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单词 哈里
释义 〔Lewis〕American novelist who satirized middle-class America in his 22 works, includingBabbitt (1922) and Elmer Gantry (1927). He was the first American to receive (1930) a Nobel Prize for literature. 刘易斯,(哈里)辛克莱:(1885-1951) 美国小说家,在他的二十二部作品中讽刺了美国中产阶级。著作包括《巴比特》 (1922年)和 《艾尔玛·甘特利》 (1927年)。他是美国第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的人(1930年) 〔Martinson〕Swedish writer whose works include the proletarian novelThe Road (1948) and Aniara (1956), an epic poem about space travel. He shared the 1974 Nobel Prize for literature. 马丁森,哈里·埃德蒙:(1904-1978) 瑞典作家,文学作品包括无产阶级的小说《道路》 (1948年)和一部有关太空旅行的史诗 《阿尼亚拉》 (1956年)。他获得1974年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔Lauder〕British singer noted for his comic stage persona, a wry and nostalgic Highlander.劳德,哈里·麦克伦南:(1870-1950) 美国歌唱家,以讽刺怀旧的苏格兰高地人的喜剧舞台形象而著名〔Stutz〕American automobile manufacturer who founded the Stutz Motor Car Company (1913), a maker of racing and sports cars.斯图兹,哈里·克莱顿:(1876-1930) 美国汽车制造商,他是斯图兹汽车公司的创始人(1913年),该公司是赛车及运动车的制造者〔Blake〕American pianist and composer noted for his popular songs and Broadway productions, such asShuffle Along (1921), which included "I'm Just Wild about Harry.” 布莱克,詹姆斯·赫伯特:(1883-1983) 美国钢琴家和作曲家,以其流行歌曲和百老汇作品而闻名,如《迤逦而行》 (1921年),其中有“我疯狂爱着哈里〔Sullivan〕American psychiatrist who theorized that personality is largely determined by one's interpersonal relations and the assimilation of societal values.沙利文,哈里·斯塔克:(1892-1949) 美国精神病学家,他提出了关于人的个性。主要是由人际关系和社交价值观的同化作用所决定的理论〔naive〕"Among simple people she had the reputation of being a prodigy of information" (Harriet Beecher Stowe).“在普通人当中,她享有信息通的美名” (哈里特·比彻·斯托)。〔obstinate〕"It's a pity pious folks are so apt to be pigheaded" (Harriet Beecher Stowe).“真遗憾,虔诚的人大多是固执的” (哈里特·比彻·斯特威)。〔hopscotch〕"hopscotching across dozens of new cable channels"(Harry F. Waters)“跳过数十条新的电缆线路”(哈里F.沃特斯)〔Blackmun〕American jurist who was appointed an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1970.布莱克门,哈里·安德鲁:(生于 1908) 美国法官,于1970年被任命为美国联邦最高法院陪审法官〔eccentricity〕"Every man had his own quirks and twists" (Harriet Beecher Stowe).“人人皆有怪癖” (哈里特·毕却·斯透尔)〔flyspeck〕“[The company's] performance will be flyspecked for clues as to how well it will do over the calendar year" (Harry A. Stark)“对[公司的] 运行情况要详查,以找到历年公司将如何更好运行的线索” (哈里A.斯塔克)〔gimcrack〕"The shelves groan with an array of gimcrack gifts from fans: a stuffed piranha fish . . . a ceramic . . . bull, a papier-mâché replica of an Apollo moonwalker"(Harry F. Waters)“架子因在一大批来自倾慕者们的小破玩意儿的压迫下呻吟:一个塞得满满的食人鱼…一个瓷器…一只公牛,一个纸型阿波罗月球行走者的复制品”(哈里F.沃特斯)〔Stimson〕American public official who served as U.S. secretary of state (1929-1933) and secretary of war (1940-1945) during World War II. He was the chief adviser on atomic weaponry to Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S Truman.史汀生,亨利·刘易斯:(1867-1950) 美国公共官员,曾任国务卿(1929-1933年),二次世界大战期间任陆军部长(1940-1945年),他是富兰克林·D·罗斯福和哈里·S·杜鲁门总统的主要原子武器顾问〔Dewey〕American politician who was the Republican nominee for President in 1944 and 1948. In the latter election he was unexpectedly beaten by Harry S Truman's whistle-stop campaign.