、衬衣和一些各色的小饰品。〔junk〕The wordjunk is an example of the change in meaning known as generalization, and very aptly too, since the amount of junk in the world seems to be generalizing and proliferating rapidly. The Middle English wordjonk, ancestor of junk, originally had a very specific meaning restricted to nautical terminology.First recorded in 1353,the word meant "an old cable or rope.”On a sailing ship it made little sense to throw away useful materialsince considerable time might pass before one could get new supplies.Old cable was used in a variety of ways,for example, to make fenders,that is, material hung over the side of the ship to protect it from scraping other ships or wharves.Junk came to refer to this old cable as well. The big leap in meaning taken by the word seems to have occurred whenjunk was applied to discarded but useful material in general. This extension may also have taken place in a nautical context,for the earliest, more generalized use ofjunk is found in the compound junk shop, referring to a store where old materials from ships were sold.Junk has gone on to mean useless waste as well. Junk 一词是被称为词义扩大化的例子;由于世界上垃圾的数量正在迅速扩散和激增,该词词义的扩大也是很适宜的。 junk 一词源自古英语单词 jonk , 其最初的意思只限于航海术语当中。1353年首次记载下来时,该词义为“旧缆绳或旧绳子”。在帆船上,扔掉有用的东西是不明智的,因为也许要过去好长一段时间才有可能得到新的供应品。旧缆绳可用在很多不同的方面,例如用来做防撞物,即悬在船舷上保护船舷不受其它船只或码头刮擦的材料。Junk 同样也用来指旧缆绳。 当junk 普遍地被用来指丢弃了的然而有用的材料时,该词的词义发生了巨大的变化。 该词的词义延伸也可能已经出现在与航海有关的背景中,因为junk 一词最早的、更为概括性的使用是在 junk shop 这一复合词中发现的。 该词指出售船上旧材料的商店。Junk 仍继续用来指没用的废旧物品 〔shop〕To visit or buy from (a particular store).逛(某一个商店)或(在某一个商店)买东西〔Soho〕Also So.Ho A district of New York City on southwest Manhattan Island noted for its galleries, shops, restaurants, and artists' lofts. The area isso uth of Ho uston Street, hence the name. 也作 So.Ho 休南区:位于美国曼哈顿岛西南部纽约市的一个区,因其画廊、商店、饭店和艺术家阁楼闻名。这个区位于休斯顿大街Ho 的南部 So ,因此而得名 〔clerk〕A person who works at a sales counter or service desk, as at a store or hotel.店员:在销售柜台或咨询处工作的人,如商店或旅馆〔shoplift〕To steal (articles or an article) from a store that is open for business.从一家开店营业的商店偷(许多物品或一件物品)〔saddlery〕A shop that sells tack.鞍具店:卖马具的商店〔lakeside〕lakeside shops; lakeside paths.湖边的商店;湖边的小路〔mall〕A large, often enclosed shopping complex containing various stores, businesses, and restaurants usually accessible by common passageways.商业集合体:一种大型的,常是封闭的复杂商业区,区里包括许多商店、商业企业以及餐馆,它们通常都带有步行道以供出入〔storeowner〕One who owns or operates a store or shop.店主:拥有或经营店铺或商店的人〔market〕A store or shop that sells a particular type of merchandise:食品店:出售某种特定商品的店铺或商店:〔store〕A place where merchandise is offered for sale; a shop.店铺:出售商品的地方;商店〔bicycle〕a bicycle shop; bicycle paths.自行车商店;自行车道〔merit〕a store having the merit of being open late.这个商店的优点是很晚才打烊〔bridal〕a bridal shop; the hotel's bridal suite.供新娘买用品的商店;旅馆的结婚套间〔bookstore〕A store where books are sold.书店:售书的商店〔stock〕To supply (a shop) with merchandise.给(一个商店)供货〔storewide〕a storewide sale; storewide renovations.全店商品的减价出售;整个商店的整新〔outfit〕This store outfits skiers.See Synonyms at furnish 这家商店有滑雪设备 参见 furnish〔busy〕"the innovative specialty store and oasis of elegant gadgets to the sedulous and casual collector alike" (Time). “新颖的特产商店和精制小玩意的存放处对勤勉且随便的收藏者来说是一样” (时报)〔Field〕American merchant who organized Marshall Field and Company, the largest wholesale and retail dry goods establishment of the late 1800's.菲尔德,马歇尔:(1834-1906) 美国商人,创建了马歇尔商店和公司,该公司是19世纪末最大的干货批发及零售企业〔storefront〕The side of a store or shop facing a street.沿街铺面:商店或店铺邻街的一面 |
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