德威,托马斯·埃德蒙:(1902-1971) 美国政治家,在1944年和1948年的总统选举中被共和党提名参加竞选,在随后的旅行竞选中出乎意料地被哈里·S·杜鲁门击败〔Lowie〕Austrian-born American anthropologist noted for his studies of Native Americans of the Plains.洛维,罗伯特·哈里:(1883-1957) 奥地利裔的美国人类学家,以其对大平原的印第安人研究出名〔icon〕"He is . . . a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation"(Harry F. Waters)“他是音像时代里设计和造就出来的流行乐偶像”(哈里F.沃特斯)〔Warner〕American filmmaker who with his brothersAlbert (1884-1967), Samuel Louis (1887-1927), and Jack (1892-1978) founded Warner Brothers Pictures, which produced the first talkie, The Jazz Singer (1927), and many film classics, including Casablanca (1942). 华纳,哈里·莫里斯:(1881-1958) 美国电影制片人,与他的兄弟阿尔伯特 (1884-1967年), 塞缪尔·路易斯 (1887-1927年)和 杰克 (1892-1978年)共同创立了华纳兄弟电影公司,制作第一部有声电影 《爵士歌手》 (1927年)和许多古典影片,包括 《卡萨布兰卡》 (1942年) 〔apprehend〕"No one who has not had the responsibility can really understand what it is like to be President" (Harry S Truman). To “没有总统的责任感的人不会理解作总统的情形” (哈里·S·杜鲁门)。〔buyout〕"If the workers do approve the buyout, their company will become the nation's largest employee-owned enterprise"(Harry Anderson)“如果工人们确实赞同这桩交易,那么他们的公司将变成全国最大的雇员所有的企业”(哈里·安德森)〔Arnold〕American general whose efforts helped establish what is now the U.S. Air Force.阿诺德,亨利·哈里:(1886-1950) 美国将军,他努力帮助建立了现在的美国空军〔Beecher〕American cleric. A fiery preacher, moderate Calvinist theologian, and resolute abolitionist, he was the father ofCatharine Esther Beecher (1800-1878), who promoted equal educational opportunities for women; Edward Beecher (1803-1895), a clergyman and educator noted for his abolitionist views and writings; and Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), a clergyman and newspaper editor famous for his abolitionist orations. Harriet Beecher Stowe was another of Lyman's children. 比彻尔,吕曼:(1775-1863) 美国牧师,热情的传道士、不激进的加尔文派神学家和坚定的废奴主义者。他的四个子女,凯瑟琳·埃丝特·比彻尔 (1800-1878年),她倡导了向妇女提供平等的受教育机会; 爱德华·比彻尔 (1803-1895年),牧师和教育家,以其废奴主义观点和著作而闻名; 亨利·沃德·比彻尔 (1813-1887年),牧师和报刊编辑,以其废奴主义演讲而著名。哈里特·比彻尔·斯托是莱曼的另一个孩子 〔Ickes〕American politician who served as secretary of the interior (1933-1946) under presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S Truman.伊克斯,哈罗德·勒克莱尔:(1874-1952) 美国政治家,1933至1946年在富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统和哈里·S·杜鲁门总统手下任内政部长〔harissa〕A spicy North African sauce made from chili peppers, garlic, cumin, and other seasonings.哈里萨调料:某种北非洲的调味料,以红番胡椒粉、大蒜、小茴香及其它调味料所调制而成〔Herat〕A city of northwest Afghanistan on the Hari Rud east of Kabul. Located at a strategic position on an ancient trade route, it was ruled by numerous conquerors, primarily the Persians. Herat became part of Afghanistan in 1881. Population, 140,323.赫拉特:阿富汗西北部的一城市,位于喀布尔以东,在哈里河上。位于古代贸易通道的战略要地,曾被无数征服者统治过,最初的统治者为波斯人。赫拉特于1881年成为阿富汗的一部分。人口140,323〔Markowitz〕American economist. He shared a 1990 Nobel Prize for contributions to financial economics.马尔卡维茨,哈里M.:(生于 1927) 美国经济学家。由于他对财政经济学的贡献,1990年获得诺贝尔奖〔Bailey〕American journalist who edited antislavery periodicals, such as theCincinnati Philanthropist (1836-1843) and the National Era (1847-1859), in which Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was published serially (1851-1852). 贝利,加梅利尔:(1807-1859) 美国记者,他编辑了反奴隶制度的期刊,如《辛辛那提慈善家》 (1836-1843年)和 《民族时代》 (1847-1859年),哈里特·比彻·斯托的小说 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 曾在这个期刊上连载(1851-1852年) 〔Jespersen〕Danish philologist noted for his contributions to phonetics and the teaching of languages. In 1928 he developed an international language called Novial.耶斯佩森,(金斯)奥托(哈里):(1860-1943) 丹麦语言学家,以其对语音学和语言教学的贡献而闻名。1928年他发展了一种名叫“新为语”的国际语言〔Truman〕The 33rd President of the United States (1945-1953). He authorized the use of the atomic bomb against Japan (1945), implemented the Marshall Plan (1948), initiated the establishment of NATO (1949), and ordered U.S. involvement in the Korean War (1950-1953).杜鲁门,哈里S.:(1884-1972) 美国第33任总统(1945-1953年)。他授权对日本使用原子弹(1945年),施行了马歇尔计划(1948年),发起建立了北约组织(1949年),并命令美国加入朝鲜战争(1950-1953年)〔Selfridge〕American-born British merchant who founded (1908) the Selfridge and Company department store in London.塞尔弗里奇,哈里·戈登:(1864?-1947) 美裔英国商人,他在伦敦创建了塞尔弗里奇公司百货商店(1908年)〔Burleigh〕American singer, composer, and arranger who devoted much of his lifework to preserving the musical heritage of Black Americans.伯利,哈里·撒克:(1866-1949) 美国歌唱家,作曲家,作为改编者他投入毕生的工作来保存美国黑人的音乐遗产〔Aisha〕The favorite wife of Mohammed. She led an unsuccessful revolt against Mohammed's successor, Ali.阿以莎:穆罕默德的爱妻,曾领导了一次反对穆罕默德继承人哈里的失败的叛乱〔alarum〕"This instrument called television can teach and illuminate, cautioned Edward R. Murrow, but only to the extent that its operators choose to use it. . . . an era later . . . Murrow's alarum remains as up to date as tonight's news"(Harry F. Waters)“这种叫做电视机的设备能够教导和启发人,但是爱德华·R·默罗告诫说,其只能到操作者选择使用的程度上。…一个时代以后…默罗的警告仍会和今晚的新闻一样萦绕”(哈里F.沃特斯)〔Fosdick〕American religious leader who maintained that scientific and psychiatric advances should not be considered threatening to religion.福斯迪克,哈里·埃默森:(1878-1969) 美国宗教领袖,主张不应该把科学和精神病学的进步看作是对宗教的威胁〔McCullough〕American historian who was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his biography of Harry Truman,Truman (1992). 麦卡洛夫,戴维:美国历史学家,他因撰写哈里·杜鲁门的传记《杜鲁门》 (1992年)获普利策奖 〔hesitate〕"A President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him" (Harry S Truman).“一位总统要么经常地驾驭各种事件要么为事件所驾驭,如果他犹豫的话” (哈里·S·杜鲁门)。〔Hunt〕American physician and reformer who emphasized prevention and education for the maintenance of health.亨特,哈里奥特·凯奇雅:(1805-1875) 美国医生和改革者,强调通过预防和教育来保证健康〔Sinclair〕American oil executive who served a nine-month prison sentence for his part in the Teapot Dome scandal (1923).辛克莱,哈里·福特:(1876-1956) 美国石油公司总裁,因与茶壶丘丑闻(1923年)有牵连而入狱九个月〔Independence〕A city of western Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. A starting point for the Santa Fe and Oregon trails during the 19th century, it was the home of President Harry S Truman. His gravesite and presidential library are here. Population, 112,301.独立城:美国密苏里州西部一城市,位于堪萨斯城郊区。19世纪是圣菲至俄勒冈铁路的起点。哈里·S·杜鲁门总统的家乡。杜鲁门的坟墓和总统图书馆就位于此城中。人口112,301




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